ATTN: DA's Office and Media - More of Karr's Writing!

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Aug 14, 2003
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Some of us here at Websleuths are convinced that the infamous "Patricia Letters" were actually written by John Mark Karr.

Here is a link to the "Patricia Letters" as well as a clip from one of these letters:

In order to get to the letters, as collected by various internet posters, please scroll to the bottom of the page and follow the collection links.

I have no doubts that these items were all written by Karr.

"...Recently, mine and my daughter's mysterious friend
> wrote a poem.
> >It was his description of his relationship with my
> daughter and
> >me - a chillingly accurate analogy. Please allow me
> to directly
> >quote his poetry to convey this to you. In his
> poem, he decribes
> >me as "the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Romanov",
> and himself as
> >"my Gregori Rasputin". Therein, he explains our
> "spiritual
> >connection through my child in distress, JonBenet"
> in comparison
> >to "Alexandra's son in distress, Alexei
> Nicolaevitch". He affirms
> >that "as Rasputin healed the child Alexei
> Nicolaevitch, and
> >healed the spirit of the most high Alexandra; so
> too does he heal
> >the spirit of his almighty Empress, Patricia;
> protecting her and
> >helping her to become closer to the most precious
> Princess
> >JonBenet Patricia". Finally, he states that
> "JonBenet waits in a
> >garden of eternal peace for her mother and for
> him." He further
> >states that "until he can embrace her, as he did on
> this earth,
> >he shall pray to her as his one and only Goddess".
> >
> >I've been left alone once more with this man. I am
> not shaken
> >anymore by that thought. I was alone to deal with
> him for almost
> >a year prior to knowing you. His love and devotion
> for my child
> >is most intense, and seems to grow with the passing
> of each day.
> >He once said to me, "I equate JonBenet with
> greatness, the likes
> >of John the Baptist, who was more powerful in the
> grave than in
> >life." I have accepted him as a part of my life; a
> part of
> >JonBenet's life, and of her death - a relationship
> that will
> >always endure..."
"Anybody with dexterity and brains can fake handwriting, but (given a sufficiently large text sample)no one can utterly disguise his own linguistic habits (spelling,diction,grammatical accidence,syntax,internal biographical evidence,psycholinguistic material,etc.)"
Here is proof that Michael Tracey had access to this guy's email addy:

"...Regarding Michael [Tracey]...I
have an idea. You could give this address to him. If he is interested in talking to me, he can mail me. If not, I have nothing to say to him..."

Ok, so this Patricia nut was given a contact portal to Tracey. This is certainly Karr, IMO.
Ok, here is the most disturbing Patricia Leter I have read yet. All of the emphasis is mine:

"...One of
> the first things that proceded from his mouth was
> the fact that
> this crime was not, in his words, "retaliatory". He
> contends that
> her killer was interested in her and not in her
> father. I tend to
> agree...."

He then goes on to explain how he might have killed JBR:
"...I know he is in Atlanta at least part of the time.
> There are
> lapses in his visits to my daughter's grave. Yes, I
> do think he
> has a family. I do not know how he managed his trip
> to Boulder to
> be with my daughter. I think the date of her death
> is part of his
> alibi. After all, Christmas night would not allow
> any family man
> a chance to escape long enough to do a horrible act
> and return in
> time so as not to be detected missing.
...he did not have to know
> anyone in
> Boulder to know exactly where we lived. It had
> become public
> knowledge... Please
> understand that there are alternate reasons a man
> would do
> something like this, in opposition to retaliation
> against my
> husband. As you continue to listen to what I have to
> say in
> regards to this man, it will unfold before you that
> her killer
> might have had quite a different intent.
>...I thought everybody was aware that JonBenet's killer
> had his
> sights on other little girls like her. I suppose it
> could be
> reasoned that he is not a serial killer. That might
> be the case
> after all. However, I know that he will find another
> little girl
> like JonBenet.
Whether he kills her is yet to be
> seen; sadly,
> maybe it has already been seen. If he only kills one
> more time,
> he will not be labeled as a serial killer; but, is
> this a price
> we can afford to pay? I say such a price can never
> be paid again.
> This is why I stress that time is of the essence..."

Here, he is pleading for someone to listen:

"...Some of the information I have shared with you has
> already been
> shared with the police, Mr. Hunter, and others.
> Nothing happened
> as a result of that sharing of information that
> occured months
> ago. Yes, they were all warned, in a sense - by none
> other than
> the mysterious man we speak of. That is why I once
> told a friend,
> "I do not think, at this point, the police would
> accept a signed
> confession from the killer himself".

"...He knows them
> though they
> do not "know" him...
> He is very charismatic as he describes events in his
> life that
> indicate it. His words are also just as indicative
> as his
> descriptions of his life. He is surrounded by people
> - it is part
> of his profession.
I have not decided what his
> profession is at
> this point. It sounds as if he might be in public
> service of some
> sort.
I would lean toward the belief that it is
> related to
> politics. He is fluent in his desriptions of
> interacting with the
> multitudes. From what he has told me, I gather that
> he is revered
> and even loved. He also speaks of children. I have
> never doubted
> that he loves children. Gail, he is in love with my
> child. He
> speaks of her in poetic style. His references of her
> closely
> resemble those things said by one lover to another.

> ... As
> far as his identity is concerned, I have no idea. I
> do not feel
> he is anyone on the suspect list..."

Here, he/she (it) talks about contacting Tracey:

"...Mr. Tracey must understand that my trust
> level is at
> an all time low. He must also want this information
> bad enough to
> meet me on my terms..."

More about JBR:

"...I will try to convey some of the specific things
> this man has
> said about JonBenet. You would think you were
> reading a letter
> from a man to his young lover
if you were not aware
> that it is
> the words of this man for my daughter...
> Can you imagine
> what it would be like to have a man you do not know,
> speak of
> your deceased child in such romantic terms?..."

More about a conversation it had with Tracey:

"...As far as
> Mr. Tracey is concerned, he said nothing to me. His
> response
> consisted of two sentences. I am still attempting to
> talk to him.
> Today I responded to Mr. Tracey - "Though I am very
> tempted, I
> will refrain from pleading with you to listen to me;
> however, I
> feel that what I have to say is worth any amount of
> pleading I
> might have to do, to convince you to listen"..."

It looks like he finally got his wish - Tracey listened...

I feel like I am going to get sick...I have had chills since last night reading the "Annie Muss" thread.

Hell, I don't care if we send this info through Jame__n, let's just get it out...So I don't get ill all over my computer

No, I do not want to be the one to do it...Yes, I am a whimp, lol... :chicken:
Wolfmars Girl,

I had the exact same feelings reading those posts. You know I do! At one point, one of the others-- Cheesy, Gail, or Mary are talking back and forth with Tracey on how to proceed with this "Patricia". One asks, "Could this possibly be the killer?" and I tell you I got serious chills.

I am telling you, I believe all the little crumbs are there! We are supposed to follow those little crumbs or acorns to HIM! The description of this "Mysterious man" is also the description of Karr!

Also notice how "she" (I like your IT) talks about him visiting JB's grave and how the MM has some sort of ritual as he is there.


This has been giving me chills since I read the letters and last night with the Annie Muss thread, I was really freakin' myself out! I discussed this with my neighbor, too, and she and I started even talking about the actual murder and she had the hairs on the back of my neck at attention, I tell you!

HOW do we go about doing this? Sending a link would probably be disregarded. I mean, I am certain that they have these posts in some big file, but IT IS THE DOTS THAT MAY BE CONNECTED now. They were missing the WHO and WHY and WHERE. That info COULD be what we have been speculating about!

Or maybe I am stark raving mad! :crazy:
You could copy and paste some of the messages from both Annie Muss and from Patricia and also give links to where all of the messages could be found. Maybe Lou Smit has an email or a way to contact from his website????
I know, I must be talking to myself here, lol, but there is more proof that Karr was "Patricia."

The Karr we know entered his address as the Ramsey's "4000 Paces Ferry Road" location on an application in Bangkok.

Throughout the Patricia letters, he mentions this location in addition to detailed information about construction the home was undergoing at the time.
I agree there is alot of similarities between the pesonalities of Karr, "Patricia" and "Annie Muss", all wants desperately to get involved in the case and sit on the secrets. But why is this so interesting?
Is there anything in the "Patricia" or "Annie Muss" letters that give any real new information that has checked out to be true?
Or is it this what is interesting, to se if it will check out?
tumble said:
I agree there is alot of similarities between the pesonalities of Karr, "Patricia" and "Annie Muss", all wants desperately to get involved in the case and sit on the secrets. But why is this so interesting?
Is there anything in the "Patricia" or "Annie Muss" letters that give any real new information that has checked out to be true?
Or is it this what is interesting, to se if it will check out?

I think the point of interest here is that there are volumes of these letters, written many years ago and also the fact that they were probably written by John Karr.

And, hence, (wink, wink) these letters are suddenly of great importance to the case...

The only thing interesting about it to me is that I believe it is Karr and that he was been writing to people for years about the murder and seems to have a big obesession to tell people about it. Other than that, he/it never really revealed very much from what I have seen so far. I haven't gotten thru all the Patricial messages yet tho.
Yes, I keep posting in order to bump this thread...

I wonder how Tracey could have not recognized the author of the 'Patricia' letters once he started receiving letters from John Karr, as 'John Karr.'

I mean, it only takes a few seconds to see the authors are one and the same person.

Or, maybe Tracey did know that Karr was Patricia and he shared that information with the authorities as well.

Heck, wouldn't it be a hoot if part of this 'information' Karr holds has to do with the fact that he was the writer of the Patricia letters?...

Um, just kidding, of course... ;)
Thnaks for replying WofmarsGirl, I am probably just daft,

It's just that those letters are like a 'fortune teller', only tells you stuff you already know or stuff you cant check up or use.

There is one thing about the "Annie Muss" letters and that is he points out that the is a literary connection between the killer and pineapple, just wonder if that could be that the DrSeuss book found in the basement could be

"The Shape of Me and Other Stuff", it has a picture of a pineapple in it.
Somebody might check with Steve Huff at and see if he has a contact in Boulder PD. Also a telephone call first sometimes helps. Then if they are interested they can come here to read or have you send the links to their email. (I think that usually works better than just an email).
WolfmarsGirl said:
Yes, I keep posting in order to bump this thread...

I wonder how Tracey could have not recognized the author of the 'Patricia' letters once he started receiving letters from John Karr, as 'John Karr.'

I mean, it only takes a few seconds to see the authors are one and the same person.

Or, maybe Tracey did know that Karr was Patricia and he shared that information with the authorities as well.

Heck, wouldn't it be a hoot if part of this 'information' Karr holds has to do with the fact that he was the writer of the Patricia letters?...

Um, just kidding, of course... ;)

I think it is quite possible that he put 2 and 2 together. I mean WE did, and we are probably nowhere near entrenched in this case as he is. He obviously has done a lot of research. He probably also has his Patricia Letters in a file and recognized the same "poetic" speak, very gentle, yet educated in Karr's Daxis letters and DING DING DING he thought, "wait a minute..."

That's the scenario I just came up with anyway. :p
tumble said:
Thnaks for replying WofmarsGirl, I am probably just daft,

It's just that those letters are like a 'fortune teller', only tells you stuff you already know or stuff you cant check up or use.

There is one thing about the "Annie Muss" letters and that is he points out that the is a literary connection between the killer and pineapple, just wonder if that could be that the DrSeuss book found in the basement could be

"The Shape of Me and Other Stuff", it has a picture of a pineapple in it.

Wow, really, I didn't know that about that book - I don't think wolfkid ever had that one...weird.

I think a lot of what Karr wrote in the Annie/Patricia letters was intentionally misleading and vague. He did not want to be discovered, yet. I am surprised Tracey did not turn him in during his Patricia years.

Here is another eerie clip from a Patricia letter to Tracey. Again, the bold is mine:

"...Nothing he has said has been
> that offensive
> >until he refers to JonBenet in terms that border on
> sexual. He is
> >the most articulate when he tells me how much he
> loved JonBenet -
> >now, more than when she was alive.
His description
> of the
> >unbelievably powerful grip my daughter has on him,
> is chilling.
> >Some of his words about her are touching,
> especially, when he
> >describes his intense love for her.
There are times
> when I feel
> >sorry for him - a man who drapes over my child's
> tombstone and
> >cries for his lost little Princess..."

Dear God, this is right out of the past week's headlines...

What was that Karr said? Something like JBR was his little beauty queen??? Where is that source (my head is spinning)?

We all heard his "love" for JBR...

I think this is his stuff - for sure...
WolfmarsGirl said:
I know, I must be talking to myself here, lol, but there is more proof that Karr was "Patricia."

The Karr we know entered his address as the Ramsey's "4000 Paces Ferry Road" location on an application in Bangkok.

Throughout the Patricia letters, he mentions this location in addition to detailed information about construction the home was undergoing at the time.
Dumb question (I haven't read these letters): Does Patricia/Karr/whomever really mention a specific address in these letters?
Chanler said:
Dumb question (I haven't read these letters): Does Patricia/Karr/whomever really mention a specific address in these letters?
No, but he states that the killer lived between 1mile and 4miles from the Ramsey house.
But I suppose he is referring to the Boulder house.
tumble said:
No, but he states that the killer lived between 1mile and 4miles from the Ramsey house.
But I suppose he is referring to the Boulder house.

Thanks so much for this quick and informative reply!
WolfmarsGirl said:
I know, I must be talking to myself here, lol, but there is more proof that Karr was "Patricia."

The Karr we know entered his address as the Ramsey's "4000 Paces Ferry Road" location on an application in Bangkok.

Throughout the Patricia letters, he mentions this location in addition to detailed information about construction the home was undergoing at the time.

You are most definitely not talking to yourself. Unless I am too. :crazy:

Yes, I remember Patricia talking about the address, though it was xxxx'd out in the e-mails. Do you remember reading that, at one point, she says "You know I haven't been in the Vining home, don't you?" (not verbatim, but close enough) then she talks about nobody living there. You could see right through it to the back of the house. "Open like a barn" "she" said.

So not only was JMK impersonating Patsy and discussing the "Mystery Man" in such James Bond terms, he was most likely stalking the Ramseys as well.

Did you see the posts about the other poster who would go to JB's grave and see a visitor who would stay for HOURS? That he would climb on her grave stone on all fours, and that she was really freaked out by him? That he couldn't see her because she was trying to hide, but he would leave little trinkets. This poster would then tell forum members that Patricia's Mystery Man had to have been there because he would describe things that were CURRENTLY on her grave.

Karr was that man. I am certain.

Patricia would then say something along the lines of "OH NO! Don't confront him! He could be the killer. You could scare him away forever, and he would be lost." Patricia was "concerned" about this other poster getting to close to Mystery Man. Yeah, I'll bet "she" was.
Chanler said:
Dumb question (I haven't read these letters): Does Patricia/Karr/whomever really mention a specific address in these letters?

No, not a dumb qyestion...

Yes, 'it' does mention the exact address in its letters. I saw the address in more than one letter, but here is one example:

"...As I stated to you prior to the letter, at the time
> the letter
> >was sent to you, I was not, nor could anyone be,
> living at the
> >Paces Ferry home. There are no walls in the rear of
> the house. It
> >is undergoing major reconstruction..."

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