Attorney Brad Conway To Release More Evidence In Anthony Case On 09/30/09

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Haven't read this whole LONG thread yet, but here are my thoughts, FWIW:

I agree with those of you that say whenever there's a doc dump, the Anthony's and/or Defense creates a diversion.

I'd have a LOT more respect for Brad if he gave us ALL the 1000 pages we're missing. instead of the 19 pages that Baez wanted him to have to create this diversion!

I watched part of his "press conference", but had to stop when he started waffling when the questioning started and then said he "didn't have those supporting pages". (paraphrased).

19 pages out of a thousand? Come'on Baez, lets see the rest! heh

For a professional take on this - watch WFTV's legal analyst B Schaefer's analysis.

I apologize, but, I really don't see what has been either "lied" or "omited" by the state....BC's "documents" are basically cherry picked info from the doc dumps released by the
What was "twisted" or "tweaked"??

Nothing was. and we have a right to discuss what was brought up!
Warning: :eek:fftopic:

OneLostGirl - Just have to say, love your avatar! Perfect.
BBM ITA, I just listened to BC and am infuriated that he states that KC is being tried in public, continues on all about what is being stated out there... so 'to him' it means that KC won't get a fair trial.

wth, When KC walks in that court room that Jury will persume she is innocent and they will listen to the case as presented . So seriously, who is really taking Discovery as a verdict here. Media, us and others do what we do... read, check-out, sleuth whatever is put out there. KC will get a fair trial. None of us have seen yet how the SA or Defense will present this case. We can assume whatever we like... sorry BC, CA, GA... we do get to have an 'opinion'. They are a bunch of control freaks IMO. And I feel he was out of line to do this at all.

CA spends to much time reading the sleuthing fourms. If she had a job and lived in the real world, she would realize that folks are not followign this case THAT closely. Just sleuthers, who because they are sleuthers, will not be able to set in that jury pool.
So the bottom line, a summary of BC's big announcement is............... that Casey didn't steal the duct tape from her parent's home, she stole it from someone else.

yup, pretty much what it boils down too.. go figure :waitasec:
Thanks to Angel for posting this in the news thread.

WKMG-Channel 6's Mike DeForest said his station disputed the second example by showing Conway another FBI document that says no hair other than Caylee's was on the duct tape.

"At that point, Brad Conway basically backed off of this statement and said he wanted to do a little bit further research," DeForest said.
Don't know if someone posted this from WFTV, but I love it !

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- It's evidence in the case against Casey Anthony so small you need a microscope to see it, but Casey Anthony's parents are trying to use it to prove their daughter is not a killer.

Much more at the link....
Thanks to Angel for posting this in the news thread.

2009.09.30 Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSIONS HERE PLEASE *** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

WKMG-Channel 6's Mike DeForest said his station disputed the second example by showing Conway another FBI document that says no hair other than Caylee's was on the duct tape.

"At that point, Brad Conway basically backed off of this statement and said he wanted to do a little bit further research," DeForest said.

That was the point when I had to stop watching! heh

Thanks for bringing that over, SuziQ! :)
That was the point when I had to stop watching! heh

Thanks for bringing that over, SuziQ! :)

I have to say I'm impressed with the press that was there today. They had BC combing through pages to prove his point. The press seemed very knowledgeable about the forensics released in this case so far.
I see in no way where the state lied. This is part of the discovery they released to defense. I agree with MM, where are the other 1000 pages? They said 3 weeks ago they were 2000 pages turned over to defense yet we only got 1000 so far. Defense simply handed over those pages to be publicly announced through BC first and foremost. Brad himself said the state does not have control of when these documents are released to the public after being turned over to defense as discovery. That is the court clerk.

The duct tape evidence is simply the end result of further testing. The first phases published documented the type of tape (rare) and where it was sold, etc. and was the same type as the gas cans. The adhesive and fingerprint testing. The visual of the heart shape. Now we see that was not all that was done in terms of testing and this is the end results determined so far. This is why they are called preliminary reports to start with. From start to finish. Then at trial there will be experts called to break down all this info for a jury to understand.
Haven't read this whole LONG thread yet, but here are my thoughts, FWIW:

I agree with those of you that say whenever there's a doc dump, the Anthony's and/or Defense creates a diversion.

I'd have a LOT more respect for Brad if he gave us ALL the 1000 pages we're missing. instead of the 19 pages that Baez wanted him to have to create this diversion!

I watched part of his "press conference", but had to stop when he started waffling when the questioning started and then said he "didn't have those supporting pages". (paraphrased).

19 pages out of a thousand? Come'on Baez, lets see the rest! heh

For a professional take on this - watch WFTV's legal analyst B Schaefer's analysis.


It sounds reasonable that the fibers would break down when out in the water and environment to the point where it would no longer match. I can see that being sold to the jury. Caylee's shirt (which is made of fibers) deterioted away to nothing, but a little bit of poloyester. IF a section of that shirt was saved, I doubt it would match up with what was left when found.
I'm am just now able to listen to this, and as I listen, I am thinking he has spent way too much time in the company of CA, who can't string a sentence together to save her life. Blah, blah, blah, bluh. Spit it out, Brad. Oooh.....he definitely colloborated w/ JB on this......he invokes the *people are dying for our freedom* that JB trotted out earlier on. Remember that?
This is reminding me of that "gotcha" information CA thought she had about the way ZG signed her name. Do y'all remember that from the Morgan depo? It was laughable to watch how she thought she discovered some big piece of evidence.
Don't know if someone posted this from WFTV, but I love it !

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- It's evidence in the case against Casey Anthony so small you need a microscope to see it, but Casey Anthony's parents are trying to use it to prove their daughter is not a killer.

Much more at the link....

The reporter goes on to say that it doesn't prove it. OUCH!
Well yeah, the cleaning job caused this. And why were they cleaning the car? Because it stunk like a dead body! The lack of evidence at a crime scene is just as suspicious as finding evidence that links to the murderer.

The Anthonys' attorney also released a new document, which says the FBI found no fibers from Casey's trunk, where investigators believe Caylee's body had been placed, at the scene where her remains were found.
Personally I think the "Cleaner" (you know the TV show guy) needs to come in and drag Brad to an undisclosed location and remove whatever toxins have infiltrated his system via osmosis from prolonged close contact with the A's.
I am so, so sorry for the running commentary, but it's just too delicious to keep silent.

BC is questioned about CA and DC "digging up dirt"......BC replies *well, I wouldn't call it digging up dirt. everyone has skeletons* KB pipes up....."Isn't that dirt?" LOLLOLOL
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