ARRESTED- Luka Rocco Magnotta:1st deg murder charge;INTERPOL alert #6

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As far as I am concerned bravo to those who had the courage to view the video and help us who didn't understand what was being done, who this man was and what level of evil he was.

You did most of us a service, especially those who knew they couldn't handle it. The poster who transcribed it for us did an extra service as well.

To suggest these people who wanted to help find and catch a monster are just looky loos wanting titillation is so unfair and so wrong.

And yes...victims often lose rights..their murder photos and videos are shown to the public in courtrooms around the country and in some cases televised to the world outside the country. We have all seen situations like this.

But here..the movie was on the web, it isn't a question of should it be put on it..that answer i think is no for most of us. GIVEN that it is available, was used as a tool in making this case become an international manhunt by many ws'ers it is just not right to demean those who spent so many hours on this case from day 1.

Thank you!! I wanted to help right that vicious wrong done to Jun Lin by looking for clues in that video, but I couldn't stop closing my eyes. That poor puppy, too! Hats off to those who wouldn't look away.
I totally agree. Timeline is important. But the fact that he logged onto his computer at 8:54 am on the morning of the 24th is not an important detail as it is known he showed up at his job later in the day, left it around 5pm AND communicated with his friends up to 9pm. This is known. Lets put our efforts into shoaring what has yet to be discovered.

Thank you for your reply. However, I disagree where my time should be best spent. Most respectfully...
Im not sure if that is a road you want to go down - rights imposed by the govt. Because the very people whom you want to control the freedoms and rights of people are the very people who have made VIEWING CHILD *advertiser censored* LEGAL.

You sure you want the govt in control of morals and the rights of people??? Because I dont think they have YOUR same moral code....or mine....or the next persons....

so since we CANNOT depend on the Govt nor should we.....we are left with what? Self responsability.

....wonder which states will follow....

You have misunderstood the issues raised in that case completely. Possibly the article you read is inaccurate, so don't feel I'm being snarky with you about it. The MSM, as we can all see from this case, is frequently less than accurate.

I followed the thread here about that very case. The NY ruling means that a person cannot be prosecuted for possession of child *advertiser censored* merely on the grounds that they have child *advertiser censored* in their cache. There needs to be supporting evidence first. That was a sound ruling, because as anyone who is internet savvy knows, having child *advertiser censored* in your cache doesn't mean you've ever viewed it, or even know its there.

And if you don't like your government vote in a better one.
If these groups and those crime solving masterminds the Barbie Twins were more successful in their efforts in "getting" Magnotta, Jun Lin would still be alive...

No disrespect meant here, but I can attest to the fact that Sia Barbi is passionate about her love and devotion for saving animals. It is unfair to group all "activists" together as they differ from group to group. I will also say that because this was known about the kitten killings for two long years and literally handed to Law Enforcement on a silver platter and was essentially put on the back burner is not the fault of the "activists". The blame falls solely on not only the Law Enforcement that does not have the time to waste evidently on animal abuse cases, but also on the public who does not demand better laws to protect animals. .... IMHO

However I forgive you for lashing out at "activists" emotions are running high and someone has to have the blame ...

I personally lay the blame on LM....IMHO
GMAB.....He should be in a place where there of lots of men....too bad so sad he is afraid...I am quite sure his victim was afraid also.....get over yourself are nothing. IMO

OT: Everytime I click on this thread I see Maggot instead of Magnotta at the top....yeah I need new glasses,lol.

Montreal Maggot is the best moniker I've heard so far.

This is the image that should be all over the internet, not that grisly product of Luka's sick mind.

He's adorable. He was everything Magnotta could never be.
Cops in Quebec town to search for ties between Magnotta and unsolved 2011 murder

I don't think there is a connection but who knows. The alleged suspect was fluent in french which I don't believe LRM is.

Here is the sketch of the suspect.


The murder of that girl was gruesome and horrific

I heard today on local news that the Police were going to take another look into this case because it still remains unsolved.

As we know Luka Rocco Magnotta is not his given name but the name he chose for himself. Given the way we have tirelessly analyzed the various screen names he has used, I am curious:

Has anyone determined the significance of the name Luka Rocco Magnotta?
If not, what might it be?
Does anyone else find this online sleuthing of the VICTIM as objectionable as I do? The police are in possession of his computer and I am sure are doing their work regarding his online activities. Is these a valid reason we need to be making public his secrets?

I don't understand the objection? He wasn't doing anything wrong as far as I can tell. I'd like to find out how he may have met Magnotta.

As we know Luka Rocco Magnotta is not his given name but the name he chose for himself. Given the way we have tirelessly analyzed the various screen names he has used, I am curious:

Has anyone determined the significance of the name Luka Rocco Magnotta?
If not, what might it be?

We know that Magnotta is the name of a winery near where he grew up...quite a notable name in the area I am told.
He's adorable. He was everything Magnotta could never be.

I read in one new article, (sorry I forget where), that Jun Lin had already come out as gay some time before he left China. That must have taken courage, I don't imagine China would be the most liberal environment in which to out yourself as a homosexual.

He was ten times the man Luka Magnotta could ever be, and he was better looking too, without any need for make up or photoshop.
I understand your point but you have no such right, nowhere in any law book or statute in any nation I am aware of, is there such a right. You know when you go on the internet that there are bad things on there and you use it anyway, to suggest you have a RIGHT to not expect that is really absurd. Youre smarter than that, no such right exists, people use the word RIGHT a little too loosely, rights are in things like the bill of rights and constitutions and nowhere is such a right given or implied.

You are suggesting by saying that that you also have a right to go out in public and not see bad things, which is just..absurd my friend. There is no such right anywhere granted to any human being.

The internet created a whole new and different world which changed everything, imo. There is bad, then there is Really Bad then there is Beyond Really Bad. If a very bad and violent criminal act is committed, it is immoral and a crime and illegal. So it's just my opinion that it can't be right, moral, or legal to film such a violent, criminal, illegal act and publish it on the internet for anyone to see.
Otto I understand your point and I am really not trying to argue IN FAVOR of such videos what I AM TRYING TO ARGUE is AGAINST this little thing we in the legal profession call PRECEDENT. That is to say once we allow them to ban one website that SETS LEGAL PRECEDENT for them to do it again and again and again and you should know, as intelligent as you seem to be, once you give them a litte rope they will then take as much as they can.

That is my only concern here, I would be remiss in my profession if I allowed my emotion to get in the way of the larger issue here and only considered the fact that SOME may be offended by something by allowing a legal precedent to be set so that further censorship by those who push that perverted agenda would be easy for them to accomplish. So this issue here is not about this video PER SE, it is about the larger issue of allowing them to censor ONE THING thereby giving them the legal power and precedent to censor others and THEY WILL do so, you can bet on it, history doesnt LIE.

I have more faith in Canadian people than that. Canadians are a laid back lot ... not inclined to get upset about much of anything ... but when it comes to something like allowing video of murder to be published, Canadians draw the line. Preventing the publication of video made by murderers does not mean that Canadians will now be subjected to the Patriot Act ... it's apples and oranges.
It really bothers me that nobody within the media has at least asked the question about the dog, given LRM's history with animals.
GMAB.....He should be in a place where there of lots of men....too bad so sad he is afraid...I am quite sure his victim was afraid also.....get over yourself are nothing. IMO

OT: Everytime I click on this thread I see Maggot instead of Magnotta at the top....yeah I need new glasses,lol.

You're not the only one who has misread that. :floorlaugh:
I have a tendency to misread things quite a bit, between poor vision and reading too fast.

Back to the article... oh, boo hoo. If he is afraid in prison, I wonder if he thinks back to how his victim felt?

As for him seeming polite and friendly, I have joked (not on this thread, but with a friend overseas), that if one was to be mugged in Canada, the perp would ask "Would you kindly give me your wallet, please? If you don't comply, I am afraid I will have to shoot you. Thank you, have a nice day"
Seeming polite and friendly really doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean that one is not capable of terrible things.
We know that Magnotta is the name of a winery near where he grew up...quite a notable name in the area I am told.

Does the Magnotta winery sell something fancy like white zinfandel in a box? :blushing:
Idk about actual meaning of this person choosing Magnotta as his legal alter ego name..but i do know I'm right there with Nana continuing to mistake him for Maggot.. err I mean his name for Maggot.
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