ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman missing in Aruba, 2 Aug 2011 - # 2

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Is the deer outfit connected with the woman that was filmed or the one with the daughter?

Neither. That woman lived in the same area as him. If you were to leave GVG's house, walk across the football field, walk behind the school then through the woods you would be at her house. They only dated but he scared her when he was sending her text messages while at the grocery store etc checking up on her, saying he knew what she was wearing etc and then he stood in the woods behind her house with that creepy Jackalope mask on and held a lighter under his face.

ETA: Link to my post on the 16th. ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman in Aruba, 2 August 2011 - #1 - Page 29 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Map that shows where she used to live and where he lives.
So could one protection order be about the filming and flyers, and the other from the alleged rape in his bedroom?

It's two separate women. VP's assault occurred before her protection order in Feb 2010.
I feel this is important to clarify. There are two separate women who in 2010 were allegedly the victims of serious sexual assault by GG. This is the documentation and info I have on these:

Feb 2010: VP files a protection order against GG which you can view here:

What that document won't tell you is what came before and led up to her seeking police protection from GG. However, a guy who knows VP has been online saying what led up to it. What he said is that VP got involved with Giordano via the swingers site Adultfriendfinder. He says GG beat and choked her during sex and secretly videotaped them having sex. He says she chose not to pursue it further than this protection order because she didn't want all the dirt about her lifestyle as well as the things she was involved with surrounding Giordano to get out in public, which would have happened had she pursued criminal charges. He says they were both involved in the swingers lifetstyle and things simply turned sour between them, and/or she saw what a wackjob he truly was and wanted nothing more to do with him. He then stalked and harassed her, made threats, posted nude photos, sex videos, and put things about her in her neighbors mailboxes etc, and in the end she got the restraining order and chose not to take it any further with criminal charges. He also said a reason she chose not to pursue it is because of a previous sexual assault which she pursued charges on, and she did not want to go through it again.

That was VP in Feb of 2010.

Then, in April of 2010, another woman filed a report of sexual assault against Gary. You can see the report here:

It states:
"I prepared to leave after speaking with my daughter. Gary was angry and ordered me to stay. We drank wine and by 8 p.m., we argued about his past sexual lifestyle as a swinger. I prepared to leave again, but he pushed me into his bed where I stood near the footboard. My clothes were on and I had my period, which I told Gary. He pushed my dress up and pulled out my tampon, throwing it on the floor. We began to have sex. I couldn't look at him, so I turned over. He tried to have anal sex, but I protested. Then, he started to bite me - on my face, neck and breast and buttocks. I turned over to face him and he started to choke me with his bare hands. He then shoved his fingers down my throat. I was struggling and gagging.He then pushed my head onto his (?). I sat quietly and was crying. I told him that I wanted to go home. He protested, then told me to stop being a victim. He got angrier as I got my clothes on, so I huddled on the floor and kept quiet. Moments later, when he went to the bathroom, I ran out and drove home. On 4-16-10 I filled a police report in Montogomery Co. On 4-20-10 I filed assault..."

There are about five other women who have come forward with their own stories of stalking and threats. One story said GG told her the world would be a better place without her. One story said he dressed up as a deer (actually a jackalope) outside her window and watched her. One story said GG got very angry after she touched his hair. One story was about his various demands to show proof she was at the grocery store, etc. and telling her what she was wearing. The stories are alarming.

It bothers me when such clear evidence exists that this man is very dangerous to women, yet I get the impression some think he should be allowed to roam free again. This is very disturbing to me. That is why I keep posting these alleged assaults, as they seem to get filed away as "never convicted" and "bitter exes." ********. This man is very dangerous and must not be allowed to harm again.

You don't know that they refer to two separate incidents (unless you somehow know the name of the person making the complaint in the second case). The both sound like the same incident. There is a difference in dates, but note that the dates in the second incident refer to when the report and subsequent complaint was made. That is not when the alleged assault took place, which presumably was earlier, possibly much earlier. Also, the report in the second incident was used to get a search warrant to look for video, and possibly video of other victims. If he had hidden cameras recording this stuff then the victim would not have known about it, unless she had been made aware of it subsequently. So, how would that happen? That would be consistent with the first report which also talks about video, and and implied threat to distribute it. That is why I think that both of these reports refer to the same incident.

There are other things that look odd. For example, the page you transcribed talks about drinking wine and talking, then suddenly they are standing next to his bed where he allegedly attacks her. How did they get from one to the other? No one I know drinks wine and socializes in the bedroom. That doesnt make sense.

Like I said before, I think this is the same incident and the purpose of the complaint was to get the video out of his hands.

Once they had the video they would have proceeded with charges. They don't need the cooperation of the victim in a criminal case if they have other evidence, and video of an attack would certainly fit the bill in that regard. Once a complaint has been made in a criminal matter it can't be withdrawn like a civil complaint, the case will only be dropped if there is insufficient evidence.

The devil is in the details my friend.
Neither. That woman lived in the same area as him. If you were to leave GVG's house, walk across the football field, walk behind the school then through the woods you would be at her house. They only dated but he scared her when he was sending her text messages while at the grocery store etc checking up on her, saying he knew what she was wearing etc and then he stood in the woods behind her house with that creepy Jackalope mask on and held a lighter under his face.

ETA: Link to my post on the 16th. ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman in Aruba, 2 August 2011 - #1 - Page 29 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I am surprised that so many complaints were made against him and nothing was done. Couldn't police see things escalating ... if that is indeed what it looked like? He seems like a dangerous man.
You don't know that they refer to two separate incidents (unless you somehow know the name of the person making the complaint in the second case). The both sound like the same incident. There is a difference in dates, but note that the dates in the second incident refer to when the report and subsequent complaint was made. That is not when the alleged assault took place, which presumably was earlier, possibly much earlier. Also, the report in the second incident was used to get a search warrant to look for video, and possibly video of other victims. If he had hidden cameras recording this stuff then the victim would not have known about it, unless she had been made aware of it subsequently. So, how would that happen? That would be consistent with the first report which also talks about video, and and implied threat to distribute it. That is why I think that both of these reports refer to the same incident.

There are other things that look odd. For example, the page you transcribed talks about drinking wine and talking, then suddenly they are standing next to his bed where he allegedly attacks her. How did they get from one to the other? No one I know drinks wine and socializes in the bedroom. That doesnt make sense.

Like I said before, I think this is the same incident and the purpose of the complaint was to get the video out of his hands.

Once they had the video they would have proceeded with charges. They don't need the cooperation of the victim in a criminal case if they have other evidence, and video of an attack would certainly fit the bill in that regard. Once a complaint has been made in a criminal matter it can't be withdrawn like a civil complaint, the case will only be dropped if there is insufficient evidence.

The devil is in the details my friend.

Yes the devil is in the details. I have further proof that this incident occurred in April 2010, plus proof it is not the same person. I have circled the date. Also, the blacked out name of the victim does not have the letters of the first victim. The easiest way to tell is there is no "y" at the end of the last name. (Also, if it had been the same woman, he would have violated his protection order.)

Neither. That woman lived in the same area as him. If you were to leave GVG's house, walk across the football field, walk behind the school then through the woods you would be at her house. They only dated but he scared her when he was sending her text messages while at the grocery store etc checking up on her, saying he knew what she was wearing etc and then he stood in the woods behind her house with that creepy Jackalope mask on and held a lighter under his face.

ETA: Link to my post on the 16th. ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman in Aruba, 2 August 2011 - #1 - Page 29 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Map that shows where she used to live and where he lives.

Wow! Creepy. It reminds me a couple of other cases where men stalked and then photographed women while they abused them.
You don't know that they refer to two separate incidents (unless you somehow know the name of the person making the complaint in the second case). The both sound like the same incident. There is a difference in dates, but note that the dates in the second incident refer to when the report and subsequent complaint was made. That is not when the alleged assault took place, which presumably was earlier, possibly much earlier. Also, the report in the second incident was used to get a search warrant to look for video, and possibly video of other victims. If he had hidden cameras recording this stuff then the victim would not have known about it, unless she had been made aware of it subsequently. So, how would that happen? That would be consistent with the first report which also talks about video, and and implied threat to distribute it. That is why I think that both of these reports refer to the same incident.

There are other things that look odd. For example, the page you transcribed talks about drinking wine and talking, then suddenly they are standing next to his bed where he allegedly attacks her. How did they get from one to the other? No one I know drinks wine and socializes in the bedroom. That doesnt make sense.

Like I said before, I think this is the same incident and the purpose of the complaint was to get the video out of his hands.

Once they had the video they would have proceeded with charges. They don't need the cooperation of the victim in a criminal case if they have other evidence, and video of an attack would certainly fit the bill in that regard. Once a complaint has been made in a criminal matter it can't be withdrawn like a civil complaint, the case will only be dropped if there is insufficient evidence.

The devil is in the details my friend.

Thanks. The information I've read refers to two incidents, but it seems that the details from each of those incidents are being separated into multiple incidents with multiple women.
Thanks. The information I've read refers to two incidents, but it seems that the details from each of those incidents are being separated into multiple incidents with multiple women.

Two women involved in separate serious sexual assaults in 2010 was the main point. The detail that one of these women was also the one that received a death threat was incorrectly assigned to one of the other 5 or so women that have voiced complaints. I could use a better filing system than memory as I don't know these women, so it's easy to mix them up. :seeya:
You don't know that they refer to two separate incidents (unless you somehow know the name of the person making the complaint in the second case). The both sound like the same incident. There is a difference in dates, but note that the dates in the second incident refer to when the report and subsequent complaint was made. That is not when the alleged assault took place, which presumably was earlier, possibly much earlier. Also, the report in the second incident was used to get a search warrant to look for video, and possibly video of other victims. If he had hidden cameras recording this stuff then the victim would not have known about it, unless she had been made aware of it subsequently. So, how would that happen? That would be consistent with the first report which also talks about video, and and implied threat to distribute it. That is why I think that both of these reports refer to the same incident.

Taking this point up separately. EDIT: The police knew about the hidden videos from the earlier report by VP in Feb of 2010. There is no evidence that the victim in April of 2010 knew about the hidden cameras.

Tugela said:
There are other things that look odd. For example, the page you transcribed talks about drinking wine and talking, then suddenly they are standing next to his bed where he allegedly attacks her. How did they get from one to the other? No one I know drinks wine and socializes in the bedroom. That doesnt make sense.

Why is it relevant? Obviously there were non-essential parts to the story not included in the report of sexual assault, but for the purposes of reporting a crime, the vital details were included. I see nothing odd about omitting that and she could be questioned about that further.

Like I said before, I think this is the same incident and the purpose of the complaint was to get the video out of his hands.

Once they had the video they would have proceeded with charges. They don't need the cooperation of the victim in a criminal case if they have other evidence, and video of an attack would certainly fit the bill in that regard. Once a complaint has been made in a criminal matter it can't be withdrawn like a civil complaint, the case will only be dropped if there is insufficient evidence.

The devil is in the details my friend.

I am interested to know why they didn't proceed with charges. I said a few days ago that the attention will shift from criticism of Aruba to criticism of Montgomery County, once these details emerge. I hope to be mistaken that there was something overlooked in the handling of GG, but I have yet to see I judged incorrectly.
What this leaves us with is a man that is potentially violent against women, and who has gotten away with it each time there was a report. We have the photos in connection with Robyn, which is consistent with reports from other women. In other cases, the photos were not okay. Given that Robyn was promoting herself as a photo model, did she consent to the photos? Was she having second thoughts and wanting the security of a life with RF, even though he didn't have the kind of money GVG had? Did GVG feel used, even though he was the abuser? Did they go to a secluded spot on the southern tip of the Island where she didn't agree with him taking more photos like the kind he had taken earlier?

We've heard that Robyn was a strong swimmer ... was he too? Did he push her into the riptides and struggle back to shore ... wait a little too long ... and then return to the cafe at 6 and tap on the shutters, then ask someone to make the 911 phone call at 6:23?
Taking this point up separately. What makes you think they were hidden? I don't follow. That assumption appears to be where your logic is astray.

Why is it relevant? Obviously there were non-essential parts to the story not included in the report of sexual assault, but for the purposes of reporting a crime, the vital details were included. I see nothing odd about omitting that and she could be questioned about that further.

I am interested to know why they didn't proceed with charges. I said a few days ago that the attention will shift from criticism of Aruba to criticism of Montgomery County, once these details emerge. I hope to be mistaken that there was something overlooked in the handling of GG, but I have yet to see I judged incorrectly.

It was also my understanding that GVG had hidden cameras, or recorded women without their knowledge and consent. If the cameras were not hidden, then the film would not have been made without her consent because she would have seen the camera and refused ... unless she is the same woman that reported a rape.
It was also my understanding that GVG had hidden cameras, or recorded women without their knowledge and consent. If the cameras were not hidden, then the film would not have been made without her consent because she would have seen the camera and refused ... unless she is the same woman that reported a rape.

Ok I think I get what happened.

2/2010 - VP files for protection order, including statements of harassment with videos of her having sex with GG posted online, that were recorded without her consent and were hidden from view.

4/2010 - Another woman files report of sexual assault, and the police move with getting search warrant to look for videos, having knowledge of such from VP's earlier report.
What this leaves us with is a man that is potentially violent against women, and who has gotten away with it each time there was a report. We have the photos in connection with Robyn, which is consistent with reports from other women. In other cases, the photos were not okay. Given that Robyn was promoting herself as a photo model, did she consent to the photos?

Yes she did, IMO. ALE has also said they look like she was willing. That model site was further proof, as she says she is willing to do any and all types of photos on her profile.

Otto said:
Was she having second thoughts and wanting the security of a life with RF, even though he didn't have the kind of money GVG had?

It's hard to know, certainly possible based on what she wrote to RF. Then again, she told him GG was gay and that she was vacationing with family. Perhaps she was just playing him, as tough of words as those are. She is still the victim here, and should not have suffered the fate she did. I don't look down on her at all. We all have our weaknesses. I think Robyn was a great person based on everything I have heard from her friends and family. She has left us much too soon.

Otto said:
Did GVG feel used, even though he was the abuser?

Yeah I think it's possible. There are a couple ways this could have occurred. He could have seen by her Facebook messages to RF, he is a computer expert and maybe had her password. Or maybe he simply observed her behavior and recognized he was not the prize in her eyes and she wasn't having a good time. Either way would have made him angry, based on his history.

Otto said:
Did they go to a secluded spot on the southern tip of the Island where she didn't agree with him taking more photos like the kind he had taken earlier?

I don't think that she expressed a disagreement with photos being taken, she likes to model and clearly is up for any kind of shoot. In fact I don't think she disagreed with having sex on the beach. But his aggression and anger got the better of his judgment and he took it too far during the sex, IMO.

We've heard that Robyn was a strong swimmer ... was he too? Did he push her into the riptides and struggle back to shore ... wait a little too long ... and then return to the cafe at 6 and tap on the shutters, then ask someone to make the 911 phone call at 6:23?

I think he accidentally choked her to death during sex, and then disposed of the body in the water like you described.
Ok I think I get what happened.

2/2010 - VP files for protection order, including statements of harassment with videos of her having sex with GG posted online, that were recorded without her consent and were hidden from view.

4/2010 - Another woman files report of sexual assault, and the police move with getting search warrant to look for videos, having knowledge of such from VP's earlier report.

Police had a search warrant based on the April 2010 alleged assault.

"According to an application for a search warrant, Giordano was arrested April 28, 2010 after one woman accused him of strangling her during sex, an encounter investigators said was on video. According to the application, the victim "was struck several times in the head, face buttocks and legs." She was also "digitally choked and subjected to manual strangulation during the event."

Another alleged victim claimed Giordano secretly videotaped her and "threatened to publish and distribute the recordings."

Giordano's place was searched last year as part of the investigation into the accusations. One of his neighbors said, "I just know that he has done some strange things. Nobody really wants to divulge what it is."

The search warrant ordered investigators to seize any other tapes in the home -- which has a security camera on the roof and a sign warning visitors they will be video and audio recorded at all times -- that might depict other victims of Gary Giordano."
I get it, there were indeed two women in addition to the complaint made by the ex wife. The first reported the secret taping, the second alleged rape. This happened in Feb and Apr of 2010. I guess nothing happened from then until now? Did he think that it would be easier to get away with more of the same in a place like Aruba?
Police had a search warrant based on the April 2010 alleged assault.

"According to an application for a search warrant, Giordano was arrested April 28, 2010 after one woman accused him of strangling her during sex, an encounter investigators said was on video. According to the application, the victim "was struck several times in the head, face buttocks and legs." She was also "digitally choked and subjected to manual strangulation during the event."

Another alleged victim claimed Giordano secretly videotaped her and "threatened to publish and distribute the recordings."

Giordano's place was searched last year as part of the investigation into the accusations. One of his neighbors said, "I just know that he has done some strange things. Nobody really wants to divulge what it is."

The search warrant ordered investigators to seize any other tapes in the home -- which has a security camera on the roof and a sign warning visitors they will be video and audio recorded at all times -- that might depict other victims of Gary Giordano."

What is missing is the information on what led up to the protection order by VP. I asked the guy who says he knows her a few days ago about it, this is the email conversation:

Me: So did VP decide not to press charges because she wanted the harassment to stop? Or was she paid off by Gary? I want to know why she backed off the gas pedal. This guy could have been in jail on sexual assault.

Guy: She chose not to pursue it further because she didnt want all the dirt about her lifestyle as well as the things she was involved with surrounding Giordano to get out in public, which would have happened had she pursued criminal charges. Fact of the matter is, they were both involved in the swingers lifetstyle and things simply turned sour between them, and/or she saw what a wackjob he truly was and wanted nothing more to do with him. He then stalked and harassed her, made threats, posted the photos, videos, put things about her in her neighbors mailboxes etc, and in the end while she got the restraining order, she chose not to take it any further with criminal charges. I dont think she was paid off, I think she was actually afraid of him. But, the plot thickens lol...

Me: Are you sure it was VP that filied the sexual assault report? I don't know for sure, but what I do know is she filed for a protection order in Feb of 2010, which was given. The assault occurs in April of 2010, so that would have landed Gary with additional charges of violating that protective order. Something seems off here.

Guy: It was DEFINITELY VP. What assault are you talking about? She was going to bring the crimimal charges against him for what he did to her in his bed, as well as the illegal taping and the stalking and harassing after she broke it off with him. I know someone who lives in her neighborhood who received information about her from Giordano in her mailbox. The both live in the same North Potomac neighborhood, it was definitely her. My friend is on the same adult swim team as VP. There may be other women he assaulted, but the woman he choked and beat and filmed sex with in his home and who later went to police about that incident but decided not to pursue more than a protective order was VP.

Me: This is VP's protective order in FEB 2010:

Me: This is what the APRIL 2010 report says I transcribed it from the ABC video it was on: "I prepared to leave after speaking with my daughter. Gary was angry and ordered me to stay. We drank wine and by 8 p.m., we argued about his past sexual lifestyle as a swinger. I prepared to leave again, but he pushed me into his bed where I stood near the footboard. My clothes were on and I had my period, which I told Gary. He pushed my dress up and pulled out my tampon, throwing it on the floor. We bagan to have sex. I couldn't look at him, so I turned over. He tried to have anal sex, but I protested. Then, he started to bite me - on my face, neck and breast and buttocks. I turned over to face him and he started to choke me with his bare hands. He then shoved his fingers down my throat. I was struggling and gagging.He then pushed my head onto his (?). I sat quietly and was crying. I told him that I wanted to go home. He protested, then tole me to stop being a victim. He got angrier as I got my clothes on, so I huddled on the floor and kept quiet. Moments later, when he went to the bathroom, I ran out and drove home. On 4-18-10 I filled a police report in Montogomery Co. On 4-20-10 I filed assault..."

Guy: Not sure what assault occured in April of 2010 but VP was the one who backed off criminal charges when approached by the states atty.
What is missing is the information on what led up to the protection order by VP. I asked the guy who says he knows her a few days ago about it, this is the email conversation:

Me: So did VP decide not to press charges because she wanted the harassment to stop? Or was she paid off by Gary? I want to know why she backed off the gas pedal. This guy could have been in jail on sexual assault.

Guy: She chose not to pursue it further because she didnt want all the dirt about her lifestyle as well as the things she was involved with surrounding Giordano to get out in public, which would have happened had she pursued criminal charges. Fact of the matter is, they were both involved in the swingers lifetstyle and things simply turned sour between them, and/or she saw what a wackjob he truly was and wanted nothing more to do with him. He then stalked and harassed her, made threats, posted the photos, videos, put things about her in her neighbors mailboxes etc, and in the end while she got the restraining order, she chose not to take it any further with criminal charges. I dont think she was paid off, I think she was actually afraid of him. But, the plot thickens lol...

Me: Are you sure it was VP that filied the sexual assault report? I don't know for sure, but what I do know is she filed for a protection order in Feb of 2010, which was given. The assault occurs in April of 2010, so that would have landed Gary with additional charges of violating that protective order. Something seems off here.

Guy: It was DEFINITELY VP. What assault are you talking about? She was going to bring the crimimal charges against him for what he did to her in his bed, as well as the illegal taping and the stalking and harassing after she broke it off with him. I know someone who lives in her neighborhood who received information about her from Giordano in her mailbox. The both live in the same North Potomac neighborhood, it was definitely her. My friend is on the same adult swim team as VP. There may be other women he assaulted, but the woman he choked and beat and filmed sex with in his home and who later went to police about that incident but decided not to pursue more than a protective order was VP.

Me: This is VP's protective order in FEB 2010:

Me: This is what the APRIL 2010 report says I transcribed it from the ABC video it was on: "I prepared to leave after speaking with my daughter. Gary was angry and ordered me to stay. We drank wine and by 8 p.m., we argued about his past sexual lifestyle as a swinger. I prepared to leave again, but he pushed me into his bed where I stood near the footboard. My clothes were on and I had my period, which I told Gary. He pushed my dress up and pulled out my tampon, throwing it on the floor. We bagan to have sex. I couldn't look at him, so I turned over. He tried to have anal sex, but I protested. Then, he started to bite me - on my face, neck and breast and buttocks. I turned over to face him and he started to choke me with his bare hands. He then shoved his fingers down my throat. I was struggling and gagging.He then pushed my head onto his (?). I sat quietly and was crying. I told him that I wanted to go home. He protested, then tole me to stop being a victim. He got angrier as I got my clothes on, so I huddled on the floor and kept quiet. Moments later, when he went to the bathroom, I ran out and drove home. On 4-18-10 I filled a police report in Montogomery Co. On 4-20-10 I filed assault..."

Guy: Not sure what assault occured in April of 2010 but VP was the one who backed off criminal charges when approached by the states atty.

I'm seriously confused. Could it be that one woman filed charges in Feb and a search warrant for that complaint was obtained in April ... that it is indeed only the wife and this particular woman that made formal complaints? If this woman was a swinger ... I don't know anything about it ... but swinging sounds to me like a high risk sexual lifestyle.
I'm seriously confused. Could it be that one woman filed charges in Feb and a search warrant for that complaint was obtained in April ... that it is indeed only the wife and this particular woman that made formal complaints? If this woman was a swinger ... I don't know anything about it ... but swinging sounds to me like a high risk sexual lifestyle.

Did his second wife file a protection order against him in 2010? ABC reports there were two women who did that in that year. I don't know the identity of the woman who wrote the April 2010 report.

Yes it is confusing.
Am I the only one having trouble with this thread? It's too wide for my computer screen - have to scroll over to read. Way too aggravating to bother...:banghead:
Did his second wife file a protection order against him in 2010? ABC reports there were two women who did that in that year. I don't know the identity of the woman who wrote the April 2010 report.

Yes it is confusing.

I've heard about two marriages, I don't know the years. The first marriage lasted long enough to have 3 sons (one set of twins), there are no reported children from the second marriage and there is only one piece of information about the breakdown of the second marriage - which I don't remember. She wanted to keep it out of the news ... that's all I remember. I suppose it's possible that he was divorced first in 2001 and then again in 2010.
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