AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce (Wynarka) and mum Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #1

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Sadly it seems she was terribly abused though, let's hope her death was the only time it happened
Yes, let's hope that was the only time. She seemed to be obviously loved with that picture of her and her quilt though.
For anyone not aware, Belanglo State Forest is accessed via the highway between Sydney and Canberra. This highway exits at the Canberra turnoff but if you continue on it you would reach Melbourne and eventually (after many, many hours) South Australia. The stretch of highway is long and boring, with nothing much too see. When I would travel it it was always quiet out that way. It's not the sort of place you would just happen upon, you would have to be on the highway to access it.

So where were they coming from? From Canberra it would be only a few hours to Belanglo. Whoever said it could be a truck driver is absolutely right. You honestly wouldn't be going for joy ride out that way. I hated that stretch of road so much.

I remember that somewhere out that way there was a really bad crash around the same time in which a truck driver ran a family off the road. I'll try and find a link.

Edited to add the link: this is right near Belanglo and I remember this incident vividly. It happened in 2004 but something about it sticks out for me. Where is Karlie's car? Could she have come across something like this incident?
"Investigators then located a witness who had seen Khandalyce and her mother at Marion Shopping Centre, Adelaide in November 2008. She had taken photos of Khandalyce wearing a pink dress. That dress is identical to that found with the remains in the suitcase.

Police were also provided with photos of Khandalyce in a stroller with the handmade quilt that was also found in the suitcase."

That 'witness' would have to be someone known to the family wouldn't it? Otherwise the odds of that occurring...
Yes, the image of the quilt with her in life and death - she was loved.

I would like to think Khandalyce died with something (the quilt) she loved dearly made by someone who loved her dearly. My grandmother made my quilt (blankie) and I ALWAYS knew it was special. I loved it then and I love it now more than any other possession I own. My grandmother also made a quilt (blankie) for my oldest child and even at a young age, he knew it was special. I am so sorry for what Khandalyce went through and I would do anything to take it back, but since I cannot I am content knowing she was surrounded by the love that went into that quilt.
When thinking about the facial construction of the Belanglo angle facial construction image, I think it looked very different to the real identity Karlie.
Sadly it seems she was terribly abused though, let's hope her death was the only time it happened

I have speed read through this thread once I saw Khandalyce had been identified and I missed where she was abused (outside of her obvious death) could you help me out and point me to where I need to catch up?
I have speed read through this thread once I saw Khandalyce had been identified and I missed where she was abused (outside of her obvious death) could you help me out and point me to where I need to catch up?
As far as I know, she was never abused. It was just that before we knew her name, no one could be sure what happened to her since she died a violent death. She could have been, but there was no proof of it.
Now that we know who she is, and she was no doubt very much loved, it's nice to know she was more than likely not and I hope to God that she did not suffer long and her mother did not either before their deaths.
Yes, it is very surprising when we know them both as "Angel" and I remember there was a stage in our thread that people were confused which Angel we were talking about, extremely surprising they are in fact related! Extraordinary. Perhaps it was their clothing (mother's fashion taste) that made us think of Angel.
"The chemical markers that were in her tissue and bones indicated she had not spent much time in Australia," Detective Sergeant Tim Attwood told Fairfax Media.

The chemical analysis or assumptions made off of it seems to have been severely wrong then. Likewise in thinking she was from overseas with regards to the dental work.

I would think Khandalyce was not deceased in the same location in the Belangalo Forrest (if at all) at the time her mother was discovered as otherwise cadaver dogs and police would have found her also I would think. Given the 'history' of the Belangalo Forrest I presume cadaver dogs would have been used quite extensively at the time.
Its good that now there is an identity and definitely narrowed down somewhat where to look for the investigation.
As far as I know, she was never abused. It was just that before we knew her name, no one could be sure what happened to her since she died a violent death. She could have been, but there was no proof of it.
Now that we know who she is, and she was no doubt very much loved, it's nice to know she was more than likely not and I hope to God that she did not suffer long and her mother did not either before their deaths.

Thank you for your reply. It is very good to know she was loved! I also find it amazing this little girl spoke for her mother. Without her, I am not sure her mother's body would have ever been identified. I really am in awe right now!
Listened from the radio, I think they said the mother and child were last seen in SA. If that was the case, it could be both mother and child were killed in SA, the killer moved the mother's body to NSW. Or the mother was killed first, dumped to NSW, back to SA the killer kept the child alive for sometimes until later the killer killed her.

Wondering who bought the tutu dress to Khandalyce, her mother or the killer?
Yes, it is very surprising when we know them both as "Angel" and I remember there was a stage in our thread that people were confused which Angel we were talking about, extremely surprising they are in fact related! Extraordinary. Perhaps it was their clothing (mother's fashion taste) that made us think of Angel.

I decided early in the case to call the remains in the suitcase Angel simply because I wanted to give her a name and not just be known as the bones/remains in the suitcase. The name seems to have stuck but I never imagined that name would eventually be connected to her murdered mother who was also dubbed Angel by the investigators of her case due to the t-shirt found with her body with the word Angelic on the front if it.

What is especially heartbreaking is that Khandalyce was only two years old when she was murdered! WHY? That is all that is buzzing around in my head right now. WHY? Where is the sick, cruel monster who did this to her and also murdered her mother? Hopefully police now have enough information and will be able to make an arrest very soon.

Rest in peace Khandalyce and Karlie. :rose: :rose:Justice is coming for you both.
I wonder if this was a friend or a family member who called Crime Stoppers? Did she point them in the direction of the witness who had seen Khandalyce and her mother at Marion Shopping Centre in Adelaide in November 2008.

The significant development that lead to both females being identified began on October 8 when a call to Crime Stoppers nominated Khandalyce as possibly being the little girl in the suitcase.
The caller had not seen Khandalyce or Ms Pearce-Stevenson for some time and believed they were missing.
Investigators then located a witness who had seen Khandalyce and her mother at Marion Shopping Centre in Adelaide in November 2008.
She had taken photos of Khandalyce wearing a pink dress. That dress is identical to that found with the remains in the suitcase.

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My best guess is the suitcase was dumped shortly after Khandalyce was killed, somewhere other than Wynarka but not too far away, and was dumped much later at Wynarka by someone who picked it up to check out for valuables. Karlie would have been killed after Khandalyce, presumably she was very unhappy and not fully accepting of whatever lies and intimidation the killer was using on her to get her to go along with what he did. Then the killer had an adult body and a car full of evidence to dispose of. Belanglo is far away and notorious and anything found there will be assumed to be related to the Milats' activities, it is also able to be reached from the Mallee/Riverland area without going through major population centres. The killer works out he's got the time and the petrol money to get there, so he drives to Belanglo and dumps Karlie. Then he disposes of the car in a third location, either dumps it or torches it. Then he hitch hikes out or catches a lift at a backpackers, there's always someone willing to let a person tag along if they pitch in for petrol.

Just my best guess, going on what requires the least divergence from what I know of how the world works and what I know of the case.
So the mystery now is this...

Mother and daughter were killed sometime in 2009 (probably) as the shopping centre photo was taken in Nov 2008.
Mother's body discovered in Belangalo Forest NSW in 2010.
Based on the age of the bones, her daughter died around the same time.

So why was the suitcase of the child's clothing kept?
Why was the child's body left to decompose at some other location (as police have previously stated) then the bones placed in the suitcase sometime later?
Why was the suitcase dumped 6 years later?

It seems to me that the killer would not have wanted the clothes and the bones together and could have easily dumped them separately so they would never be found.
Why keep the suitcase and the bones so long?
And then, why dump them?

maybe they werent killed together, if they had been hitch hiking. the killer may have driven them to the forest and killed karlie and taken little khandalyce to be killed later, their luggage would have been in his car?
I remember the police were focused on soil/geology at one point and a soil type that was present in the murray region. I wonder if the same soil type is present in the Belangalo Forrest?

It just seems strange that for someone to kill 2 people and presumably bury them in the Belangalo Forrest or elsewhere yet preserve the suitcase and clothing to the point where they were at lest able to recover it (if it has been buried also). Even if buried then to go back years later and recover it from an ever changing Forrest seems a major excavation exercise in finding the location.
I wonder if Karlie's distinctive top which was never traced came from a traveller she met whilst working on farms/fruit picking etc? And maybe similar story for the dentistry - she couldn't afford to see a registered dentist so saw someone "Not registered"?
Khadalyce would have been 7 years old now. The legal age to begin school in Australia is generally 5 - 6 isn't it? Whose job is/was it to follow up and ensure children are enrolled in school, the NT equivalent of DOCS?
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