ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman missing in Aruba, 2 Aug 2011 - # 1

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I haven't heard that. If you find a link let me know.

Here is one article that talks about the other women, in it it states that prosecutors had to drop the charges because the women didn't want to move forward. I have read or heard on tv that it was because they were fearful.

"In the end, prosecutors dropped both cases when victims declined to go forward."

There is another woman who experienced the same thing with Giordano but hadn't gone to police, she is considering it now.

"Thursday, in Gaithersburg, another alleged victim told 9NEWS NOW she dated Giordano briefly and was also terrified by his behavior, but did not go to police.

Landau's client, who does not want to be identified, remains afraid, but is reconsidering the possibility of moving forward with a criminal case against him if he returns from Aruba, Landau says."
Here is one article that talks about the other women, in it it states that prosecutors had to drop the charges because the women didn't want to move forward. I have read or heard on tv that it was because they were fearful.

There is another woman who experienced the same thing with Giordano but hadn't gone to police, she is considering it now.

Thanks. From the article:

Giordano's place was searched last year as part of the investigation into the accusations. One of his neighbors said, "I just know that he has done some strange things. Nobody really wants to divulge what it is."

The search warrant ordered investigators to seize any other tapes in the home -- which has a security camera on the roof and a sign warning visitors they will be video and audio recorded at all times -- that might depict other victims of Gary Giordano.

In the end, prosecutors dropped both cases when victims declined to go forward.

If you or anyone has experience with this area of case law, women dropping charges, etc. I'd like to hear more input on what happened here and if something more could have been done to put Gary in jail, or at the least register him as a sex offender.

I am a little confused about point number 4 below. How does that work?

Q1. Who Must Register?
Individuals convicted by a court of law of a sexual offense must register. The term and category of registration depends on the crime of conviction, the age of the victim and the date that the offense was committed.
"Convicted" means when the person:
(1) Is found guilty of a crime by a jury or judicial officer;

(2) Enters a plea of guilty or nolo contendere;

(3) Is granted a probation before judgment** after a finding of guilt for a crime if the court, as a condition of probation, orders
compliance with the requirements of this subtitle; or

(4) Is found not criminally responsible for a crime.

Tier I - These registrants have been convicted in Maryland of a crime listed below or convicted in another jurisdiction of a Tier I offense. These registrants register for 15 years.
4th Degree Sex Offense - Criminal Law Article, § 3-308 or Art. 27 § 464C
Visual Surveillance with Prurient Intent- Criminal Law Article, § 3-902 or Art. 27 § 579B
Possession of Child *advertiser censored* - Criminal Law Article, § 11-208 or Art. 27 § 419B
Engaging in Illicit Conduct in Foreign Places - 18 USC § 2423(c)
Failure to File Factual Statement About an Alien Individual - 18 USC § 2424
Misleading Domain Names on the Internet - 18 USC § 2252B
Misleading Words or Digital Images on the Internet - 18 USC § 2252C
Sex Trafficking by Force, Fraud or Coercion - 18 USC § 1591
Transmitting Information About a Minor to Further Criminal Sexual Conduct - USC § 2425
Travel w/Intent to Engage in Illicit Conduct -18 USC § 2423(b)
Tier II - These registrants have been convicted in Maryland of a crime listed below or convicted in another jurisdiction of a Tier II offense. These registrants register for 25 years.
Abduction of a Child under16 for Prostitution - Criminal Law Article, § 11-305 or Art. 27 § 1
Distribution of Child *advertiser censored* - Criminal Law Article, § 11-207or Art. 27 § 419A
Hiring a Minor for a Prohibited Purpose - Criminal Law Article, § 11-209 or Art. 27 § 420
House of Prostitution - Criminal Law Article, § 11-306 or Art. 27 § 431
Human Trafficking (Formerly Pandering) - Criminal Law Article, § 11-303 or Art. 27 § 428
Sale of a Minor - Criminal Law Article, § 3-603 or Art. 27 § 35E
Sexual Conduct between a Correctional or DJS employee and an inmate or confined child Criminal Law Article, § 3-314 or Art. 27 § 464G
3rd Degree Sex Offense - (Statutory Offense) - Criminal Law Article, § 3-307(A)(4) or Art. 27 § 464B(4)
3rd Degree Sex Offense - (Statutory Offense) - Criminal Law Article, § 3-307(A)(5) or Art. 27 § 464B(5)
Sexual Solicitation of a Minor - Criminal Law Article, § 3-324
A registrant with two Tier I convictions must register in the Tier II category
Tier III - These registrants have been convicted in Maryland of a crime listed below or convicted in another jurisdiction of a Tier III offense. These registrants register for life.
Assault with Intent to Rape, or Sexually Abuse - Art. 27 § 12A
Child Kidnapping - Under the age of 12 or Abduction of a Child under 12 - Criminal Law Article, § 3-503 or Art. 27§§ 2, an 338
Continuing Course of Conduct with a Child - Criminal Law Article, § 3-315
False Imprisonment of a Minor - Common Law
Forcible Sodomy - Criminal Law Article, § 3-321 or Art. 27 § 553
Incest - Criminal Law Article, § 3-323 or Art. 27 § 335
Kidnapping - Criminal Law Article, § 3-502 or Art. 27 § 337
Murder w/ intent to Rape, Sexually Offend, or Sexually Abuse a Minor - Criminal Law Article, § 2-201(a)(4)(viii), (x), or (xi) or Art. 27 § 410
1st Degree Rape - Criminal Law Article, § 3-303 or Art. 27 § 462
2nd Degree Rape - Criminal Law Article, § 3-304 or Art. 27 § 463
Sexual Abuse of a Minor - Criminal Law Article, § 3-602
Sale of a Minor - Criminal Law Article, § 3-603 or Art. 27 § 35E
1st Degree Sex Offense - Criminal Law Article, § 3-305 or Art. 27 § 464
2nd Degree Sex Offense - Criminal Law Article, § 3-306 or Art. 27 § 464A
3rd Degree Sex Offense - (force, threat, weapon, aided and abetted) - Criminal Law Article, § 3-307(a)(1) or Art. 27 § 464B(a)(1)
3rd Degree Sex Offense - (victim who is mentally defective or incapacitated, or physically incapacitated) - Criminal Law Article, § 3-307(a)(2) or Art. 27 § 464B(a)(2)
3rd Degree Sex Offense - Criminal Law Article, § 3-307(a)(3) or Art. 27 § 464B(a)(3)
Sexual Conduct between a Correctional or DJS employee and an inmate or confined child - Criminal Law Article, § 3-314 or Art. 27 § 464G
Forcible Unnatural or Perverted Practice - Criminal Law Article, § 3-322 or Art. 27 § 554
Attempted 1st Degree Rape - Criminal Law Article, § 3-309 or Art. 27 § 464F(b)
Attempted 2nd Degree Rape - Criminal Law Article, § 3-310 or Art. 27 § 464F(a)
Attempted 1st Degree Sex Offense - Criminal Law Article, § 3-311 or Art. 27 § 464F(b)
Attempted 2nd Degree Sex Offense - Criminal Law Article, § 3-312 or Art. 27 § 464F(a)
A registrant with two Tier II convictions, or a Tier I and Tier II convictions, must register in the Tier III category
Pondering what she texted: the 16

This may be totally wrong, but I suppose it's as good as any guess. My first thought was that it could have been the 16th hole of a golf course, because I thought I read that the cliff was behind a country club/golf course.

If he was a scuba diver, there is always the possibility that he could have found someplace to weigh her body down underwater.

The boat idea that someone posted sounds good too, and he could have weighed her down and tossed her overboard.
Someone please correct me if this is wrong but the way I see it is, the women at the time were involved with Giordano. If they brought the complaint to police, the police were investigating based off of their complaint against him. If they were too afraid to tesify against him, the police had nothing else to go on because Giordano could just turn around and say that it was all consensual.

I don't see how he could have been formally named a sexual predator if he was never convicted.

It is too bad he was out on the streets, the more women that are coming forward show what a deviant he is, but I can understand them being so afraid of him, knowing what he was probably capable of, that his retaliation against them could potentially have been even worse and they just wanted to put ot behind them. They probably weren't aware at the time of other women he had done it to.

We see this quite a bit in these cases that get media attention, others who may have had it happen to them see that it happened to others and start to realize that they weren't alone and be more willing to come forward. In that sense it is good to see these cases in the media.

Ok I just wanted to bump this because I am curious ... has anyone figured out why she typed 16?

That photo accompanying the message. I asked about that photo a few days ago, the one with her laying on the rocky ground--no facial is shown.

And I still think that was part of GG's deal, his ruse for this trip, that he wanted to take figure photos of her on Aruba. Only, he had more pornographic ideas in mind. And that is JMO.

Like I just posted up above. Could 16 be in reference to a golf hole where this cliff was?

It seems like she is trying to contact the boyfriend to let him know there is trouble.
This is a link for the info on Protective Order filed when a woman wants protection from Gary:

My point is that it's not like the system isn't set up to protect a woman who fears Gary.

Just speculation, but I am inclined to believe an out-of-court settlement might have been the real reason. I don't know, but money talks, right? Part of that financial settlement would have been a contract that states the woman will not speak out about the incident in the future, right? Has the woman who had this happen (the sexual assault) come forward, or is she remaning silent? I don't believe we've heard from her. Perhaps she was paid off by Gary. MOO.
It is too bad he was out on the streets, the more women that are coming forward show what a deviant he is, but I can understand them being so afraid of him, knowing what he was probably capable of, that his retaliation against them could potentially have been even worse and they just wanted to put ot behind them. They probably weren't aware at the time of other women he had done it to.

We see this quite a bit in these cases that get media attention, others who may have had it happen to them see that it happened to others and start to realize that they weren't alone and be more willing to come forward. In that sense it is good to see these cases in the media.

Years ago, police didn't take "date rape" claims seriously. Also, the perps. of these crimes usually live close by their victims, know many personal details, stalk them, etc.

I went looking for something relating to the 16 , and aruba beach club comes up as rated number 16 on the list for hotels.
Jumping back in here briefly...just a couple of thoughts.

I think most of the time when women declined to press charges in sex assault cases, it's less out of fear than out of a need to just move on and not have to relive the event(s) over and over in formal proceedings. Obviously (I hope), one is not a "sex offender" until one is convicted of a sex offense. Which generally requires a prosecuting witness (the law does not require that a crime victim be willing to testify, but as noted, there can be a total failure of proof without such a witness, so it amounts to about the same thing). (And yes, I am a lawyer, alas...)

The "16" reference is puzzling. I am intrigued by the golf course idea. Those familiar with the cliffs, does it make sense she could have been near a 16th hole on Aug 1, and how might that play into the various theories?
Just wanted to add. In her last text message, the word "communicate" is jumbled, misspelled. This seems to me like she was hurredly trying in a panic to get that message out, before someone grabbed the phone from her.

Did she mean to say: can't communicate, but it came out: can communictate
I'm having a difficult time believing some of those women unless there are actual statements filed when these atrocities happened with GG.
As far as Carrie Emerson and Taylor are concerned, Carrie says her dtr has a different name for model photo shoots. Taylor also does exotic dancing. Going over several "decent" type model pics does not turn up Taylor's face. Yet GG's site was easily accessible, the one where he claims to be in films and doing photo shoots of models. I think Carrie and her dtr approached GG and he turned them down due to Taylor not being model material, which she is not. Not making fun of her, but it's the truth. IMHO, Robyn and GG have both become ca$h cows for Carrie.
Christina Jones claims police told her some things about the situation in Aruba and how believable is that? I can't see police mouthing off to a stranger on the phone unless it was police in USA that she might know but that does not seem reasonable either.
Forrester claims Robyn was living with him and had her cats there at his place. Christina Jones claims Robyn was her roommate. How many places can/could Robyn have been living?
The media is having a good time with ratings and so are some worms crawling out of the woodwork, imo.
FBI has arrived on the island. A digital camera has been recovered as well.
HLN reporting that the FBI is now on the island. Also, that a digital camera was obtained from GG and that there are photos saved in it, but wouldn't say what the images were.
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