ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman missing in Aruba, 2 Aug 2011 - # 1

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Ok that woman who said GVG called her daughter (but the Mom talked to him instead) is so full of it. I do not believe her for one second. She just said on JVM that GVG said he could make her disappear. She didn't say that the other day in her loooong FB post. jeez!
Oh and I noticed her daughter who has brown/black hair on her mom's FB account (and her own too) NOW has blond hair. Oh please. She doesn't even have proof that GVG ever contacted her so I'm not buying it.
Ok that woman who said GVG called her daughter (but the Mom talked to him instead) is so full of it. I do not believe her for one second. She just said on JVM that GVG said he could make her disappear. She didn't say that the other day in her loooong FB post. jeez!
Oh and I noticed her daughter who has brown/black hair on her mom's FB account (and her own too) NOW has blond hair. Oh please. She doesn't even have proof that GVG ever contacted her so I'm not buying it.

ITA and it's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels strongly about this. If you take the name she gives as the stage name of her daughter, you will find that name on her facebook. On her wall July 28 she writes about doing a show called the Jeremy Kyle show, which is a British show kind of like Jerry Springer. They are bringing the show to the U.S. She qualified to be on the show by applying for it:

She is just seeking media attention for her daughter, IMO. Lying to the FBI though? That's incredible. Yet that is what I think is going on. It's very convenient that her cell phone records cannot prove the call because the number he dialed from was a wrong number. Also, Gary is more of a manipulative, charismatic salesman type in his initial approach to prey on women. Her story is not consistent with how he operates, IMO.
ITA and it's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels strongly about this. If you take the name she gives as the stage name of her daughter, you will find that name on her facebook. On her wall July 28 she writes about doing a show called the Jeremy Kyle show, which is a British show kind of like Jerry Springer. They are bringing the show to the U.S. She qualified to be on the show by applying for it:

She is just seeking media attention for her daughter, IMO. Lying to the FBI though? That's incredible. Yet that is what I think is going on. It's very convenient that her cell phone records cannot prove the call because the number he dialed from was a wrong number. Also, Gary is more of a manipulative, charismatic salesman type in his initial approach to prey on women. Her story is not consistent with how he operates, IMO.


That doesn't surprise me at all. :crazy: lol.

I said several pages back that the daughter doesn't even look like his type. He leans towards pretty blonds as far as I can tell. I love how this girl dyed her hair blond though ... did she do that to make it more believable?
ITA and it's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels strongly about this. If you take the name she gives as the stage name of her daughter, you will find that name on her facebook. On her wall July 28 she writes about doing a show called the Jeremy Kyle show, which is a British show kind of like Jerry Springer. They are bringing the show to the U.S. She qualified to be on the show by applying for it:

She is just seeking media attention for her daughter, IMO. Lying to the FBI though? That's incredible. Yet that is what I think is going on. It's very convenient that her cell phone records cannot prove the call because the number he dialed from was a wrong number. Also, Gary is more of a manipulative, charismatic salesman type in his initial approach to prey on women. Her story is not consistent with how he operates, IMO.

She and her daughter are on Nancy Grace tonight. I agree with the above. Looking for her 15 minutes of fame.
She and her daughter are on Nancy Grace tonight. I agree with the above. Looking for her 15 minutes of fame.

Watching it now. Wonder how much Nancy paid her to show the modeling photos of her daughter.

I believe she has been on at least 4 shows now. Also of note, why no police report? She says he gave her a death threat - was she not concerned about the safety of her daughter? This is alarming to me, if our suspicions are correct. Lying to the FBI in an ongoing investigation - this is a waste of time for them and throws them off a real trail to the truth.
Wait a second, both Mother and daughter are on NG and the girl there does not look anything like the one pictured on the mothers FB page. What the heck! Did anyone see the pictures they were showing of her? What kind of modeling would you call that? Now if that's the girl he saw online then I take it all back ... from those poses I'd say "Yep, he'd contact her" This is one crazy case!

ETA: I still want proof he did contact her before I believe it 100%.
On the "gay man with wife and kids" issue, this fits exactly the two gay men I know personally. One divorced years ago and has been "out" for years; one is on his third marriage and is STILL not out. While not likely, it is possible that this perp is gay but in denial, still trying to get it on with attractive women to prove he is NOT gay, is deeply repulsed by women and therefore has extreme disrespect for them, and blames THEM rather than his own orientation so has impulse-disorder-rages towards them.

But that's probably over thinking things. We can safely and simply say that he is disturbed based on his past history. Sexual orientation excuses none of that.

On the disposal of her body, if that happened (still think it could have been a money-making sex-slave sale), is it possible he simply carried her body in a dive bag or wrapped in a sheet to a dumpster and waited til it was emptied before reporting her missing?
Wait a second, both Mother and daughter are on NG and the girl there does not look anything like the one pictured on the mothers FB page. What the heck! Did anyone see the pictures they were showing of her? What kind of modeling would you call that? Now if that's the girl he saw online then I take it all back ... from those poses I'd say "Yep, he'd contact her" This is one crazy case!

ETA: I still want proof he did contact her before I believe it 100%.

Yep, I'm not buying what they're selling either. Mom is just a little too excited, animated and happy about the story she's telling and Bobblehead Daughter is....well, definitely her daughter.

They seem just a day late and a dollar short of the whole Toddlers & Tiaras craze.....missed it byjusthismuch.
Wait a second, both Mother and daughter are on NG and the girl there does not look anything like the one pictured on the mothers FB page. What the heck! Did anyone see the pictures they were showing of her? What kind of modeling would you call that? Now if that's the girl he saw online then I take it all back ... from those poses I'd say "Yep, he'd contact her" This is one crazy case!

ETA: I still want proof he did contact her before I believe it 100%.

I've seen this mother/daughter duo several times now and have noticed that "mommie dearest" does all the talking or grabs the daughter's hand when someone asks her a question. Is Ms. Tyler unable to speak, or is Mother afraid of how the daughter will respond? If Ms. Tyler is a legitimate "model", she would have a real agent - not her mother - representing her.
Thank you all for confirming what I am thinking about this woman and her daughter! Crazy, isn't it? Lying to the FBI on a case like this are you kidding me? I hope the FBI can follow up on these suspicions and press charges if proven.

This is just what I think may have happened:

1. RG divorces and is lonely, not used to being alone. Goes onto dating sites, starts dating, gets more tattoos, drinking, partying, and it makes her feel better from the trauma of the divorce.
2. Meets RF. They get sexual, but are not exclusive. She is dating other people, enjoying that freedom. Is not sure RF is "the one."
3. Meets GG. They get sexual, but she decides in Jan 2011 to agree to RF's demands to be exclusive, stops dating GG.
4. GG stalks and obsesses over her, keeps calling and emailing.
5. RG does not cut off all communication from GG and allows him to pursue her. Ignores roommate and friend concerns. RG wonders if GG could change, sees a rich lifestyle she has wanted since she was little.
6. She at this point is now not sure she wants to be exclusive with RF, they fight and it's not as great as she had hoped it would be, especially on these terms. She can't go back on the exclusivity point with RF as she knows he would be hurt and might end it completely. RG does have feelings for RF but she doesn't know if they are strong enough and she doesn't want to rush into another marriage, plus has alimony payments being sought from ex.
7. Agrees to meet GG for drinks from time to time, after fights with RF and feeling justified in cheating on him. She doesn't sleep with him though, she feels that would be taking it too far with the agreements she has made with RG.
8. Coming up to July now, RG and RF have a big fight on the beach and police are called by onlookers. Relationship on rocks. RG has also lost her job.
9. GG is at right place, right time, woos RG into going to Aruba with him. All expense paid, etc. RG wants to go, is pissed at RF and doesn't feel guilty about the idea. She tells GG that she will go.
10. RG lies about trip to RF and says it is with family, etc. Also tells others similar lies about reason for trip. Does tell roommate.
11. RG gets to Aruba with GG and they check in, eat, etc. In the process sees his controlling ways and his anger. Is turned off.
12. RG will not have sex with him in Aruba. GG gets very angry over this, feels like he is getting played and used to get a free trip to Aruba. "This sucks" sent by RG to RF FB at 2 a.m. RG has decided she is going to try to make it work with RF and is certain she doesn't want a relationship with GG. GG is angry and vindictive.
13. GG decides there is enough justification to rape and kill her. He feels used and wants to get even. He plots it out that night.14. GG takes her to lunch. GG talks about their relationship some more to be sure that she really feels this way. She tells GG that she just wants to be friends. She sends message to RF saying she loves him and wants to work it out when she gets back.
15. Last seen by beach at 4 p.m.
16. GG takes her by car to the other side of island by cliff, supposedly to sight see. He arrives at around 4:30 p.m. He parks car and proceeds to rape her violently and ultimately strangles her to death.
17. GG throws body over cliff by 5:30 p.m.
18. GG puts on swimming trunks and tennis shoes, drives back to beach. Asks for cell phone of someone on beach, calls 911 and reports that she was swept out to sea while snorkeling.
19. GG refuses to give DNA because he knows there is his sperm DNA in car, and doesn't want those dots connected. Has told the police they are just friends and this will not match his story.
20. FBI will get DNA from house, match it with DNA found in car, and we should see charges for murder and rape.



Bolded by me.

HateSociopaths, you have put a lot of thought into this, I'd like to know why you think Giordano would be violent in the way that you described.

I haven't read all the articles about Giordano I guess, but did he have an extremely violent past?

It is not as if Robyn robbed him of his entire fortune, a room in the Marriott is the same price whether one or two are sleeping in it, so what he paid for her was her flight (around $500).

Going by his house this man is a millionaire, a plot to violently rape and murder someone over $ 500, I doubt it, but who knows. IMO
Thanks for your insights. I am curious if you could clarify how long it takes to drive to these secluded cliff areas in Aruba where a body could be cast off with no return to shore. Thank you.

Assuming they left from the hotel, it would take about 30-35 minutes by jeep or truck if you knew where you were going. Also, would depend on traffic, (in Aruba, traffic occurs for no apparent reason all the time) and he would have to know exactly how to get there. If he did not know where to go exactly, it could take a long time to get there. Now if for some reason they came from the Baby Beach area, where he said they last were, it would take probably more than an hour to get there.

One thing, though, if he dumped her body over the cliffs during the time period in which she was last seen and reported missing, it would be difficutly because there almost assuredly be people there visiting and sight seeing etc... It would be tough to dispose of a body during that time frame...but again, who knows exactly when she went missing or where exactly he went with her.
Bolded by me.

HateSociopaths, you have put a lot of thought into this, I'd like to know why you think Giordano would be violent in the way that you described.

I haven't read all the articles about Giordano I guess, but did he have an extremely violent past?

It is not as if Robyn robbed him of his entire fortune, a room in the Marriott is the same price whether one or two are sleeping in it, so what he paid for her was her flight (around $500).

Going by his house this man is a millionaire, violently raping and murdering someone over $ 500, I doubt it, but who knows. IMO

It has more to do with control than money. Gary is a control-freak and someone who snaps in anger when a woman does not comply with his demands. There are a lot of pieces of his past to point to this. I will give just a couple links below, but about six women have come forward of past threatening or violent behavior. Google can provide more links to this.

When Gary couldn't have his way, he sought to get even. The fact he had paid for the trip and this was on his dime gave to Gary more justification for carrying out these impulses he has been harboring his adult life.

Gary has strangled a woman in the past during sex and stuck his hand down her throat. That was just last year. See link below for more info (wtsp one). He also has some crazy stalking behavior including wearing antlers on his head and terrorizing a woman with it.

I think it is quite possible that Gary wanted to engage in BDSM type activity (possibly filmed) with Robyn in Aruba and she resisted. It's possible she was okay with sleeping with him, but this was taking it too far. This could be the point of loss of control for Gary that made him plot to rape and kill her. For someone like Gary, BDSM might have been where he felt the greatest "rush", and he felt she was denying him that. MOO.​ud...​_case/srvc=home&position=r​ecent
Wait a second, both Mother and daughter are on NG and the girl there does not look anything like the one pictured on the mothers FB page. What the heck! Did anyone see the pictures they were showing of her? What kind of modeling would you call that? Now if that's the girl he saw online then I take it all back ... from those poses I'd say "Yep, he'd contact her" This is one crazy case!

ETA: I still want proof he did contact her before I believe it 100%.

The daughter was a brunette until yesterday or today, I believe. On the FB page it said she (daughter) was employed as a dancer at a questionable establishment. That may have been removed today.
Assuming they left from the hotel, it would take about 30-35 minutes by jeep or truck if you knew where you were going. Also, would depend on traffic, (in Aruba, traffic occurs for no apparent reason all the time) and he would have to know exactly how to get there. If he did not know where to go exactly, it could take a long time to get there. Now if for some reason they came from the Baby Beach area, where he said they last were, it would take probably more than an hour to get there.

Ya'll please forgive me, I should properly introduce myself. I've lurked here for months, just never posted, following various threads. I'll do a proper intro later....

In the meantime, one thing keeps coming back to me. Isn't this seriously the "off season" in the Caribbean? I mean, who goes there in August, really? The one time I was in the islands in the summer (I can't remember, might have been in the USVI), pretty much everything was shut down for the "season".

If that's the case, wouldn't there be less traffic, and fewer people in, it would take less time to get to the cliffs, and there would be less likelihood of people being around?

Assuming they left from the hotel, it would take about 30-35 minutes by jeep or truck if you knew where you were going. Also, would depend on traffic, (in Aruba, traffic occurs for no apparent reason all the time) and he would have to know exactly how to get there. If he did not know where to go exactly, it could take a long time to get there. Now if for some reason they came from the Baby Beach area, where he said they last were, it would take probably more than an hour to get there.

One thing, though, if he dumped her body over the cliffs during the time period in which she was last seen and reported missing, it would be difficutly because there almost assuredly be people there visiting and sight seeing etc... It would be tough to dispose of a body during that time frame...but again, who knows exactly when she went missing or where exactly he went with her.

Even if this was GG's first trip to Aruba it was not the first day there. He could have seen how to get to where he needed to go the day before when they also went to Baby Beach.

He only had a couple of hours to get this done, though. I definitely think rape was part of it, so the drive needed to take about 50 minutes max. 4 - 4:50, then 5:20 to 6:10. That leaves a half hour to rape, kill (strangle) and throw off a cliff in the right part of the island where the body will drift out to sea. According to Google map it takes 30 minutes to get from Baby Beach to Boca Mahos. Throw in an extra 20 minutes for traffic both ways, and it seems plausible he could have made the trek, IMO. Your thoughts? Parts of that road south of Boca Mahos along the coast look pretty secluded in areas, with cliffs and currents that would take the body out to sea.
Ya'll please forgive me, I should properly introduce myself. I've lurked here for months, just never posted, following various threads. I'll do a proper intro later....

In the meantime, one thing keeps coming back to me. Isn't this seriously the "off season" in the Caribbean? I mean, who goes there in August, really? The one time I was in the islands in the summer (I can't remember, might have been in the USVI), pretty much everything was shut down for the "season".

If that's the case, wouldn't there be less traffic, and fewer people in, it would take less time to get to the cliffs, and there would be less likelihood of people being around?


There is no "off" season in Aruba
The Trade winds keep the temperature fairly constant, just more or less wind
Many Americans go in the summer
My hotel/Timeshare is full summer and winter
Nothing is shut down
The daughter has dark root growth. Maybe there are two daughters?
Even if this was GG's first trip to Aruba it was not the first day there. He could have seen how to get to where he needed to go the day before when they also went to Baby Beach.

He only had a couple of hours to get this done, though. I definitely think rape was part of it, so the drive needed to take about 50 minutes max. 4 - 4:50, then 5:20 to 6:10. That leaves a half hour to rape, kill (strangle) and throw off a cliff in the right part of the island where the body will drift out to sea. According to Google map it takes 30 minutes to get from Baby Beach to Boca Mahos. Throw in an extra 20 minutes for traffic both ways, and it seems plausible he could have made the trek, IMO. Your thoughts? Parts of that road south of Boca Mahos along the coast look pretty secluded in areas, with cliffs and currents that would take the body out to sea.

OK, so they arrive on July 31st
August 2nd she is gone
Are you thinking he went there with the thought to get rid of her?
Seems things happened in a short period of time
Not a lot of time for him to plan
He must have done a lot of research IMO
Even if this was GG's first trip to Aruba it was not the first day there. He could have seen how to get to where he needed to go the day before when they also went to Baby Beach.

He only had a couple of hours to get this done, though. I definitely think rape was part of it, so the drive needed to take about 50 minutes max. 4 - 4:50, then 5:20 to 6:10. That leaves a half hour to rape, kill (strangle) and throw off a cliff in the right part of the island where the body will drift out to sea. According to Google map it takes 30 minutes to get from Baby Beach to Boca Mahos. Throw in an extra 20 minutes for traffic both ways, and it seems plausible he could have made the trek, IMO. Your thoughts? Parts of that road south of Boca Mahos along the coast look pretty secluded in areas, with cliffs and currents that would take the body out to sea.

Very plausible. I think that's where Natalee ended up (and like many of you, I've followed that case quite closely since it happened). And I think it makes sense that's where Robyn ended up. The question it seems to beg is, just how premeditated was it, then? JVS knew the island, knew Boca Mahos, and had help. GG could not possibly have been that plugged in. How did he come to understand that this was the best place to dump a body? When did he come to that conclusion?

It would be interesting to see what his search history was, both in MD and on the island, assuming he had at least a smart phone. The guy's not a novice to the use of technology for illicit purposes, though...he may or may not be stupid enough to leave tracks. Or smart enough to avoid them.

I would love to know what was said in that closed door hearing today. Probably nothing of note.... But I think there is something of note out there, just waiting for someone intelligent enough to find it....
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