ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman missing in Aruba, 2 Aug 2011 - # 1

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There is no "off" season in Aruba
The Trade winds keep the temperature fairly constant, just more or less wind
Many Americans go in the summer
My hotel/Timeshare is full summer and winter
Nothing is shut down

OK, that's interesting. Does that make it a bit different from much of the rest of the Caribbean? Just curious, why would that be? Or am I just out of touch? Admittedly, it's been a few years since I bothered to care when the seasons were in that part of the world....
OK, that's interesting. Does that make it a bit different from much of the rest of the Caribbean? Just curious, why would that be? Or am I just out of touch? Admittedly, it's been a few years since I bothered to care when the seasons were in that part of the world....

I have absolutely no idea about the rest of the Islands
All I can tell you is what i know
i know about aruba
Its busy
Is it Red Weeks busy?
maybe not, but its busy
I am going to assume its weather related... 28 to 32 most of the year
Very plausible. I think that's where Natalee ended up (and like many of you, I've followed that case quite closely since it happened). And I think it makes sense that's where Robyn ended up. The question it seems to beg is, just how premeditated was it, then? JVS knew the island, knew Boca Mahos, and had help. GG could not possibly have been that plugged in. How did he come to understand that this was the best place to dump a body? When did he come to that conclusion?

It would be interesting to see what his search history was, both in MD and on the island, assuming he had at least a smart phone. The guy's not a novice to the use of technology for illicit purposes, though...he may or may not be stupid enough to leave tracks. Or smart enough to avoid them.

I would love to know what was said in that closed door hearing today. Probably nothing of note.... But I think there is something of note out there, just waiting for someone intelligent enough to find it....

One thing I can say for sure is that he was a diver, and thus his understanding of ocean currents, etc. may have been better than most. The reason I know this is I found his EBay account and looked up some of his purchases.

I also found this picture of him:


He appears to have a background which would be useful for disposing of a body in the ocean and knowing where to do it. MOO.

By the way, does anybody recognize that background in the picture?
Even if this was GG's first trip to Aruba it was not the first day there. He could have seen how to get to where he needed to go the day before when they also went to Baby Beach.

He only had a couple of hours to get this done, though. I definitely think rape was part of it, so the drive needed to take about 50 minutes max. 4 - 4:50, then 5:20 to 6:10. That leaves a half hour to rape, kill (strangle) and throw off a cliff in the right part of the island where the body will drift out to sea. According to Google map it takes 30 minutes to get from Baby Beach to Boca Mahos. Throw in an extra 20 minutes for traffic both ways, and it seems plausible he could have made the trek, IMO. Your thoughts? Parts of that road south of Boca Mahos along the coast look pretty secluded in areas, with cliffs and currents that would take the body out to sea.

It's certainly possible to make that trip and back...also certain parts of that area are secluded enough to go unnotice. Another thing to consider is that you can't just drive right up to the cliff and dump something right into the water. In most areas, it is probably a 50-75 foot walk from where you can park your car and how far you need to walk to the edge...still very possible though. It seems logical that this area is most likely the dump site, however something is sticking with me that it is not the site. However, if I had to bet, i'd say that's where she is

And Dushi is correct, Aruba doesn't really have an off-season, plenty of people come all year round. Certainly the winter/spring is more crowded but I have been there in August and still a ton of people around and everything was open
One thing I can say for sure is that he was a diver, and thus his understanding of ocean currents, etc. may have been better than most. The reason I know this is I found his EBay account and looked up some of his purchases.

I also found this picture of him:


He appears to have a background which would be useful for disposing of a body in the ocean and knowing where to do it. MOO.

By the way, does anybody recognize that background in the picture?

No, I do not know where that is
OK, so they arrive on July 31st
August 2nd she is gone
Are you thinking he went there with the thought to get rid of her?
Seems things happened in a short period of time
Not a lot of time for him to plan
He must have done a lot of research IMO

I still maintain that he did not go there with the intent of killing her. This plan of his sucks if he spent a lot of time on it. He is the last person to have seen her, he has a story that changes according to police, and with his record, I don't think he would have planned it this way far ahead of time. However, that first night on Aruba, you know he wanted to have sex, and based on his history, BDSM appears to be his appetite. She may have resisted his heavy handedness that first night, and his mind began to turn on completely dominating her and raping her. The rape was what this was really about, the murder just an effect of the strangulation and needing to remove the witness. He would have much rather kept her around as a sex slave, but had to dispose of her. MOO.
By the way, does anybody recognize that background in the picture?

I don't know, but I don't think it's anywhere in the US. There are three boats visible, and none seem to have registration numbers on the bow. In the US, that's generally the rule. Could be almost anywhere, though...from the Greek islands to the Pacific islands to the Caribbean. Unless someone recognizes those buildings, impossible to tell.
I still maintain that he did not go there with the intent of killing her. This plan of his sucks if he spent a lot of time on it. He is the last person to have seen her, he has a story that changes according to police, and with his record, I don't think he would have planned it this way far ahead of time. However, that first night on Aruba, you know he wanted to have sex, and based on his history, BDSM appears to be his appetite. She may have resisted his heavy handedness that first night, and his mind began to turn on completely dominating her and raping her. The rape was what this was really about, the murder just an effect of the strangulation and needing to remove the witness. He would have much rather kept her around as a sex slave, but had to dispose of her. MOO.

My own view is, he's not a rapist. Not his style. He's a dominating a-hole, but not a rapist. He killed her in anger and disgust. Probably from jealousy.

But then, we're all only speculating, right? Until some of the actual evidence starts to surface (what did the FBI find in his house?), there's really little point in speculating about the actual act of murder. I have little doubt he murdered her. Very much doubt as to why, when and where.
I am wondering if he taped some activity between them, she found out, and they "scuffled"...maybe they had a fight if he said he would show her boyfriend the tapes, i.e. when she had told BF he was gay and/or just a friend. Still, if something like a fight happened or something in the heat of the moment, it must have been outside as how on earth would he get her out of a resort hotel, unseen?

But-I don't think at this point they have much of a case against him, if all they have is that he reported a drowning accident and they can't find her or any signs of snorkeling equip for her. And he reported her missing fairly quickly, it seems.
My own view is, he's not a rapist. Not his style. He's a dominating a-hole, but not a rapist. He killed her in anger and disgust. Probably from jealousy.

But then, we're all only speculating, right? Until some of the actual evidence starts to surface (what did the FBI find in his house?), there's really little point in speculating about the actual act of murder. I have little doubt he murdered her. Very much doubt as to why, when and where.

Exactly, we are just speculating. My reasons for doing that is because it puts me in the mind of the killer and then the sequence of actions taken starts to come into view. Granted, my speculation could be way off. With that said, I disagree with you. Rape was his fantasy. The only reason he hadn't raped before was because of it being against the law and he had never had so much justification for doing so as he did on Aruba, with her, after spending all that money on the trip, etc. he thought he would get his pick of the BDSM menu, and she refused. Just my opinion, of course. That's just my theory on it. If I didn't have that theory, and he just wanted to kill her, he could have convinced her to scuba dive with some kind of bargaining chip (take her wherever she wants the following day, shopping unlimited, etc.) and held her head under water long enough for her to die, then push her off right there next to Baby Beach.
Even if this was GG's first trip to Aruba it was not the first day there. He could have seen how to get to where he needed to go the day before when they also went to Baby Beach.

He only had a couple of hours to get this done, though. I definitely think rape was part of it, so the drive needed to take about 50 minutes max. 4 - 4:50, then 5:20 to 6:10. That leaves a half hour to rape, kill (strangle) and throw off a cliff in the right part of the island where the body will drift out to sea. According to Google map it takes 30 minutes to get from Baby Beach to Boca Mahos. Throw in an extra 20 minutes for traffic both ways, and it seems plausible he could have made the trek, IMO. Your thoughts? Parts of that road south of Boca Mahos along the coast look pretty secluded in areas, with cliffs and currents that would take the body out to sea.

But, if this was a spontaneous thing as you seem to suggest, he wouldn't have planned for anything. He wouldn't have been scouting out locations to dump a body before he even knew he would have a body.
Exactly, we are just speculating. My reasons for doing that is because it puts me in the mind of the killer and then the sequence of actions taken starts to come into view. Granted, my speculation could be way off. With that said, I disagree with you. Rape was his fantasy. The only reason he hadn't raped before was because of it being against the law and he had never had so much justification for doing so as he did on Aruba, with her, after spending all that money on the trip, etc. he thought he would get his pick of the BDSM menu, and she refused. Just my opinion, of course. That's just my theory on it. If I didn't have that theory, and he just wanted to kill her, he could have convinced her to scuba dive with some kind of bargaining chip (take her wherever she wants the following day, shopping unlimited, etc.) and held her head under water long enough for her to die, then push her off right there next to Baby Beach.

And maybe that's exactly what he did....
But, if this was a spontaneous thing as you seem to suggest, he wouldn't have planned for anything. He wouldn't have been scouting out locations to dump a body before he even knew he would have a body.

Let me clarify what I mean by spontaneous. I mean simply that he did not go to Aruba with murder on his mind. What he had in his mind when he went to Aruba was every sexual fantasy he had been dreaming about with Robyn over the past year. He thought he was cashing in. When she wasn't into it, his control issues kicked in, and he sought to get his way. Those wheels started turning at the moment she refused to do what he said to do. That would be the first night they arrived. MOO.
I'm no expert on currents for that coast line of Aruba, but the common sentiment appears to be that the body would have floated back to shore there.

Who knows, maybe it has, or will....

But yes, I think you're right, that's not what happened. I'm guessing he killed her out on the road somewhere, in the car or just outside it, then drove her to wherever he dumped her. He's a big guy, he could easily carry the body a few hundred feet or so and dump it. Probably a passion killing. Not premeditated, at least not more than a few hours.

But how and why did he know where to go to dump the body? Really, that's the crux of the case, imo. When and how and why did he acquire that learning?
The prosecutor's office said in a statement that Giordano is "suspected of involvement in the possible drowning" of Gardner, whose body has not been found.

Prosecutors "have not been required to pinpoint whether we will eventually charge murder or manslaughter, but that will come at a very much later date," Stein said in a telephone interview.

Without yet recovering a body, "kidnapping has crossed our mind as a working hypothesis, but there's no way we could corroborate that, so that working hypothesis has been dropped," he said.

Stein says prosecutors asked Giordano to voluntarily provide a DNA sample. But he acknowledges prosecutors have not found any clothing or articles belonging to Gardner directly related to the possible killing.

"It's needed for somewhere down the road, regardless of the charge," Stein said of the sample.

Stein said Giordano declined to provide the sample voluntarily. Prosecutors asked the judge to order the sample, and the request was granted.

Giordano's next court appearance will be in 16 days, and Stein anticipates asking the magistrate to allow Giordano to be detained another 60 days.

"After that, he will likely be charged," says Stein.

Stein said Giordano's "statements do not comply with the information we have developed. We continue to have serious doubts about his story."

I wish their investigation could be a little more transparent. One day, websleuthing will be an accepted part of investigations. They will let us at all the info to help them solve the case.
The daughter has dark root growth. Maybe there are two daughters?

It appears the daughter keeps two profiles, but I am not sure. If she has two daughters why is there only one in her pictures? What's also odd is the profile of the daughter named in the Inside Edition article has a different mother than Carrie on Facebook. It's a complex labyrinth that I don't feel like pursuing (she has basically been impeached and is a waste of time), but if I did, I bet you I would find a lot of untruths and deception.
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