Australia - 7 dead in mass shooting and suicide - Osmington WA - 11 May 2018

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Yep, and he says Kat wouldn't know what money her father has but somehow he does.

edit - in response to JLZ's post
Question: Have the police said that it was Peter Miles on the 515am phone call? Have they confirmed that he suicided? If not, is it because they need to do forensics, or because they dont want suicide put out there in the public domain?

I still cant get over the fact that he isnt angry anymore? Wouldnt you be angrier? Or did you get your revenge?

Have any of you seen an interview like this and seen the speaker come out innocent?

(a) no

(b) no

(c) Don't know!

(d) me , either


(f) no

(g ) and .. noooooooo never, not once!
In this article -

Aaron says "I gave them all a $10 note each - I gave Taye a 20 - they never spend it but knowing they had their own little wallet - independence - I couldn't wait for them to leave the farm situation and be their own independent people."

How does he know they didn't spend it?

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I thought I heard him saying that Kat had been taking money out of the kids wallets to help with buying groceries etc?

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Question: Have the police said that it was Peter Miles on the 515am phone call? Have they confirmed that he suicided? If not, is it because they need to do forensics, or because they dont want suicide put out there in the public domain?

I still cant get over the fact that he isnt angry anymore? Wouldnt you be angrier? Or did you get your revenge?

Have any of you seen an interview like this and seen the speaker come out innocent?

No they haven't said who it was. I was thinking about the possibility of it being Tom who made the call, but in an article it had a picture of a caravan that I'm assuming Tom lived in and it looked quite close to the other buildings. If Tom was at the property that morning, I wonder why/how he was spared? Unless he just hid out waiting for the shots to end.

I don't think I could live in an area that would take 45 minutes for the police to respond to an urgent 000 call. Or maybe the caller didn't portray urgency? I know it's a small town, not many police, but one would think they might drop whatever their doing to respond to a six/seven deceased victim situation. Or no? I'm a city slicker obv.
There are no witnesses here and I am assuming no CCTV.
How did the cops come out so early (same day) and call it murder suicide?
I think it's a bit premature.
I thought I heard him saying that Kat had been taking money out of the kids wallets to help with buying groceries etc?

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Instead of giving the money to Kat, he splits it up between the kids so it's too little to be of use to them individually and a cause for dissension if it's combined. And he's the one in the role of giver and Kat's the confiscator.
Hello hello [emoji112]
If this wasn’t already tragic enough, now there has been weirdness inserted to the story !!
Playing devil advocate to myself here but his interview and words are odd to say the least. However I imagine he is in total shock. He may have been not on good terms with the parents but once they were all close so I can see how he is saying he loves the F-I-L. Usually in a tragic moment of our lives we are so numb we forget feelings of hate as sadness and melancholy takes over so while weird I somehow can see how some of this has been just blurted out. I have myself had immense shock and the numbness is overwhelming. Nothing even remotely as horrendous as this. But....
I would never get in front of camera
And... this is the oddest part...
Did he say him and his family were actually not crying the night before but in fact laughing, almost in tears laughing so hard ????
Like WTH

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Hello hello [emoji112]

Did he say him and his family were actually not crying the night before but in fact laughing, almost in tears laughing so hard ????
Like WTH

Yes I found this bit disturbing also:

"[FONT=&amp]All my family has stayed strong and I know they will. We were all sitting around last night and it was not all tears and crying and that it was all laughing and happy and joking around and so much joking around.[/FONT][FONT=&amp]I had nearly tears in my eyes from laughing so much."

"[/FONT][FONT=&quot]I think it is funny. I lost four kids. It is not like I don’t care any more but bring it on, let’s have a party."

The property has CCTV, which Peter has uploaded videos to YouTube from previously mentioned surely theyve checked the CCTV assuming it's still working to clear anyone else entering the property at that time?

Also, has anyone had the chance to check out Aaron's interview with the media in 2013 after his friend was attacked by a shark? I haven't had the chance to listen to it but even the quotes in that are bizarre to me.

"I said to Chris 'if anyone is going to survive a shark attack it's you,' because he was such a water man."

Strange character
just so many redflags, ringing bells, sirens, whistles in this article, Symbah.

It is truly difficult to read through to the end without shouting. What sort of end days did these people at that farm live in with this bloke hanging around night and day, ringing, messaging, following them around town?

He is absolutely territying!.. he is relentless. Nothing was going to stop him. No court order, no magistrate, no mediator.. God alone knows what the psych thinks now who gave him a clean bill to carry on his program. That poor Miles family must have lived on a permanent razors edge.

I just read his statement again. Somehow, 2nd time around it was worse. His hunger for an audience to agree with his perspectives is unstoppable. . even the death of his own 4 ( four ) children hasn't eased that hunger in him for a respectful and almost worshipful audience , giving an 'amen' and 'hallejulah' every now and then.

Troops my red flags up & flying too. This clown had a bucket full of hatred.
We Aussies know exactly what ‘they’ll keep’ means and ‘I’ll get them back’ that was aimed at Peter & Cynda. Them’s threatening words if I’ve ever heard and he had the gall to admit it on camera oh but wait his anger has gone....what a coincidence.

“But as I said the anger was starting to build up to the point where I thought they’ll keep and I’ll get them back some day — Peter and Cynda, that is”.

So how could he really hurt Peter & Cynda and magically cure his hate?
If I can’t have my kids nobody will. How many times have we seen husbands kill their kids recently because they were loosing them?

If Aaron lived there he’d have known where the guns were, the keys to the safe, keys and where exactly everyone slept.

He might have killed everyone and left Peter & Cynda till last and show them hell and then leave no witnesses.

At gunpoint made to sit down & listen with the gun to Peters head, trust me you’d sit, shut up and listen.

It’s the 2 whole minute phone call that’s got me stumped here. I’ll wait for forensics to check the bullets, keys and door handles for prints too.

As for the alibi, done and dusted and back into bed....but his motor might be still warm....I know our cops will figure everything out I’m sure.

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Troops my red flags up & flying too. This clown had a bucket full of hatred.
We Aussies know exactly what ‘they’ll keep’ means and ‘I’ll get them back’ that was aimed at Peter & Cynda. Them’s threatening words if I’ve ever heard and he had the gall to admit it on camera oh but wait his anger has gone....what a coincidence.

“But as I said the anger was starting to build up to the point where I thought they’ll keep and I’ll get them back some day — Peter and Cynda, that is”.

So how could he really hurt Peter & Cynda and magically cure his hate?
If I can’t have my kids nobody will. How many times have we seen husbands kill their kids recently because they were loosing them?

If Aaron lived there he’d have known where the guns were, the keys to the safe, keys and where exactly everyone slept.

He might have killed everyone and left Peter & Cynda till last and show them hell and then leave no witnesses.

At gunpoint made to sit down & listen with the gun to Peters head, trust me you’d sit, shut up and listen.

It’s the 2 whole minute phone call that’s got me stumped here. I’ll wait for forensics to check the bullets, keys and door handles for prints too.

As for the alibi, done and dusted and back into bed....but his motor might be still warm....I know our cops will figure everything out I’m sure.

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BBM. Did he live there? I thought that they bought the farm after the marriage broke up.
Question: Have the police said that it was Peter Miles on the 515am phone call? Have they confirmed that he suicided? If not, is it because they need to do forensics, or because they dont want suicide put out there in the public domain?

I still cant get over the fact that he isnt angry anymore? Wouldnt you be angrier? Or did you get your revenge?

Have any of you seen an interview like this and seen the speaker come out innocent?

No I’ve never seen someone gloat like this ******.
I’ve seen men plead for the safe return of the wife/child many many times only to be as guilty as sin but I got it wrong with Tom Meagher.
Most times we sleuthers can pick them a country mile away and I don’t like this clown Aaron.

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I don't think he'd ever lived there, TGY. He said he'd never been inside. I think he and Kat lived elsewhere and she moved to the farm after the separation.

He might have taken another gun to threaten with and used Peter's for the shooting.
Sometimes lurker of WS here..... just had to jump on and say that based on the father’s comments alone, I think it looks fairly obvious. What unemotional and very strange comments to make when all four of your children and your ex have been murdered.

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I’m really confused why there is talk about grandpa not being the killer. Police have said six homicide victims, a suicide and they are not looking for anyone else. I would hate to be the dad or other family reading here and seeing some of these accusations based on the response of a man who has just lost all his kids. Making weird comments does not make you a murderer. Reading these accusations takes the horror and absolute disgust toward the grandpa away which is where those feelings should be.

Just moo but he has been cleared by police.

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I think it’s possible to shoot someone and leave them in a position to look like suicide?

Of course it is, but much would depend on the specifics. All three of the weapons used in this case were reported to be long guns, which I presume means rifles or shotguns. Typically suicide by long gun involves shooting oneself under the chin and upwards, but in order to do that you have to either be able to reach the trigger with your hand or toes, or you have to rig up some other way of firing the weapon.

If the deceased's arms weren't long enough to use his fingers to fire the weapon and he had his shoes on so couldn't have used his toes to do so and there is no evidence at the scene that anything has been rigged up to squeeze the trigger then there's a fundamental problem with it being a suicide.

It would also raise a red flag if the entry wound was anywhere other than under the chin.

Given the reported time between the neighbours hearing the shots and the call to the emergency services there was obviously time for a perpetrator who wasn't Peter to stage the scene and pose Peter's body, but it would be very easy to slip up when under pressure and fail to ensure every detail was correct to support a conclusion of suicide.
Generally speaking though, it doesn't take much in the way of violence, depending on the age and number of kids affected.. with four, and these four had their own problems as well, things could get out of hand very quickly if the visiting parent is a bit unhinged and unpredictable, various sorts of violence could erupt instantly...also, some sort of evidence , like a recording, or camera clip would most likely be used as a foundation for the order. ..

Perhaps the key word there is unpredictable. One thing that so many autistic people seem to need is quiet and routine and anything outside of that can trigger significant distress and a variety of coping mechanisms.

I've sometimes wondered what happens in a family with multiple children with autism. If one child suffers a meltdown, is that likely in itself to trigger meltdowns in any of the others in the way that if one dog barks the rest of the dogs in the neighbourhood usually join in? This is mostly a rhetorical question since I realise every case will be different depending on the severity of the autism in each child and how it manifests itself.
“I went out to the farm for the first time and just parked at the front. I’ve never been in there. I wouldn’t have gone in there even if they asked me”.

OK according to the transcript he’d never been there before.

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If you've got 4 kids diagnosed ASD, it indicates ASD with a strong genetic component, so it is a fair guess to make. Either her, or the bio dad, either way.

Or both of them. Since so many people with autism seem to need quiet and routine it would make sense for autistic adults to be drawn to one another in a relationship.

Melatonin is just supposed to restore your natural body clock/circadian rhythm. While it's not as intense in effect as pharmaceutical sleeping pills, it can have some side effects, but I don't think knocking you out cold is one of them. Making you maybe a bit drowsy, yes, but not drowsy to the point you wouldn't react if someone starting shooting a rifle nearby.


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