AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce, Wynarka, Bones of a Child Discovered, July'15 - #3

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He is described as being of Caucasian appearance, average height, lightly built, clean cut and neatly dressed

neatly dressed could just be clean jeans and tshirt, its all personal opinion of the witnesses, so unless he was wearing a suit (smartly dressed) he may not have really stood out to other people apart from the fact he wasnt known in the area.
he could have been staying in one of the local caravan parks and driven to this spot several times, wandering along the roadway before finally leaving it where he did, so would explain the two different date sightings

Investigators are still trying to identify a man, believed to be in his 60s, who was seen in the area with a dark suitcase on both April 13 and May 26.

Makes you wonder if there might be more than the remains of one child to be found.
God knows what's underneath that new road. :fear: I know, I know, sometimes I scare myself.
That's weird, cause now the property is on sale, but I thought it's just land without a house, and it also says that the original house burnt down?

The house burnt down and it would have been demolished and debris removed. Now years later the owner of the land is finally deciding to sell. I might be able to use my powers and find out more about who owns the property on Monday. Sometimes property sits for a long time before selling depending on the circumstances. It might also be a deceased estate or public trustee sale.

Sorry I didn't read your comment properly but I see what you mean by weird now. It is weird that the house is up for sale if it is related in any way.
He is described as being of Caucasian appearance, average height, lightly built, clean cut and neatly dressed

neatly dressed could just be clean jeans and tshirt, its all personal opinion of the witnesses, so unless he was wearing a suit (smartly dressed) he may not have really stood out to other people apart from the fact he wasnt known in the area.
he could have been staying in one of the local caravan parks and driven to this spot several times, wandering along the roadway before finally leaving it where he did, so would explain the two different date sightings

Are there local caravan parks? Reminds me of this girl that dissapeared, also caravan parks:
The cairn of rocks was there back in 2007, it's on the google streetview:

This is the same angle at 2010:

And this is the same streetview from 2014, the rocks are now further out aren't they?

And back in an earlier thread PanterA posted an aerial shot from the police or media chopper of the rockpile and it was/is still there.

There seem to be a few of them around that area so I'm thinking it's probably just a coincidence the suitcase was found near one of them, I could be wrong though.
The cairn of rocks was there back in 2007, it's on the google streetview:
View attachment 79193!2e0!7i3328!8i1664!6m1!1e1

This is the same angle at 2010:
View attachment 79195

And this is the same streetview from 2014, the rocks are now further out aren't they?
View attachment 79196

And back in an earlier thread someone posted an aerial shot from the police or media chopper of the rockpile and it was/is still there.

There seem to be a few of them around that area so I'm thinking it's probably just a coincidence the suitcase was found near one of them, I could be wrong though.

The first two are the same and are no longer there as far as I can see.

The one on the third picture is still there now. So is the pile next to the bush really no longer there? When did it disappear? And was it at the exact bush where the remains were found?
Heaps of people make cairns or rock stacks - my hippy mates make stone piles wherever they go.
Yes I can also say those piles of rocks are everywhere, they signify numerous things as already suggested. The most sinister probably being the location of a native parrot nest for poachers to collect eggs.
Precisely at sites where remains of murdered children are found? :waiting:

Far out. No Dutch Treat. They are common as markers and you see them all the time. People make them quite often. That is the point I am making very clearly. :facepalm:
Wow, there's so many new members! Sorry if I missed anyone - I only went back 5 pages.


The link posted above explains that her hair was blonde at the time she went missing.

Rahma is the only possibility that has jumped out at me as likely to be this unidentified child.

(Forgive me if I've failed to multiquote properly, this is my first post).

Hello Folks,

I have been following this thread for a few days now, being mother to a small child myself and therefore concerned and moved by current developments in Australia. I am originally from Britain and join you today from NY where I currently live. I have never been to Australia, and defer to those of you with local knowledge - for which there is no substitute in a case like this. (Please correct or advise me if anything I am saying doesn't make sense down under!)

Anyway, I just wanted to add a thought about suitcase man. Listening to Inspector Bray's comments at the press conference (p.5 of this thread), I noted that he makes reference to a witness having told police that he spotted and subsequently moved the suitcase in March of this year - weeks before the first sighting of suitcase man, which was not until April 13th.

If, then, suitcase man had indeed been the person to deposit the suitcase there to begin with, he must have made at least three trips to the area. Doesn't that sound a bit far fetched? Why would he make himself vulnerable to identification/ association with the suitcase so many times?

reading that link, this line jumped out at me regarding the Barbie pyjamas - wasn't there a label that looked like Barbie brand on one of the photos of the clothes from the suitcase? Sorry couldn't find link to that picture:

Quote from page linked: A Polair helicopter, dog squad officers, the Vikings Unit, State Crime Command, and the SES are among those called in to search for Rahma, who was wearing pink satin Barbie pyjamas.

JUST IN: Major Crime forensic work on #Wynarka bones case, confirms that the remains are those of a girl. #7NewsAdl

I think that's because of the blonde hair...

Apologies if this has already been covered, I have only skimmed through all the threads.

Has Rahma elDannaoui been eliminated as a possibility? I have seen WT and MM mentioned a lot but not Rahma.

I've sat here for over an hour scouring through online pictures of her family etc to see if I can find anything patchwork in the background of the pics etc that could link her.

TBH I am amazed that there has been no real mention of her in the mainstream media etc - its been "Is it WT?" or "Is it MM?" right from the start.

Apologies if external links aren't allowed, I am still getting into the swing of things here.

From SA Police News 27/7/15

What police know about the child:
• Believed to be a girl
• Aged 2.5-4 years at time of death
• Likely Caucasian
• Had fair hair, 18cm long
• Was 90-95cm tall
• Was killed at another location
• Was killed some time since the start of 2007

I know my links show No.10 and No.11 but if you check google maps map view, you will see there is no No.11, so I'm guessing it's just an error either with google maps or the real estate agent

Hi all, new to the site and have been following since the little child was found 😥 so sad, I stumbled across this while checking on William, as his story was only in our news (UK) when he first disappeared and I can't stop thinking about him. Hope he's found safe.
You all have some great thoughts 👍🏼
Just a thought of mine... Could the person involved be someone who worked on the road when it was being fixed as I read this recently
"Police said the suitcase was first noticed by a member of the public shortly after road works were completed in March."
Maybe the workers were not local and thought it was a good remote area to discard the case away from home? I agree they must have had to relocate evidence of a crime due to some issue, possibly house move. This is just heartbreaking and I hope this little girl is identified soon 😢

Holden is an Australian automaker, a branch of General Motors. The model visible on the shorts found in the suitcase is Holden Commodore SS (SS denotes a sports version), probably of VZ series, that was manufactured between 2004 and 2006.
View attachment 79141View attachment 79142

They would be Indigenous names, so I can't see any significance. For example a nearby town Karoonda means 'winter camp', Wynarka means 'strayer' ...

Yes I can also say those piles of rocks are everywhere, they signify numerous things as already suggested. The most sinister probably being the location of a native parrot nest for poachers to collect eggs.
regarding the stacked stones, they are also moved & stacked by construction (road?) workers sometimes - please don't ask me to find a link - this info is buried somewhere in these three threads
I found the post by PanterA in thread 1 with the Police drones (not chopper as I posted above) pics of the rockpile near the crime scene:


Thank you PanterA.
So is the pile next to the bush really no longer there? When did it disappear? And was it at the exact bush where the remains were found?

Hard to tell, the bush may have grown around it and/or whoever originally made it (for whatever reason) moved/rebuilt it with different rocks?

From memory, the bush where the remains were found was further off the road, but I could be wrong. Judging by the image there are lots of small shrubs around

The following image is of the police tent set up (image from ).... so perhaps I am mistaken with the distance from the road...

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