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You intuited that there is something going on here. Checking the grant of Dominion, set at Ottawa in 1867, Pluto of uncovering now opposes both Sun and Moon at the top of the chart in Cancer, from the land we stand on, the House 4 Capricorn. Pluto brings matter, including bodies, to the surface. Mercury went backward and sent alerts as it closed on Mars of the chart at 5:27 Virgo in House 11. The Sun above is transiting your House of the past, 12 and hits your lunar node there on Wednesday and Thursday. Saturn of bones and skeletons is at the Part of Fortune and the Ascendant, pushing them forward to attention.

Many factors have come together to create a special situation in Ontario, as you can see. The one transit in common with other locales is the backward drive of Mercury to unearth hidden matter in its trine to Pluto in Capricorn. You asked a timely question.
I'm very concerned about the reprecussions of this foolish Rev. Terry Jones burning the Koran on Septemper,11th. I think he is putting Americans in danger everywhere. How is looking astrologically speaking for that day,and the days following? Thanks in advance.
Here is the requested event chart for the Gainesville church on Saturday.
Sending a message designed to terrify all comers, the Sign of publicity Sagittarius, rises at the time of this third murder.

I wanted to bring this over (I hope its okay- if not please delete).

The bill was signed today by our Governor! I personally couldn't be more relieved and think this was a long time coming. I know that people are having a hard time with the cost to us fiscally, but I say at what cost to our children? I am so grateful and wanted to share this with anyone who hadn't heard the news!:woohoo:,0,2417115.story
This charts the opening ceremony of the 65th General Assembly of the United Nations. More world leaders are arriving and will attend next week, including the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. As he was preparing his itinerary in late August, Iran launched Karrar, "ambassador of death", the new Iranian unmanned long range bomber. Iran does not comply with IAEA inspections & requirements regarding its nuclear program. The country has well over 3,000 capable centrifuges.

Tuba - is it possible to tell if there will be a shift in power in November in the upcoming mid-term elections and if the economy will get any better?

I hope this is ok to ask here. :angel:

Thank you!
I'm unconvinced the various charts for the inception of the two major parties are authentic but I cast a chart for election night. Moon of change, in Virgo, holds a position in House 4 opposite Uranus, 27° - 27°. The public will be surprised at the election results. Confusion & disorder abound. Since the Moon is // Jupiter, benefit will accrue to the public in the end.

Saturn is squaring the US economy planets: Venus, Jupiter and the Sun while Pluto opposes this Jupiter. This is distinctly not supportive.
Moving into the Autumn Equinox, the Full Moon will be spectacular while Jupiter glistens like a jewel in the night skies.
and will move into 0Aries before long. (tropical positions)

Do try to get outside around Midnight, and look up to see the twinkling light of Jupiter this magnificent planet,
very clearly seen :

From Stellarium and a reminder from Curtis Burns blog, of the night sky
before us:


The Soviet Era alumina plant that used to supply alumina (from local bauxite) to Russia, which converted the material into aluminum sheets and then sold it back to Hungary, has suffered collapse and rupture of the dam or reservoir containing the raw materials. These included iron and aluminum and silicon and calcium and sodium oxides and titanium dioxide plus arsenic, all caustic. The heavy metals also emit low level radiation. Waves of the sludge from three to seven feet high surged over surrounding farm land and towns, 800 hectares covered by a million cubic meters of it.

Hungary dumped cement into waters at the Danube so that the huge river would not suffer contamination. Please see Saturn on Sun here, the rupture of the dam wall as Libran balance collapses, founders. In the sink hole chart of July 22, 2010 Mercury in Leo opposed Neptune in Aquarius and here it is the Leo Moon forming the same opposition. Saturn opposed Uranus for the sucking fall of the earth and now the Sun floods Saturn with toxic waste. Mercury is again opposite Uranus and that aspect is closer than two degrees.

Taurus is found on both H. 5 and 6, so risk taking and failure of commitment to the public weal are both active and read together as negligence, capital N. At the other terminal of the axis, H. 11 of accidents and 12 of sorrowful occurences are read together under the colors of Scorpio, death dealing and damaging. The Moon has yet to close her opposition to Neptune in Fixed Signs, so more destruction impends. Both towns people and animals have lost their lives in this disaster.

Yet again, Juarez. Another party not mentioned under the horoscope was invaded in January in Juarez and fifteen were slain. 2,250 people of Ciudad Juarez have been so murdered since this year began. The gunmen themselves were young adult men armed with automatics.
Yet another of the twenty wounded has died. One of them was a nine year old boy whose condition was "grave" on the weekend. The 0° Taurus Moon applied by opposition to Mercury at 3° Scorpio, denoting a youngster.

Ten more people were put on the floor at a drug rehab clinic in Tijuana, Baja California and shot to death, since the massacre at above birthday party.

This week at the East Midlands Airport, Nottingham, a bomb planted by Yemeni Al-Quaida in the cargo hold of a plane bound for the States was uncovered by courageous handlers. Have we sufficiently thanked them? They could have been blown to bits!

Yemen itself is engaged in civil war with these terrorist groups inside the country and they are as dangerous as the core group further east in Afghanistan & Pakistan. The devices were sophisticated and this made them much harder to detect. Al-Awlaki, American born, broadcasts terrorist invective and instructions in fluent English via the internet.

The pattern of planetary array in this chart is The Bucket, with Moon in the Sign of both Nottingham itself and of the United States, at the cusp of alliance. We owe a great debt to the personnel at East Midlands Airport. The reigning Moon of Allies directs the action of all the remaining planets as she is the handle of The Bucket.

Nottingham was incorporated 28 June, 1449, with Ascendant of 11:25 Taurus and M.C., 16:24 Capricorn. Sun is 16:24 Cancer, Moon 10:30 Libra, Mercury 26:44 II, Venus on Mirach at 29:15 Aries, Mars 18:34 Cancer, retro Jupiter at 16:21 Scorpio, Saturn 7:13 Virgo, Uranus at 12 Cancer, Neptune 22:54 Virgo, Pluto 3:34 Leo and Node 2° Pisces. Her latitude is 52 North 58 and longitude 1 West 10. These positions are from The Astrology of Towns & Cities, Municipal Corporations of England by Harold Wigglesworth.

The threat to the lives at East Midlands is clear, as you see in the paragraph above that Sun, Mars and Uranus are all together, Uranus conjunct Mars representing the potential damnable explosion.
Forgive me if this has already been posted,but do we have a forecast for tomorrow,election day?
Thank you.
Yes, the predictions were done & posted months ago. The Search for this thread or Mundane should bring up Election. Tomorrow, asteroid Lotis occults a 14.5 magnitude star. Lotis will be 10:57 Aquarius. This and Pluto on the Node plus retrograde Venus means voter fraud, intimidation and bribery will be rife. Other than this, expect many squeakers and surprises.
No surprise and yet how consistent are these warnings from the Cosmos: the same degree that menaces us on December 13 and 14, rose at the Al-Quaida attack in the Port of Aden. AQAP or Al Quaida on the Arabian Peninsula is charged with activity these days. The last bombs concealed on planes and discovered in Dubai and Nottingham contained 500 and 300 grams of PETN, enough to bring down two planes, blowing holes in the fusilage. Interesting also is Mercury at 13° Scorpio for both the attack at Aden and for the bombs spirited onto planes and the equates to the same "mastermind".

Recently there have been anonymous reports that the President is becoming a bit unhinged behind the scenes. I don't believe anything by unnamed sources,but is there anything in his chart to indicate this,or that he will be rocked by scandal?
Recently there have been anonymous reports that the President is becoming a bit unhinged behind the scenes. I don't believe anything by unnamed sources,but is there anything in his chart to indicate this,or that he will be rocked by scandal?


Supposedly someone big in /or recently in, the White House,( speculation is ,Rahm Emanuel) is doing a "Deep Throat". Like I said,I don't like unnamed sources ,but thought it was worth having the President's chart looked at.
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