GUILTY Australia - Aiia Masarwe, 21, Israeli exchange student, murdered, Melbourne, Jan 2019 *ARREST*

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There must have been overwhelming and unarguable evidence against him. Such as, CCTV, certainly DNA, his on her clothing, hers on his clothing, CCTV of her on the tram and possibly him , of him at the tramstop, of him possibly following her from the tramstop.

These are different kinds of evidence than eye witness, or things overheard, which always have the human factor of error, whereas, CCTV does not.

Legal Aid, and probably Aboriginal Legal Aid Orgs would have been given this evidence by the DPP to assist their conferences about his possibility of a winning defence and found the money would not be well spent.

Likewise, it appears that no highflying Melbourne Barrister is prepared to go pro-bono ( for free ) up against such definitive evidence.

So there it is.

What an appalling waste of human life , in one entirely accidental interception on a dark night in Melbourne.
A suppression order prevents media from reporting further details of Herrmann’s crimes.

Prosecutor Pat Bourke said Ms Maasarwe’s family didn’t want details of her death released so as not to cause further distress.

Prosecutors spoke with Ms Maasarwe’s sisters in Israel, via Skype, on Thursday night to advise them that Herrmann was to plead guilty.
It's hard to imagine how a family copes after losing a loved one in such horrendous circumstances :(

'Now he's in jail he cannot hurt any more people': Aiia's dad welcomes guilty plea

Benjamin Ansell
16 hrs ago
The father of murdered student Aiia Maasarwe says he is relieved her killer has pleaded guilty in a Melbourne court.

Codey Herrmann appeared via videolink in the Melbourne Magistrates Court today over the January 16 attack.

When asked how he would plead to the charges of rape and murder, he answered: "I plead guilty."
Her father Saeed, speaking from the family home in Israel today, said the news of Herrmann's guilty plea was bittersweet.

"It's not easy, we tried to continue the normal life," he told 9News.

"We tried the maximum as we can - sometimes successful more, sometimes successful less but the life, we need to continue.

"We don't have another choice."
© 9News Saeed Maasarwe says Herrmann's guilty plea is a relief.

Mr Maasarwe said he was glad Herrmann is off the streets.

"Now he's in the jail he cannot hurt any more people, not take the life of more people," he said.

"This is (a) better feeling, because you know, this is not freedom – he's in the jail where he should be."

But he said he lived with the loss of his daughter every day.

"All the day all the night, all the time, any place you go you think about this," Mr Maasarwe said.
"We lose the most important thing in this life."
It is hard to accept that Herman will probably get a discount on his sentence for pleading guilty. There is provision in the Act to knock about 15% off a life sentence applicable to when he can apply for parole.

There is also provision in the Act for the public perception of some crimes as being so heinous as to eradicate the necessity to grant a discount. As Justice Lex Lasry said, 'it offends out collective conscious ' ( re Arthur Freeman ) … . perhaps the judge will see this as being one of those crimes.

Anyway.. he has spent enough time in remand to be taught how to keep himself clean, and his surroundings, the correctional officers are hot on that matter, making sure he showers, shaves and cleans up after himself every day, every hour. Which is a good thing because when he tootles off to Port Philip Correctional that will be one thing the officers there won't have to teach him, hopefully.

PPC is getting awfully crowded, lately, so it's possible he wont be getting a cell to himself. There is a gathering of like minded men, such as Herman will recognize, Bailey, Hunt, Jaymes Todd, etc. all awaiting a new chew toy.

And there is the old crew, Denyer, Sharpe, a host of old lags only too willing to share their experience.

They might put him in with Jimmy Gargasoulas, Herman can rap riff Jimmy and Jimmy can preach it to Codey.

What ever is wrong with Herman has no chance of being 'cured' in prison, and every chance of being honed and sharpened to a finer point, and he'll still be a young man when he possibly gets parole.

Much like De Gruchy, who, it appears is about to enter community life at 40 after murdering his mother , sister and brother. For the car keys. Mrs de Gruchy said no , and that was enough.
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A suppression order prevents media from reporting further details of Herrmann’s crimes.

Prosecutor Pat Bourke said Ms Maasarwe’s family didn’t want details of her death released so as not to cause further distress.

Prosecutors spoke with Ms Maasarwe’s sisters in Israel, via Skype, on Thursday night to advise them that Herrmann was to plead guilty.
It's hard to imagine how a family copes after losing a loved one in such horrendous circumstances :(

Lemony the initial report of Ms Maasarwe’s attack and death was cruel and absolutely horrific.
IMO no reprieve for that cretin Herrmann, no parole, nothing. The anger I feel is frightening.
All taxpayers would agree it’s worth everything to get him away from society....FOREVER.
Oh I feel such sorrow for her family and absolute sadness for the way that little innocent angel died.

'Aiia Maasarwe's killer has formally admitted to a charge of murder, but only after he surprised the Supreme Court when he mistakenly entered a plea of not guilty to rape.

Codey Herrmann, 20, last week pleaded guilty in Melbourne Magistrates Court to murdering Ms Maasarwe in the early hours of January 16, when the 21-year-old woman was on her way home after a night out in central Melbourne. Herrmann also pleaded guilty to rape.

He appeared in the Supreme Court on Wednesday to be formally arraigned – the process where an accused person enters a plea – but when asked for a plea on the rape charge, he put his right hand to his face and said softly: "Not guilty."

Defence counsel Tim Marsh, sitting at the bar table several metres in front of the dock, asked that the arraignment be stopped so he could speak with Herrmann.

Mr Marsh spoke with his client for a few moments in the dock before the arraignment was restarted and the young man pleaded guilty to both charges.

He said "guilty" twice when asked by the judicial registrar's associate to enter a plea on the rape and murder charges.'

Trying to pull a fast one even now, eh Codey?...

'Herrmann's plea hearing has been set for two days and is to start on October 1.

Mr Marsh said he was waiting on a neurological and psychiatric report and a report addressing Herrmann's cultural background. Herrmann is Indigenous and on psychiatric medication, a magistrate was told last week.'
What will be considered at his sentencing is the matters of both murder, and rape. In what order, and it isn't unusual for rape to follow murder, it depends on what Herrman has admitted to.

There is provision to lay 2 separate sentences, but it is more than likely that both matters will be served together, so infuriating, and in this case, it is reasonable to expect a hefty sentence that reflects the utter degradation this young , beautiful woman was subjected to at the whim and will of Herrman , purely for his enjoyment.

There is a slight matter of robbery as well , from what I understand from the charges, although a monetary value has not been ascertained as yet.

Herrman is likely to lead his plea with the idea that robbery was followed by rape and then murder. Or, perhaps, followed by murder then rape, which isn't at all improbable. That the escalation of violence was a consequence of a low level intention.

Will he succeed in this? .. . who knows.. I can't even begin to accept that concept .
A man who raped and killed international student Aiia Maasarwe is on track to return to court in October for a pre-sentence hearing.
Codey Herrmann, 20, pleaded guilty this month to murdering Ms Maasarwe, whose body was found near a tram stop in Bundoora in Melbourne's north on January 16.
Herrmann's matter was listed in the Victorian Supreme Court on Thursday but he did not appear for the administrative matter.
Lawyers confirmed they would be ready by the scheduled October 1 plea hearing.
Prosecutors have provided documents to Herrmann's legal team, which he has been given permission to view in his lawyers' presence.
At an earlier hearing, Herrmann's lawyer Tim Marsh told the court there could be a significant amount of material presented on his client's behalf, including a neuropsychiatric report and others on culture and background

Melbourne rapist, killer back in court - 9News
Herrmann pleads guilty in court to the rape and murder of Aiia.

Aiia Maarsarwe's killer due back in court

'At a previous hearing, Herrmann's lawyer Tim Marsh told the court there could be a significant amount of material presented on his client's behalf, including a neuropsychiatric report and others on culture and background.

Herrmann was meant to appear in court in late June for an administrative matter but did not, with his lawyers saying they would be ready by October 1.'

It stands to reason that Hermann would want these reports to be delayed as much as possible. Once tabled, that's it, for him, really.

I reckon, TGY , he is being seriously considered for a life with no possibility of parole, so inexplicable and heinous was his crime.

Anyways, I hope so. If it's good enough for Jaymes Todd, then....
'At a previous hearing, Herrmann's lawyer Tim Marsh told the court there could be a significant amount of material presented on his client's behalf, including a neuropsychiatric report and others on culture and background.

Herrmann was meant to appear in court in late June for an administrative matter but did not, with his lawyers saying they would be ready by October 1.'

It stands to reason that Hermann would want these reports to be delayed as much as possible. Once tabled, that's it, for him, really.

I reckon, TGY , he is being seriously considered for a life with no possibility of parole, so inexplicable and heinous was his crime.

Anyways, I hope so. If it's good enough for Jaymes Todd, then....

Hey Troops.
In the video attached to my post he sat motionless with no remorse.

Dregs of humanity don’t belong on our streets.

C’mon Victoria grow some balls and give the sentence that reflect this heinous crime.
Please?? For once??
CCTV of Aiia Maarsarwe's final moments before rape and murder played to court

The revelations came after Justice Elizabeth Hollingworth threw out a suppression order banning the publication of details of Ms Maasarwe's rape and murder.

Horrific details of the rape and murder of an international student near a Melbourne tram stop have been revealed in court.
Codey Herrmann hit 21-year-old Aiia Maasarwe four times over the head with a metal pole after she got off the Bundoora tram early on January 16, before dragging her between hedges.
He beat her at least another nine times and strangled and sexually assaulted her, Victoria's Supreme Court was told today.
CCTV of Aiia Maarsarwe's final moments before rape and murder played to court

Justice Elizabeth Hollingworth c'mon!
Hey Troops.
In the video attached to my post he sat motionless with no remorse.

Dregs of humanity don’t belong on our streets.

C’mon Victoria grow some balls and give the sentence that reflect this heinous crime.
Please?? For once??
It would be so risky to even contemplate letting him out, even at 60, 70 . And he surely would have gained no insight into his crime up till now, and a remote possibility that he would in the future.

Some people have to be dealt with in this way. It is terrible, and appalling, but some crimes are terrible and appalling to such a degree that you know that perpetrator is forever outside of normal human society.
He had the metal pole, he was up to no good and if it wasn't Aiia it would have been someone else.
He hit Aiia four times over the head with a metal pole before he dragged her off.

I agree Troops that he cannot be released and I have a strong feeling Justice Elizabeth Hollingworth is showing some strength by lifting the suppression order.
STEP 1. achieved.
He had the metal pole, he was up to no good and if it wasn't Aiia it would have been someone else.
He hit Aiia four times over the head with a metal pole before he dragged her off.

I agree Troops that he cannot be released and I have a strong feeling Justice Elizabeth Hollingworth is showing some strength by lifting the suppression order.
STEP 1. achieved.
That particular pic of Codey, TGY, giving us all the finger in that website you put up, and not to be forgotten was taken the NEXT mid morning after his bashing, raping and strangling this lovely woman.

That's how much it affected him!. Just another bludgers day, hanging round the park, rapping in the shelter shed, trying to scam some mcdonalds, being with my bro's. .
and I don't give a rat's arse about his culture or his background.. there are billions of young men of 20 around the world who could top him in a nanosecond about how hard their lives are, how their culture is at risk, and they don't go round bashing small young women who step off a tram over the head with a handy pole, then bash them again and again and rape them and try to burn them and strangle them.
That particular pic of Codey, TGY, giving us all the finger in that website you put up, and not to be forgotten was taken the NEXT mid morning after his bashing, raping and strangling this lovely woman.

That's how much it affected him!. Just another bludgers day, hanging round the park, rapping in the shelter shed, trying to scam some mcdonalds, being with my bro's. .

Get a life you recon Troops?

Yeah I hope he gets life.
Aiia Maasarwe's killer visited her apartment building in weeks before murder

His barrister, Tim Marsh ( you wouldn't want that job ) is trying to persuade the court that his background , culture, etc is a factor, but even his own barrister is stumped as to why he did it.

This was a "violent and brutal attack on a woman who was walking home as she was perfectly entitled to do", defence lawyer Tim Marsh said.

"He admits there is no justification for it."

The court heard Herrmann had no recollection of the two hours before the attack. ( How handy is this ? I expected him to say nothing less, he is never going to admit to what he did, he knows it's outside human behavior. So, . the usual cowards avoidance tactic. )

"His was a lifestyle of intoxication through methamphetamines and cannabis."

His background was one of "extraordinary dislocation", the court heard.

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