Atlantic City Eastbound Strangler 4 Women Found Dead behind Motel Egg Harbor Twp, Nov 2006

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Am I alone in thinking that Molly Dilts is "one of these things is not like the other?"

-She was fairly new to sex work
-She was a drinker, but not known to be a drug addict, and IIRC no drugs were found in her system
-She had a different body type than the other three victims

Also, Molly was the first victim.

I wonder if she was sort of a test case for the killer, especially after reading the below comment about how Kim, Barbara, and Tracy may have known the killer.

You've made a few valid and interesting points. For starters I'll just address the one point that I believe we can both agree on. Namely the stalking. In fairness, others on this thread, and another related one, came to the same conclusion a few years back. The most recent article addressing this subject on (link below) only appears to confirm everyone's suspicions. That three of the victims possibly knew their killer and unknowingly stepped into his trap.

According to the last people who saw the respective victims alive, they were each leaving on an errand that would take no longer than an hour or two. Two of the three stated their intention to return.

Victim #2: Barbara Breidor
“By mid-October, her behavior had become so unpredictable that when she failed to return from a two-hour errand, friends waited weeks before notifying the police.”

Victim #3: Tracy Ann Roberts
“Sometime in mid-November, a street hustler named Dante said he went clothes shopping with Tracy Roberts. She bought the outfit she was wearing when her body was found. 'She said, “I'll be back in like a hour,”' Dante remembers. 'She never came back.'”

Victim #4: Kim Raffo
“One day before her death, Raffo was with a customer, a North Jersey doctor, who had a room at the now-shuttered Trump Taj Mahal. At about 5 a.m. on Nov. 19, the law enforcement official said, Raffo told the man she was going out to buy drugs and would return. When she did not, the doctor called her several times, receiving *no answer.”

One conclusion that I've reached after reading these articles is that not only were the victims being stalked but that they may have been meeting up with the killer at a prearranged time and location. All three suddenly stopped what they were doing to run a one or two hour errand. Why?

Now these women are street smart, right? I find it hard to believe that all three would meet up with an individual who would supply them with their drug of choice simply for the pleasure of their company. Something else had to be involved.

To me, a commonality between the three scenarios listed above suggests the possibility of a quid pro quo arrangement. Of course sex would be the first thing that comes to mind. But I don't think that's the answer. I'm getting the feeling that each of the three women had something in their possession, besides money, that they were exchanging for drugs/alcohol. An exchange that had been planned in advance.

As always, just my opinion.
Am I alone in thinking that Molly Dilts is "one of these things is not like the other?"

-She was fairly new to sex work
-She was a drinker, but not known to be a drug addict, and IIRC no drugs were found in her system
-She had a different body type than the other three victims

Also, Molly was the first victim.

I wonder if she was sort of a test case for the killer, especially after reading the below comment about how Kim, Barbara, and Tracy may have known the killer.

Absolutely. Molly is the victim (being the first in this series of killings) who actually made me hone in on my POA. She was seemingly naive and charmed by this person who ended her life. He may have used Molly to glean information that would make it easier to draw others to him--getting to know the ins and outs of both the city and the trade--over a period of months... All the while knowing what would become of her.
TBA stands for To BeAnnounced
Something caught my eye. Probably just a coincidence though. Click onto the wikipedia link above. Scroll down to 2006. The Blue Angels are referred to as TBA.
Go to Long Island serial killer unidentified. Peaches. Look at her tatoo. Some believe there are initials on the leaf. Looks like TBA.
Or it could be nothing.
Really?! May I ask who your POI is? (I know we can't name names) - really hoping it's not who a lot of people have named.

Absolutely. Molly is the victim (being the first in this series of killings) who actually made me hone in on my POA. She was seemingly naive and charmed by this person who ended her life. He may have used Molly to glean information that would make it easier to draw others to him--getting to know the ins and outs of both the city and the trade--over a period of months... All the while knowing what would become of her.
Really?! May I ask who your POI is? (I know we can't name names) - really hoping it's not who a lot of people have named.

I'm here on gut instinct and a little research, I'm sure you know more than I--but as convenient as it would have possibly been for HA or the handyman I just don't think it was either.
I agree. I think people are quick to point at HA because of inconsistencies in his story, but let's be honest, who hasn't forgotten small details during times of extreme stress? For God's sake, I watched as a man smashed his hand through a window and it shattered on me and my ex - and a half hour later while writing my statement at the detective division, I wrote the left instead of the right arm. I can't imagine having perfect recollection of things right after the love of my life was murdered.

I'm here on gut instinct and a little research, I'm sure you know more than I--but as convenient as it would have possibly been for HA or the handyman I just don't think it was either.
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The SK could have spent time in the area watching or maybe even going on dates with some the girls in the days leading up to the killings. This would make him somewhat familiar to them and they let their guard down somewhat around him.
The SK could have spent time in the area watching or maybe even going on dates with some the girls in the days leading up to the killings. This would make him somewhat familiar to them and they let their guard down somewhat around him.

Sure, totally logical.

As mentioned prior, I think the key is with the first victim, Molly.

Who influenced her to want to join the military? Was it simple desperation--say, after a charismatic recruiter caught her in a moment of particular weakness on the boardwalk? Or, was it someone more calculating who appealed to her desire to be loved, and to belong... Maybe he let her, albeit briefly, into his more privileged world by sharing a night at the Borgata. The money he had, to buy a dress that would have been beyond her reach, might have been the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak.

Alternatively, maybe she just happened to see the annual air show over the boardwalk and realized it represented a promising future, and a chance for her and her child to be together again. But, how did she know to cut her hair prior to enlistment? The impetus and the follow-through are both present. She cut her hair. And the only drug found in her system was alcohol.

Did all these women seek a deliverance from circumstances? Not necessarily. In Molly's case I lean towards Yes. This for me, makes her the most vulnerable---and explains why she was the first.
The easiest. The killer was "dipping his toes in."
I'm blown away with the impressive work all of you folks do on here!!!!!I learned a lot last night reading all 32 pages of other AC thread about these poor women! AC has a special place in my heart because when my boys were young their dad and I took them down there several times, The beach and Steel Pier being their favorites. I also went there lots when my x and I started taking day trips on weekends here from Hazleton, PA. We stayed down a few overnights as well. Even my Mom went with her friends from her high rise to gamble and shop. I have my own opinion about the man who did these murders. I think he is important or associated with someone important. I think he was in AC for pleasure and found easy pickings. I also think he committed the GB murders. I see too many connections with the girls, Long Island, Philadelphia, Queens mentioned several times with both investigations. Then the Borgata, I never even went to that casino myself. I wonder , has anyone looked into whether any of the GB4 went to AC? Dates or with friends? I would not be surprised if someone finds out that one or more of the girls did visit. I think this man is a very disturbed individual and has a "hatred" of women, maybe a mommy issue or ex. The religious aspect has me on a fence, I don't know if he's affiliated with a church or movement, or has law enforcement training. Still undecided. In my opinion he left the area.B ut, AC is reopening casinos and the economy is apparently picking up which means tourists, and that could be enough to draw him back to visit his old stomping grounds new and improved. I hope I am wrong on that point. Just my opinion and I hope I didn't put you to sleep with this long post. Good night!
Hi Sharon! I'm glad you joined us. To answer your question about the GB4, I do know that Melissa Barthelemy went to AC to join her family at a casino. I believe I read that Maureen Brainard-Barnes worked briefly at Foxwoods in CT as well.

I'm blown away with the impressive work all of you folks do on here!!!!!I learned a lot last night reading all 32 pages of other AC thread about these poor women! AC has a special place in my heart because when my boys were young their dad and I took them down there several times, The beach and Steel Pier being their favorites. I also went there lots when my x and I started taking day trips on weekends here from Hazleton, PA. We stayed down a few overnights as well. Even my Mom went with her friends from her high rise to gamble and shop. I have my own opinion about the man who did these murders. I think he is important or associated with someone important. I think he was in AC for pleasure and found easy pickings. I also think he committed the GB murders. I see too many connections with the girls, Long Island, Philadelphia, Queens mentioned several times with both investigations. Then the Borgata, I never even went to that casino myself. I wonder , has anyone looked into whether any of the GB4 went to AC? Dates or with friends? I would not be surprised if someone finds out that one or more of the girls did visit. I think this man is a very disturbed individual and has a "hatred" of women, maybe a mommy issue or ex. The religious aspect has me on a fence, I don't know if he's affiliated with a church or movement, or has law enforcement training. Still undecided. In my opinion he left the area.B ut, AC is reopening casinos and the economy is apparently picking up which means tourists, and that could be enough to draw him back to visit his old stomping grounds new and improved. I hope I am wrong on that point. Just my opinion and I hope I didn't put you to sleep with this long post. Good night!
Thank you for the info! Interesting! Wonder if they stayed? I see so many small interconnections , perhaps just me, that I really do believe the same person committed these murders. Id love to know what if any info was retrieved from Shannon Gilbert's laptop? I watched that video again on youtube with the escort . Odd that the client list is missing, these cases just get deeper and deeper!
Just a curious question....what are some likely retirement places for military men?

Hi Kat, I think that's one of those questions that has no answer other than, "It depends." Also, what makes you think the person would be "retired"? Was an FBI profile ever done in this case? Or any profile?
Hi Kat, I think that's one of those questions that has no answer other than, "It depends." Also, what makes you think the person would be "retired"? Was an FBI profile ever done in this case? Or any profile?
NJ LE wont admit theres a serial killer.
Each murder was investigated separately
This post is really just to 'rattle the FBI's cage' metaphorically speaking and hope cases get solved. But here is a link to a composite sketch of a possible Serial Killer in Colorado who John Kelly also profiled and also strangled his victims:

Composite drawing of suspect - Cold Cases
Sounds familiar.

He is nonsocial and likes to keep to himself. He is narcissistic (everything revolves around him), and he is also very concerned with making himself look good in all aspects.' 'He is also extremely opinionated. If criticized or disagreed with, he would become extremely angry or agitated. Although at times, when he wants to, he can be very charming.' 'In his pre-offense mode, he may have spoken about the sinful nature of prostitution, or he may have voiced economic concerns about prostitutes destroying Atlantic City's value or reputation.' 'In his post-offense mode, he would say things like 'They got what they deserved' or 'Good riddance.'' 'He follows the news of his killings in the media.' 'His hobbies would include art and photography, and his obsessive fantasies would compel him to search for sexually graphic and/or violent pictures in all media.' 'He probably has a prior record of sexual or physical abuse or sexual harassment toward women. He may have recently suffered a setback in his work or in a relationship.' 'This predator is probably detached from his father and was abused as a child.' 'This person has also killed before these recent victims were found, and he will be compelled to continue his murderous ways in the future.' criminal profiler:
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