Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #1

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Thanks for the info, marlywings. I did as several of you suggested and sent the police an "I'm sure you've already searched here but ..." email via Crimestoppers (never done anything like it before so hoping the protocol is correct).

I think the whole "went for a walk" thing is rubbish. I suspect she's gotten into a car voluntarily, been driven off and the rest came later.

Yep, and her phone has probably been thrown out the car window. I doubt it will be found with her.
Yep, and her phone has probably been thrown out the car window. I doubt it will be found with her.[/quote]

yes unfortunately that phone was never going to be something reliable. Too easy to throw in the opposite direction!
The media has too many different stories, some of them are obviously 'heresay' and wrong.

I don't quite agree with the above. Yes the media can & does, quite often, go over the top with some of their reporting but there's been very little info reported on this whole case to say whether it's either right or wrong.

Neither do I fully agree with the Baden Clay's "media, leave us alone". If a member of my family was missing I would want, & use, whatever was available, however difficult that might be, to get the message out to the public. One would think if the husband didn't want to speak to the media then why not nominate a member of the family to keep the media/public updated, & in the headlines, which, in turn, keeps the case in the public's mind. Their "not wanting to talk" immediately raises questions & leads to speculation.
Channel 7 news just reported there was a party nearby on the night she went missing.
Hey marlywings are you able to provide a link to that info?

Surely if there was a party on nearby, the police would have the guest list and would have investigated.

The plot thickens...
Not found a link so far, it may turn up later. It was on 6 o'clock news,Channel 7, just after it was mentioned about the husband paying police a visit today,reporter spoke to a woman who lived in the area about noises heard the night Allison went missing. Then it was mentioned there was a party nearby on the same night.
Yes I heard on Channel 7 news too that a party was held that night. Did you see as Gerard was coming out of the station and approaching the car that one of the media looked as though he was going to be pushed out the way by Gerard, he just put his hand up to almost push him away, and the cameraman jumped back out the way lol.
I logged in about an hour ago after a busy day out, and discovered the latest info about the screams. It's taken me ages to catch up on posts, and interesting that there are a few new posters who have come on to post positive things about Gerard Baden-Clay. <modsnip>

Understandable I suppose if you thought he was innocent. But people being nice and helpful and all the other things mentioned by these posters doesnt necessairly mean he is not capable of killing his wife, or that he is simply a good person.

In my experience in life I have found that no one is all bad. Even people who have done wonderful things for charity or the community, who have displayed some lovely qualities, can also have some horrific qualities as well. The good qualities, no matter how good, do not prove the bad ones dont exist.

I have experienced many examples of this. I worked for someone once who was very good to me, letting me have extra time off for family issues no questions asked, always making very positive comments about my work and making sure others knew, and I noticed how sweet she was to other staff in different situations. But there was another side to her. I knew of several staff who complained of bullying by 2 different staff members and they weren't listened to by this woman, and in fact she turned on them and started making their lives hell. One person had to take stress leave, eventually resigned and sued successfully and received a payout.

I once had a partner who had many adorable qualities, a great sense of humour, very sweet and affectionate, with a sort of innocent charm. He adored me and people commented they could tell how much in love he was with me. He cooked me great meals, was great around the house, always remembered birthdays and even spent ages searching for the perfect gift and card. He did a lot for the community, and the women at his work used to tell their husbands he put them to shame. But I eventually discovered he had been cheating, and he also began psychologically abusing me, with subtle put-downs escalating to threatening behaviour where I became quite scared of him hurting me, which he eventually did when I brought up my concerns about his obsession with a particular woman. Sometimes the way he would look at me and snarl and speak in a threatening way were just terrifying, and I'm sure there were many people who would find it hard to believe he could behave that way. I got out of that relationship and later found out thru meeting a close friend of one of his ex-partners that he had done the same to at least one of his ex-partners, one of whom had moved overseas because of it.

So yes, Gerard Baden-Clay may have many good qualities. He may also be a sociopath who is capable of anything if the right set of circumstances arose. This doesnt even mean he was faking the good things. There can be many strange combinations of aspects of a personality. This is sometimes why women stay with abusive husbands. People often say "I dont know why she stays with him when he treats her like that - why doesnt she just leave?" There are many reasons why and they are complicated, but one is that sometimes its hard to believe your partner can behave this badly, because when they are at their best they have so many wonderful qualities. While nothing bad is happening you start to believe nothing will, it almost doesnt seem possible, it's like that bad person who called you nasty names, humiliated you and maybe even hit you is another person altogether.
Yes itsthevibe, I think history proves there's a lot of Jeckyll & Hydes in this world. As for Baden Clay, when things were good they probably were very good but throw some hard times/a downturn in real estate market into the mix along with his wife discovering he was having an affair...well...does he then turn into someone completely different to the image he liked to portray to the world.
Well said, Itsthevibe. All very true. One of the main characteristics of an abusive man (having been through emotional abuse myself & after learning about their traits) - is in most cases, they will appear like the best husband, giving off the impression that they are so loving and caring, and could never hurt their wives....yet behind closed doors, its a completely different story.
I find it very strange, and from what I have seen on the media, as that is all i can go by, that her parents never mention him, they are never together....perhaps they are aware of this behaviour, and have probably noticed a change in their daughter if thats the case.
Well said, Itsthevibe. All very true. One of the main characteristics of an abusive man (having been through emotional abuse myself & after learning about their traits) - is in most cases, they will appear like the best husband, giving off the impression that they are so loving and caring, and could never hurt their wives....yet behind closed doors, its a completely different story.
I find it very strange, and from what I have seen on the media, as that is all i can go by, that her parents never mention him, they are never together....perhaps they are aware of this behaviour, and have probably noticed a change in their daughter if thats the case.

I second that crissyz and Itsthevibe, also from personal and painful experience. They are very manipulative. They know how to appear to be so wonderful, yet they can only keep it up for so long and as soon as it is behind closed doors they are entirely different people, so much so that those that know them to be such wonderful people would be horrified.
They are usually very good actors.....something that G def is not! lol.

I'm sure the parents know.... maybe thats the reason she suffers from depression, or did the sister just say that in the beginning (along with the police unable to confirm if she is on medication, back in the first few days) - to throw us off the trail of make us think that Allison was unstable and could have left on her own accord?
The police have confirmed the muffled screams heard Thursday night on Rafting Ground Road:

[ame=""]Missing mother - YouTube[/ame]
Hi, First time post.

Was there a photo showing GBC's scratched face when he "fell"? I've seen it mentioned a lot, but not seen a photo, or much of a description. Is that why he is growing the beard?

Also, maybe it has been stated, but the car crash, wasn't that a convenient way to avoid questioning for a few days, with a hospital stay? Maybe lead to forgetting? If he is so ok to sit in hospital, why isn't he ok to get out and do something to find his wife. When he sat in hospital, it didn't seem his kids were such a great priority.

Really wanting to know what the personal items were that were found and hope for some resolution to this case. The cold wind blowing between Allison's parents and GBC and his family feels arctic. Clearly there is some bad blood there. (sorry).

Finally, I noticed on Linkedin, ABC is there, and seemed to be listed as a professional in several areas. Most of the other people working in the same ?organization seemed to be psychologists. Her past work in human relations/personnel may be the basis. Her areas also included physical well being, if I remember correctly. Does anyone know about her work there? (I have the free Linkedin, so can't access much ino there.) Was it just work on rare occasions or a regular kind of employment? Just wondering if she had much contact with the psychologists and maybe they were telling her it isn't good to be in a destructive relationship?? Totally conjecture... Would be interesting to know whether this was a job for Allison or a desire/dream. She was clearly talented.
GERARD Baden-Clay yesterday took his three daughters to church as police continued their desperate search for his missing wife Allison.

The girls emerged from the service with balloons, one inscribed with the message: "Dear God, make shore (sic) that mum is safe".

Mrs Baden-Clay was last seen 11 days ago as she left her home in Brookfield, in Brisbane's souhwest to go for a walk. Mr Baden-Clay, who had gone to bed soon after she left and reported her missing the following morning, yesterday spent an hour with police.
I stand corrected - you're right - it is acreage on the other side. It just looks pretty bushy. I used to play in the creek as a kid too and know exactly the area you are talking about. I would email the police with the Amanda Street info - even if there's no connection, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Winrock Street is houses on both sides - 1 side is the estate, the other side is large acreages, not bush. BUT if you follow Winrock around as it becomes Kalua then Tangy Streets, it comes out at Kintyre. a cross street. The housing estate is on your left but if you turn right at Kintyre there are acreages on the left that have thick bush behind them that leads to a creek. I played in this creek as a kid. It was my second home. You can access it from Kilkivan Avenue, which Kintyre St eventually becomes. It is very thick, overgrown scrub and vines but the area itself is not that large. The creek itself winds around to Kenmore High to the left and towards Moggill Rd to the right. This creek is about 5 minutes walk away from where his parent live. I know their house well as I was friends with a kid who lived there before them.

An interesting piece of trivia: Amanda Street comes off Kintyre on the left. It dead ends in a driveway and on Google Maps Streetview, whenever those pics were taken, that property was up for sale. The sign says "Century 21" was the agent. That house would back on to the creek and bushland I'm talking about.

Don't tell me, TMI...

His parents' house is actually just by there, too. Right off Kilkivan, and directly cross- country from the Rafting Ground roundabout.
Yes I heard on Channel 7 news too that a party was held that night. Did you see as Gerard was coming out of the station and approaching the car that one of the media looked as though he was going to be pushed out the way by Gerard, he just put his hand up to almost push him away, and the cameraman jumped back out the way lol.

Do you know where they said the party was? Was it on Boscombe, or by Rafting Ground (where the screams were). Those places are not exactly next to each other. I went to the Channel 7 site, and their headline for the video was ridiculous - saying that "neighbors heard missing mum's screams"

People heard SOMEONE screaming, but we don't know who, and the folks by Winrock are by no stretch of the geographical imagination the B-C's neighbours.
Do you know where they said the party was? Was it on Boscombe, or by Rafting Ground (where the screams were). Those places are not exactly next to each other. I went to the Channel 7 site, and their headline for the video was ridiculous - saying that "neighbors heard missing mum's screams"

People heard SOMEONE screaming, but we don't know who, and the folks by Winrock are by no stretch of the geographical imagination the B-C's neighbours.

So far I think it's only been mentioned the screams were heard on Rafting Ground Rd, no mention of where the party was. In 10news video reporter speaks to a resident who said she "heard noises but didn't worry, there's been reports of a scream but thinks it was probably related to the teenagers".

[ame=""]Missing mother - YouTube[/ame]
They have just said on Channel 9 that they won't be scaling the search back any time soon.
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