AUS - Khandalyce Kiara Pearce, Wynarka, Bones of a Child Discovered, July'15 - #6

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Tania staker has a facebook page with photo last updated 2013 November... Thought she got 10 years?
I do wonder though why the police have no renewed calls for information.
So many things strike me as odd about how the police are handling this.

For example, I wonder why, if they really wanted information from the public about clothing labels, they didn't provide much clearer images of those labels. Some image have fingers partly obscuring them.

I also wonder why only one image of the tutu dress has been released and why some reports say it is black and others say navy blue.

Then there is the trekking along the highway on horses looking for other clues. That seems like an indication that they really have nothing more to go on.

It's weird that they have gone so quiet now, isn't it?
This is more than likely a state decision. We were given booklets n dates staff arrive to make sure mums doing/ feeding ok followed by visits to a nurse.
Then the letters arrive about immunisation.
Govt can track the medicare etc through a number of sources. If you want money or medical attention youll need a medicare number.
No doubt some slip through the cracks but sooner or later they want a doctor or money. Less jobs pay cash today Aust. You need a bank account. Social security comes with conditions, unless you have kids under 5 at present.

Nobody came to see me after my daughter was born. Nobody! Nobody called, nobody sent follow-up or arranged a nurse. They just sent me home as soon as they could. I am lucky that I had a GP that I liked and trusted a lot, because the hospital she was born in couldn't care less. And I had no idea about family assistance or anything either.

While I personally think there is the possibility that this child was "off grid", I think it's also just as possible to slip through the cracks without intention.

It was quite different with my son - born in a different hospital - they were really proactive and sent a midwife home every day for five days and gave me the contact details of the local early childhood nurse. I know from friends who have also birthed with that hospital, that they are very good at making sure everyone has support.
Which probably has something to do with the outcomes.
I have some friends who buy the 20 yr old kids alcohol. One child has tried to neck himself twice in a month.
There is no hope for some. Sure as eggs the son is brought around pissed again.
You can lead a horse to water. Some parents. Alcohol is a depressant. [emoji21]
I think pseudoephedrine is an ingredient of meth.
The car is odd, I thought police or social work as well until I found this version of the photo in wider angle which shows the number plates to be Victorian.
The family had recently moved from Victoria....


A mother jailed for abusing five of her children in Adelaide's so-called house of horrors lived in similar squalid conditions in Victoria, a court has heard.

He said when the mother, who can't be named, moved to Adelaide in 2008 she "transported that environment" to a home in the city's northern suburbs.

He also gave details of welfare reports from when the mother lived in Victoria that included descriptions of the children being dirty and unkept and the house being littered with rotting food and rubbish.
"Such was the state of the place the press in Geelong described it as a house of horrors," Mr Braithwaite said.

During the Supreme Court trial the prosecution said the abused children, aged between four and seven at the time, lived in squalor for about four months in 2008 in a home with six adults and 16 other children.

SIX children subjected to starvation and torture in Adelaide's so-called House of Horrors case were "virtually unknown'' to state authorities, it has emerged
Ms Rankine said no one government staff member or agency "had the full picture of information or knew that the six children were in the house''.

Yes the unnamed mother of 5 or 6 children had not been in Adelaide very long at all.

Geelong press. That is rather specific. imo
I wonder what might have occurred in Geelong to warrant the press referring to it as the house of horrors?
I do wonder though why the police have no renewed calls for information.
So many things strike me as odd about how the police are handling this.

For example, I wonder why, if they really wanted information from the public about clothing labels, they didn't provide much clearer images of those labels. Some image have fingers partly obscuring them.

I also wonder why only one image of the tutu dress has been released and why some reports say it is black and others say navy blue.

Then there is the trekking along the highway on horses looking for other clues. That seems like an indication that they really have nothing more to go on.

It's weird that they have gone so quiet now, isn't it?

Same thing with the little coat: Now police says it is exactly the coat like the last pic from ebay= white colour. But I think, the shown original coat has never been white?? Why does it look pink with blue or something similar?
Half dozen of children without proper teaching can do a lot of damage to furniture. This HoH family with 21 children and horrible parenting, I am not surprise if many of the children jumping on the mattress until it tears, each of the children grabbed a piece out from the mattress and finally created a giant hole.

The green corner fence usually is used for increasing privacy, not wanting neighbor to look over. They did it around the rubbish dump might be don’t want their neighbor to see the rubbish and complain. Wondering who did this green fencing, looks like a good job/very skilled though.

If the HoH family had a child each/every year (in sequence), if our Angel is one of them, it would show up there is a year gap between two siblings especially if they were born around the year between 2003-2006.
I think these house of horrors families are exactly the types of people the police would have been all over as soon as they had an unidentified dead child on their hands. Whether they have already ruled them out or are still working on it, I'm sure they've been aware of the possibility from very early on.
Half dozen of children without proper teaching can do a lot of damage to furniture. This HoH family with 21 children and horrible parenting, I am not surprise if many of the children jumping on the mattress until it tears, each of the children grabbed a piece out from the mattress and finally created a giant hole.

And perhaps they did it so that they can get a new mattress from Salvo.
Half dozen of children without proper teaching can do a lot of damage to furniture. This HoH family with 21 children and horrible parenting, I am not surprise if many of the children jumping on the mattress until it tears, each of the children grabbed a piece out from the mattress and finally created a giant hole.

The green corner fence usually is used for increasing privacy, not wanting neighbor to look over. They did it around the rubbish dump might be don’t want their neighbor to see the rubbish and complain. Wondering who did this green fencing, looks like a good job/very skilled though.

If the HoH family had a child each/every year (in sequence), if our Angel is one of them, it would show up there is a year gap between two siblings especially if they were born around the year between 2003-2006.

I wondered about the green fence above all the rubbish too & thought it looked like it'd been erected quite professionally.

I read this house is a Dept of Housing house, so I imagine that the Dept of Housing would of carried out an inspection of the property inside & out at some stage. Did they see signs of neglect & abuse of the children?

Also wondering if the home they left in Victoria was Dept of Housing? Perhaps the family requested a transfer from Victoria to SA?

Would the Dept of Housing be required to report signs of abuse & neglect of children leasing their property? - Mandatory Reporting?
Regarding the fence height extension thing, my neighbours eventually put one of those up to stop their dogs jumping into my backyard. They had a boat and a ute canopy up against the back fence and their dogs would climb onto them and jump the fence. After I complained roughly 57774 times, they finally had one of those extensions put up.
Same thing with the little coat: Now police says it is exactly the coat like the last pic from ebay= white colour. But I think, the shown original coat has never been white?? Why does it look pink with blue or something similar?

Might be some funky stuff going on with how colours are appearing on peoples various devices, but the coat they found on ebay was pale/dusty pink, with a pastel lime green satin lining, and the scrolls down the front. which pretty much matches the one from the suitcase, right down to the green least it does on my monitor.

re the state of the house. This is not uncommon in SA. Housing SA has vowed in the past to get tough on tenants who don't look after properties, but nothing much has happened. Situations like this go on and on, they may come out and order a cleanup, get some skips out, clean it up, and let the people stay in there. Rinse and repeat.

As for regular inspections, it is supposed to happen with all of them, but it doesn't. My ex MIL is in one, has been for 15 yrs, and has seen an inspector twice in that time. Both times were after outrageous cases of trashed houses were in the media.
There is civil rights for the kids but not the dogs. They cant touch the kids without sufficient reason to do so.
But someone should have been onto education.

For those that don’t know welfare benefits in Australia for mothers are extremely generous to include a $5,000 baby bonus for every kid you have. This bonus is meant to help families buy child care, diapers, etc. to raise the child but all too often people use the generous benefits to bank roll themselves with which has caused many Australians to call the bonus the “Plasma Bonus” because what many people do with the bonus is buy a plasma TV.

Btw: below the clothes there could be stored everything.

14 (fourteen!) malnourished children were found at the HOH!
Perhaps they've already been exposed. I'm talking about the House of Horrors revealed in all it's horror in 2008. There is every possibly that there is a connection here. Trudy Quinlivan, who is now on the run, was part of that family. This was briefly discussed back in an earlier thread and I still believe it possible that there could be a connection to this case. 0&total_comments=26

Trudy Quinlivan could certainly fit in with the Wynarka case IMO. She disappeared in April of this year and the suitcase was found in July. So where is Trudy? Someone is obviously hiding and helping here. I don't think she could survive on her own. I have found no mention of her arrest between April and time of writing.

Trudy had given birth to three children from memory. Perhaps Trudy gave birth to a fourth child. A daughter who was badly beaten (not necessarily by Trudy) and died. The people living in that house would not have reported the death of a child or even sought medical help IMO. So what to do? Wrap the body up and secret it somewhere on the property. The child may have not been Trudy's daughter but one of the other 21 (or more) kids living in that house. Maybe it was a child that Trudy cared about and she has clung onto the remains ever since. Scooping up clothing, not necessarily all belonging to the deceased little girl, and stuffing them into an old suitcase, along with the remains of the little girl. Some of the clothing may have belonged to some of the other children, both boys and girls.

I have no idea how and why little Angel ended up where she was found but one thought is that Trudy has made her way to the Mallee area, is hiding out in one of the bush camps and has either dumped the suitcase herself or someone who is hiding her has done so.

I'm happy for everyone to poke holes in this theory but I feel it needs to be discussed further.

This has been my theory all along Makara. The ones that got jail would be out now and maybe one of the men were peed off with Trudy for not getting any time in jail and possibly not visiting them and giving them money for buy up. I think when one of them caught up with Trudy they have had a big argument and threatened to expose her as to where she may have hidden little Angel after Angels death....during the argument the male has grabbed the suitcase and threatened to take it to the Police ( instead he threw it in the bushes ) and Trudy has done the runner. None of the males would own a car if not long released from jail...hence why he was walking with the suitcase and didn't want to make eye contact as someone may have recognized him. In one of the photos of the filthy house there is a skip with numerous clothes thrown in it and a crochet blanket covering something in the front yard.
Might be some funky stuff going on with how colours are appearing on peoples various devices, but the coat they found on ebay was pale/dusty pink, with a pastel lime green satin lining, and the scrolls down the front. which pretty much matches the one from the suitcase, right down to the green least it does on my monitor.

re the state of the house. This is not uncommon in SA. Housing SA has vowed in the past to get tough on tenants who don't look after properties, but nothing much has happened. Situations like this go on and on, they may come out and order a cleanup, get some skips out, clean it up, and let the people stay in there. Rinse and repeat.

As for regular inspections, it is supposed to happen with all of them, but it doesn't. My ex MIL is in one, has been for 15 yrs, and has seen an inspector twice in that time. Both times were after outrageous cases of trashed houses were in the media.
Not wanting to get in a war about colours, but the one they found on eBay on my monitor is pale cream with a cream/beige lining, and the one from the suitcase is dusty pink with a beige lining, but looks a bit greenish. I think a pastel green lining would be quite unusual for those coats, but i could be quite wrong about that.

Luke Armistead, 38, his de facto partner Tania Staker, 36, her brother Michael Quinlivan, 27, and Armistead's stepfather Robert, 41, were yesterday sentenced in the South Australian Supreme Court for their roles in one of the nation's most serious cases of child neglect.

The case came to light when the youngest of Luke Armistead's five children with another woman, who cannot be named, was rushed to hospital from their Parafield Gardens home in Adelaide's northern suburbs in June 2008. The unconscious boy, then aged four, had scabies and open wounds, was malnourished and had a body temperature of 26C.

The family had originally lived in Geelong in what authorities had dubbed the "house of horrors", where the odour of urine and animal faeces was everpresent and a dead dog was left to rot in the yard. The mother then moved to Adelaide, living in the same house as Staker and Armistead, and began a relationship with Quinlivan.

The court heard that the ringleader, Staker, targeted the children because she was jealous of their mother. Over a four-month period, Staker, the mother, both Armisteads and Quinlivan forced the children to line up for hours.

At times their hands and feet were bound. If fed, they were given scraps from leftover chips or noodles after the five adults and 16 other children had eaten. The children were also hit by the adults and choked to force them to vomit food stolen in desperation.
And maybe thats why Angel was killed. Children get to school age, the social securities are attached to education and parents come under scrutiny.
The result is parents that have children purely for the money may have to take kids to regional school so kill the child for the next round of cash.
For a male, vasectomy should be free and social secuity only for first two kids.
If a finding is made that parents are killing their kids pre schooling because of responsibilities no doubt their will be changes.
The lump sum baby bonus has stopped for it being used to buy plasma tvs now on payments already after anuses were found.

This is more than likely a state decision. We were given booklets n dates staff arrive to make sure mums doing/ feeding ok followed by visits to a nurse.
Then the letters arrive about immunisation.
Govt can track the medicare etc through a number of sources. If you want money or medical attention youll need a medicare number.
No doubt some slip through the cracks but sooner or later they want a doctor or money. Less jobs pay cash today Aust. You need a bank account. Social security comes with conditions, unless you have kids under 5 at present.
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