Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #1

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As 'safe' as Brookfield is supposed to be and feels, the rules of common sense still apply. I wouldn't be walking that route 10pm at night.

I even feel wary and on guard when I'm driving on Gap Creek Rd at night alone, knowing there is a blackhole where there's no mobile reception.
A sad case, if he is guilty and the police don't have enough to charge him! Allison deserves justice.
Definitely with the fuzz surrounding the chronology of events on Thurs evening and Fri moring the police must be keeping this tightly under wraps.

We really have no idea what time thispoor lady went missing. It would make sense that he got rid of her way before he said she went for a walk. But if she tucked her kids into bed that would leave a window between bedtime and apparently 10pm or even 7:30 am which is a 12 hour window.

The idea of an abduction is quite remote and unlikely despite Brookfield being dark and its a highly unsafe idea to walk at night simply becaue of the danger of injury -the area is sparsely populated for someone to snatch a person off the side of a road. (A more likely scenario for a would be abduction would be to wait at one of the deserted shopping areas nearby down the road for their victim.)

Also if someone in my house went out walking and the neighbours heard screams, chances are I would also be hearing these screams and I would be running frantically around the walking tracks and calling the police right then and there - I would immediately think the worst for my walking partner but maybe this house is too far away to hear the screams - thoughts?
Interesting to note that he attended church with his daughters.

Maybe after reading this forum, and in the media today, that he better start making more of an effort to be seen in public, and give more of the family man view, which has been lacking all this time.... could be something that his lawyer advised him to do.

I hope he is not guilty, that would be awful for the kids, and the in laws.
The more "evidence", the more baffling this case becomes.

It would have taken Allison about 30 minutes to walk to Winrock Street, where the screams were heard. There are streetlights there but there is bushland on one side/housing estate on the other side.

Did she make any calls? Did she take her phone with her? Don't think it would be in most women's natures to walk that route late at night - past the show grounds and along Rafting Ground Road.....

Winrock Street is houses on both sides - 1 side is the estate, the other side is large acreages, not bush. BUT if you follow Winrock around as it becomes Kalua then Tangy Streets, it comes out at Kintyre. a cross street. The housing estate is on your left but if you turn right at Kintyre there are acreages on the left that have thick bush behind them that leads to a creek. I played in this creek as a kid. It was my second home. You can access it from Kilkivan Avenue, which Kintyre St eventually becomes. It is very thick, overgrown scrub and vines but the area itself is not that large. The creek itself winds around to Kenmore High to the left and towards Moggill Rd to the right. This creek is about 5 minutes walk away from where his parent live. I know their house well as I was friends with a kid who lived there before them.

An interesting piece of trivia: Amanda Street comes off Kintyre on the left. It dead ends in a driveway and on Google Maps Streetview, whenever those pics were taken, that property was up for sale. The sign says "Century 21" was the agent. That house would back on to the creek and bushland I'm talking about.

Don't tell me, TMI...
I wonder what the girls have said to the police.... surely if A&G were fighting on the Thurs night,the kids would have heard them.
You can only just imagine on a dark night, complete silence, then a woman screaming.... and traveling through the valley, that would have been such an eerie horrible thing to experience, let alone whoever was doing the screaming and what they were going through. Those neighbours will prob have to live with that regret for the rest of their lives. But no one told the police until days later. By then, the search was already in full swing.
I wouldn't be surprised if the police hold a press conference clearing Mr Baden-Clay just so he can relax and get comfortable with life again (as his family and himself have so desperately asked for, they just want to be normal right, like the sister said) won't be long now. Let's hope he cracks under this enormous pressure and confesses to the police, otherwise he'll have to get used to being under surveillance
Definitely with the fuzz surrounding the chronology of events on Thurs evening and Fri moring the police must be keeping this tightly under wraps.

We really have no idea what time thispoor lady went missing. It would make sense that he got rid of her way before he said she went for a walk. But if she tucked her kids into bed that would leave a window between bedtime and apparently 10pm or even 7:30 am which is a 12 hour window.

Yes I agree...what time did she really go missing. When was the last time anyone else actually saw Allison apart from the husband.
Winrock Street is houses on both sides - 1 side is the estate, the other side is large acreages, not bush. BUT if you follow Winrock around as it becomes Kalua then Tangy Streets, it comes out at Kintyre. a cross street. The housing estate is on your left but if you turn right at Kintyre there are acreages on the left that have thick bush behind them that leads to a creek. I played in this creek as a kid. It was my second home. You can access it from Kilkivan Avenue, which Kintyre St eventually becomes. It is very thick, overgrown scrub and vines but the area itself is not that large. The creek itself winds around to Kenmore High to the left and towards Moggill Rd to the right. This creek is about 5 minutes walk away from where his parent live. I know their house well as I was friends with a kid who lived there before them.

An interesting piece of trivia: Amanda Street comes off Kintyre on the left. It dead ends in a driveway and on Google Maps Streetview, whenever those pics were taken, that property was up for sale. The sign says "Century 21" was the agent. That house would back on to the creek and bushland I'm talking about.

Don't tell me, TMI...

I stand corrected - you're right - it is acreage on the other side. It just looks pretty bushy. I used to play in the creek as a kid too and know exactly the area you are talking about. I would email the police with the Amanda Street info - even if there's no connection, it's better to be safe than sorry.
I'm with bikerchick... I would tell the police about Amanda St too, even if they already know, thats ok. If they don't know, then its a good place for them to check out.
It seems like the police are keeping their cards close to their chests as there doesn't seem to be a lot of clear information out there and the police or even Gerald's lawyer don't seem to be in a hurry to state the facts. This is against a lot of media scrutiny and obviously the husband's name is not coming out that well out of all of this. You would have thought someone would be facing the media to try and quell the speculation.

Perhaps the police think that this is helping to put pressure on the husband.
The media has too many different stories, some of them are obviously 'heresay' and wrong.
He was the real estate agent for the house we bought six years ago. I found him pleasant and professional even when we procrastinated so long he lost the agency because the owners were uptight individuals. We ended up buying that property through another agent, who had lied to our face in a particularly nasty way only a month before. I could imagine that a real estate agent would have enemies where so much money is involved
An interesting piece of trivia: Amanda Street comes off Kintyre on the left. It dead ends in a driveway and on Google Maps Streetview, whenever those pics were taken, that property was up for sale. The sign says "Century 21" was the agent. That house would back on to the creek and bushland I'm talking about.

Don't tell me, TMI...

If you check the Image Date on lower left "December 2009", is a rough idea of when the pics were actually taken.
Gosh walking 4km at 10pm at night???? Does anyone have any idea that if she didn't do her regular morning walk - did she made it up in the evening?
It was 18C degrees overnight on Thurs the 19th of April - capri pants and just a t-shirt seems a bit light for a 10pm walk . But seriously won't the police be looking at all scenarios such as...

What was her routine? Has she ever run away in the past?Would she leave her children?

Was her husband abusive in the home but for all intensive purposes the doting father and husband to the rest of the world? No mention of him drinking before the event?What was his evening routine?
Gosh walking 4km at 10pm at night???? Does anyone have any idea that if she didn't do her regular morning walk - did she made it up in the evening? What was her routine?

It was 18C degrees overnight on Thurs the 19th of April - capri pants and just a t-shirt seems a bit light for a 10pm walk.

I thought exactly the same thing especially as Brisbane has only just received the cold snap!
Thanks for the info, marlywings. I did as several of you suggested and sent the police an "I'm sure you've already searched here but ..." email via Crimestoppers (never done anything like it before so hoping the protocol is correct).

I think the whole "went for a walk" thing is rubbish. I suspect she's gotten into a car voluntarily, been driven off and the rest came later.
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