ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge;INTERPOL alert #5

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Sorry to sound like a dumbo, but now that four package have turned up, you can bet your left leg (sorry!) that the police are interrogating this little snotrag in germany as to where the other two are going to turn up. Who would be doing this??? Canadians?? would they have someone over there by now? would the germans be allowed to do it??

am hoping he tells.

He's not going to tell. It's his insane agent that's framing him........
Yes Hastings ... but only by email once again. He seems to not be to cognizant of what police are saying that appears to contradict his claim that his site took it down:


Oh gosh ... maybe there's another website that the Honourable Minister is pizzed at? Highly doubt it, in which case MM is fibbing ;)

Is the Grish and Gore site one and the same or do you know? Both sites had the video up.
OK..this has been bothering me...THE DOG...I have to say I am in animal rescue and have had many dogs and cats...the "dog" didn't seem like a dog to me...did the dog seem like a ferret type animal to anyone else in the kill video?

Maybe I am just losing it..
It didn't look like a dog to me either, I first thought it was a rabbit....
Maybe on the plane, without Web access, for the first time he felt alone because he didn't have his dialogue with his friends (his 125+ created profiles/personalities) and he was suffering from missing them which made him ill.

More likely, and i mentioned this to someone yesterday, that he may have been suffering withdrawl from a narcotic (heroin?) which caused the vomiting and crying.

It's hard for me to imagine that one could commit such unspeakable acts sober.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II

I highly doubt this low-rent could afford something like heroin..possibly crystal meth or maybe even crack withdrawals??? :woohoo:
Hi all - new here, but have been watching for days.

Just wanted to point out, in this article they quote LE as saying they were missing A hand, foot and the head. I guess it was said at a press conference - sorry I can't find a better link.

"Police said they can't confirm whether the packages are connected to the Montreal case but they have contacted police there.
At a Montreal news conference earlier Tuesday, Cmdr. Ian Lafreniere said more body parts had been recovered from a garbage heap behind Magnotta's building.
But he said one of Lin's hands, one of his feet and his head are still unaccounted for.
"Were they shipped to different locations?" Lafreniere asked.
"We've got no indication (of this) whatsoever, but we're not taking any chances... We're working closely with the postal services to see if there could have been something (else) shipped."
I'm thinking that the head would be the most disturbing to find. So who did he think wronged him the most? Who did he hate the most? I feel so bad for Mr. Lin's family.

I am far from being caught up have pages to go....but when I read this...I thought the most horrible thing I could think of....send it to his family....Oh sorry for even saying that, but it came into my mind after reading your post....Forgive me for even saying or thinking this...:(
Detectives found other body parts in the garbage outside Magnotta's apartment building, as well as inside the one-room unit.

“We're still missing the head and we've got one hand and one foot still missing at this moment,” Montreal police Cmdr. Ian Lafreniere told a news conference on Tuesday.

“So we're still missing three body parts. Were they shipped to different locations? We're working closely with the postal services to see if there could have been something shipped.”

so if the genitalia was missing would they make that public due to the graphic nature or not? or is there a mystery 6th package (dog)
Hey SillyBilly, looks like MM from the "Not Al Gore" Gore site has reared his ugly head:

From the Toronto Star:

i had read that earlier...and i am against any charges being brought against him...

whether you like gore or not (hello, hollywood LOVES it) to censor his website or any other website (which is not breaking a law IE, child *advertiser censored*) would be a TRAVISTY to society....

i grew up in a super super super religious home where music, movies AND books were HIGHLY censored in my home.....i also grew up in an era were books were being banned from libraries and schools....i was being told left and right what i was allowed to view/listen to.....screw that!

i am absolutely against censorship and demand people be responsible for their own lives and kick the damn government out of them! obviously as long as it doesnt involve breaking the law: murder, child abuse/*advertiser censored*, crush type films....

It didn't look like a dog to me either, I first thought it was a rabbit....

Yes! Like a rabbit or something...didn't seem like a dog...significant?

Has none else mentioned that before? Any other theories?
"Investigators also said that the right foot, right leg and the head of Lin Jun, 33, are still missing. ..."

Would be great if LE could get the info straight.

Actually, i think this case has even LE rattled re the specifics. Sucks to be them :(
Yes Hastings ... but only by email once again. He seems to not be to cognizant of what police are saying that appears to contradict his claim that his site took it down:


Oh gosh ... maybe there's another website that the Honourable Minister is pizzed at? Highly doubt it, in which case MM is fibbing ;)

There was recently a big case in California, an actual State, where a adult cinematographer named Ira Issacs was convicted on obscenity charges:

While I know nothing about Canadian law I'm now going to annoy all Canadians by not only speculating about their legal system but comparing it to the US legal system:
Isaacs' mistake which resulted in the conviction on obscenity was he charged money for the films. The "NOT Al Gore" Gore site does not charge viewers. Since Canadian law must be exactly the same as California (yep, that's sarcasm) he probably couldn't be charged, whereas whoever uploaded that video might be able to be charged with an accessory after the fact. In all seriousness, I have heard Canadian obscenity laws related to *advertiser censored* is VERY strict.

Obscure Titbit of the Day: If Magnotta simply committed necrophilia and the crime occurred in my State of Illinois, he couldn't be charged with any crime. Only recently has the legislature discussed making it illegal.
I highly doubt this low-rent could afford something like heroin..possibly crystal meth or maybe even crack withdrawals??? :woohoo:

sure he could..he lived in designer clothing and traveled around the world (much more than i have ever done)...even homeless/poor people score heroin on a daily basis....

turn a trick, get some heroin...cities are full of this.....
is there a way to specify when you want packages delivered in canada? for example next day delivery or 1st/2nd class like in the uk? or can you request specific dates?
Ironically the news spoke of banning Bath Salts in Canada tonight.. Thank god!!!!

I know investigations keep info privy, but I am so anxious to find out if this is linked to LRM and not a new crazy, that it's annoying that they couldn't just say where the package was shipped from. Don't packages have stamps/labels/etc Detailing their origin? Ah, Hurry.
i had read that earlier...and i am against any charges being brought against him...

whether you like gore or not (hello, hollywood LOVES it) to censor his website or any other website (which is not breaking a law IE, child *advertiser censored*) would be a TRAVISTY to society....

i grew up in a super super super religious home where music, movies AND books were HIGHLY censored in my home.....i also grew up in an era were books were being banned from libraries and schools....i was being told left and right what i was allowed to view/listen to.....screw that!

i am absolutely against censorship and demand people be responsible for their own lives and kick the damn government out of them! obviously as long as it doesnt involve breaking the law: murder, child abuse/*advertiser censored*, crush type films....


and how about a grieving family's right to NOT have their butchered son's image all over the web?
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