AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce (Wynarka) and mum Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #3

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I still think the woman in the wheelchair may of had a surgery or medical problem . Would make sense with the royal adelaide hospital transactions.

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I still think the woman in the wheelchair may of had a surgery or medical problem . Would make sense with the royal adelaide hospital transactions.

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I agree, I can't see the point of faking being in a wheelchair when fronting at the bank.
A large amount of money that went into her account that was wages from a person ....... wages kind of implies with some regularity.
Maybe a person was being blackmailed.

The fact that the police have said that "wages" were deposited into her bank account suggests to me that they were wages from a legitimate source. "From a person" is more baffling though. I would have expected "from an organisation" or "from a company" or "from a business". So what "person" would deposit wages into someone's bank account - as opposed to paying them cash?
Fraudster fooled Karlie's Mum

The Australian
Meredith Booth & Dan Box
3 hours ago

Paraphrased (article behind paywall) at:

Additional information to that already published:

Article reports that 'a woman made a series of phone calls to Karlie's mother, impersonating Karlie, repeatedly asking for money to be deposited into Karlie's bank account, after Karlie was dead.'

So Karlie's Mum passed away in 2012 and Karlie's bank account ceased to be used around that time? They'd been using it to scam money from Karlie's Mum for about 3 years after Karlie was killed? These people must have no conscience whatsoever IMO.

It is quite extraordinary. I guarantee I would know my son's voice on the phone under any circumstances. So what does this mean? Her mother had had so little contact from her daughter that someone was easily able to impersonate her, or someone knew Karlie really, really well, to be able to impersonate her to the extent that she was able to fool her mother?
I agree, I can't see the point of faking being in a wheelchair when fronting at the bank.
It seems to be unnessecary. Also i think being in a wheelchair would make it easier for people to remember you . If i was trying to look inconspicuous i wouldnt do anything to draw attention to myself .

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It is quite extraordinary. I guarantee I would know my son's voice on the phone under any circumstances. So what does this mean? Her mother had had so little contact from her daughter that someone was easily able to impersonate her, or someone knew Karlie really, really well, to be able to impersonate her to the extent that she was able to fool her mother?

Or someone who knew that her mother was incredibly ill, likely to be on multiple medications and possibly not as compus mentus as she once was, whether that is through the illness or the medications. I've received morphine before for pain control and I was away with the fairies, convinced there was an owl in the room! Without knowing what happened to Karlies mum, it's difficult to know if she was on medication or illness may have made her much more susceptible to being duped.
Here's the map that criss crosses the country via withdrawls ..!2m2!1d133.8806114!2d-23.7002104!3e0

The drive back from Canberra to Broadview (Adelaide) takes you right by Wynarka and if you drove that way via the Riverland it would take you straight through.!2m2!1d133.8806114!2d-23.7002104!3e0

Seems like this may have been a well trodden path for them doesn't it. Adelaide > Riverland > Canberra > Back up to Alice ..
It seems to be unnessecary. Also i think being in a wheelchair would make it easier for people to remember you . If i was trying to look inconspicuous i wouldnt do anything to draw attention to myself .

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Definitely .. I agree, she genuinely needed the wheelchair.
Also the drive from Canberra to Adelaide is just over 12 hours, a good time to stop before heading off again north, then Coober Pedy is a good place to stop before driving the last part to Alice, and back again.
This thread FLIES while I sleep! Now I know what it's like for crimes happening in the US if you're across the pond or something:)

Just marking my spot.
With regard to payments rates for single parents, I was a single parent during those years and received just shy of 1200 per fortnight. This consisted of SPP, FTB and rent assistance. No deductions for earnings or child support, so this really was the maximum that was available. So if we are looking at 37 months, that's around 89000. I think it's plausible that the majority of the funds came from the Centrelink fraud.

This whole thing is just horrific. The idea that money (and let's face it, not a lot of money), could have been the motivation for these murders is just horrible. And their poor family. Her mother died thinking she didn't want to see her. I just don't understand people. I hope the investigations maintains momentum and these people are caught very swiftly. I'm not generally in support of incarceration for a variety of reasons, but these people need to be held to account, and prevented from harming anyone else.
I agree, I can't see the point of faking being in a wheelchair when fronting at the bank.

Is it possible that if photo id were explain why you dont really look like your photo could say you have been very ill? What better way to 'look very ill' than to be in a wheelchair?? Just a thought.
The fact that the police have said that "wages" were deposited into her bank account suggests to me that they were wages from a legitimate source. "From a person" is more baffling though. I would have expected "from an organisation" or "from a company" or "from a business". So what "person" would deposit wages into someone's bank account - as opposed to paying them cash?
Perhaps in the form of cheques made out to Karlie by an individual who was an employer.
This thread is moving so quickly, it's incredibly difficult to keep up with. Well done Makara for keeping everything organised, providing info and links and remembering so much.

I'm now thinking along the lines (which no doubt will change, when more information gets released) that Karlie moved from Alice to SA because she already knew someone/some people who had moved from Alice Springs and was also convinced to move to SA, to look for work and start a new life, away from Alice Springs - which she may have wanted to do because she didn't get on well with her family for whatever reason, went through a breakup with Khandalyce's father, or whatever. So I think she had contact with this person/these people previously through Facebook, or whatever other social media young women of that age use nowadays. Maybe a friend of Karlie's that had known her and her family well when she was growing up, which may explain them going back to Alice Springs on a couple of occasions.

I also think Khandalyce was left with someone on a regular basis who babysat her - possibly this person is the mother of a male, who was in a relationship with someone else (the "wheelchair" woman). Whether the wheelchair woman is the same person, or someone entirely different to someone that Karlie may have previously know in Alice, I have no idea. Given the wheelchair and Karlie's card being used several times at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, I'm thinking this woman had a genuine injury that required her to go regular hospital appointments, or as someone suggested, go to the Pain Clinic at the hospital.

I'm also thinking that Karlie was murdered while Khandalyce was being babysat, and then Khandalyce was murdered afterwards, and kept in "storage", in either a shed or a container on a property - somewhere that would be under lock and key and no-one could access apart from the people involved in the murders. I still think Khandalyce had to be moved in a hurry and in a bit of a panic - could be they had to move premises, or someone involved had been arrested for something unrelated.

One thing is for sure though, I'm very confident the police will find out exactly who was involved (if they don't already know) and arrest them to live out their days in gaol, and won't we all be celebrating when that happens.
Just wanted to add my thanks to Makara too. This is such a fast moving case and so many posts, I've had to turn off notifications on my phone or it would beep all night (I'm in the UK)! Don't think I'm the only UK follower of this thread either. I'm genuinely amazed at the speed at which this case seems to be moving now, kudos to Australian LE I think they're doing a sterling job right now. Some excellent sleuthing going on too imo.
Is it possible that if photo id were explain why you dont really look like your photo could say you have been very ill? What better way to 'look very ill' than to be in a wheelchair?? Just a thought.

If they updated details over the counter there would be less eye contact as well.
The fact that the police have said that "wages" were deposited into her bank account suggests to me that they were wages from a legitimate source. "From a person" is more baffling though. I would have expected "from an organisation" or "from a company" or "from a business". So what "person" would deposit wages into someone's bank account - as opposed to paying them cash?

A partner/associate of one of the others involved could have set up the ABN under KP Exploration Drilling, and worked under that ABN as a contractor (Sole trader), and then received payment via an invoice rendered to the principal (payer), who then deposited the payment for work into Karlie's bank account. Payer may only have been given the BSB and a/c number, not necessarily the name. If the name was required to be given, then the payee had to be female, as Karlie is not a male name. If ABN holder male, then could have said that payment was to go into 'wife's' or 'partner's' account. My thoughts only.
I also wondered how they successfully fooled Karlie's mother, but I'm guessing here that sadly the conflict between Karlie and her mother worked in their favour. Maybe the person pretending to be Karlie kept her phone calls short, didn't answer in detail, made the phone call in a noisy place, used a bad connection, pretended to have a cold etc etc. Karlie's mum knew that they were on bad terms, maybe she was just grateful for any contact at all.

I also think that most of the contact was by text, and they only called when they thought it was really necessary. I'm just speculating here, but lets say that the fraudsters sent a few texts early in 2009. "Hey mum, we're fine. Don't want to talk." Then they stop contacting mum, being aware of the family conflict and hoping it will just be accepted. Mum sends further texts and leaves voice mail, they go unanswered. In September 2009 mum goes to the police and then sends a message saying, "I just reported you and Khandalyce missing, you'd better call me back if you're okay." The fraudsters panic, because they know if the police go poking around looking for Karlie they might find out that Karlie and Khandalyce are murdered. They end up deciding to risk a very brief, terse phone call. It works, and this emboldens them to make a few other calls, as well as text messages etc to extort money. Sometime in 2011 the pretense of being Karlie becomes too difficult or not worthwhile for some reason. Maybe a few things happened, such as Karlie's mother refusing to send more money, Centrelink needing proof of something they can't provide, prison time for unrelated crimes, spooked by investigations into Angel's body, another victim etc. They stop using the phone, and Karlie's mother and extended family think that Karlie has cut herself off for good this time. All speculation but I do think that something happened in 2011 to (mostly) give up on the impersonation aspect of the fraud.
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