AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce, Wynarka, Bones of a Child Discovered, July'15 - #6

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No, not Tania's kids. She has 12 apparently. Robert Armistead, aged 41 (the step-father of Luke Armistead), is the father of Trudy's three kids.

Thanks Markra
My head is spinning.

Who is Tracy?
This photo is in a the hospital.
Looks as though they could have had children at the same time?

Yes they did. That's Tania on the left and Trudy on the right. That photo was taken on 2006.

ETA: So those two little babies would have been about two years old when this family came under investigation in 2008. I can only imagine the neglect those poor little babies suffered.
So 6 children and 6 adults were a part of the court proceedings -
Trudy and Luke Armistead step - father have 3 children.
Luke Armistead and unnamed mother have 5 children.
Tania Staker and unnamed father/s have 12 children.

SA child protection and authorities were unaware of 6 children living in the HOH.

But there were 21 children and 6 adults living in the house


I'm getting super confused .....

I've only seen a Tania (Stalker) and Trudy Quinlivan mentioned ...

What did I miss ??

I can't see a Tracey mentioned in the articles ..
I'm getting super confused .....

I've only seen a Tania (Stalker) and Trudy Quinlivan mentioned ...

What did I miss ??

I can't see a Tracey mentioned in the articles ..

I am with you puggle ....totally confused.

But found this very interesting, thanks Fortunate.

It was alleged by one of the victims of the abuse that a welfare worker from Families SA was aware that the children were living in the squalid conditions, failed to alert authorities.
A child protection worker, who is now engaged to a relative of one of the men charged in the case, reportedly visited the house on many occasions, but would not enter and instead sat outside.
The welfare worker was not under any legal obligations to report the conditions as she was not officially assigned to any cases involving the property.
'The first couple of times she visited ... she was friends of the adults ... she had been inside the house,' the woman said.
'Other times she came, she would only sit out the front of the house.
I'm getting super confused .....

I've only seen a Tania (Stalker) and Trudy Quinlivan mentioned ...

What did I miss ??

I can't see a Tracey mentioned in the articles ..

My mistake Puggles. I should have said Tania, not Tracy. I've now edited my posts with the correct name of Tania. Sorry for the confusion.
A child protection worker is a mandatory reporter, even if he/she is not officially assigned to the case. Also, in above case it would be a conflict of interest to be in a relationship with anyone involved.
Three is already a thread for the House of Horrors case.

It may be better to continue the discussion about the case over there and leave this one clear for the Wynarka investigation. I'm happy to copy the posts relating to the HOH over to the other thread if everyone is happy with this. If you prefer to just continue here, let me know.
I do wonder though why the police have no renewed calls for information.
So many things strike me as odd about how the police are handling this.

For example, I wonder why, if they really wanted information from the public about clothing labels, they didn't provide much clearer images of those labels. Some image have fingers partly obscuring them.

I also wonder why only one image of the tutu dress has been released and why some reports say it is black and others say navy blue.

Then there is the trekking along the highway on horses looking for other clues. That seems like an indication that they really have nothing more to go on.

It's weird that they have gone so quiet now, isn't it?


If, for example, the LE suspected who the parent of the child is, the clothing images put out there could be to appeal to someone close to the parent, a friend perhaps who might associate that set of clothing with that child or adult, or even an older sibling of the child whose clothes amongst them might have been handed down, or they might have once dressed that child in those clothes, or washed the clothes.
By appealing for people to sleuth the actual labels, they effectively drew attention to the part of the clothing visible/memorable when putting them on and deterred time waster who would be likely to report on ownership of individual items that were mass produced with tales of 'so and so's daughter has one that looks like that', etc. jmo
The clothing as a whole in the suitcase has always puzzled me, as there seems to be articles which span time.
Either all the articles of clothing belong to angel over a few years.....or as you say, bits and pieces from multi aged and gender children gathered....
But the items appear folded.... don't see this happening by the looks of things.


I think, nobody from this gruesome household has sometime patched a piece of fabric - checkered and with pumpkins/sunflowers/maize - onto the quilt as an extra application ... :(

Looking at the mess in the photos of HoH, I also can’t see there could be anyone from the HoH who is capable of putting items in a suitcase, wrapping the bones with the quilt, possibly folded and threw it on the side of the highway.

You can call it behavior pattern or signature, I view it as inconsistency of behavior between the two.

But it is possible within the six adults, there could be one that is more organized. Just looking at how the cages outside the house and windows were covered, one of the adults from HoH could be more organized.

Also, as FromGermany said, no body in HoH seems to have patched a piece of fabric, so the quilt is unlikely from them and therefore the child bones. But it is possible the quilt was a gift or donation from others.

But overall impression, I think they are two different set of behavior between HoH and the suitcase and therefore could be unrelated.
When I step back, I think there’s a common theme we’re reading about here, and that is systematic failures/shortfalls in SA child protection & information sharing between states.

Even if Angel never resided in SA, but her body was discarded there, it still puts a great deal of pressure on the SA govt to solve this case, at the same time possibly throwing more fuel on an already raging bonfire when they do. I see the ALP has been governing in SA for past 13yrs. That takes us back to 2002. Quite a lot of horrific child abuse cases have unfolded on their watch…. Just saying. Not trying to float a conspiracy theory in any way, but I think these things can have influences.

Whenever a high profile case like this pops up I like to keep a side-eye on what’s happening at the time politically. Here’s a snap shot of some relevant things over past 12 mths in SA (working backwards from most recent):

Child Abuse Report Line: More than 15,000 calls go unanswered to South Australia authorities
SEPTEMBER 01, 2015

MORE than 15,000 calls to South Australia’s child abuse hotline were abandoned last financial year, as average waiting times blew out to more than 20 minutes. Half of all the calls made to the Child Abuse Report Line the year before also went unanswered. Over the past four financial years, almost 86,000 calls have gone unanswered.
Critics warn that children are being left at risk because Families SA’s call centre cannot cope with demand.

Adelaide parents in Parliament House rally against child abuse
AUGUST 23, 2015

HUNDREDS of concerned parents and carers have taken part in a rally against child abuse in Adelaide, calling for tougher minimum sentences and more transparency from authorities.

Child Protection Royal Commission hearings to be held in private
August 10, 2015

THE Royal Commissioner examining South Australia’s child protection system has revealed plans to take evidence from 13 foster care or welfare agencies, but all hearings will be closed to the public.

Child protection inquiry: Royal commission starts work in SA
3 Nov 2014

A royal commission on South Australia's child protection system has called for submissions as it starts its formal investigations.
I am just amazed that Trudy with the lowest intelligence among the adults was capable of running away, how intelligent is that? Was she pretending having mental disorder? Was any of the other five adults helping her to escape? But I would have thought the other five adults all gone to jail, I don’t know the details.
I am just amazed that Trudy with the lowest intelligence among the adults was capable of running away, how intelligent is that? Was she pretending having mental disorder? Was any of the other five adults helping her to escape? But I would have thought the other five adults all gone to jail, I don’t know the details.

Yes the other five adults all went to jail.
Why oh why would a study like this be carried out and not include ALL states to be more comprehensive, I wonder?

Closing the Gap on Indigenous Birth Registrations: Quantifying Indigenous Exclusion

This project aims to quantify the number of births never registered from 2000 to 2009 in Victoria, Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia. It will also analyse the length of time between a birth and registration of the birth for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal birth registrations.

Under international and Australian law birth registration is a fundamental human right. Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are unable to obtain a birth certificate because their birth was never registered, or they cannot satisfy the Births, Deaths and Marriages’ (BDM) identification requirements. The result is a significant gap between the birth registration rates of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians.

This project is part of the larger project ‘Closing the Gap on Indigenous Birth Registrations’ which wil l investigate the nature and extent of problems faced by Aboriginal Australians trying to obtain a birth certificate. The project will identify possible barriers to completing birth registration and, following extensive consultation with Aboriginal communities and other key stakeholders, recommend appropriate solutions.

Sorry for all the heavy reading & disrupting flow :slap:
We had a House of Horrors near where I live. (It's off topic, but I'd like to mention it, to cheer your soul a little bit and give you some hope.) The place was just as bad, perhaps worse since they had no water or electicity. They lived hidden in the bush, off the grid. It was a grievous story of neglect, abuse, starvation, filth, dead rabbits, dead other animals .. awful, awful. Gifts that their loving Grandma sent the children were left in plain view, never opened, out of reach. Prison sentence was 4(!) years.

The family was on the Children's Aid watch list, but nothing was done until a hospital visit... same story as HOH.

When they grew up, a couple of the children stayed in the community and now have families of their own. Their bodies are deformed from the starvation they endured as children and they have never caught up on their missed education, but they are both lovely, loving parents who are maintaining jobs, active in their communities and churches.

I know it's anecdotal, but they give me hope for people whose childhood was an unimaginable nightmare.
Yep, in some cases the receptionist can find the medicare number but last time they couldnt find mine.
Im surprised a obile phone number database search doesnt turn it up.
Essentially your Medicare card is your green card.
Angel should have a strawman unless she was born out of hospital, maybe even mum didnt see doctor about pregnancy.
I wonder if Angel came in from overseas? New Zealand without a visa?

We have a bulk billing doctor near us who has a sign on their counter saying if you don't present your medicare card upon arrival you have to pay cash for the appointment then go and claim your refund through Medicare later. They treat a lot of Indigenous people from remote communities and some of them say they don't have medicare cards (the practice also has a clinic where the doctors donate their time to treat patients for free). I have forgotten my private insurance card for a chiropractor appointment and had to do the same thing, pay cash then claim later. If you're not in the 'system' and need to go to a doctor I guess you could pay the full account and not bother claiming. I don't know how you would go if you needed hospital treatment though, but I can't imagine a hospital turning anyone away without it, you'd just get a bill at the end and expected to pay it I suppose.

Unfortunately I think all these houses of Horror are a lot more common than people realise .. I think DOC's get a bad wrap... Not every system is perfect..... and they are always the first screaming that they are underfunded and working with limited resources.... we only hear when things go bad...

ETA: Just type in google search "Child living in squalor" or any other similar worded search ... there are endless cases every year... We only seem to hear the worst of the worst ....
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