ATTN: We need everyone to help with the upcoming search for Lindsey this Friday.

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I think many (~non locals) were scratching their heads @ the lack of McCleary residents.

Brad D. said:
~Sure could have used them today
- While looking @ a family (of ~8+) just blocks away from the center.

It may go back to what seemed kind of obvious (IMO) from the beginning. It seems their last name isn't so popular.

I'd beg to hear an explanation also...

It seems the minority (that showed up) doesn't represent the (local) majority.

That could be read a couple different ways...
You know you've spent to much time with a person when you can hear their voice when reading their posts. lol

But yes, JVK. I agree.
I guess popularity isn't just for high school anymore.
JVK, you are a good writer. You should write a letter to the local papers editors.

I'm on my way out the door to soccer. See ya.
Hello all!
First let me say thank you to those who did show up and help search for a little girl gone missing (Lindsey) You guys will always be heros to many of us who worked at the center this past weekend. I want to say a special thank you to a few people! The couple who sat all day each day at the register desk wow what wonderful people I wish you were my mom and dad I love you both for staying so many hours helping us!

A Special thank you to two wonderful briefers and de-briefers!!!!! You two I know I will see again helping with searchers for Lindsey and then after it gets in your blood just a little more and you will know it by hearing of another child gone missing close enough to where you could drive to help the family. You will toss and turn, and even cry for a child you don't even know! Then before you know it you will be in a strange town big or small volunteering your time offering help in any area you can. I seen this in your eyes before I left on Sunday! I admire you both and love you guys please keep in touch with me!

And last but not least all the volunteers who spent hours searching for Lindsey Thank You! I know at times it was a little cool, and wet but it did not stop you! And there were even some of you that came in from one search area and went out on another and another! you guys are the real HEROS without you we would not have been able to search the areas we were able to search!

To Ambers Mom I love and miss you already! You are the real HERO coming up to Mccleary Washington to help put together a search center for Lindsey while you are going through the same hell! I feel so bad that I can't be there to help find Amber and bring her home but you know as soon as I get that call I will be on the next plane down! I love you and everyone else down there that has helped us in the search for Amber!!!!

Thank you Klaas Kids and LRCF without you the center would not have happened!!!!

We still need more searchers to help bring Lindsey home!

God Bless you all!!!!
Amber's Aunt
would have shown up just think of the work we could have gotten done?
This is NOT directed towards anyone on this board who is in the McCleary area.

While I'm so glad we had 205 searchers this weekend.. I'm angry (no make that pissed off) that very few were from McCleary

Subway and Simpson Door company are amazing companies for doing what they did. But the rest of the town.. well lets just say I have no respect for most of them.

We had searchers come from Oregon (Amber Dubois aunt), California (Amber Dubois mom-she took time out of her own searching to help), Texas (Dawn and Sandy from LRC), Florida (Brad from Klaaskids) Castle Rock/Toutle, Port Orchard, Bremerton, Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Olympia, Shelton, Centralia, Enumclaw, Spokane, Everett, Renton, Seattle. I can't even remember them all...but very few from McCleary. It's a town of 1500 people, if even half
I'd love to hear the excuses as to why the town was bustling with activity yet no one found the time to come search.

Wonder how they'd feel if they were treated like this if something happened to their child.
Shame on you McCleary residents.

I think I'll write a letter to the editor of the local papers.

Hi JenniferO - I'll try to put another slant on what you here goes! When Stacey Peterson went missing here in the Chicago suburbs, many, many people showed up for the searches. Some were from the prior Lisa Stebic search just a couple miles away and some were Stacey's family and friends, and some from Bolingbrook, where Stacey lived. MOST were from suburbs other than Bolingbrook.

Why were so many from suburbs other than Bolingbrook? There is only about 69,652 people in Bolingbrook, and according to you, there is only 1500 people in McCleary. You say...if only 1/2 showed up...that would be 50 % of 750 people,about 375 people. In Bolingbrook that would have been about 34,800 people. Guess my point is that your disappointment in McCleary is obvious, but I don't see it justified. Sorry Jennifer, that's just the smallness of the place. The most recent search with a hugh turnout was Boise, Idaho with a population of about 205,000 people, there was not over a 100K people from Boise searching. I think it's just not fair to compare small towns with big towns, 'cause if you take the % of people, I bet it's not much different. just my opinion and thanks for all that you have contributed! :crazy:
Seriously Jenn...that is weird. I could hear you and JVK talking :)

Anyway....I have my own ideas as to why the local residents aren't involved as much as they could be right now, just by listening to some folks this weekend. But I really just don't know for sure.

Even though I don't live in McCleary I wasn't doing much to help either. I was sitting around reading and hoping and checking the forum. Which is a lot of the times the only thing someone can do.

I had the time and the means this weekend, so I helped out. Now, after this weekend and being there, I will make the time again.

I liked all the people I met and I was so happy to help.

I really hope we can all come together again in two or three weeks for another search for Lindsey. I'm all over that!

We have enough people here from WS that can brief and debrief searchers, be team leads, and that know the area and what areas need more searching. We also know who we met and that they will be there to help. We know what we need and we can help. I believe that's part of what Klaaskids and LRC leave behind. The means for people living here to help! I hope the family takes advantage of us!

Even if locals don't come out, we can recruit from our area and everywhere else.

Thanks to all our WS'er here that took time to donate, get the word out, and just to give words of encouragement.

We really need to find Lindsey!!!!!!!!!!!
onamission, I don't seem to have your contact info but I added your Missing children myspace to my friends list. I'm just waiting on the approval.

And yes, those two that helped at the front desk.. truly wonderful people. I'm glad Sandy found someone to help her that didn't need to be watched over constantly.

I will defiantly keep in touch with everyone. Like I told Dawn, Sandy and Brad today.. I can't even find the right words to describe what you all mean to me.
I admire you guys more than I could ever express.
Hello all!
First let me say thank you to those who did show up and help search for a little girl gone missing (Lindsey) You guys will always be heros to many of us who worked at the center this past weekend. I want to say a special thank you to a few people! The couple who sat all day each day at the register desk wow what wonderful people I wish you were my mom and dad I love you both for staying so many hours helping us!

A Special thank you to two wonderful briefers and de-briefers!!!!! You two I know I will see again helping with searchers for Lindsey and then after it gets in your blood just a little more and you will know it by hearing of another child gone missing close enough to where you could drive to help the family. You will toss and turn, and even cry for a child you don't even know! Then before you know it you will be in a strange town big or small volunteering your time offering help in any area you can. I seen this in your eyes before I left on Sunday! I admire you both and love you guys please keep in touch with me!

And last but not least all the volunteers who spent hours searching for Lindsey Thank You! I know at times it was a little cool, and wet but it did not stop you! And there were even some of you that came in from one search area and went out on another and another! you guys are the real HEROS without you we would not have been able to search the areas we were able to search!

To Ambers Mom I love and miss you already! You are the real HERO coming up to Mccleary Washington to help put together a search center for Lindsey while you are going through the same hell! I feel so bad that I can't be there to help find Amber and bring her home but you know as soon as I get that call I will be on the next plane down! I love you and everyone else down there that has helped us in the search for Amber!!!!

Thank you Klaas Kids and LRCF without you the center would not have happened!!!!

We still need more searchers to help bring Lindsey home!

God Bless you all!!!!
Amber's Aunt

Linda...hugs and kisses to you and you are right on girl. :blowkiss: I knew you for 3 days but when I left I felt like I knew you forever.

You warmed my heart and gave me something to feel good about.

You can bet I will see you again, and soon!

Oh...and p.s. You have my contact info but I didn't get yours LOL.

See you soon! And your puppy is a doll. Maybe we can get our boys together sometime :)
would have shown up just think of the work we could have gotten done?

Hi JenniferO - I'll try to put another slant on what you here goes! When Stacey Peterson went missing here in the Chicago suburbs, many, many people showed up for the searches. Some were from the prior Lisa Stebic search just a couple miles away and some were Stacey's family and friends, and some from Bolingbrook, where Stacey lived. MOST were from suburbs other than Bolingbrook.

Why were so many from suburbs other than Bolingbrook? There is only about 69,652 people in Bolingbrook, and according to you, there is only 1500 people in McCleary. You say...if only 1/2 showed up...that would be 50 % of 750 people,about 375 people. In Bolingbrook that would have been about 34,800 people. Guess my point is that your disappointment in McCleary is obvious, but I don't see it justified. Sorry Jennifer, that's just the smallness of the place. The most recent search with a hugh turnout was Boise, Idaho with a population of about 205,000 people, there was not over a 100K people from Boise searching. I think it's just not fair to compare small towns with big towns, 'cause if you take the % of people, I bet it's not much different. just my opinion and thanks for all that you have contributed! :crazy:

Well when there are more people buying coffee at any given hour at the local espresso stand than there is volunteering to search for a lost child.. I can be disappointed.

If it had just been one day I wouldn't be so upset. But 3 days in a row we seen the same people.. some drove 3 or 4 hours one way to get there and have offered to come back.
I didn't get an official count of the local McCleary searchers but I'm willing to bet it was less than 10 people (probably closer to five).

That's the great things about opinions.. we can both have them and we can agree to disagree. :)
Hugs and Kisses to you as well Breanna! Carrie and I knew you would be one of us!!!
You lit that place up with your smile and your warm and caring heart.!
We will have to get together and plan a road trip down to San Diego everyone down there will love you! We are planning a huge Party as soon as we find Amber and bring her home:) you are invited. Carrie would love to see you!!
hey my email address is
Maybe on one of our searches for Lindsey I will bring Tucker and the boys can get together then I know Tucker would love to be able to play instead of in someone's arms all day
Hugs and Kisses to you as well! Carrie and I knew you would be one of us!!!
You lit that place up with your smile and your warm and caring heart.!
We will have to get together and plan a road trip down to San Diego everyone down there will love you! We are planning a huge Party as soon as we find Amber and bring her home:) you are invited. Carrie would love to see you!!
hey my email address is
Maybe on one of our searches for Lindsey I will bring Tucker and the boys can get together then I know Tucker would love to be able to play instead of in someone's arms all day

Thanks sweetie! I will be in touch. Funny how you just meet people and connect with them. It's sad it is for something so horrific as a missing child.

Hopefully we will see you soon and we'll get them together. They will love each other.

Again...thanks so much for all your help this weekend, and for answering stupid questions and just generally helping us all along. It was a work in progress :)

You and Carrie are just the best. Please give her my hugs.
Well when there are more people buying coffee at any given hour at the local espresso stand than there is volunteering to search for a lost child.. I can be disappointed.

If it had just been one day I wouldn't be so upset. But 3 days in a row we seen the same people.. some drove 3 or 4 hours one way to get there and have offered to come back.
I didn't get an official count of the local McCleary searchers but I'm willing to bet it was less than 10 people (probably closer to five).

That's the great things about opinions.. we can both have them and we can agree to disagree. :)

I, as you, am disappointed. However, a small town with a small turnout isn't so unexpected. I guess, we agree to disagree. I appreciate all that has been done by those who did volunteer - I think everyone is just great for giving their time to such a great mom Baum support and relief and trying to bring home Lindsey is certainly worth all efforts. My heartfelt thanks go out to each and every person who gave their time, effort and good spirit. thanks so much Jennifer, Breanna, and all the locals for keeping us out-of-towners here on Websleuths informed. The peace of mind one gets from having contributed is worth its weight in gold. Thanks again to everyone. :blowkiss:
Eyes, I am thankful for the people that came to help too.

Everyone put their heart and soul into it. I just think there should have been more turn out. I personally sent texts and emails to a bunch of friends in the local area.. every single one of them had an excuse. One had to go fishing, one would have come to the search center if Marc Klaas had still been there, another couldn't find a babysitter (even though I told her that my daughter was home babysitting for some other searchers).
I don't know.. I guess I'm just really frustrated with the lack of community involvement.
Thanks sweetie! I will be in touch. Funny how you just meet people and connect with them. It's sad it is for something so horrific as a missing child.

Hopefully we will see you soon and we'll get them together. They will love each other.

Again...thanks so much for all your help this weekend, and for answering stupid questions and just generally helping us all along. It was a work in progress :)

You and Carrie are just the best. Please give her my hugs.

I second all of this.

Except I never once asked stupid questions. You might have, but I didn't. ;)
I hear ya on the excuse thing. A friend of mine said they 'just weren't interested' .. what?
I agree with Jennifer. Someone needs to write a letter/editorial/opinion piece to the local paper about this!

For all of those who "just aren't interested"...I pray to God that this never happens to their child. But if it does, that others will show a tiny bit more compassion to them.
sb wants t0 thank all of you ws that has put time and effort into the search over the weekend! he wished that he could have been there but 3000 mikes is a long ways, for such short notice. he does not know what mb said and really doesn't care, what she says or thinks. yes they just went through a long and nasty divorce, thats old news. right now what sb wants to do is find lb. sb did call all his friends that are still out that way, and most of them showed up. :)
I think maybe you guys are being a little too hard on the people from McCleary. To them, this is personal and maybe too close to home. Some people may be in denial. Others may not be able to face that they could come across her little body while searching. There could be other emotional issues in their own lives preventing them from becoming so involved. Instead of belittling the people for "not being interested" or their other excuses, it could be helpful to take a look at them individually instead of lumping them all together. Health issues are another factor to consider. I honestly don't believe all these people didn't care about finding Lindsey and it being the reason they did not volunteer. I find it disconcerting for everyone to dismiss the townspeople so readily and with the tone I am hearing in your posts.

The ones who did search from McCleary, like the majority of you here, are a rare breed. You are able and willing with a strength and resolve which not everyone possesses. It is wonderful that all of you feel this is the right thing to do, but it is the right thing to do...for your own personal reasons.

When they hold the breast cancer runs and people fail to show up to volunteer, I don't hear them screaming about the ones who didn't come to help. When other organizations ask for volunteers and they get a small turnout, they beg for more help...but they do not write letters to the Editor of the small town paper to try to guilt them into giving up their free time.

I just want people to stop a minute and think about this objectively which I know must be difficult after working so hard this weekend and putting in all the long hours for Lindsey. You truly are heros. Keep in mind tho...not everyone can be a "hero".
I think maybe you guys are being a little too hard on the people from McCleary. To them, this is personal and maybe too close to home. Some people may be in denial. Others may not be able to face that they could come across her little body while searching. There could be other emotional issues in their own lives preventing them from becoming so involved. Instead of belittling the people for "not being interested" or their other excuses, it could be helpful to take a look at them individually instead of lumping them all together. Health issues are another factor to consider. I honestly don't believe all these people didn't care about finding Lindsey and it being the reason they did not volunteer. I find it disconcerting for everyone to dismiss the townspeople so readily and with the tone I am hearing in your posts.

The ones who did search from McCleary, like the majority of you here, are a rare breed. You are able and willing with a strength and resolve which not everyone possesses. It is wonderful that all of you feel this is the right thing to do, but it is the right thing to do...for your own personal reasons.

When they hold the breast cancer runs and people fail to show up to volunteer, I don't hear them screaming about the ones who didn't come to help. When other organizations ask for volunteers and they get a small turnout, they beg for more help...but they do not write letters to the Editor of the small town paper to try to guilt them into giving up their free time.

I just want people to stop a minute and think about this objectively which I know must be difficult after working so hard this weekend and putting in all the long hours for Lindsey. You truly are heros. Keep in mind tho...not everyone can be a "hero".

Thank you SS! You said what I was thinking but couldn't put into words.

I was disappointed. But not surprised. It happens everywhere.

I think those of us that helped just got emotional and wondered where the locals were. It's not that I think they don't care. I know they do.

Anyway...can't say much more. I agree with you. I agree let's step back. We were there. They weren't. So what really?

The fact that we were there and helped and so many other's helped is enough for me. It may not be perfect in this perfect world we want. But what I saw was so many people who showed up and cared and I didn't care where they were from. Michelle...Sheri....Mike D....I mean it goes on and on.

Even Brad said...and he can lambast me later....he was afraid the local turnout would be like this. It is what it is.

So....let's move on and do what all of us can do!!!! And not worry about the locals. We are the ones with the means to search now. We have the tools and that's what they left us with!

JVK...anytime you want to search an area I'm with you. Same with MikeB. Or Michelle...or Potted...or Kona....or Cyber and his wife....or Amber Dubois's mom and aunt.

Really guys....we can do this!!!
I think maybe you guys are being a little too hard on the people from McCleary. To them, this is personal and maybe too close to home. Some people may be in denial. Others may not be able to face that they could come across her little body while searching. There could be other emotional issues in their own lives preventing them from becoming so involved. Instead of belittling the people for "not being interested" or their other excuses, it could be helpful to take a look at them individually instead of lumping them all together. Health issues are another factor to consider. I honestly don't believe all these people didn't care about finding Lindsey and it being the reason they did not volunteer. I find it disconcerting for everyone to dismiss the townspeople so readily and with the tone I am hearing in your posts.

The ones who did search from McCleary, like the majority of you here, are a rare breed. You are able and willing with a strength and resolve which not everyone possesses. It is wonderful that all of you feel this is the right thing to do, but it is the right thing to do...for your own personal reasons.

When they hold the breast cancer runs and people fail to show up to volunteer, I don't hear them screaming about the ones who didn't come to help. When other organizations ask for volunteers and they get a small turnout, they beg for more help...but they do not write letters to the Editor of the small town paper to try to guilt them into giving up their free time.

I just want people to stop a minute and think about this objectively which I know must be difficult after working so hard this weekend and putting in all the long hours for Lindsey. You truly are heros. Keep in mind tho...not everyone can be a "hero".

Discussing those who didn't show up exceeds what could potentially be lost. It's a bit of an elephant..

.. Not saying drag on but it has some value.

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