Australia - 7 dead in mass shooting and suicide - Osmington WA - 11 May 2018

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No I’ve never seen someone gloat like this ******.
I’ve seen men plead for the safe return of the wife/child many many times only to be as guilty as sin but I got it wrong with Tom Meagher.
Most times we sleuthers can pick them a country mile away and I don’t like this clown Aaron.

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BBM. I think that he is extremely immature and a self obsessed person, who may come under the spectrum himself and is gloating because he was judged to be a danger to the children and it was the person judging him so, who turned out to harm the children.
Yep, and he says Kat wouldn't know what money her father has but somehow he does.

Yet some men even today, especially those of an older generation, believe that financial matters are men's concerns and that women don't need to worry their pretty little heads about such things. I've no idea what the situation in Australia was 50 years ago but here in the UK most banks still required a father's or husband's signature before opening an account for a woman. At the time wages for many people were still paid weekly in cash so a bank account wasn't the necessity it is today.
BBM. I think that he is extremely immature and a self obsessed person, who may come under the spectrum himself and is gloating because he was judged to be a danger to the children and it was the person judging him so, who turned out to harm the children.

It seems possible to me that what we're seeing is the interplay of a number of factors. He may himself be on the spectrum as you say, but he may also have a degree of [illegal] drug-induced psychosis and other mental health and/or personality disorders which together account for his weird behaviour. And as previously mentioned he may also have been mildly sedated in the wake of the murders.
It seems possible to me that what we're seeing is the interplay of a number of factors. He may himself be on the spectrum as you say, but he may also have a degree of [illegal] drug-induced psychosis and other mental health and/or personality disorders which together account for his weird behaviour. And as previously mentioned he may also have been mildly sedated in the wake of the murders.

all of this, besides... what strikes me, and it is so unique, so totally off the board , is his capacity to cunningly insert a real savage dig at his not just ex wife, but dead ex wife every damn time he opens his mouth!.. this is a rare talent, and that fact that she is now dead, shot to death seems to have no bearing at all on his ingrained deeply held habit to denigrate her, slag off on her, criticize her, diminish and degrade her every couple of his long sentences..

He is well aware of what he is doing, he leads up to it, in a smooth way, and then drops it, perfectly naturally. No hesitation. Long practice, and even now he cannot quell his satisfaction and enjoyment. He sees the death of his children as his vindication of his parenting and husbandly style. . he was right all along, the courts were wrong, the neighbors were wrong, the police were wrong, CPS was wrong, the in laws were wrong .. the main story he is telling ( until he is interrupted by a questioner ) is his victimhood, worn with such noble forbearance and saintly grace, dispensing $10 here, and $ 20 there, and putting up with women crying on the phone about money, and daring to be in town without notifying him..

That is a hell of a lot more than some 'spectrum' .
Yes I found this bit disturbing also:

"[FONT=&]All my family has stayed strong and I know they will. We were all sitting around last night and it was not all tears and crying and that it was all laughing and happy and joking around and so much joking around.[/FONT][FONT=&]I had nearly tears in my eyes from laughing so much."

"[/FONT][FONT="]I think it is funny. I lost four kids. It is not like I don’t care any more but bring it on, let’s have a party."


I have never ever seen anyone react like this to their family being killed. It is utterly bizarre. He sounds insane.
I have never ever seen anyone react like this to their family being killed. It is utterly bizarre. He sounds insane.

I agree. People might reminisce about funny things that the person had done in life if the person were old or the death was expected, but not in an utter tragedy like this,
Katrina made comment about his stalking, its been four years, you'd think he'd stop. But his belief is different - it's all Peter and Cynda's fault.

From transcript "I think if it wasn’t for Kat’s parents, and the whole thing turning around, I would still be with her because I miss her so much, let alone my kids."
I haven't been able to find it again, but I thought I heard AC expressing things like, Peter created Katrina and therefore he had the right to destroy her. I have heard this sort of thing from Jehovahs Witnesses before (at least two unconnected families). In my experience they are very big on parents having near godlike rights over their children.

I wonder whether the Miles family had a similar religious background.
Katrina made comment about his stalking, its been four years, you'd think he'd stop. But his belief is different - it's all Peter and Cynda's fault.

From transcript "I think if it wasn’t for Kat’s parents, and the whole thing turning around, I would still be with her because I miss her so much, let alone my kids."

BBM. I want to bang this man's head against something. If only to get it through to him that things outside of his head count too.
I haven't been able to find it again, but I thought I heard AC expressing things like, Peter created Katrina and therefore he had the right to destroy her. I have heard this sort of thing from Jehovahs Witnesses before (at least two unconnected families). In my experience they are very big on parents having near godlike rights over their children.

I wonder whether the Miles family had a similar religious background.

From the transcript:
he said
[FONT=&amp]It’s not some random guy off the street that’s taken them away from me. He gave them to me.[/FONT]
I haven't been able to find it again, but I thought I heard AC expressing things like, Peter created Katrina and therefore he had the right to destroy her. I have heard this sort of thing from Jehovahs Witnesses before (at least two unconnected families). In my experience they are very big on parents having near godlike rights over their children.

Historically that has been quite a common societal belief. Not only is it present in parts of the Old Testament (and some Christian extremist groups in the US believe that OT laws should become law in the US - Dominionists?), but it was there to varying degrees in aspects of Roman, Greek and Gaulish cultures.

In Rome it was legal for a father to arrange not only his daughter's marriage but also her divorce in certain circumstances regardless of the wishes of the couple involved.

Same in most of Greece. A father could marry off his daughter and then unmarry her at will in order to remarry her to someone else if he wished to do so.

In most of Gaulish society a father had absolute rights of life and death in relation to his children and could simply kill a disobedient child at will.

In many cases these rights covered sons as much as daughters so it wasn't necessarily a matter of sexism.
AC says in his interview: "Peter is an awesome man. Before all this blew up I’d get on so well with him."

I wonder what he means by before all this blew up - I gather he is referring to his separation from Katrina and the family, but I wonder what in his mind are the reasons "this blew up". I'm not hearing any suggestion of any personal responsibility ...
BBM. I think that he is extremely immature and a self obsessed person, who may come under the spectrum himself and is gloating because he was judged to be a danger to the children and it was the person judging him so, who turned out to harm the children.

Hi Jennifer, I actually agree with this. I posted up thread about how odd his words are. But I also noted numb and shock are all explanations. Bit of debating with myself within the 1 post. After reading the post and link of Damageisdone I have to think you may have summed him up here. Front of centre to media to discuss.

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all of this, besides... what strikes me, and it is so unique, so totally off the board , is his capacity to cunningly insert a real savage dig at his not just ex wife, but dead ex wife every damn time he opens his mouth!.. this is a rare talent, and that fact that she is now dead, shot to death seems to have no bearing at all on his ingrained deeply held habit to denigrate her, slag off on her, criticize her, diminish and degrade her every couple of his long sentences..

He is well aware of what he is doing, he leads up to it, in a smooth way, and then drops it, perfectly naturally. No hesitation. Long practice, and even now he cannot quell his satisfaction and enjoyment. He sees the death of his children as his vindication of his parenting and husbandly style. . he was right all along, the courts were wrong, the neighbors were wrong, the police were wrong, CPS was wrong, the in laws were wrong .. the main story he is telling ( until he is interrupted by a questioner ) is his victimhood, worn with such noble forbearance and saintly grace, dispensing $10 here, and $ 20 there, and putting up with women crying on the phone about money, and daring to be in town without notifying him..

That is a hell of a lot more than some 'spectrum' .

Trooper - I love your posts !! This is great.

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9news tonight described it as a murder suicide and the grieving father of 4 is preparing the funerals of his wife and 4 children.

So I’m willing to accept that.

(Psst but I still think he’s a weirdo)

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9news tonight described it as a murder suicide and the grieving father of 4 is preparing the funerals of his wife and 4 children.

So I’m willing to accept that.

(Psst but I still think he’s a weirdo)

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TGY - I do think maybe the grandad was depressed. He most likely never got over the other sons death. Not the way though absolutely shocking.
( I also love your posts you always make me giggle loudly)
ETA - Sorrell above post about he grandfather committing the ultimate betrayal is so well stated. Sad but very selfish man. I have lost people to suicide and they would never have taken anyone with them. It was their own dark pain.

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“I went out to the farm for the first time and just parked at the front. I’ve never been in there. I wouldn’t have gone in there even if they asked me”.

OK according to the transcript he’d never been there before.

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So where did he watch the movie with his children? His place?
Historically that has been quite a common societal belief. Not only is it present in parts of the Old Testament (and some Christian extremist groups in the US believe that OT laws should become law in the US - Dominionists?), but it was there to varying degrees in aspects of Roman, Greek and Gaulish cultures.

In Rome it was legal for a father to arrange not only his daughter's marriage but also her divorce in certain circumstances regardless of the wishes of the couple involved.

Same in most of Greece. A father could marry off his daughter and then unmarry her at will in order to remarry her to someone else if he wished to do so.

In most of Gaulish society a father had absolute rights of life and death in relation to his children and could simply kill a disobedient child at will.

In many cases these rights covered sons as much as daughters so it wasn't necessarily a matter of sexism.

But only fathers had that power, not mothers.
9news tonight described it as a murder suicide and the grieving father of 4 is preparing the funerals of his wife and 4 children.

So I’m willing to accept that.

(Psst but I still think he’s a weirdo)

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I am sure that everyone thinks that he is a weirdo. I cannot understand how she stayed with him long enough to have four children.
So where did he watch the movie with his children? His place?

and if it was his place, who supervised the visit? his family?... the laughers who found the whole thing so darn funny they had tears in their eyes?
anyway... this I found in the JUST IN section of the ABC WA news

Police say it will be months before they can confirm exactly who was responsible for the deaths.

The children's father Aaron Cockman has laid the blame squarely on his former father-in-law.

Mr Cockman says Peter Miles shot and killed his wife, Cynda, his daughter, Katrina, and her four children, before turning the gun on himself.

Bolded by me for emphasis..

well.. that really is the first time I can recall that kind of open ended statement about whosoever the shooter is by the police..

Unless this has been reported inaccurately, this statement is a real eye opener for me, and to me..

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