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Supposedly someone big in /or recently in, the White House,( speculation is ,Rahm Emanuel) is doing a "Deep Throat". Like I said,I don't like unnamed sources ,but thought it was worth having the President's chart looked at.

I never really put much stock in rumour and innuendo and reading these links that is what it is.
There is no name behind the disgruntled once supporter in the Presidential Electoral run backing Obama for President. That disturbs me and puts it in the category of rumor then.
Kind of like the NYTimes and the Bush years, constant "a White House insider says" and it never attacking Iran, no attacking from Israel, just insider "rumours"

Same here.

The rumour then surrounding Obama, is that he is not being supported for long by his Party , the Dems.

They will run for the hills to save themselves......hence, "he's upset"
not mentally ill.
Who wouldn't be upset anyway, if this rumour comes true for him?

I doubt it is Rahm Emanuel as the instigator of same , because he just left to run for Mayor of Chicago, so why would be put himself, in that tempest in the teapot?

Makes no sense to me.

If he was involved in it in anyway, he'd be cutting his own political throat.


Astrologically, the President's own natal chart has his North Node conjunct to Regulus, the King Star which becomes then, a "natal promise" for a Fall from a rapid and quick rise to the top.
It never fails, the ancient Astrologers from Babylonia, on down to Persia, and even Ptolemy, the Greeks tell us this. From my own observation of this star over many years it's true , but sometimes, and most times it's a small way we hear about. Most people are not in the public in this way.

Being a President and public person such as he is, IF he falls now via the transits, and progressions, then we ALL will know about it.

It's "fated" to occur
, by when, ? .......Well, when the timing is right, and I don't do predictions.

But it WILL occur.

Look to his 7th house (open and known enemies) where his natal North Node sits conjunct to Uranus within 2 degrees.

Separation then, is possible from the wife, OR even being hit by his known enemies to take him down.
The 7th house rules both, marriage, committed partners and even known enemies.

That is simply the "natal promise" of his natal chart.
We know he rose quickly in the political world in the past 3 years, but
that does not mean that the rumours of brinigng him down purposefully will occur now.

But it's always possible and probable with Regulus in an important place, especially an angle house or the angles themselves.

Supposedly someone big in /or recently in, the White House,( speculation is ,Rahm Emanuel) is doing a "Deep Throat". Like I said,I don't like unnamed sources ,but thought it was worth having the President's chart looked at.

I agree, although I do think there can be many variables at I won't predict the outcome, but he does have Transiting Neptune squaring his MC (public place) and this is a position that started around April 2010 and will last until around Feb. 2012....but should lose it's grip around the end of 2011 as for toppling him via the REgulus promise.

Meanwhile, looks to be spotty for him at best.

Friends may become enemies,.....behind the scene (known enemies)
and the wife may become tired of it all too (Venus over his 7th conjunct his "Regulus" locale or his NN while the SN is located in his 1st, with Venus opposing same there.
Not the fun times he has been thus far accustomed to I'm sure.

One might even think, "the party's over and now what?".........good time to go abroad and get outta town, with these transits.

Regulus bearing down now, natal:

President Obama has experienced the long term, very long term, transit of Neptune through his First House. This has added to the glamour of his person but attracts questions about any facet of his personality or character that come over as vague or mysterious. The long term transit reached opposition to his Leo Uranus this year and that opposition is still in place, activated by the direct of Neptune yesterday, Sunday November 7, 2010. Uranus rules his Ascendant, so this was a signal moment of a personal sort. It produces a reality shift that has been going on for months and is in itself destabilising. He is grasping facts and ideas never before imagined to be true and the consciousness is churning and seeking reintegration as it absorbs them. This is mental regeneration and transformation, a true retrofit. In the midst of the overhaul, there is uncertainty, doubt and confusion and it is often visible.

The personal influence from these outer planets does produce unfounded apprehensions and unexplainable conditions. Advice from friends proves bad and even injurious; false friends surface. Radical ideas prove impracticable and foredoomed to failure; they are radical planets and they are in adverse posture. The president comes up against the seemingly impossible in regard to his plans and potential enactments. The transit, again, from his First House of self, is emotionally disorienting. Closely held beliefs can be so mesmerizing that perspective is lost and therefore, reality jars hard. It is necessary to avoid aloofness and emotional distance and to aim at moderation and more predictability.

Additionally, Mars has last week opposed his Moon and squared his adversary House Pluto, with Mercury now joining battle. This Mars transit issues from his Tenth House. There is tremendous drive to push beyond limits, to manipulate or control. The intuitive understanding of actions is lacking now. Ideally this is the impetus to share power and set aside self-interest. Many, many conflicts and disputes singe the atmosphere.

Jupiter and Uranus, traveling ensemble, oppose his Mars. Even Dark Moon Lilith was with them this weekend. They have been confronting him for a long time. It is a very dangerous opposition and because it is destructive rather than constructive, nothing should be destroyed without ready substitution. There is strife with friends. Radical departures and radical methods result in detriment and loss for him. Uranus opposite Mars may affect him repeatedly, taking its toll mulitple times while it is in power.
Uranus rx conj. Alioth
Influences: According to Ptolemy, Ursa Major is like Mars. It is said to give a quiet, prudent, suspicious, mistrustful, self-controlled, patient nature, but an uneasy spirit and great anger and revengefulness when roused.
Nancy Fenn says this is a very critical degree for any planet to be associated with, and has dubbed it “The Body in the Ditch” degree, or 9Virgo.
Her Uranus opposes Venus in the natal and also opposes her Moon (without time of birth we don’t know its exact position)
Her husband is seen via Juno which is located 25Scorpio…itself rather critical as a degree
Juno squares Saturn and is Quintile to Pluto or the planet of transformation.
The Quintile presents then, a creative expression of this energy to obtain it’s end results.

Saturn is currently over her Cupido, not unlike the Wedding chart for Diana and Charles
Where Saturn ‘s conjunction to Jupiter brought a flavor to that wedding and it’s ultimate ending (sadness and woe)

We can see by the Synastry of Michelle with the President’s natal, that
His Saturn 25Cap. and Jupiter 0 AQ (conjunct “Altair”) conjuncts her Mars 3AQ and Sun 26Cap. . They are “tied at the hip” karmically and in this lifetime, both very
Much pushing the buttons of a reach for the top. Altair the Eage in Aquila…constellation the encompasses and surround’s Sarah Palin’s own Venus. Very ambitious people.
I suppose it only makes sense because who else, would take on the ravages of Washington these days, if not ambitious people….

We wish them well however, especially personally, as transiting Juno and Pallas
Makes their way towards a conjunction with Michelle Obama’s natal Ceres in Sag.
Her Ceres squares Uranus, Pluto and Chiron.


As always, we wish world leaders and the nations they represent success in their meetings and summits such as this important G20, hosted by South Korea, which has turned itself inside out in an outpouring of hospitality.
Personally, I cannot muster much agitation over the crisis that threatens to shatter stucture in the world economy. In the last boiling, it is about exchanging cowrie shells, not about flesh and blood. But the Cosmos sees it differently, looking at how these people of the world treat one another, how their behavior refers to ethics, morals, manners or comes from greed, one-upsmanship, and domination. We know that this is the celestial perspective because The Weeping Sisters (or Pleiades) is at the rising degree for their gathering together in Seoul. If the heavens say we should weep over a meeting about money, because of what else it exposes about the human condition at this moment in time, I can weep with the rest of the onlookers who are after all being represented by their leaders here. So, after all, this is important and thus, the chart.
That's right, November 13 has been declared World Kindness Day. The Sun is trine Jupiter on the House of regeneration and transformation, Venus is trine Neptune, and the Moon is trine Saturn. In parallels, Moon//Venus//Neptune and Mercury //North Node of the Moon. Why not join this smiling and bowing parade to shower a few kind words, thoughts and deeds. The French are saying do your BA (bon action) which they admittedly adopted from the Boy Scouts.

The Moon came full today in the Pleiades, commonly known as The Weeping Sisters star cluster. The axis of the culmination fell in Houses 3 and 9, House 9 representing foreign entities and foreign affairs, as well as long distance travel. In the Tenth House are Mercury and Mars, conjunct. The accent is again foreign nations as the conjunction occurs in Sagittarius. Mercury rules Houses 4, 5 and intercepted 7. This means thunderheads of war like intention are gathering but in secrecy. Intercepts always speak to deception and concealment. A degree of crisis, 21° Aquarius rises. Allies are under equal threat as Pluto and the Node are in their sector and at the same degree, which spells casualties and fatalities.

The moves of the adversary cannot be readily identified to a particular entity because an intercept swallows a whole Sign and thus there are no degrees to match up but AQAP and its past terrorist acts does correspond to some placements in the Full Moon chart.
The Moon came full today in the Pleiades, commonly known as The Weeping Sisters star cluster. The axis of the culmination fell in Houses 3 and 9, House 9 representing foreign entities and foreign affairs, as well as long distance travel. In the Tenth House are Mercury and Mars, conjunct. The accent is again foreign nations as the conjunction occurs in Sagittarius. Mercury rules Houses 4, 5 and intercepted 7. This means thunderheads of war like intention are gathering but in secrecy. Intercepts always speak to deception and concealment. A degree of crisis, 21° Aquarius rises. Allies are under equal threat as Pluto and the Node are in their sector and at the same degree, which spells casualties and fatalities.

The moves of the adversary cannot be readily identified to a particular entity because an intercept swallows a whole Sign and thus there are no degrees to match up but AQAP and its past terrorist acts does correspond to some placements in the Full Moon chart.

Could this be about the clash between North and South Korea reported today? Supposedly North Korea is secretly being supported by China and Pakistan?
The attack struck civilians on the island and was vicious. The Peace Treaty to end the Korean War was never signed. We are committed to defense of South Korea. They would certainly be an ally who was attacked.

Further, since the Full Moon and since I wrote about the threat that accompanied it, AQAP has announced the preparation of more bombs and other incendiary devices they plan to send to the United States of America. Their terrorist magazine "Inspire" is truly explicit and frightening. Have a look!
Tuba, thank you for all of your many hours of hard work. I so appreciate all that you post for us. Please forgive my inapt knowledge of the terrorist magazine "Inspire"; however, I would like to read the article you refer to. I am not sure whether or not one can pull this article up on WS so would you please refer me to where I may find it.
Absolutely horrifying. I would encourage everyone to read even as hard as was to read. Thanks for sharing Tuba.
Absolutely horrifying. I would encourage everyone to read even as hard as was to read. Thanks for sharing Tuba.

Unfortunately for us in the U.S.A. this is not like a football game, in that America cannot win because it's fighting an ideology. (imo)

At the heart of this ideology, is Palestine as you may have noted on the bottom of the pdf document online/mag they put out for recruitment and warning.
Thank you Leomoon. I am so appreciative of all of our Astrogolers replies to my layman questions. You all make me feel very comfortable in asking questions or posting comments. In return, this makes me feel so very proud to be a member of Websleuths.
The name Julian Assange has been in the news now for quite a few months.
He has effectively embarrassed the U.S. Govt by exposing their own actions .

I won't say how I feel about this personally, because this is not a Political forum but an Astrology one.

The chart for last night however, as Mr. Obama managed to have the news curtailed or "pulled the plug" is easily seen in this Event chart when at 22:00 Hrs. on December 2nd, servers in the U.S. stopped serving Wikileaks.

Instead all anyone could manage to get is "Intercepted" and a line that told them it was not available.

So I thought it would be of interest to take a look at that point in time, astrologically.

I do have one hesitation and that is how I might assign the 7th House Neptune considering that President Obama does have his own Ascendent at 18Aquarius, I'm giving the 7th to the President, and POTUS (the office of the President) is the SUN itself in Leo 4th house, when the news went dead in the U.S. last night or as Tuba mentioned(post 459 of 12/2/10), the Event itself (in this case an obvious edict from the WH)

The 4th house of the Homeland certainly is startling in it's handprint.

Verification in this chart visually of what occurred when the news suffered a black out.

As far as I can recall, this is a Historical Event, as I don't recall anything quite like it happening before,

Some background:

An American company that had been directing traffic to the WikiLeaks website withdrew its services late on Thursday, making the site invisible for several hours (2200hrs. EST )

However, WikiLeaks announced on Friday on Twitter that it could be seen using a new address, , which is operated by a Swiss academic network.

The United States is furious about WikiLeaks' publication of hundreds of confidential diplomatic cables that have given unvarnished and sometimes embarrassing insights into the foreign policy of the United States and its allies.

"This is a smart move. Switzerland is known for not bending to international pressure," said Michiel Leenaars, director of strategy at NLnet, a Dutch Internet research charity.


the Chart's Ruler (POTUS) in the 4th of homeland security?

Look at the critical 8th degree of Taurus (rx) for "truth"

How about ZEUS conj. Saturn (the clampdown ) within minutes in the 3rd house of Communications, conjoined to Saturn (Restrictions)

I also included "Veritas" an asteroid for truth which falls in the 9th house and really does make some rather intriguing aspects to Neptune, a Quindecile (creative aspect), a semi-square to Jupiter and even a Trine to Pluto. No surprises really.
I never really put much stock in rumour and innuendo and reading these links that is what it is.
There is no name behind the disgruntled once supporter in the Presidential Electoral run backing Obama for President. That disturbs me and puts it in the category of rumor then.
Kind of like the NYTimes and the Bush years, constant "a White House insider says" and it never attacking Iran, no attacking from Israel, just insider "rumours"

Same here.

The rumour then surrounding Obama, is that he is not being supported for long by his Party , the Dems.

They will run for the hills to save themselves......hence, "he's upset"
not mentally ill.
Who wouldn't be upset anyway, if this rumour comes true for him?

I doubt it is Rahm Emanuel as the instigator of same , because he just left to run for Mayor of Chicago, so why would be put himself, in that tempest in the teapot?

Makes no sense to me.

If he was involved in it in anyway, he'd be cutting his own political throat.


Astrologically, the President's own natal chart has his North Node conjunct to Regulus, the King Star which becomes then, a "natal promise" for a Fall from a rapid and quick rise to the top.
It never fails, the ancient Astrologers from Babylonia, on down to Persia, and even Ptolemy, the Greeks tell us this. From my own observation of this star over many years it's true , but sometimes, and most times it's a small way we hear about. Most people are not in the public in this way.

Being a President and public person such as he is, IF he falls now via the transits, and progressions, then we ALL will know about it.

It's "fated" to occur
, by when, ? .......Well, when the timing is right, and I don't do predictions.

But it WILL occur.

Look to his 7th house (open and known enemies) where his natal North Node sits conjunct to Uranus within 2 degrees.

Separation then, is possible from the wife, OR even being hit by his known enemies to take him down.
The 7th house rules both, marriage, committed partners and even known enemies.

That is simply the "natal promise" of his natal chart.
We know he rose quickly in the political world in the past 3 years, but
that does not mean that the rumours of brinigng him down purposefully will occur now.

But it's always possible and probable with Regulus in an important place, especially an angle house or the angles themselves.
Do the Wikileaks have anything to do with this?
Thanks so much!
You may recall earlier quake posts on this thread describing Earth's balancing act, shifts where we see Earth shrugging tectonic plates, with assistance, in containing stress underneath the surface. The help comes from her great wash of water with its powerful G force and temperature cooling effects. Earth allows deformation but acts to prevent total collapse. After all, we are aloft and spinning in space as well as revolving on a path without other support than maintaining our K for Konstants.

In this horoscope for a fateful day in Ecuador, an early morning earthquake that struck even 32 kilometers beneath the sea, was followed by the first recent eruption of The Throat of Fire volcano, still spewing ever more dramatically.


Note the out of bounds Mercury and Mars both in tightest squares with Jupiter and Uranus. Venus in House 1 struggles to right the predicament underground and beneath the ocean floor, with cooperation from Moon, both bodies at great strain. The lunar node is tormented by volcanic Pluto deep in Capricorn earth and erupts later this same day of November 28, fiery action which continues now.
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