ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge;INTERPOL alert #6

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"Police were trying to determine whether Magnotta had any personal connection to Vancouver.

"Our suspect travelled extensively," said Montreal police Cmdr. Ian Lafreniere.

"We know he's travelled to the American West Coast. (We're now investigating), has he been to the Canadian West Coast?"

As for the rubber limb found in Montreal, Lafreniere said there had been all sorts of rumours in recent days including some fuelled on the Internet by "fans" of Magnotta.

Police said the rubber-limb incident might warrant a criminal mischief charge".
It really bothers me that nobody within the media has at least asked the question about the dog, given LRM's history with animals.

I agree, I have not heard a single report about what happened to that dog, I really, really would like to know.

Seems we have conflicting information: Winery or Video Game?

Also: I've always noted the unique way of spelling Luka. Anyone know why?

Some say it's Russian, and given his preoccupation with his VERY IMPORTANT job with the Russion Mafia, it could be that. There is also that Song Luka, about the child being abused?

Seems we have conflicting information: Winery or Video Game?

Also: I've always noted the unique way of spelling Luka. Anyone know why?

No conflict ...the fact the name of the winery is Magnotta has nothing to do with LM...the winery released a statement days ago and there were a few articles stating they didn't want to be connected with LM....the fact that he got the name from a video game he often played is where the name camefrom.. from what I have seen and it makes the most sense...I haven't read about any connections with the winery. I have no links but if I come across it again I'll post the link..
It really bothers me that nobody within the media has at least asked the question about the dog, given LRM's history with animals.

I absolutely agree seahawks.

Funny that JVM failed to mention it in her hard hitting interview with one of the Barbie Twins who, if you didn't know, is now a "master detective" who [very unsuccessfully] "hunted" Magnotta for those kitten videos. Oddly enough in that segment which mentioned there was a victim but focused solely on the kitten crimes (her only coverage of Magnotta on Monday) the well being of the dog was not mentioned.
has anyone been able to find his very first reference to himself as luka? im trying to do a dated search right now.. track his early days
I read in one new article, (sorry I forget where), that Jun Lin had already come out as gay some time before he left China. That must have taken courage, I don't imagine China would be the most liberal environment in which to out yourself as a homosexual.

He was ten times the man Luka Magnotta could ever be, and he was better looking too, without any need for make up or photoshop.

I didn't read that he came out before leaving China. I agree, that was very brave of him. I also commend his family. It seems like they accepted him for who he was, and loved him anyway, as a parent should. From what I have been told, customs and traditions in China can be quite strict, and a homosexual there could easily be "disowned", but it doesn't seem that he was. Without knowing much more, it sounds like his parents were good people who raised a good man.

Canada should have been the perfect place for him to move to, to build and improve his life, find a nice man to love and be loved by. This should never have happened. Sounds like all he wanted was love and a good life.

Seems we have conflicting information: Winery or Video Game?

Also: I've always noted the unique way of spelling Luka. Anyone know why?

Video Game seems likely as he is reported to have played it and it falls within his interests it would seem (serial killer + blending of fantasy and reality)

Though, I'll throw this out there as a potential lead. I noticed that Karla Homolka's sister is friends with 2 Magnotta's. She's also friends with Maggot, one of 26 people (or something like that) so it may not even be a real FB page and instead possibly one set up by Maggot. It's worth mentioning though in the event that there is something in it.
It really bothers me that nobody within the media has at least asked the question about the dog, given LRM's history with animals.

I know. The media doesn't even mention that poor pup. Maybe, just maybe, if what Magnotta did to those other innocent furbabies had been taken more seriously, Magnotta may have realized that he could NOT get away with murdering a person!
He doesn't speak the language so likely can't chat with many people. He won't understand any television that may be available to him. His hideous crime was overshadowed by Berlin's own horrific dismemberment story so he's likely not all over the news. He has no way to lap up his infamy which is why he likely did all of this to begin with (IMO). He's surrounded by the hardest of criminals in a maximum security prison who would undoubtedly like to induct him in ways which he would be powerless to; he should be terrified.

Poor, poor Eric didn't think this one through very well.

These are probably some of the reasons he isn't fighting extradition.
Some say it's Russian, and given his preoccupation with his VERY IMPORTANT job with the Russion Mafia, it could be that. There is also that Song Luka, about the child being abused?

I thought my name is Luka I live on the second floor was about violence against women, not child abuse (and Luka was a girl)...

I wonder why he thought he could pull off Russian? Does he have Russian heritage? I'm surprised the Russian [there is no] Mafia didn't go after him; from what I understand they don't enjoy people saying their part of the group when they are not...
Video Game seems likely as he is reported to have played it and it falls within his interests it would seem (serial killer + blending of fantasy and reality)

Though, I'll throw this out there as a potential lead. I noticed that Karla Homolka's sister is friends with 2 Magnotta's. She's also friends with Maggot, one of 26 people (or something like that) so it may not even be a real FB page and instead possibly one set up by Maggot. It's worth mentioning though in the event that there is something in it.

Folks, every time we insinuate a connection or relationship to the Homolka's, somewhere Magnotta is smiling...
Hastingschi earlier you proposed a time line about when and how Luka first became a NOTABLE MEDIA figure and I think that would be a great idea, I would help if I can. I would like to know if Luka was known to the media BEFORE the kitten killings and how that became to be the case, it seems to be that he wasnt KNOWN before then, but I may be missing something, from what I have seen he was IDed by 4chan and the Anonymous hacker collective after the kitten video went viral and he then capitalized on that media attention to begin making a bigger name for himself by planting various forum comments and videos all over the net using sock puppets to both call attention to himself and create the illusion of a fan base.

What say you, do we have any evidence that Luka was a notable media character before the kitten video whether in the adult entertainment industry or otherwise.

In any case I think you should go forward with that project.
You can bet that the FBI and other law enforcement agency will without a doubt know every isp list of computers that hit the play button on that killvid. They will start a new database with it. Count on it.
Folks, every time we insinuate a connection or relationship to the Homolka's, somewhere Magnotta is smiling...

I haven't insinuated a connection, merely pointing out that he may have copied the name from their connections. He desperately tried to link himself to KH so would this be out of the question?
"German police have been investigating where he spent his time since arriving by bus from Paris on Friday. After reaching Paris from Montreal on an Air Canada flight, Magnotta apparently met at least one and possibly two different men who he made have relationships with. Although he spoke French poorly, he had spent time in the City of Love in 2010."

Read more:
Hastingschi earlier you proposed a time line about when and how Luka first became a NOTABLE MIDIA figure and I think that would be a great idea, I would help if I can. I would like to know if Luka was known to the media BEFORE the kitten killings and how that became to be the case, it seems to be that he wasnt KNOWN before then, but I may be missing something, from what I have seen he was IDed by 4chan and the Anonymous hacker collective after the kitten video went viral and he then capitalized on that media attention to begin making a bigger name for himself by planting various forum comments and videos all over the net using sock puppets to both call attention to himself and create the illusion of a fan base.

What say you, do we have any evidence that Luka was a notable media character before the kitten video whether in the adult entertainment industry or otherwise.

In any case I think you should go forward with that project.

Absolutely, that Naked News 10 minute interview was from 2007, years before the kitten videos.

It was around that time 07/08 that he began spreading the false rumor of a connection to KH.
I thought my name is Luka I live on the second floor was about violence against women, not child abuse (and Luka was a girl)...

I wonder why he thought he could pull off Russian? Does he have Russian heritage? I'm surprised the Russian [there is no] Mafia didn't go after him; from what I understand they don't enjoy people saying their part of the group when they are not...

Honestly, who knows why he did any of the things he did. His mother's name does sound Slavic sounding? Perhaps she has a Russian background? As far as Magnotta, yes I completely agree that the video game reference is more likely the source, but I recall reading, in the volumous amount of material on him that he had some dealings with a son of the Magnotta family in school? Could be a jealousy thing. It is a fairly well-to-do family in the area he grew up in. Perhaps both sources interlap.
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