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March 12, 2011, 7:59 p.m.

Scientists in Pasadena say data from the temblor will show how Earth is deformed during massive earthquakes at sites where one plate is sliding under the other, including the U.S. Pacific Northwest.

Friday's magnitude 8.9 earthquake in Japan shifted Earth on its axis and shortened the length of a day by a hair. In the future, scientists said, it will provide an unusually precise view of how Earth is deformed during massive earthquakes at sites where one plate is sliding under another, including the U.S. Pacific Northwest.

...just over 36 hours after the quake, data-crunchers had determined that the temblor's force moved parts of eastern Japan as much as 12 feet closer to North America...,0,5782113.story?track=rss

Thought this would be of some interest here.
Yes, and Cal Tech gave us similar information during the Chilean quake, due to the axial shift, the land mass -->gravitational pull change in the earth's rotation. They are all adding up, as well, of course. Speaking of the length of days, DLS time is underway.
Deleted post.
Conflicting stories in same newscast. <ugh>
The Sendai offshore quake has been upgraded to a 9. As you know, the aftershocks at 6 are what we would consider a major shake when they happen in one of the U.S. States. A 6 can act very destructively in a city. The mutual reception between last kick Uranus and Neptune may help mother Earth compensate but it compounded the devastation in Japan. The Moon was square the mutual reception planets when the 9 quake hit for maximum earth crack Uranus or maximum tsunami Neptune, choose one or have both served to you off the hot tray at virtually the same time.

Fifth Essnce has a radiation spread map that makes clear what Sendai opposite America really means. Hawaii and the West Coast of our country are hotly exposed.
Fifth, Where can I find this spread map? exactly what I've been wanting to see! thanks.
Eastern Pacific & Western North America

(when page opens, click 'build animation' - 2 day animation w/intervals every 12 hours)

At this time, although serious, news reports indicate activity is under control.

This is a simulated markup map that follows along the lines of the Jet Stream link above should there be unforeseen complications.

FifthEssence ... that particular map has come under fire from certain scientists who contend that fallout would travel along with the prevailing winds and would reach western USA in ~36 hours.
FifthEssence ... that particular map has come under fire from certain scientists who contend that fallout would travel along with the prevailing winds and would reach western USA in ~36 hours.

Reference is made to Paulette's observation:
On March 14th, "Sendai" 1:55 Gemini will oppose "America" 1:51 SAG, in the National chart.

36hrs. 48 hrs, 72 hrs? Since I'm not a scientist or a meteorologist, I don't know how to read the true SPEED of the winds. Even scientists debate amongst themselves.

The simulated mark up map is purely one example demonstrating the amount of radiation particles as they travel the distance from the East across the Pacific, which lesson the further the winds move West, but shows the North American areas which will be affected should the situation in Japan worsen.

I live within 12 miles of a Nuclear plant on the East Coast and as a matter of preparedness, have Potassium Iodide tablets in our family's first-aid kit.

I have linked the TRADE WINDS Analysis site for general info purposes. When you open the link, you can set the number of days as well as showing motion either every 6 hrs or 12 hrs., then click 'build animation.'

PRAY for people of Japan and surrounding islands. So many lives lost, so many people displaced.
The after "shocks" continue and in fact, yesterday's were bigger than Saturday's. U.S. helicopters inspected radioactive particulate in the air over the sea there, probably ash. How frightening is THAT!!!
The Sendai offshore quake has been upgraded to a 9. As you know, the aftershocks at 6 are what we would consider a major shake when they happen in one of the U.S. States. A 6 can act very destructively in a city. The mutual reception between last kick Uranus and Neptune may help mother Earth compensate but it compounded the devastation in Japan. The Moon was square the mutual reception planets when the 9 quake hit for maximum earth crack Uranus or maximum tsunami Neptune, choose one or have both served to you off the hot tray at virtually the same time.

Fifth Essnce has a radiation spread map that makes clear what Sendai opposite America really means. Hawaii and the West Coast of our country are hotly exposed.

I thought I heard that, but the guy on GMA wouldn't repeat it for me. He was busy tossing out all sorts of frightening numbers: 12 feet closer to the USA, two feet lower in elevation (sinking), shorter days, shifting axis, three nuclear reactor problems and counting... :panic:

All this horror around, and some lovely earthquake victims were offering their food to Diane Sawyer and her crew! The people were trying to clean up the mess in their neighborhood and they were offering to share their food with well-dressed Americans!!! It brought me to tears.

Didn't you say there is more trouble coming? Around the 15th? My daughter walked out of the house yesterday on her way to work, saying rather loudly, "Apocalypse NOW" after watching the morning news with me. Meaning not the movie, but the Biblical Book of Revelation (Apocalypse).

So, how long does this craziness last, astrologically? Providing we're still around to speak of it.
First, as always thank you, thank you to all for your contributions to this forum. I live on the west coast and so am very worried especially for my children. I found the following article that if reliable gives me some comfort, so my question is, "Can I rely on this article quoted and linked below that the level of radiation to reach us would not be dangerous?"

"The nuclear core in many modern reactors, including the ones in Japan, is enclosed by a steel containment vessel. Today's reactors also use water instead of carbon to slow down neutrons, so there is no big danger of the emanation of radioactive soot from the Fukushima plant.
A full meltdown at the Japanese facility would still release radioactive gases, but those tend to dissipate in the atmosphere. For example, there was a small amount of radiation released in the 1979 Three Mile Island disaster in Pennsylvania, but post-release assessments suggested it didn't have any real health or environmental impact. About half of the core melted during the early stages of that accident.
If the Japanese nuclear core were to melt, certain radioactive materials, such as iodine, strontium and cesium, would also be released. These particles are one-quarter the size of a grain of salt and can be carried by winds. The larger the grains, the more quickly they would fall out of the air."

(hopefully I linked this correctly...please forgive me if not)
Progressing the Japan National chart to March 14, 2011 shows the MC 22:22 Gemini, with Sun 22:18 Gemini. That leaves the IC or 4th house cusp 22:22 SAG.

"22 degrees of all signs is bad, either natally or in prediction." I think they should include progressions too.

The IC & MC were 22:21 on March 11th, but clicked over to 22:22 today - (things getting worse.)

The Descendent is 23:06 Pisces - today it's being transited exactly by the Sun, 23:05 Pisces.

The USS Ronald Regan has moved it's position after detecting radiation on it's sailors. It was 100 miles downwind from the nuclear facility.
snowbun, that is the very particulate that the U.S. helicopters found & inspected in the air over the sea off the north coast of Japan: plutonium, cesium, strontium. It is true that these reactors are water cooled but that water was lost in the first accident at Daichi #1 and is being replaced with sea water, as you probably have heard. There has been fuel rod exposure, unfortunately and partial melt down. The sea water being poured in is disappearing quickly and I fear there is underground damage at Fukushima, beneath the plants.

Yes, we are to see more mayhem on the global scene because we have not reached the climactic FULL MOON PERIGEE WOBBLE. That is March 19.
snowbun, that is the very particulate that the U.S. helicopters found & inspected in the air over the sea off the north coast of Japan: plutonium, cesium, strontium. It is true that these reactors are water cooled but that water was lost in the first accident at Daichi #1 and is being replaced with sea water, as you probably have heard. There has been fuel rod exposure, unfortunately and partial melt down. The sea water being poured in is disappearing quickly and I fear there is underground damage at Fukushima, beneath the plants.

Yes, we are to see more mayhem on the global scene because we have not reached the climactic FULL MOON PERIGEE WOBBLE. That is March 19.

Thank you Tuba, that helps me to understand more ...and what I did not know was that plutonium was included in the particulates.
That is super scary!!

My understanding on plutonium is that it can travel far and wide without dissipation (not sure if I understood correctly though). Also that it is the most toxic to humans in terms of exposure. Now I can see how the levels of RADS on Fifth's map can happen. Again my understanding is that, those amounts presented on the map are very very large in terms of exposure!
I still don't fully understand all of the science but I now get that the high risk for more people being affected globally is real...this is so sad. Now I need to go find out what I can do (besides the iodide pill) that would protect us in the worst case scenario.

I continue to pray for us all and especially for the people of Japan, my heart goes out to them. :praying::praying::praying:
I found this by Dr. Michio Kaku:

"As of Monday morning, the situation in Japan continues to deteriorate and we haven't hit bottom yet. Every hour on the hour continues to bring more bad news with even more complications. This isn't the type of situation that has a step-by-step emergency plan. We are witnessing a gigantic science experiment, with the Japanese people as guinea pigs. With everything seemingly have a domino effect at this point, the utility is literally making this up as they go along. Problems continue to arise at nearly every turn and is clearly making it difficult to gain traction.

News & Developments:

•Three reactors (units 1,2,3) are now involved with partial meltdowns.
•Units 1 and 3 have had their outer containment wall blown off by huge hydrogen gas explosions. (The hydrogen gas comes from a chemical interaction between water and the zirconium cladding surrounding the rods.
•The gas explodes when it is vented and interacts with oxygen.)
•All three units have had some core damage. Units 2 and 3 apparently were almost totally uncovered at some point, without any cooling water. Sea water is apparently leaking out of Unit 3, so that seawater is escaping as soon as it is flushed into the core. Even fire hoses are being used to keep sea water in the core. This also means that the reactors will become permanent pieces of junk afterwards, unfit for commercial use.
•The water level gauge that measures how much water there is in the nuclear core is broken, and hence reliable figures are hard to get.
•Radiation levels have soared. Several workers have shown full blown symptoms of radiation sickness (probably indicating that they absorbed perhaps tens of thousands of X-ray equivalents).
•Unit 3 contains MOX fuel (mixed oxide fuel) which contains plutonium, which is one of the most toxic chemicals known to science. So a possible meltdown there might spread this deadly chemical as well.
•The state of the nuclear waste units is unclear so there is always the possibility that the huge nuclear waste contained in these storage units might escape.
•The utility states that the situation is, at present, stable. This might be true, but its the stability of hanging on a cliff by your fingernails."
On Fox News, nuclear expert stating that nuclear waste is stored where directly below ceiling of plant. When the plants exploded it involved the roof's exploding....released a much greater amount of radiation than reported. The nuclear structures in Japan were determined to be substandard in 1972 by the Nuclear (monitoring panel?) resulting in this nuclear housing design unacceptable (Please note this is paraphrased while interview happening)

Although I rarely post on this forum I'm an avid follower. Tuba's recent post's regarding the nuclear fallout is alarming and unfortunately real.

Novice Seeker
When the initial quake struck off Sendai, it squared the U.S. Mars to the very degree, in our First House, alerting this country to danger and mobilising our armed forces, Scorpio in our Sixth House. The quake came from our House of friends and allies, H.11. Nuclear power, Pluto, opposed our Cancer planets but particularly, Jupiter which in our case rules generosity to others, Sagittarius on House 7. This same Pluto of nuclear power is quincunx our Node and our Uranus with Jupiter as the reaction point. The square to our rising Mars, however, was a warning to us to examine our own nuclear program, past & future. We have Mars in the Sign of wind and air, II, so that threat is one to reckon with as well, especially since Mars will square it from Pisces (yes, Mars to Mars) on the Full Wobble Moon at perigee and also on the first day of spring.
We have many US citizens in the Pacific, including those in Hawaii. As someone who lives in PA and knew some of the players in the Three Mile Island event, I know they were very worried about a full meltdown of one. let alone three reactors. A very credible nuclear scientist on CNN a few hours ago said full meltdowns would require massive evacuation. So who knows?


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