ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman missing in Aruba, 2 Aug 2011 - # 2

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Hello, everyone. I've crept the forums for a while and enjoyed it, but this is my first post. I recently uncovered "modeling" shots of Robyn from 2010. She had a profile on modelmayhem under the pseudonym "elle gardner". No question at all that this is her. The tattoos are identical to those released by her boyfriend Richard (who also has a colorful past according to the Maryland court records search). The first link is RG's model profile. The second is a link to another model's page in which Robyn poses.... I submitted the info I've found to a reporter from the Huffington post and we spoke on the phone, but apparently it isn't politically correct to expose the past character of a victim....I haven't seen any photos of Robyn other than what her boyfriend has released to the media. I'm excited to share them. I'll post the court info on Forester later if there is any interest. Perhaps someone here could post the pics directly into the thread for easy viewing? I'm at work and don't have the time...

It was posted on the last thread that the FBI asked him to stop talking. Maybe they decided to let him keep talking with the condition that he make clear that investigators are doing a good job and that GVG may or may not be responsible for her disappearance.

He (RF) said the other day that they won't give him information about the case anymore (if they ever did) because he continues to talk to the media.

It baffles me that he keeps movin his mouth even though they have asked him not to.

Does he have a good relationship with her family? It was said he will be talking about the Insurance.
mattackland Matt Ackland Fox 5 Reporter/Anchor
Tonight speaking with a woman who wants us to call her "GiGi" She met Gary Giordano on!/mattackland

Will she be like the woman that has gone on numerous cruises with GVG ... no complaints? Or will she be reporting another violation? Could that be the swinger that said he went too far?
Originally Posted by Overanalyst
Hello, everyone. I've crept the forums for a while and enjoyed it, but this is my first post. I recently uncovered "modeling" shots of Robyn from 2010. She had a profile on modelmayhem under the pseudonym "elle gardner". No question at all that this is her. The tattoos are identical to those released by her boyfriend Richard (who also has a colorful past according to the Maryland court records search). The first link is RG's model profile. The second is a link to another model's page in which Robyn poses.... I submitted the info I've found to a reporter from the Huffington post and we spoke on the phone, but apparently it isn't politically correct to expose the past character of a victim....I haven't seen any photos of Robyn other than what her boyfriend has released to the media. I'm excited to share them. I'll post the court info on Forester later if there is any interest. Perhaps someone here could post the pics directly into the thread for easy viewing? I'm at work and don't have the time...

Nothing here about the "colorful past" of RF., however, the photos of Robyn are what one might expect when a young twenty-something model wants to make a living doing photo shoots today.
Actually, most take their clothes completely off, but this one seem quite tame by all I've seen.

Nothing so shocking to see here
trying her hand (and other body parts) at modeling.

That's what Reality Shows push today, don't they? :waitasec:
Hello, everyone. I've crept the forums for a while and enjoyed it, but this is my first post. I recently uncovered "modeling" shots of Robyn from 2010. She had a profile on modelmayhem under the pseudonym "elle gardner". No question at all that this is her. The tattoos are identical to those released by her boyfriend Richard (who also has a colorful past according to the Maryland court records search). The first link is RG's model profile. The second is a link to another model's page in which Robyn poses.... I submitted the info I've found to a reporter from the Huffington post and we spoke on the phone, but apparently it isn't politically correct to expose the past character of a victim....I haven't seen any photos of Robyn other than what her boyfriend has released to the media. I'm excited to share them. I'll post the court info on Forester later if there is any interest. Perhaps someone here could post the pics directly into the thread for easy viewing? I'm at work and don't have the time...

Thanks for posting these and welcome to WS! I had seen the second one with the other girl but not the others.

I have to say this...these pics were taken last year and RG would have been 34. Something is not right...I don't mean to sound catty or snarky, but she doesn't look WELL, very rough for 34, IMO. I believe RF about her having a drinking issue after seeing these. As a matter of fact, I wonder what else she might have been doing. That is not to say that she deserved to be hurt in any way! Quite the opposite, if she is/was a heavy drinker or drug abuser that may have made her more vulnerable.

There is more to this story than we know, IMO. I fear that whatever 'alternative lifestyle' she may have been living may have brought her into contact with some very unsavory characters. I pray that she is found safe, but that hope is waning...JMO. :twocents:
He (RF) said the other day that they won't give him information about the case anymore (if they ever did) because he continues to talk to the media.

It baffles me that he keeps movin his mouth even though they have asked him not to.

Does he have a good relationship with her family? It was said he will be talking about the Insurance.

The family seems to be listening to Aruban and FBI authorities and not interfering with the case in any way. If the boyfriend, that didn't know she was seeing another guy, is going against the family's wishes or position, chances are he's not that close and may not know them very well at all. Maybe he disagrees with their decision to remain silent.
Hey HS that was posted Aug 11 ... wonder if that interview is online?

I looked and couldn't find it. The interesting thing for me is that is the same website that was mentioned by a guy who said he knew VP the lady who filed the protection order in Feb 2010. According to him, RG and GG met on that site, GG was her sugardaddy and they were both swingers. Looking more like he knows the score.
Thanks for posting these and welcome to WS! I had seen the second one with the other girl but not the others.

I have to say this...these pics were taken last year and RG would have been 34. Something is not right...I don't mean to sound catty or snarky, but she doesn't look WELL, very rough for 34, IMO. I believe RF about her having a drinking issue after seeing these. As a matter of fact, I wonder what else she might have been doing. That is not to say that she deserved to be hurt in any way! Quite the opposite, if she is/was a heavy drinker or drug abuser that may have made her more vulnerable.

There is more to this story than we know, IMO. I fear that whatever 'alternative lifestyle' she may have been living may have brought her into contact with some very unsavory characters. I pray that she is found safe, but that hope is waning...JMO. :twocents:

She put her age as 33 when she made the profile in May 2010. Her last visit to the site was Aug 11, 2010.

One year and three months ago she made that profile and I noticed she says

I want to model!!! Have only done 3 shoots with an aspiring photographer ( all with in the last 3 weeks). I am a true ham and have been called a natural. I am open to any and all photography... at the end of the day it truly is art. My photo was taken last Thursday by a professional and I quote him... " they aren't going to believe you are real". I took that as a complement.

Who was this photographer? Is it possible that this could be around the time she met GVG. It could be if we listen to what some people say (CJ, RF) but then there are the other two women who said she has known GVG for 3+ years. Who to believe??

Is it possible that GVG made the arrangements for this photoshoot? We may never know.

Shoot nudes: Yes

Experience: Some Experience

Compensation: Paid Assignments Only

There is also a FB link on that page ... I wished it worked.
I noted I think on the other thread that neither GVG nor RF had any registered copyrights on the US Copyright site. Most photographers, "aspiring" or otherwise, know to register their works. There's a list of photogs on the modelmayhem site under RG's profile. Might be worth a few minutes to search the Copyright database for those photogs...although it could be a slow and tedious process (I don't have time at the moment).
Here's the only info I could find re: the photographer. The second woman's portfolio shows a shot that has her in what appears to be the same swimsuit as Robyn's photo. See the Studio stamp. I couldnt find anything about the photographer except that he now appears to do dark/gothic graphic design. Nothing about photography. :(
I feel this is important to clarify. There are two separate women who in 2010 were allegedly the victims of serious sexual assault by GG. This is the documentation and info I have on these:

Feb 2010: VP files a protection order against GG which you can view here:

What that document won't tell you is what came before and led up to her seeking police protection from GG. However, a guy who knows VP has been online saying what led up to it. What he said is that VP got involved with Giordano via the swingers site Adultfriendfinder. He says GG beat and choked her during sex and secretly videotaped them having sex. He says she chose not to pursue it further than this protection order because she didn't want all the dirt about her lifestyle as well as the things she was involved with surrounding Giordano to get out in public, which would have happened had she pursued criminal charges. He says they were both involved in the swingers lifetstyle and things simply turned sour between them, and/or she saw what a wackjob he truly was and wanted nothing more to do with him. He then stalked and harassed her, made threats, posted nude photos, sex videos, and put things about her in her neighbors mailboxes etc, and in the end she got the restraining order and chose not to take it any further with criminal charges. He also said a reason she chose not to pursue it is because of a previous sexual assault which she pursued charges on, and she did not want to go through it again.

That was VP in Feb of 2010.

Then, in April of 2010, another woman filed a report of sexual assault against Gary. You can see the report here:

It states:
"I prepared to leave after speaking with my daughter. Gary was angry and ordered me to stay. We drank wine and by 8 p.m., we argued about his past sexual lifestyle as a swinger. I prepared to leave again, but he pushed me into his bed where I stood near the footboard. My clothes were on and I had my period, which I told Gary. He pushed my dress up and pulled out my tampon, throwing it on the floor. We began to have sex. I couldn't look at him, so I turned over. He tried to have anal sex, but I protested. Then, he started to bite me - on my face, neck and breast and buttocks. I turned over to face him and he started to choke me with his bare hands. He then shoved his fingers down my throat. I was struggling and gagging.He then pushed my head onto his (?). I sat quietly and was crying. I told him that I wanted to go home. He protested, then told me to stop being a victim. He got angrier as I got my clothes on, so I huddled on the floor and kept quiet. Moments later, when he went to the bathroom, I ran out and drove home. On 4-18-10 I filled a police report in Montogomery Co. On 4-20-10 I filed assault..."

There are about five other women who have come forward with their own stories of stalking and threats. One story said GG told her the world would be a better place without her. One story said he dressed up as a deer (actually a jackalope) outside her window and watched her. One story said GG got very angry after she touched his hair. One story was about his various demands to show proof she was at the grocery store, etc. and telling her what she was wearing. The stories are alarming.

It bothers me when such clear evidence exists that this man is very dangerous to women, yet I get the impression some think he should be allowed to roam free again. This is very disturbing to me. That is why I keep posting these alleged assaults, as they seem to get filed away as "never convicted" and "bitter exes." ********. This man is very dangerous and must not be allowed to harm again.
I feel this is important to clarify. There are two separate women who in 2010 were allegedly the victims of serious sexual assault by GG. This is the documentation and info I have on these:

Feb 2010: VP files a protection order against GG which you can view here:

What that document won't tell you is what came before and led up to her seeking police protection from GG. However, a guy who knows VP has been online saying what led up to it. What he said is that VP got involved with Giordano via the swingers site Adultfriendfinder. He says GG beat and choked her during sex and secretly videotaped them having sex. He says she chose not to pursue it further than this protection order because she didn't want all the dirt about her lifestyle as well as the things she was involved with surrounding Giordano to get out in public, which would have happened had she pursued criminal charges. He says they were both involved in the swingers lifetstyle and things simply turned sour between them, and/or she saw what a wackjob he truly was and wanted nothing more to do with him. He then stalked and harassed her, made threats, posted nude photos, sex videos, and put things about her in her neighbors mailboxes etc, and in the end she got the restraining order and chose not to take it any further with criminal charges. He also said a reason she chose not to pursue it is because of a previous sexual assault which she pursued charges on, and she did not want to go through it again.

That was VP in Feb of 2010.

Then, in April of 2010, another woman filed a report of sexual assault against Gary. You can see the report here:

It states:
"I prepared to leave after speaking with my daughter. Gary was angry and ordered me to stay. We drank wine and by 8 p.m., we argued about his past sexual lifestyle as a swinger. I prepared to leave again, but he pushed me into his bed where I stood near the footboard. My clothes were on and I had my period, which I told Gary. He pushed my dress up and pulled out my tampon, throwing it on the floor. We began to have sex. I couldn't look at him, so I turned over. He tried to have anal sex, but I protested. Then, he started to bite me - on my face, neck and breast and buttocks. I turned over to face him and he started to choke me with his bare hands. He then shoved his fingers down my throat. I was struggling and gagging.He then pushed my head onto his (?). I sat quietly and was crying. I told him that I wanted to go home. He protested, then told me to stop being a victim. He got angrier as I got my clothes on, so I huddled on the floor and kept quiet. Moments later, when he went to the bathroom, I ran out and drove home. On 4-16-10 I filled a police report in Montogomery Co. On 4-20-10 I filed assault..."

There are about five other women who have come forward with their own stories of stalking and threats. One story said GG told her the world would be a better place without her. One story said he dressed up as a deer (actually a jackalope) outside her window and watched her. One story said GG got very angry after she touched his hair. One story was about his various demands to show proof she was at the grocery store, etc. and telling her what she was wearing. The stories are alarming.

It bothers me when such clear evidence exists that this man is very dangerous to women, yet I get the impression some think he should be allowed to roam free again. This is very disturbing to me. That is why I keep posting these alleged assaults, as they seem to get filed away as "never convicted" and "bitter exes." ********. This man is very dangerous and must not be allowed to harm again.

Thank you. I agree 1000%.

As a lawyer, I know well the meaning of the presumption of innocence. It's not the same as ideologically motivated blindness. We know what we see, and what we see is often between the lines. Go with your gut.
I feel this is important to clarify. There are two separate women who in 2010 were allegedly the victims of serious sexual assault by GG. This is the documentation and info I have on these:

Feb 2010: VP files a protection order against GG which you can view here:

What that document won't tell you is what came before and led up to her seeking police protection from GG. However, a guy who knows VP has been online saying what led up to it. What he said is that VP got involved with Giordano via the swingers site Adultfriendfinder. He says GG beat and choked her during sex and secretly videotaped them having sex. He says she chose not to pursue it further than this protection order because she didn't want all the dirt about her lifestyle as well as the things she was involved with surrounding Giordano to get out in public, which would have happened had she pursued criminal charges. He says they were both involved in the swingers lifetstyle and things simply turned sour between them, and/or she saw what a wackjob he truly was and wanted nothing more to do with him. He then stalked and harassed her, made threats, posted nude photos, sex videos, and put things about her in her neighbors mailboxes etc, and in the end she got the restraining order and chose not to take it any further with criminal charges. He also said a reason she chose not to pursue it is because of a previous sexual assault which she pursued charges on, and she did not want to go through it again.

That was VP in Feb of 2010.

Then, in April of 2010, another woman filed a report of sexual assault against Gary. You can see the report here:

It states:
"I prepared to leave after speaking with my daughter. Gary was angry and ordered me to stay. We drank wine and by 8 p.m., we argued about his past sexual lifestyle as a swinger. I prepared to leave again, but he pushed me into his bed where I stood near the footboard. My clothes were on and I had my period, which I told Gary. He pushed my dress up and pulled out my tampon, throwing it on the floor. We began to have sex. I couldn't look at him, so I turned over. He tried to have anal sex, but I protested. Then, he started to bite me - on my face, neck and breast and buttocks. I turned over to face him and he started to choke me with his bare hands. He then shoved his fingers down my throat. I was struggling and gagging.He then pushed my head onto his (?). I sat quietly and was crying. I told him that I wanted to go home. He protested, then told me to stop being a victim. He got angrier as I got my clothes on, so I huddled on the floor and kept quiet. Moments later, when he went to the bathroom, I ran out and drove home. On 4-16-10 I filled a police report in Montogomery Co. On 4-20-10 I filed assault..."

There are about five other women who have come forward with their own stories of stalking and threats. One story said GG told her the world would be a better place without her. One story said he dressed up as a deer (actually a jackalope) outside her window and watched her. One story said GG got very angry after she touched his hair. One story was about his various demands to show proof she was at the grocery store, etc. and telling her what she was wearing. The stories are alarming.

It bothers me when such clear evidence exists that this man is very dangerous to women, yet I get the impression some think he should be allowed to roam free again. This is very disturbing to me. That is why I keep posting these alleged assaults, as they seem to get filed away as "never convicted" and "bitter exes." ********. This man is very dangerous and must not be allowed to harm again.

I've read all of the above at various time, but I was under the impression that were two women:

"Giordano was not criminally charged in the Montgomery County matters, according to court records, and the allegations made by the two women were made in civil and family-law cases. In each case, Giordano filed allegations of his own, asserting that a former girlfriend harassed him by distributing slanderous letters and that his then-wife hit him in the upper back with a 14-inch steel cooking spoon.


Then the woman found out that Giordano had secretly filmed the two having sex and posted intimate images of her on the Internet, Landau said in court filings in connection with the woman's restraining order. The woman confronted Giordano, who responded by placing indecent photos of her inside the mailboxes of about five of her neighbors, Landau said.

The woman, who requested through her attorney that she not be named, swore to a similar account in court papers. She said Giordano once told her that "the world would be better off without" her and that "he could help," according to filings.

I guess I've had it backwards ... his ex-wife hit him with the spoon and he threw the phone at her.

So I guess there is one complaint about filming sex (maybe that's the swinger), one complaint from his ex-wife and a third complaint from the woman with the daughter, or is the woman with the daughter the same one that complained about filming sex? Is the deer outfit connected with the woman that was filmed or the one with the daughter?
I've read all of the above at various time, but I was under the impression that were two women:

"Giordano was not criminally charged in the Montgomery County matters, according to court records, and the allegations made by the two women were made in civil and family-law cases. In each case, Giordano filed allegations of his own, asserting that a former girlfriend harassed him by distributing slanderous letters and that his then-wife hit him in the upper back with a 14-inch steel cooking spoon.


Then the woman found out that Giordano had secretly filmed the two having sex and posted intimate images of her on the Internet, Landau said in court filings in connection with the woman's restraining order. The woman confronted Giordano, who responded by placing indecent photos of her inside the mailboxes of about five of her neighbors, Landau said.

The woman, who requested through her attorney that she not be named, swore to a similar account in court papers. She said Giordano once told her that "the world would be better off without" her and that "he could help," according to filings.

I guess I've had it backwards ... his ex-wife hit him with the spoon and he threw the phone at her.

This ABC video 2 minutes in talks about there being two separate protection orders filed against him in 2010. You can also see the report I transcribed from the video, which occurred in April 2010. What's important to understand is that another woman received a very similar sexual assault just months earlier, which resulted in the protection order of Feb 2010.

Missing in Aruba: Exclusive New Details - YouTube!
This ABC video 2 minutes in talks about there being two separate protection orders filed against him in 2010. You can also see the report I transcribed from the video, which occurred in April 2010. What's important to understand is that another woman received a very similar sexual assault just months earlier, which resulted in the protection order of Feb 2010.

Missing in Aruba: Exclusive New Details - YouTube!

So could one protection order be about the filming and flyers, and the other from the alleged rape in his bedroom?
I honestly don't yet know what to make of this case. On the one hand, there is an awful lot of damaging history and allegations, but no charges or convictions (other than theft). On the other hand, it's conceivable that someone would drown in that part of the ocean. Throw some questions about whether everyone was on the up and up, some *advertiser censored* shots of an aspiring model that was okay with any type of photos and nudity, a missing bleach blond in Aruba and voila, we have a mess on both sides of the fence.
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