ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge;INTERPOL alert #5

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This is my first post. While I haven't watched the video footage of the murder, I have read various comments online in reaction to it. One thing that's been mentioned is that there is that a female sneeze can be heard in the audio track. This is interesting because it has also been mentioned elsewhere (here?) that a woman's laughter can be heard in one of the cat killing videos. ...Does the video camera seem stationary or does it appear that someone is helping Luka by filming the murder(s)? I don't want to have to watch these videos to find out.

Welcome to WS!! I can't help you with those good questions because I haven't seen the tapes either and never will.

I have to ask myself and others here- If it was your son being snuffed and butchered by a sadistic monster would it be ok the world was watching once twice or numerous times under the guise of playing internet sleuth?

The Mothers of Paul and Karlas victims sat directly behind the defense and crown desks in court so that when the videos of their daughters being raped and suffocated were played for the jurors, the media and public in the gallery couldn't watch. They said they did that to protect their childrens dignity. Kudos to them.

Had to say it folks. Snuff is illegal and this is snuff. :truce:
You guys who are able to watch the video even once are brave. There's no way I could ever watch it. I'm still having night mares and I've not even seen a still from the video! I woke up at 5:30 this morning in a cold sweat. I tried to go back to sleep, but every time I would drift off the vivid dreams would come back.

Heck, I don't think I've even been able to eat meat since this case broke. I've been living off of oatmeal and Krispy Kremes!

I don't know how you guys are able to watch this video more than once. Even Pat Brown said tonight that the images she saw will be ingrained in her brain for the rest of her life.


In a box!!!

I am dying laughing!

Okay, now for the song that's been in my head since this story broke...

"My name is Luka. I live on the second floor......." :blushing:


ETA - I'm only laughing because I'm picturing the SNL video in my head!!!

It's not funny. Suppose you had been the one murdered and exploited?
Since you opened the tasteless humor door a tiny bit, I'll open it all the way as this comment has been dancing around in my head since Matou mentioned the movie Seven and the head in a box:

You know the Saturday Night Live guys did a few parody songs about something that starts with a D in a box... I hope Justin Timberlake or Andy Samberg don't get any boxes from Canada in the mail...

If anyone finds this comment inappropriate, say so, I'll be happy to delete it immediately

I hope to God he didn't send it to China.

I'm praying that he didn't either, but I thought of that many times. I'm just hoping and praying that he barely knew Mr. Lin and knew nothing about his background, or where he was from. I also hope that someone is intercepting any suspicious mail that arrives to any of the Lin family in China.
It's not funny. Suppose you had been the one murdered and exploited?

I'm not laughing at the murder. I'm laughing at the stupid SNL video that Justin Timberlake and fellow SNL members made years and years ago!
Yes I agree, we need to catalogue the aliases and notable posts around. If we would even get a timeline of the places he was living, names used, posts he made during that time, it would be beneficial to many more people than you know!
I would never call my fellow Websleuthers sick. A lot of people here are passionate about justice and have actually helped solve crimes because of their determination and passion.

I haven't watched the video. It's not something I want to see. But, I don't believe people here are watching the video more than once for any other reason than to sleuth out clues.
You guys who are able to watch the video even once are brave. There's no way I could ever watch it. I'm still having night mares and I've not even seen a still from the video! I woke up at 5:30 this morning in a cold sweat. I tried to go back to sleep, but every time I would drift off the vivid dreams would come back.

Heck, I don't think I've even been able to eat meat since this case broke. I've been living off of oatmeal and Krispy Kremes!

I don't know how you guys are able to watch this video more than once. Even Pat Brown said tonight that the images she saw will be ingrained in her brain for the rest of her life.

I think, for me, it's because I'm not actually watching what's going on. I mean, I'm not viewing it to see the acts. Obviously the first time I was watching what was happening, but not fully present. I skipped around it at the most graphic parts. (For example, I did not and still haven't watched the entire part with the dog.) After that it's been for things in the background or specific bits to answer a question for myself or for people who can't/won't watch. At this point I'm not looking at it as a whole picture. It's not gratuitous.

I think it also helps that it isn't particularly bloody. I know that might sound strange, but you don't see the actual murder. While what is done is still absolutely horrible, you don't see Lin actually dying. Maybe that desensitizes it for me. Luka doesn't really indulge, either, IMO. That's probably another thing that makes it more watchable for some of us. He doesn't seem to be enjoying it. I don't know how to explain it. I guess it's like he's doing these things mechanically. A part of me thinks he didn't do this for the act of killing, dismembering, or molesting. It wasn't about those things. He did those things but to make a video that would make him famous. Because that was the point of all this chaos he's constructed.

The one thing I do know is that although this case has been sad and sickening from start to what is hopefully finish, had the video not been released Luka would not have been IDed and flushed out as soon as he was. Call it how you see it, but I believe the video helped not hindered.
I think, for me, it's because I'm not actually watching what's going on. I mean, I'm not viewing it to see the acts. Obviously the first time I was watching what was happening, but not fully present. I skipped around it at the most graphic parts. (For example, I did not and still haven't watched the entire part with the dog.) After that it's been for things in the background or specific bits to answer a question for myself or for people who can't/won't watch. At this point I'm not looking at it as a whole picture.

I think it also helps that it isn't particularly bloody. I know that might sound strange, but you don't see the actual murder. While what is done is still absolutely horrible, you don't see Lin actually dying. Maybe that desensitizes it for me.

The one thing I do know is that although this case has been sad and sickening from start to what is hopefully finish, had the video not been released Luka would not have been IDed and flushed out as soon as he was. Call it how you see it, but I believe the video helped not hindered.

Fair enough, and apologies if my comment was harsh. I truly cannot understand someone wanting to watch this.
Welcome to WS!! I can't help you with those good questions because I haven't seen the tapes either and never will.

I have to ask myself and others here- If it was your son being snuffed and butchered by a sadistic monster would it be ok the world was watching once twice or numerous times under the guise of playing internet sleuth?

The Mothers of Paul and Karlas victims sat directly behind the defense and crown desks in court so that when the videos of their daughters being raped and suffocated were played for the jurors, the media and public in the gallery couldn't watch. They said they did that to protect their childrens dignity. Kudos to them.

Had to say it folks. Snuff is illegal and this is snuff. :truce:
Ahmen. Well said.
It's not funny. Suppose you had been the one murdered and exploited?

Janx I've deleted the post, please accept my apology.

In that initial post I stated if one person was uncomfortable with it then I would delete it. I've deleted it.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II
Janx I've deleted the post, please accept my apology.

In that initial post I stated if one person was uncomfortable with it then I would delete it. I've deleted it.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II
I will follow and do the same :seeya:
I know who I am, I know there are certain things I can handle seeing and certain things I avoid because I as an individual can't handle them. I was able to view this video, I don't consider myself sick either..... If I did I would be watching it for fun right now rather than following the case on this very, very awesome sleuthing board with some of the most dedicated, sharp and seemingly great people I have seen on the interwebs this side of the millenium. If voluntarily seeing the video and not going going insane makes me less of a good person than someone else and even 'sick'. Then so be it. I know I have a good heart. So do the others on the board who saw it, and I am certainly sure they don't want to be insulted either for having the chutzpah to see what we have all been so obsessively trying to help with.
Fair enough, and apologies if my comment was harsh. I truly cannot understand someone wanting to watch this.

No worries. I wasn't taking it personally. I understand why people find this hard to deal with. I just wanted to offer perspective on it.
With all due respect - sincerely - why did any of you choose to view the video? I'd like to understand. Was it in an effort to bear witness? For me, a brief description of the video was enough.
Just getting home from work - tried to keep up today, but got lost because I had to work! What happened to the youtube channel I linked in my post from this morning? HLL and DarkLillyAngel are gone... DarkLillyAngel in particular had "likes" for videos that involved children, and as you can see from above, I wondered this morning about whether Hervey Medellin's missing body parts could be located at some sort of school. Now we have body parts being delivered to schools in Canada?? WTH is going on??? Maybe LM was leaving clues that the missing parts of Lin Jun were sent to places that involved children? I can't help but believe those youtube channels were him. If they were NOT him, then LE needs to find whoever posted them, because this is way too close to reality to be fiction. Just saying... under clinton.... years ago.. plus this under oracle that was also in dark lilly page, and disapeared...before the site goes off
I think, for me, it's because I'm not actually watching what's going on. I mean, I'm not viewing it to see the acts. Obviously the first time I was watching what was happening, but not fully present. I skipped around it at the most graphic parts. (For example, I did not and still haven't watched the entire part with the dog.) After that it's been for things in the background or specific bits to answer a question for myself or for people who can't/won't watch. At this point I'm not looking at it as a whole picture. It's not gratuitous.

I think it also helps that it isn't particularly bloody. I know that might sound strange, but you don't see the actual murder. While what is done is still absolutely horrible, you don't see Lin actually dying. Maybe that desensitizes it for me. Luka doesn't really indulge, either, IMO. That's probably another thing that makes it more watchable for some of us. He doesn't seem to be enjoying it. I don't know how to explain it. I guess it's like he's doing these things mechanically. A part of me thinks he didn't do this for the act of killing, dismembering, or molesting. It wasn't about those things. He did those things but to make a video that would make him famous. Because that was the point of all this chaos he's constructed.

The one thing I do know is that although this case has been sad and sickening from start to what is hopefully finish, had the video not been released Luka would not have been IDed and flushed out as soon as he was. Call it how you see it, but I believe the video helped not hindered.

very well spoken. i got that feeling to.. it wasnt about getting off on the kill.. but on the attention it would get him.

the lack of blood also plays a huge part.. and for me the lack of "suffering" (dont attack me, i know JL suffered and its deplorable) but we only see him alive at the beginning of the video(to me the hardest part to watch)

their is another video online of a russian murder. i wont mention to much more as i dont wanna encourage couriosity. i read the description of this video in a story months ago, and ive been haunted by it since..
HFboards (prominent hockey forum) did some sleuthing and found this..
Top Five Russian Hockey Players - HFBoards

Not sure if this has been posted yet, but this account is also his:
along with several other sock puppets commenting on his own videos.

This guy was literally everywhere, holy cow.

Curious about the Katherine Trammel alias. Somewhere through this thread someone states that he was apparently traveling under the alias K. Trammel. We know where he got most of his names from... What about this one? Any ideas? Sorry if it's been discussed. I'm burning out on this. I spent the last half hour watching kitten webcams and googling cupcake recipes to balance it out.
Not brave. Sick, IMO.

I have not watched the video, but after 10 years of sleuthing and research, I have to say, it is amazing what we can stomach with a view to obtaining justice for victims.

Is the Toronto Police Child Sexual Exploitation team brave or sick? Probably neither, but in the interests of justice, they have to watch the most disgusting and vile things in order to help get justice for kids.

I have read my own son's autopsy results. Does that make me brave or sick, or does that mean I am a person who was determined to get justice against those who were responsible for the death of someone that I loved beyond belief?

This is a crime sleuthing forum where we have a passion for justice. Many of us here have the guts to wade through darkness and filth to try to help others who may not be able to go there.

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