ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge;INTERPOL alert #5

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This case has been bothering me so much since it broke. I am so glad they caught Eric Newman (I am not going to glorify the by calling him by his chosen name). I believe the animal in the video is a dog. I went to Craigslist for Montreal, to the pets section and looked for posts of people looking for pets or giving them away, starting with May 24th and before. On May 20th someone posts looking for a small or medium sized dog and mentions that their family had owned a pet shop (didn't Eric Newman post something similar on an AZ message board?) The way the person misspelled "veterinarians" just seemed like it could be something Eric Newman would misspell. It is possible it isn't him, but it stood out to me. I really hope the dog is ok, but I doubt it. :-(

Jun Lin seemed like a good person. He had bright eyes, looked to have a good spirit about him. I am so sad that someone could take that away from someone, so heartlessly, and so brutally. While there is no bringing Jun Lin back, I do hope that Eric Newman is brought to justice for not only what he did to Jun Lin and Jun Lin's family but also anyone else (including the animals) who have suffered due to this monster.
I suggested this 5 pages ago.... I still stand by my guess. It reminded me of the puppies in the movie "Babe"

ugh your right.. they dont look like the ones from the movie, but a simple google of border collie puppies, and clicking on the images tab.. :(
I haven't seen the video, thankfully, but unfortunately, I have come across a feww stills, and aren't there close-ups of the cut throat, etc...that would mean range of movement that a stationary webcam couldn't provide, right?

Good point. Hmmmm. Even if it wasn't on the computer, LE has it and hopefully there is a lot of good evidence.
Why?? Who told youtube to remove those video's? They are a critical part of this investigation, but I am sure LE has access to them. Note to self - make copies next time... second note to self, figure out how to do that. :banghead:

I am totally not caught up at all, and have done what I usually do when a thread of 40 pages looms.....skip to the last page to see what is going on right now!

So, I think it was Justin Ling who posted this the other night, and I thought I would answer one of your questions.

I guess this link allows you to save Youtube videos, though, I haven't tried it yet. HTH!
I tried using photoshop to clean the images of the animal posted by prima.facie, but it is still very difficult to discern what type of animal it is.

It looks like a Bearded Collie puppy.
Wonder where he got the puppy? If it's a pure breed, he would have had to cough up some money for that. Pure breeds usually aren't free. Someone could have given it to him, but even so...I wonder why they haven't come forward if that's the case. Maybe they are embarrassed to have known him or something?? Just thinking out loud here.
It really does look like a Border Collie pup the more I look at it at the still photos. :(

I had a Border Collie once named Jack. He was one of the smartest and sweetest dogs I've ever had.

I feel such rage :maddening: whenever I think about poor innocent little animals in the hands of this monster. I can't tell you how many kisses, cuddles and extra kitty treats I've given my kitty the past few days!
I am not finding alot of info for a missing man reported May 27th 45 year old Rockie Allan Guttau last seen at stamps landing which I believe is right beside one of the schools/false creek I believe?
Probably not related but thought I'd mention.
The owner of that website states on his site that if he gets a request from the family, he will remove the video. I read it today.

That's f&$Eing big of him.

How about a request from LE and the rest of mankind, to do the right thing, and remove the tortured last minutes of a HUMAN BEING from gawkers? Like the mourning family of Jun Lin needs to be worried about that right now.

When past convicted perps (for example Russell Williams), had the depravity to film his victims sexual assault and murders, the Detectives who were required to look at it, along with Williams Lawyer, had to all travel to Barrie, ON, OPP Headquarters, to minimize the potential for exposure to the depraved acts. Heck, Williams own Lawyer would only allow himself and one other person his firm to even be involved with that, to minimize the impact, and reduce creating other victims.

Have some decency, man. Take it down.
Time will tell but I stated a few days ago that the head will turn up after he was arrested. I do think he packaged them up, gave them to someone and told them to mail them if he heard he was arrested. MOO

The head I think will turn up and we will all go ah ha!
‘Best Gore’ website will ‘most likely’ be charged for graphic dismemberment video, police say

I am so disheartened when I read of anyone who has viewed, downloaded, stored etc. any image from this unspeakable crime againts Jun Lin.

I actually don't even understand how it is legal to view or hold the images; if the victim had been a young child, child *advertiser censored* laws would have halted the average person from seeking out the images. Where are the laws, of even common decency, that will stop the viewing/holding/reproduction of this heinous crime against Jun Lin?!!

I think in memory and out of respect for Jun Lin's life, we should be working to eradicate the public images of his murder. The only people who have any business to be in possesion of the video are the Crown attorneys and law enforcement who are working to bring Jun Lin's murderer to justice.

Completely Off Topic
Since joining WS until this evening I never noticed the Visitor Messages feature of the site. I joined WS in September 2011 because the tragic death of Dexter Williams (more info on this most fascinating case: Man Found Dead in Bathtub with KARK Meteorologist Brett Cummins Man Found Dead in Bathtub with KARK Meteorologist Brett Cummins - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community )

Tonight I stumbled upon the Visitor Message feature of our profiles and saw this from March 7:
I was very impressed with your observations and comments about Dexter Williams death. Your comments have made me and my wife feel much better but still very sad that we lost our son. He was a kind and loving person with a big heart. He should not have died.

Thanks so much and look forward to hearing your comments about cases like his.

The author is Dexter Williams' father and I am so touched by his words and so sorry for the tragic loss of his son.

This message definitely hit home as it makes it clear to me that all of our hard work really does impact the loved ones of the people we are working to honor the memory of and get justice for.

I hope that our efforts in getting justice for Jun Lin will result in helping to bring peace to his family.
Lisa you have the ear right. But the thing you say is an eye is the chin nose area...the eye is the faint white dash between the two...the are you have marked as nose is the arm with the little white part you drew over being the's a profile looking to the right. If that helps at all.
That's actually what I was thinking at first. The more I stared at the picture, the more I started seeing it the other way.
I think the college Jun Lin was attending should give him an honorary degree posthumously, that might help the school heal and give his family a little comfort
hrm...the movie "Seven" the message in the video 7 satanic verses was it? hrm...*thinking* Ahh a Church
Since you opened the tasteless humor door a tiny bit, I'll open it all the way as this comment has been dancing around in my head since Matou mentioned the movie Seven and the head in a box:

You know the Saturday Night Live guys did a few parody songs about something that starts with a D in a box... I hope Justin Timberlake or Andy Samberg don't get any boxes from Canada in the mail...

If anyone finds this comment inappropriate, say so, I'll be happy to delete it immediately

I wasn't entirely joking. Karla Homolka would be an obvious person for him to send the head to, a trophy for his pretend girlfriend. He probably doesn't know her address though.
This case has been bothering me so much since it broke. I am so glad they caught Eric Newman (I am not going to glorify the by calling him by his chosen name). I believe the animal in the video is a dog. I went to Craigslist for Montreal, to the pets section and looked for posts of people looking for pets or giving them away, starting with May 24th and before. On May 20th someone posts looking for a small or medium sized dog and mentions that their family had owned a pet shop (didn't Eric Newman post something similar on an AZ message board?) The way the person misspelled "veterinarians" just seemed like it could be something Eric Newman would misspell. It is possible it isn't him, but it stood out to me. I really hope the dog is ok, but I doubt it. :-(

Jun Lin seemed like a good person. He had bright eyes, looked to have a good spirit about him. I am so sad that someone could take that away from someone, so heartlessly, and so brutally. While there is no bringing Jun Lin back, I do hope that Eric Newman is brought to justice for not only what he did to Jun Lin and Jun Lin's family but also anyone else (including the animals) who have suffered due to this monster.
I emailed the poster to see if hey found a Dog. I figured if they do respond I will give them shelter and rescue info...if they don't...then it might have been LM..
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