AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce (Wynarka) and mum Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #6

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Has someone had a habit of doing the dope drop then ditching the suitcase out bush before they reach the dogs? Hence the number of suitcases in that region? Where were the suitcases found?
How could someone go through that suitcase and not notice the skull? How many people have opened that suitcase? How many people know but are not ringing Crimestoppers?

If you found a suitcase with a small distinctive human skull, wouldn't you ring police immediately? Is that what suitcase man did? Placed the suitcase verge side? Did not want to ring police?

Forensic examination has revealed the skeleton is complete. Further testing is being conducted to ascertain its gender.

Doubt it was a skull
The next question is, did Khandalese go to Canberra? Or was Khandalese kept back in Adelaide while Karlie did a tour of duty down Copperhead road???

Did Khandalese ever leave Adelaide?

Investigators revealed for the first time they believe the pair were murdered in mid-to-late December 2008, with the last confirmed sighting of mother and daughter at Charnwood in the ACT only a short time before disappearing.

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I'm not sure if the reporting in this article is correct. Most articles I've read state the last confirmed sighting of Karlie (only) in Charnwood, Canberra. So I'm still left wondering ....
Silly or deliberate?

The money was gone? Cant get blood out a stone? Hence such the horrific deaths to send a message to everyone else?

How do you "send" a message when the body is not identified?

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I think police would have meant just any item that could help them find out who the remains belong to. So I guess anything anyone could have taken.

I don't think it means they suspected there was something in the suitcase that was now missing.
That's what confused me in this thread. I initially thought that they had clues that made them suspect there would have been something in the suitcase, that no longer was in it when police found the suitcase. Like a secret drugs compartment.

I totally agree. The way I interpreted it was that because various people had gone through the suitcase, prior to it actually being reported, someone may have taken something from it, which the person(s) who rummaged through the suitcase thought was of value. Could have been anything such as a small piece of jewellery that Khandalyce wore, for example. I don't think it's anything like drugs, or whatever else is being alluded to by various people on this thread.

Given the nature of people in general, I think that is quite feasible (that someone may have taken something they saw and liked, for whatever reason). I certainly don't read anything else into it.
Now that the drug runs have come up. I really think this whole thing is just way bigger than just DH and identity theft.
I don't think DH could be the brain behind all this.

He could have killed Karlie IMO. But it makes me wonder if Karlie messed up with drug money debts or whatever, why DH would kill her? And why he isn't charged with Khaldalyce's death.

Was the identity theft out of greed? To conceal the deaths? Or was it done not to geopardise something way bigger going on?
Was Khandalyce to have 'a new mummy' so Karlie's death would not be noticed? Did an other woman become Karlie and take Khandalyce with her, away from Canberra? But it didn't work out, so she had to die as well?

Was Khandalyce 'sold'? I just don't know what to think.
I don't know what the rules are in Australia, but where I live, you don't get any benefits if you own a house of have more than about 3500,- dollars (cash, car, jewelry, savings or anything else that's worth more than that, all added up) . So putting that kind of money in your bank account would be considered serious fraud that would get you a huge fine.
In Oz you can own a home, have a couple of hectares (paddocks for the horses) a car and savings... I'm not quite sure how much savings... the thing that is taken into account is the interest on those savings, (which is bugger all at the moment)... it's pretty cushy here!!
I don't know what the rules are in Australia, but where I live, you don't get any benefits if you own a house of have more than about 3500,- dollars (cash, car, jewelry, savings or anything else that's worth more than that, all added up) . So putting that kind of money in your bank account would be considered serious fraud that would get you a huge fine.

Is is a fair bit different here. You can own a house, as long as it is your PPOR - Principal Place of Residence. You can also have substantially more in the bank too, as well as other investments. There is a reason refugees are beating a path to our door. As well as the weather and the friendly locals :)

This page tells you all the asset limits. Scroll down for the tables. this page outlines the assets test requirements.

All that said, I'm not sure whether putting a deposit of $25k into a bank account, even from a centrelink customer, would raise a flag. Though it may, as they do cross checking with banks, which could mean nothing more than a letter asking the person to come in to please explain, since you are supposed to declare all earnings and other income. Perhaps someone on here with CL experience may be able to provide more info?
So we have references to a jaw bone in news media, but nothing referenced to the a skull per se, unless :(

Wouldnt the first thing you see be a skull, rather than a jaw bone? A skull would stand out in a suitcase.
There is a $10K limit which brings an automatic audit when you deposit money. But that's not to say the money wasn't put in another bank account such as a business bank account. If you deposited $8000 at a time as business revenue. No auto audit. Deposit that money in different states, etc etc. An exploration company looks legit.

Although someone may have been coerced into created the business name so money wasnt automatically withdrawn by child care services etc.

All that said, I'm not sure whether putting a deposit of $25k into a bank account, even from a centrelink customer, would raise a flag. Though it may, as they do cross checking with banks, which could mean nothing more than a letter asking the person to come in to please explain, since you are supposed to declare all earnings and other income. Perhaps someone on here with CL experience may be able to provide more info?
Yeah ... no. I don't think so. To disguise her identity?

"A year later to the day she was discovered, Dr Susan Hayes stood in the Glebe Morgue, the young woman's skull in her hands". (BBM).

Her skull would have been totally crushed if that was the case. Further, she wasn't even buried.

"As she lay, covered in eucalypt litter." (BBM). They didn't try very hard, did they?

The alleged choice by DH of Belanglo as a dumping site and the timing bothers me on some levels.

Belanglo is notorious. It's famous for all the wrong reasons. Any body dumped there is bound to attract MAJOR attention and media speculation. The body was on a trail, in plain sight, not even hidden. At that time KPS was not a missing person, but as far as her family is concerned, she was AWOL with Khandalyce. They probably have some concerns for her whereabouts and safety.

This is is a link to an article where the police state that forensics say the remains have been in the forest 'less than a year' , found Aug 2010 - so put there some time AFTER August 2009. I know that forensics is a tricky science, but what if they were right?

My issue is if DH put her body there in Dec 2008......
How could he have known that she would not be found for almost 2 years? The answer is he COULDN'T know.

How could he have foreseen she would not be identified?
He COULDN'T know that either.

Therefore putting her in Belanglo in Dec 2008 seems counter -productive if I am DH. The timing is off. IMO it is more likely her body was put there as a warning to someone as has been suggested earlier in the thread, or if by DH ! It was AFTER the missing persons report was withdrawn in September 2009.

If he is pinged in the forest Dec 14 /15 2008 what's he doing? Maybe there is an innocent explanation. Having a picnic? Stopping at the nearby McDonalds on the Hume Freeway?

just some thoughts. All IMO and speculation only.

The alleged choice by DH of Belanglo as a dumping site and the timing bothers me on some levels.

Belanglo is notorious. It's famous for all the wrong reasons. Any body dumped there is bound to attract MAJOR attention and media speculation. The body was on a trail, in plain sight, not even hidden. At that time KPS was not a missing person, but as far as her family is concerned, she was AWOL with Khandalyce. They probably have some concerns for her whereabouts and safety.

This is is a link to an article where the police state that forensics say the remains have been in the forest 'less than a year' , found Aug 2010 - so put there some time AFTER August 2009. I know that forensics is a tricky science, but what if they were right?

My issue is if DH put her body there in Dec 2008......
How could he have known that she would not be found for almost 2 years? The answer is he COULDN'T know.

How could he have foreseen she would not be identified?
He COULDN'T know that either.

Therefore putting her in Belanglo in Dec 2008 seems counter -productive if I am DH. The timing is off. IMO it is more likely her body was put there AFTER the missing persons report was withdrawn in September 2009.

If he is pinged in the forest Dec 14 /15 2008 what's he doing? Maybe there is an innocent explanation. Having a picnic? Stopping at the nearby McDonalds on the Hume Freeway?

just some thoughts. All IMO and speculation only.

That's real sharp thinking. Police had Karlie's dental work examined, but they found no matching records. Why?
But how did the killer know that she wouldn't be found soon after dumping her. How did he know she wouldn't be identified by dental records? How did forensics mess up big time, stating that the victim would have been in Australia only for a short time.

If she had been identified, for sure identity fraud would have come to light and CCTV of bank transactions etc. would have been on crime stoppers and in the press. And the person that would have been using her identity after she must already have been dead, would have to have an incredible story.
Out of interest we just pulled up under a tree on the edge of Truro small town South Australia. There's a man with a small blue suitcase under the next tree ahead of us.
Me- "Tidely dressed man with suitcase! "
Semitrailer pulls up, man goes to cab and climbs in and off they go!
Me- " I didn't think they were allowed to pick up hitchhikers ?!"
My partner( man of few words) " Probably his other driver"
Food for thought... Was about to take a pic then decided we
bsleuths may not appreciate me posting pics of complete unrelated parties going about their business!

The alleged choice by DH of Belanglo as a dumping site and the timing bothers me on some levels.

Belanglo is notorious. It's famous for all the wrong reasons. Any body dumped there is bound to attract MAJOR attention and media speculation. The body was on a trail, in plain sight, not even hidden. At that time KPS was not a missing person, but as far as her family is concerned, she was AWOL with Khandalyce. They probably have some concerns for her whereabouts and safety.

This is is a link to an article where the police state that forensics say the remains have been in the forest 'less than a year' , found Aug 2010 - so put there some time AFTER August 2009. I know that forensics is a tricky science, but what if they were right?

My issue is if DH put her body there in Dec 2008......
How could he have known that she would not be found for almost 2 years? The answer is he COULDN'T know.

How could he have foreseen she would not be identified?
He COULDN'T know that either.

Therefore putting her in Belanglo in Dec 2008 seems counter -productive if I am DH. The timing is off. IMO it is more likely her body was put there AFTER the missing persons report was withdrawn in September 2009.

If he is pinged in the forest Dec 14 /15 2008 what's he doing? Maybe there is an innocent explanation. Having a picnic? Stopping at the nearby McDonalds on the Hume Freeway?

just some thoughts. All IMO and speculation only.

Yes, I understand what you're saying. It's all very tricky. Given they originally thought Karlie was a backpacker from Germany who had been in the Margaret River district in WA, and given that they initially thought she was originally killed elsewhere and deposited in Belanglo after her death, to then change it to she was killed at or near Belanglo (because of the phone pings, I presume), I don't think we can place too much emphasis at this stage. It's not an exact science, and is evidently very difficult. We also don't know what sort of forensics they initially had. I'm not sufficiently familiar with police operations to comment - technically they should have used a forensic anthropologist and forensic archaeologist, as well as forensic botanists, soil sample experts, etc - but whether they did or not, I have no idea. There are just too many variables to come to any conclusion, unless you are in the know.

Certainly some food for thought though - thanks.
Does December 14/15 mean DH made two visits to the forest, or that he was there across midnight, or that there's some uncertainty about the date and time of the pings?
That's real sharp thinking. Police had Karlie's dental work examined, but they found no matching records. Why?
But how did the killer know that she wouldn't be found soon after dumping her. How did he know she wouldn't be identified by dental records? How did forensics mess up big time, stating that the victim would have been in Australia only for a short time.

If she had been identified, for sure identity fraud would have come to light and CCTV of bank transactions etc. would have been on crime stoppers and in the press. And the person that would have been using her identity after she must already have been dead, would have to have an incredible story.

That part really stumps me as well. The dental work led investigators searching for a backpacker of European origins. The body was poorly concealed in Milat family hunting grounds famous for killing backpackers. Why does Karlie who has lived in Australia her whole life have European dental work. This was a major factor in her not being identified. The reconstructed drawing was probably affected by that assumption as well. Why WAS the killer so confident she wouldn't be identified? Were they just extremely lucky?

Your in Canberra. Where is the first place most likely in the front of a criminals mind? The place with all the news media?

Karlie had been living, drinking water in Alice Springs yet found in NSW. Not expected

That's real sharp thinking. Police had Karlie's dental work examined, but they found no matching records. Why?
But how did the killer know that she wouldn't be found soon after dumping her. How did he know she wouldn't be identified by dental records? How did forensics mess up big time, stating that the victim would have been in Australia only for a short time.

If she had been identified, for sure identity fraud would have come to light and CCTV of bank transactions etc. would have been on crime stoppers and in the press. And the person that would have been using her identity after she must already have been dead, would have to have an incredible story.
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