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That's exactly what they were thinking!

".... Japanese officials have studied a plan to dump tons of sand and concrete on the plant to encase it, putting out any fires and preventing further radiation from escaping, Nishiyama said. But he said they have ruled such a course out as "not a realistic option" and will focus first on cooling fuel on the site and restoring power ...."

Thank you for finding this article. We all know that in the end, Chernobyl had to be encased. Google "Chernobly Disaster" and pick the wikipedia article. It has a really good picture of the reactor after it blew.

At midnight on March 11th, the cusp of the 7th house in Fukushima was 5:08 Gemini - exactly conjunct the asteroid "Chernoby" in the February 11, 1889 National chart - 5:08:59, which is trine transiting "Chernoby" 5:16 Aquarius. That very day all hell broke loose in Fukushima.

Furthermore, their 2013 Solar Return has 22:30 Virgo as the 4th house cusp, (the end of the matter) which is the MC of the Midnight chart on March 11th (which had the Moon 22 Taurus). It also has Pluto 10 Capricorn, smack on the 7th house cusp.

Then you have Uranus 6 Aries, "Chernoby" 6 Taurus, Jupiter 6 Gemini. With natal "Chernoby at 5:16 Gemini in the national chart, Jupiter is sitting right on it!

Bury these monsters now before it's too late.
I found this site that tracks all earthquakes world wide. It is very worrisome.

Also, I use:

My son and his family live in the Philippines and I haven't been able to contact for several days and noted they had a 4.6 earthquake on the 19th. These sites are updated frequently.

Most people probably are familiar with these cites but wanted to put it out there.


This is O/T please forgive me. I wish there was a way for people here in take in Japanese children.The food is contaminated.I know many people would help.Geez we would have room for 3 or 4.extra bedroom and bunk beds for our ten year old.I am afraid for Japan. God help them.

This is O/T please forgive me. I wish there was a way for people here in take in Japanese children.The food is contaminated.I know many people would help.Geez we would have room for 3 or 4.extra bedroom and bunk beds for our ten year old.I am afraid for Japan. God help them.

It is just weighing on my mind so bad...I am just's almost more than I can do is to watch it.

Nore, actually, I know a lady that is doing just that. She opened up her home and there is an agency they go through and run background checks...I too, have 2 spare bedrooms. Sec....I run grab the agency that is doing that. Here is her post. She is a member of The hinky Meter

I've been talking with my hubby about opening up our home for a family in real need--and he doesn't seem to think it is necessary "because Japan is so rich and able to take care of those in need". I belive the airline fly disaster families free to available housing--isn't that true. If only 5% of people in other nations offered--which I'm sure some have already done, MOO; that would help to get things more stabilized wouldn't it?!
Interesting you would suggest that, Sooner Fan. When the first quake struck, the ruler of the House of children, Sagittarius in that chart, was in House 9 and the first thing I thought was that the children would be evacuated to foreign parts. Like you, I feel it is a good idea and some parents may want to take advantage of such an offer.
"We live about 30 miles from the Atlanta Japanese Consulate Office, and we called the office of Consulate General of Japan today to offer our home to a family in whatever capacity involved in this crisis for as long as they need--either one needing to come here or one needing to leave part of their family here to go there. They took all the info needed to do background checks etc."

What a wonderfully kind person!
Please forgive some of my posts. I had a stroke last year and my mind skips over words in my head and I have permanent damage to my right hand. That is why I don't post more. But you can bet, I read this thread every day. So sorry for OT.
It is just weighing on my mind so bad...I am just's almost more than I can do is to watch it.

Nore, actually, I know a lady that is doing just that. She opened up her home and there is an agency they go through and run background checks...I too, have 2 spare bedrooms. Sec....I run grab the agency that is doing that. Here is her post. She is a member of The hinky Meter

I've been talking with my hubby about opening up our home for a family in real need--and he doesn't seem to think it is necessary "because Japan is so rich and able to take care of those in need". I belive the airline fly disaster families free to available housing--isn't that true. If only 5% of people in other nations offered--which I'm sure some have already done, MOO; that would help to get things more stabilized wouldn't it?!


Hi, with the food contaminated people would be giving Japan a chance to remain a Nation in the future. I wouldnt want to be there for an hour,let alone live there. The full extent of this will be felt for years and years to come. In a case like this I dont think money means that much.No one can buy away radiation. The ground will be doomed for years to come. I remember when they bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (those heads of State asked for it by their atrocities)..My husband saw Nagasaki in 1953.It was still a barren wasteland.
Please forgive some of my posts. I had a stroke last year and my mind skips over words in my head and I have permanent damage to my right hand. That is why I don't post more. But you can bet, I read this thread every day. So sorry for OT.

Sooner Fan,you post all you want to.We all understand.I am too familiar with stroke damage.I Thank God you lived through it. Keep going girl!!:seeya:
What Nore said. You certainly don't owe an apology....thank God you are able to be here. I have not had a stroke but I constantly read things wrong,lol......think it is my age??? Nah, not that surely:great:
You guys are the best!

I just went out on the deck and took pictures and the Super Moon. I'll try to get them posted tomorrow.

If I am awake at 3:10 A.M I'll take some more.
FYI It is 2:01 am here on the Eastern Coast and this article was apparently posted or updated 50 minutes ago. Just wanted to post it here...

Pressure arises again in Japan nuclear reactor-

This just makes me so upset. They knew....yeah they knew and did nothing.

I finally talked to my son in the Philippines and they are very concerned...he said they were telling everyone in Taiwan to take the potassium iodine, but are not given instructions how or when to take them. As I understand it, if you take it too soon or too late, you may not be protected.

He said they are getting reports of the prevailing winds to reverse and possibly coming right back into Japan and other regions. I asked him to get all their passports/visas together and he, his wife and 3 kids to come and stay with us. He was going to watch the storm path and make a decision.

He seemed very concerned and felt the government was not being truthful to the public.
The news coming from Japan makes me ill. I'm a nervous wreck. I have a Japanese friend who lives on the south island, south of Hiroshima, where the volcano has been acting up for the past two months. I was able to get in contact with her. She and her extended family are all okay, even the ones who live in Tokyo, but I'm still worried.

My daughter thinks our friend should move here and even cleaned our extra bedroom today, "just in case". It's the perfect guest room because it even has a bath. Currently we have holiday decorations stored in that room, among other things.

So the food that was 75 miles away is contaminated - what happen to the 12 miles the Japanese government was claiming to be safe? (USA officials set it at 20 miles.) :shakehead:

I check here all the time hoping our astrologers will finally tell us, "Everything is okay and under control". :rocker:

Mercury rules the Ascendant here, along with co-ruler Moon. Mercury last over Jupiter denotes this is a good and correct move, and authorized. Moon applies to Neptune as her final aspect, by quincunx: the required adjustment, this being implementation of a no-fly zone over Libya. The regime had been using this airspace to attack its own people. Mercury, our other event ruler, applies to Venus by sextile presenting the opportunity to end this satisfactorily. Moon at 27:52 Virgo, the French opened the operation by and for the people of Libya (acting as their representative).
If this operation is important, one would expect to see Fixed Stars and they abound. The rising degree is accompanied by Denebola, which portends a struggle to stamp out the threat to population with finality. (Gorgon keeps raising his head.) The Moon is on Markeb, a star in the Vela subdivision of the Argus constellation. Markeb is called the Ship's Buckler due to its position relative to the whole Argus. It protects the French mission and the entire operation, Odyssey Dawn.

It terms of the horror that precipitated international action, we have, once again, Sheat bringing extreme misfortune and murder. And, due to the slow movement of outer planets, we have Uranus, still on the Aries point and also screaming crisis! SOS!

When Mars, ruling the House of deaths and killing, is in the Sign on House 7 but in House 6, the regime breaks international law and humanitarian codes, committing genocide. It acts from stealth in this position and Sign, signaling a stand down but continuing its raids and ground slaughter.
To some, the presence of furious "dwarf" planet, Pluto may provoke curiosity. The Trafalgar from Britain and three U.S. submarines are represented by Pluto in the outcome House. In the end, the submarines, are the decider. Just the awareness that they are there is sufficient threat. Pluto rules the vehicles and vessels House 3, which bears the marine Sign of deep waters, Scorpio.
To some, the presence of furious "dwarf" planet, Pluto may provoke curiosity. The Trafalgar from Britain and three U.S. submarines are represented by Pluto in the outcome House. In the end, the submarines, are the decider. Just the awareness that they are there is sufficient threat. Pluto rules the vehicles and vessels House 3, which bears the marine Sign of deep waters, Scorpio.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if in tomorrow's world all countries would ban together to agree to resolve their issues by a third party (mediation nation) to avoid the slaughter of innocent people. If this works out well in the end maybe we, meaning everyone in the world, will get it. The world is so small today that we all are a part of it as a whole more than ever before. The internet has done that.
Yes, Lambchop. We take exception to those who would impugn the motives of President Sarkozy. If they know anything at all about him or the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, they would see the rude folly, the insolence, of saying he is just doing this for attention. Of course, Libya is also on the doorstep of France, which he is sworn to protect.
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