Australia - 3 dead after eating wild mushrooms, Leongatha, Victoria, Aug 2023 #4

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“It was no fluke that mum’s final text message as she lay in Dandenong Hospital was: ‘Lots of love to you all’,” he said.
“As Mum and Dad lay in comas in the hospital in their final days and each day, (and) we were unsure if they would recover or not, it was comforting to know that when we said: ‘See you later,’ we knew it was true.

“The only thing we didn’t know was when. In the meantime, we’ll miss them.”
Mr Patterson revealed his father had a strong fitness level in his 70s that had allowed him to survive an emergency liver transplant after consuming the lunch. “Although sadly the rest of his body was already too sick to go on past that point,” he said

This is awfully sad that his body was simple to weak by that stage to fight any longer.
Respectfully, none of those examples prove intent to murder.

It sounds like you're only considering each item in isolation, but I am talking about the totality of the circumstances.

I can only speak to U.S. law. But here, intent can be inferred:

A basic principle taught in law school is that intent can be inferred from the circumstances. Juries routinely look at the surrounding evidence to determine if the accused had the intent to commit a crime.

And if it can be proved that there was death caps in the food, then the totality of the circumstances could lead a jury to believe that she intended murder: She was the cook, she tried to hide evidence, she lied to the police on multiple occasions, she didn't become ill herself, expert testimony will show the mushrooms couldn't have come from the store, she may have had motive that her ex will testify about, she had past experiences as a forager, etc.

A recent case in Utah, much discussed on WebSleuths, is Kouri Richins alleged murder of her husband. The prosecution says she gave him a cocktail laced with fentanyl but she claims he was a drug abuser who took the fentanyl himself. No one else was present at the time of his death except for the two of them. Eventually it will be up to a jury to consider all the circumstances and determine whether or not she intended to kill him.

Again, I'm not claiming to know the standard under Australian law. If the accused can assert some sort of plausible deniability—no matter how flimsy—is that enough to thwart a murder charge? Perhaps someone familiar with the criminal justice system in Victoria can weigh in.

Simon Patterson, who was still wearing his wedding ring, choked back tears at Thursday's public memorial following the deaths of his parents Don and Gail Patterson, as well as Gail's sister Heather Wilkinson.
IMO it’s highly likely that the doctors, pathologists, toxicologists, mycologists, the medical examiners who performed the autopsies and LE know way more about what happened to the four unfortunate people than we can imagine.

It may be months before all the forensic tests are complete and in the meantime LE will probably focus on interviewing family, friends and neighbors of the relatives and probably EP too. At some point they’ll speak with Ian. They’ve likely already spoken with owners of all the Asian stores in Mt. Waverley along with investigators from the health department.

Considering death cap mushrooms cause a horrific, painful illness and death I’m willing to bet that LE will go all out to discover if the poisoning was malicious or not.
Evidence of Intent and/or Motive?

posted* by @ch_13
"... Let's say—just hypothetically—that the forensic evidence showed that the four victims ingested death cap mushrooms and that those spores were present in the meal that EP served. In that case, the prosecution could introduce the following points of evidence:
1. EP hid evidence by dumping the dehydrator (assuming it was used in the meal prep).
2. She lied to police on two separate occasions and claimed that she only used store-bought mushrooms. Certainly there'd be testimony from mushroom growers, retailers etc. stating that DC mushrooms would never end up for sale in a market.
3. She herself was unscathed by any sickness even though she partook in the meal. Experts may likely have some idea of how she was able to avoid the toxin.
4. Presumably, Simon or others could testify as to motive. Whether that was because of disputes over child custody, or she intended to harm her ex, or some other reason.
5. Perhaps others might testify that she was an expert mushroom forager, as has been reported in the press.
To me that seems sufficient evidence for a jury to infer her intent, although I'll admit I'm not familiar with the standards in Australian courts."


snipped by me @ch_13 Some interesting points and collectively they do not reflect well on EP. But from angle of a barrister defending her (which I am not) ---

1 and 2. If true, discarding a dehydrator which may be potential evidence of crime & lying to LE are not (strong) evidence of EP's state of mind as to either intent or motive BEFORE these deaths. They may be evd of her covering up actions AFTER the fact but do not necessarily substantiate either motive or intent, i.e., defendant's State of Mind Before-The-Fact.
Think of an inattentive driver who injures or kills a pedestrian inadvertently, then drives away. No motive & no intent before the injury or death, but takes steps afterward to evade LE.

Mushrooms from where? As witnesses, mushrooms growers & vendors may be permitted to describe procedures they follow to assure safe mushroom products in the mkt place, but doubtful imo that any would be permitted to state that DC mushrooms could "never end up for sale in a market" in OZ. If they did testify “Never,” def. could cross exam, about possibilities of bogus-product-substitution (switch out DC mushrooms for ordinary edible ones) by disgruntled retail employee or customer, or a rando pulling a potentially lethal TV “Jackass” type stunt. Stuff happens. Remember the mysterious source of Needles in Australian Strawberries?**

3. EP was "unscathed" by illness. Well, she did receive med treatment at a hosp, tho apparently not for a life threatening condition. And yes, her descriptions of symptoms to med. personel there may have been big fat lies. But without stmts of others to whom she may have admitted telling BFL's, her escaping coma or death does not necessarily indicate intent to poison to injure or kill others.

4. Child custody disputes could loom large as a motive to harm SP, perhaps even permanently eliminate need to interact w him. But poisoning to injure or kill his parents, relatives in order to harm SP? Okay, remotely possible. Remotely.

5. EP as an expert forager. Has this person, ready to testify, actually witnessed EP frequently, routinely identifying & picking only "safe" mushrooms? And specifically seen EP bypassing DC mushrooms, and identifying them as such to this person? If so, that would be meaningful evd of EP’s mushroom picking skills. More weighty than someone saying, I saw a stack of mushroom books at EP’s house (<--- my paraphrasing from as MSM article. Sorry no link). More significant than ten yrs ago we went mushroom hunting, then cooked & ate what we picked. Since neither of us ended up sick, she must be an expert (<---which I just concocted as a stmt someone describing EP as a mushroom expert might have said (flimsy hypo testimony)

Yes, prosecutor could intro evd. on some or all the above points, but seems imo there’s room for Def. to do some damaging cross exam and closing argument to raise ReasDoubt. Of course, that’s on INTENT, one element of a murder offense the prosecutor must prove. Evidence of MOTIVE is icing on the cake.

Personally speaking numerous factors re EP’s actions & stmts ring my hinky meter, but drawing no conclusions based on the limited info known to be factual.

* Australia - 3 dead after eating wild mushrooms, Leongatha, Victoria, Aug 2023 #3

** One example: "On November 23, 2012, Matt-Dillion Shannon, an 18-year-old from Napier, New Zealand, was sentenced to three years in prison on a charge of causing grievous bodily harm for his role in the August 2011 dousing of a 16-year-old with gasoline and setting him on fire. Shannon's lawyer claimed that this act was inspired by the Jackass series, despite the fact that no such stunt ever aired, nor was ever attempted, on the show.[16]"
"Teen found guilty over setting friend on fire". Stuff. September 12, 2012.

Needles in Strawberries, 2018. A strawberry farm supervisor was accused of placing sewing needles found inside strawberries in stores, she was charged with food contamination offences.
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Simon Patterson, who was still wearing his wedding ring, choked back tears at Thursday's public memorial following the deaths of his parents Don and Gail Patterson, as well as Gail's sister Heather Wilkinson.

I read about the wedding ring yesterday in a Herald Sun article. It was briefly mentioned half way through the article.
My thought at the time was "I wonder how long it will take for the DM to read that and get it into a headline". (In this instance, a sub headline.) Seeing that they had yet to publish a story about the memorial.

I also wondered if it was Simon's own wedding ring, or if it was perhaps his father's ring.
Sometimes people (my brother) wear a parents wedding ring to honour the marriage and feel close to them.
IMO it’s highly likely that the doctors, pathologists, toxicologists, mycologists, the medical examiners who performed the autopsies and LE know way more about what happened to the four unfortunate people than we can imagine.

It may be months before all the forensic tests are complete and in the meantime LE will probably focus on interviewing family, friends and neighbors of the relatives and probably EP too. At some point they’ll speak with Ian. They’ve likely already spoken with owners of all the Asian stores in Mt. Waverley along with investigators from the health department.

Considering death cap mushrooms cause a horrific, painful illness and death I’m willing to bet that LE will go all out to discover if the poisoning was malicious or not.

Or, if there's a remote chance of the wrong mushrooms having been collected, dried and sold in a to recall or warn every single person who ever purchased through that supply chain.

It seems really unlikely that only one set of people (out of all the purchasers of dried mushrooms through that chain) would have this poisoning.

LE needs to find out if there are (intermittent?) BIG issues in the supply chain - or there is some other reason for these mushroom deaths.

I'm waiting to hear more evidence and facts as this case is so strange.

However, taken on face value, if I were to believe that EP deliberately harmed her guests, it would seem to me that:

- she was beyond caring what becomes of her and did it in a state of vengeful rage and abject despair knowing full well she can never get away with it but feeling at the end of her life (possibly this could be true if somehow her children had already turned against her and expressed a desire not to live with her - otherwise she surely wouldn't risk losing her children just to exact rage?)

- or, she only wanted to make them a bit sickly or maybe die of organ failure slowly over the years and didn't expect people to literally die in the space of days

- or, she's so far gone arrogant and lacking in any form of empathy that she could be considered sociopathic and killed because a) she wanted to and b) she was arrogant enough to believe she wouldn't be detected c) she wanted to 'remove' the people from the equation in quite a logical manner = these traits would equal sociopathic personality
Or, if there's a remote chance of the wrong mushrooms having been collected, dried and sold in a to recall or warn every single person who ever purchased through that supply chain.

It seems really unlikely that only one set of people (out of all the purchasers of dried mushrooms through that chain) would have this poisoning.

LE needs to find out if there are (intermittent?) BIG issues in the supply chain - or there is some other reason for these mushroom deaths.


If all mushrooms sold in stores come from mushroom farms and zero come from foraging (which is the story we've been told via mainstream media) then it's literally not possible for deadly mushrooms to have entered the supply chain - unless - they were done so by tampering in the same way as people who put razor blades in food or such.

If EP has intentionally poisoned these people, her very best excuse would have been to say a) she purchased foraged mushrooms at a local table top sale or market; b) she foraged the mushrooms herself and is experienced in doing so and is convinced nothing she picked was inedible (thereby buying into the genuine error cover story)
They’ve likely already spoken with owners of all the Asian stores in Mt. Waverley along with investigators from the health department.


I also have been looking at the suppliers for the big supermarket chains. (re: the button mushrooms)
To see if the suppliers were able to be easily reached by the police.

Coles says all of their mushrooms are 100% Australian grown.

Woolworths says they always try to source from Australia, unless there is a seasonal difficulty obtaining a product here.
I also know from shopping there that their signage reflects where all their produce comes from. If it is Australia (usually) or another country (sometimes).

Aldi say their mushrooms are 100% Australian grown - they show on a map exactly where their mushroom growers are located in Australia.
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Simon Patterson, who was still wearing his wedding ring, choked back tears at Thursday's public memorial following the deaths of his parents Don and Gail Patterson, as well as Gail's sister Heather Wilkinson.
Well, he appeared to be wearing a ring on the fourth finger of his left hand. Was it a wedding ring or as @SouthAussie has suggested - perhaps a ring worn in memorial of his late parents?
I also have been looking at the suppliers for the big supermarket chains. (re: the button mushrooms)
To see if the suppliers were able to be easily reached by the police.

Coles says all of their mushrooms are 100% Australian grown.

Woolworths says they always try to source from Australia, unless there is a seasonal difficulty obtaining a product here.
I also know from shopping there that their signage reflects where all their produce comes from. If it is Australia (usually) or another country (sometimes).

Aldi say their mushrooms are 100% Australian grown - they show on a map exactly where their mushroom growers are located in Australia.

It looks modern and clean, they aren’t out scrounging in the dirt. Grown inside, looks like not much chance for stray poison mushrooms to grow undetected.
And, If there was a Tylenol type contamination at the mushroom poly tunnel … isn’t it strange how the contaminated mushrooms ended up in the meal of EP? Literally could have been anyone, yet it’s the person who throws out the dehydrator, has the ex who was very I’ll in coma last year, and the church people invited over and the kids not home and she’s unscathed ..,,

Simon Patterson, who was still wearing his wedding ring, choked back tears at Thursday's public memorial following the deaths of his parents Don and Gail Patterson, as well as Gail's sister Heather Wilkinson.
Good move on the wedding ring.
If EP has committed murder/attempted murder, poisoning is not such a 'bad' way to try to get away with it.

The situation is controllable by her, so she didn't have to suffer the same consequences. (As opposed to trying to do away with people perhaps in a car crashed by her, or setting her home on fire with all the victims inside.)

It could be seen as some kind of accident.

There is no question of "how did you accidently shoot/stab 4 people'?"

Well, he appeared to be wearing a ring on the fourth finger of his left hand. Was it a wedding ring or as @SouthAussie has suggested - perhaps a ring worn in memorial of his late parents?
If SP is very religious perhaps he must consider himself still married until his divorce is finalized. Or even maybe until higher ups in his church deem his marriage irredeemably broken.

I don’t know if any of that’s true, just a guess. Maybe it’s not a wedding ring at all.
I'm waiting to hear more evidence and facts as this case is so strange.

However, taken on face value, if I were to believe that EP deliberately harmed her guests, it would seem to me that:

- she was beyond caring what becomes of her and did it in a state of vengeful rage and abject despair knowing full well she can never get away with it but feeling at the end of her life (possibly this could be true if somehow her children had already turned against her and expressed a desire not to live with her - otherwise she surely wouldn't risk losing her children just to exact rage?)

- or, she only wanted to make them a bit sickly or maybe die of organ failure slowly over the years and didn't expect people to literally die in the space of days

- or, she's so far gone arrogant and lacking in any form of empathy that she could be considered sociopathic and killed because a) she wanted to and b) she was arrogant enough to believe she wouldn't be detected c) she wanted to 'remove' the people from the equation in quite a logical manner = these traits would equal sociopathic personality
I agree. We need to consider that what happened is not exactly what EP was trying to achieve. It may have been an attempted murder suicide, which at the last minute she backed out of by eating less. Also her younger age and higher body mass may have provided a degree of protection.
I'm waiting to hear more evidence and facts as this case is so strange.

However, taken on face value, if I were to believe that EP deliberately harmed her guests, it would seem to me that:

- she was beyond caring what becomes of her and did it in a state of vengeful rage and abject despair knowing full well she can never get away with it but feeling at the end of her life (possibly this could be true if somehow her children had already turned against her and expressed a desire not to live with her - otherwise she surely wouldn't risk losing her children just to exact rage?)

- or, she only wanted to make them a bit sickly or maybe die of organ failure slowly over the years and didn't expect people to literally die in the space of days

- or, she's so far gone arrogant and lacking in any form of empathy that she could be considered sociopathic and killed because a) she wanted to and b) she was arrogant enough to believe she wouldn't be detected c) she wanted to 'remove' the people from the equation in quite a logical manner = these traits would equal sociopathic personality

I think she was rageful. One of these rageful states when the person can't explain later how she expected to get away with it.
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