Australia - 7 dead in mass shooting and suicide - Osmington WA - 11 May 2018

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Sorrell!! g'day! long time, ey?

One thing I am now uncomfy about is Mr C being the sole public self appointed spokesperson for his ex wife, his children and his ex mother and father and brother's in law. His public speeches do not have the ring of authenticity , to me, and his logic is really hard to follow, mainly because there is a lack of the required amount of logic in his statements to find common ground with the average person.

Mr C claims to know the motive, the method and the manner of the murders, pretty slick for a man who's 4 children were some of the victims..

He has even had time to take the big picture and comment on the level of expertise used to murder his kids, and even then, find that level praiseworthy...... lets think about that, for a minute.

To me, it is significant that he was allowed to ramble on. The supervised visit stuff... looking at the ages of the kids, I am almost positive that the older kids would have demanded his visits be supervised, and the court would have given great credence to their plea. It would be radical if the court made the visits to be supervised AGAINST the kids request.

I would like to think that someone else got a bit of oxygen about the Miles family apart from this obviously enraged and strangely invigorated man who's family has been entirely annihilated by a man he claims to love....this Aaron bloke needs to lie down for a while and think things thru.

G'Day backacha - it's so good to 'see' you again, although I'm sorry that we're meeting again under such tragic circumstances.

I won't be shedding any tears for Mr. C. that's for sure. IMO, he loves to portray himself as the victim.

Nevertheless, unless evidence is revealed that he played a role in the murders of everyone there at the Osmington Farm, I'll continue to believe that the grandfather is the perpetrator.
The father of the children isn’t a POI is he?

So he’s a victim, correct? Just wasn’t sure if I missed an update over the weekend...

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He may be coming across weird to some, but I’m not too sure how normal people want him to act!!! All his kids have just been murdered by their grand pa. Moo

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If Peter did this, I would guess that AC feels partly responsible at some level. The failure of the marriage and presumably his violence or drug use have added financial and logistical stresses to Katrina's family; his recent stalking behaviour added more. So he and his Jehovah-strong family come up with an explanation in terms of the two sons which has nothing to do with AC. It sounds nutty to us. But it makes psychological sense as a conviction of AC.
If Peter did this, I would guess that AC feels partly responsible at some level. The failure of the marriage and presumably his violence or drug use have added financial and logistical stresses to Katrina's family; his recent stalking behaviour added more. So he and his Jehovah-strong family come up with an explanation in terms of the two sons which has nothing to do with AC. It sounds nutty to us. But it makes psychological sense as a conviction of AC.

I find myself in the strange and unlikely position of agreeing with you, JLZ.. however , neither of us should get comfy with it, ey?

Your analysis makes a terrific lot of sense as to his motivation for speaking as he is, he has the strange judgemental air of the rabid fundamentalist, that outlook that completely removes his own sins and allows him to focus on everyone' elses.. it must be so handy!...

Especially the bit about the 'stalking' he has tried to put a valid spin on it, but it didn't quite come off, and I am not that sure that his relationship with drugs etc has come to a halt, despite all the Jehovah's Witness stuff, that sounds to me like he even has that a bit distorted, as well.
This is what made me suspicious of AC initially. The mass killing occurred on 11th May 2018 but this is what was happening a few weeks earlier.

"The massacre came after weeks of tension between Ms Miles and her ex-husband Aaron Cockman. On the morning of April 23, Ms Miles told friends on Facebook that Mr Cockman had parked overnight outside her property and remained there after being asked to leave. “Despite four years passing … him agreeing to our kids being homeschooled … my Ex does not stop stalking and harassing me,” she wrote.

“I’ve been told to not cause conflict in front of my kids but my family shouldn’t have to spend their Sunday night dealing with this. He stayed overnight, parked on the side of the road, opposite our top corner boundary; spoke to my kids via phone about 5pm to inform us, he was asked to leave but was still there at 7am. I am not an isolated young wife anymore. If anyone sees his van parked on *Osmington Rd please call the *ranger to move him on.”

In her Facebook message, Ms Miles posted a string of text messages she received from Mr Cockman the previous evening. Among them, he said: “Can I talk to the kids”; “Or are you to (sic) messed up”; “I will be here every night”.
This is what made me suspicious of AC initially. The mass killing occurred on 11th May 2018 but this is what was happening a few weeks earlier.

"The massacre came after weeks of tension between Ms Miles and her ex-husband Aaron Cockman. On the morning of April 23, Ms Miles told friends on Facebook that Mr Cockman had parked overnight outside her property and remained there after being asked to leave. “Despite four years passing … him agreeing to our kids being homeschooled … my Ex does not stop stalking and harassing me,” she wrote.

“I’ve been told to not cause conflict in front of my kids but my family shouldn’t have to spend their Sunday night dealing with this. He stayed overnight, parked on the side of the road, opposite our top corner boundary; spoke to my kids via phone about 5pm to inform us, he was asked to leave but was still there at 7am. I am not an isolated young wife anymore. If anyone sees his van parked on *Osmington Rd please call the *ranger to move him on.”

In her Facebook message, Ms Miles posted a string of text messages she received from Mr Cockman the previous evening. Among them, he said: “Can I talk to the kids”; “Or are you to (sic) messed up”; “I will be here every night”.

He certainly doesn't like being ordered by a court in respect of his ex wife and children... for sure. Defiance is the game being played here, and really, how convenient that due to his father in law killing his children and ex wife, all his anger has gone, and his strength has increased and he is looking forward to that getting bigger... dearie me... .. how lucky can one bloke be, ey? ..
Could the supervised visit order be because of mental instability and not because of violence etc?

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So neighbours report gunshot sounds at around 4.00am. Tripple zero call is at 5.15am? Children looked peaceful? Possibly drugged?

Where is son Tom? He lives on the property correct?

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I thought i had heard that he was away from the farm that night?
Could the supervised visit order be because of mental instability and not because of violence etc?

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Drug use can be enough. I was a court appointed supervisor for one of my neighbours when she failed a drug test. (Pot)
Could the supervised visit order be because of mental instability and not because of violence etc?

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I don't know how it works in OZ (I'm assuming it's similar to the U.S.) but I've never heard of a parent being denied contact with a child because of "mental instability", unless that parent's mental problems are deemed by the Court to present an imminent danger to the child.
Could the supervised visit order be because of mental instability and not because of violence etc?

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the supervision wouldn't be about his disabilities, if indeed he has any, or about his perspectives, or opinions, or about his actions, really, .. the order would be placed on him dependent solely on the effect upon the children in whatever it is he is doing that they feel supervision is preferable to unsupervised.. he could stand still and say nothing , but the kids might find that threatening, or even terrifying , bottom line , it';s what they see as requiring a third party present during his visitation.

Generally speaking though, it doesn't take much in the way of violence, depending on the age and number of kids affected.. with four, and these four had their own problems as well, things could get out of hand very quickly if the visiting parent is a bit unhinged and unpredictable, various sorts of violence could erupt instantly...also, some sort of evidence , like a recording, or camera clip would most likely be used as a foundation for the order. ..
This happened a few days before Mother's Day. So sad.

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In this article -

Aaron says "I gave them all a $10 note each - I gave Taye a 20 - they never spend it but knowing they had their own little wallet - independence - I couldn't wait for them to leave the farm situation and be their own independent people."

How does he know they didn't spend it?

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At link is an edited transcript of AC's press conference. Theres a lot of imo inappropriate self serving ramblings, eg talking about an independent psychologist report that he describes as his life story and how he'd like to get the report out into the public somehow .... he'd like to have 10 to 20 copies right now to give out .... he'd like to aeroplane drop thousands of the report over the Margaret River for all to see.
Interested to hear your thoughts as to why you think mum is on the spectrum?

If you've got 4 kids diagnosed ASD, it indicates ASD with a strong genetic component, so it is a fair guess to make. Either her, or the bio dad, either way.

Thanks for that but would something like melatonin for kids knock adults out so deeply they were unable to react sensibly to hearing shots?


Melatonin is just supposed to restore your natural body clock/circadian rhythm. While it's not as intense in effect as pharmaceutical sleeping pills, it can have some side effects, but I don't think knocking you out cold is one of them. Making you maybe a bit drowsy, yes, but not drowsy to the point you wouldn't react if someone starting shooting a rifle nearby.
At link is an edited transcript of AC's press conference. Theres a lot of imo inappropriate self serving ramblings, eg talking about an independent psychologist report that he describes as his life story and how he'd like to get the report out into the public somehow .... he'd like to have 10 to 20 copies right now to give out .... he'd like to aeroplane drop thousands of the report over the Margaret River for all to see.

just so many redflags, ringing bells, sirens, whistles in this article, Symbah.

It is truly difficult to read through to the end without shouting. What sort of end days did these people at that farm live in with this bloke hanging around night and day, ringing, messaging, following them around town?

He is absolutely territying!.. he is relentless. Nothing was going to stop him. No court order, no magistrate, no mediator.. God alone knows what the psych thinks now who gave him a clean bill to carry on his program. That poor Miles family must have lived on a permanent razors edge.

I just read his statement again. Somehow, 2nd time around it was worse. His hunger for an audience to agree with his perspectives is unstoppable. . even the death of his own 4 ( four ) children hasn't eased that hunger in him for a respectful and almost worshipful audience , giving an 'amen' and 'hallejulah' every now and then.
Aaron Cockman knew what Peter was going through with the loss of his son and the other son with kidney problems, the added burden of HIS children AND STILL HE STALKED THEM!

Yes he was stalking them, sitting outside the property, texting, calling, what the hell else was he doing to them.

He may not have pulled the trigger but this friggin’ clown made Peters life hell.

“But as I said the anger was starting to build up to the point where I thought they’ll keep and I’ll get them back some day — Peter and Cynda, that is”.

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His sense of what's normal financially. He thinks Pete would have "a fair few hundred in the bank" so no way are they struggling financially. Plus they could just sell the car and tractor. Kat is crying for money on the phone and raiding the kids' wallets, Taye asks him for money for shoes, but no, money isn't a problem. I don't know if it's because he's always lived very close to the edge himself or it's more self-deception.
Question: Have the police said that it was Peter Miles on the 515am phone call? Have they confirmed that he suicided? If not, is it because they need to do forensics, or because they dont want suicide put out there in the public domain?

I still cant get over the fact that he isnt angry anymore? Wouldnt you be angrier? Or did you get your revenge?

Have any of you seen an interview like this and seen the speaker come out innocent?

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