Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #1

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Will be interested to see if G b-c attends her funeral..... or if he will continue to hide out at his parents place......
...unless he is charged by then..... but he'll prob get day release and get chapperoned to the service. Hoping she gets the funeral she deserves and that, as difficult as it will be, is planned by her loving and respectful parents.
I was certain this guy was guilty from the time i heard the details of wife going for walk at 10pm and never returning.
It was confirmed 100% when i watched his first and only public comments.
What a poor showing, no pleas to the public, diverting the topic.
Rather than having a mortified look on his face and pleaing with the public for information.
Not one bit genuine and the fake cry (no tears of course) was a compete giveaway.
There were so many major red flags.

His parents too creep me out on many levels, the deliberate, disrespectful, untimely arrogant repulsive kiss.

The big animals skulls outside there front door, the flag at half mast.
The coward bunkered down to weather the storm for a week then off to work, and school for the kids.
All this even before his wife had been found.
Th face scratches, blatantly crashing his car at low speed.
The perfect gentle family man who loved and adroed his wife.
Who was proven to be CHEATING, MANIPULATING & LYING.

You can guarantee Allisons parents have not been anywhere near the Bayden-Clays and by all reports they haven't.
That's for a very good reason.

I guess now it comes down to the mistress, holes in his story, what the kids have to say, the phone and other evidence.
Apologies if someone else has already covered this today.

It seems more likely that Allison would have been left at the scout camp, not from over the bridge.

When we had that rain out here a few days ago, the creeks came up so quickly as there's still a lot of water around. Normally it takes more rain to get them to come up that fast. I remember thinking that if she is in water, this rain will move her and I took a closer look at a number of creeks out here from the road.

It was a lot of water, she was found on the bank, after the water had receded. The bridge is also very visible and a lot of people travel on that road at that time of night.

It's not feasible. So it must be the camp.

But in saying that, the link to him is too obvious, he wouldn't have been that stupid.

Could this have been a set up as someone else has suggested, to implicate him?

Indog, that makes a lot of sense to me. If he did it, maybe he didn't think it through, thought he knew the area so well that she'd be impossible to find. I'd really hope that it wasn't him as then the kids will lose both parents but the peculiar behaviour and not being on the front line with her parents for the last 11 days just looks so terribly suss.
I think regarding the searching, we may all be behaving a twee harsh...not just you itsthevibe, all of us.

I was rabbiting to hubby last night about how he hasnt been searching....and hubby thought I was crazy. He said, the police would never let him search. Particularly if they have an ounce of thought he was involved. He could pick up evidence and pocket it......he could hinder the investigation by searching. ie Imagine, he accidently dropped the sim card in the night.......then was allowed to search...........he could pick it up and pocket it. Noone knowing of its existence.

Hubby feels though that it was highly unusual of GBC to not be in attendance at the showgrounds, waiting there for info, rather than having the police come to them.....Irrespective of the relationship with the Dickie's.....this was a time for him to consider Allison a priority..............even over those lovely little girls (which my heart goes out to). Allison at this time, was the priority. God, there must be times where a wife is a priority....and surely her being missing should be that time. :(
I just realised Allison's name is spelt incorrectly in the title. Can that be changed for respect to Allison and her loved ones? Thanks.
Hubby also feels that GBC could easily dump Allison at the camp, then claim the good ole reverse psychology... "As if I would dump my wife....somewhere i'm so familiar with".....Hubby says it's common for the perpetrator to claim "as if I would put her somewhere so obvious"...when they actually do it, in an effort to make it seem SOOOOO obvious, that people would think otherwise (he was framed). Thankfully, the police of today are entirely too savvy to not see through such utter CRAP.
Apologies if someone else has already covered this today.

It seems more likely that Allison would have been left at the scout camp, not from over the bridge.

When we had that rain out here a few days ago, the creeks came up so quickly as there's still a lot of water around. Normally it takes more rain to get them to come up that fast. I remember thinking that if she is in water, this rain will move her and I took a closer look at a number of creeks out here from the road.

It was a lot of water, she was found on the bank, after the water had receded. The bridge is also very visible and a lot of people travel on that road at that time of night.

It's not feasible. So it must be the camp.

But in saying that, the link to him is too obvious, he wouldn't have been that stupid.

Could this have been a set up as someone else has suggested, to implicate him?

Living at Mt Crosby and driving over the bridge the last few days I have been giving this alot of thought. As I mentioned in an earlier post however, once you get up the creek away from the river, Kholo creek is small with many obstructions. The rain over the weekend was steady but not heavy out here, I really don't think there would have been enough water to wash a body all that way, and if there was I think it would be unlikely that it would come so close to making it into the river but stop 30m short, coincidentally directly under the overpass. Even though many cars drive over the bridge, there is no pedestrian traffic and visits by people fishing are very irregular. I wouldn't surprise me at all if the body lay on the bank undiscovered for some time. Also, the mud on the river bank is very dense and sticky. I would think a body falling into it with some force could become pretty well stuck in place.

I also think that this murder wasn't premeditated, it's just all too messy. If GBC or someone else needed to dispose of a body in a hurry, they would not have time to drag a body a long way through the bush. If they did, they would have been better off burying it rather than dumping it. It seems to me that the perpetrator has panicked, left Broofield driving away from town which by default led them onto Mt Crosby Rd. Although there is regular traffic over the bridge in the evening, you can see headlights coming from a fair distance and it would only take a few seconds to pull up on the bridge and shove a body over the edge. There certainly are other possibilities, but given all the known circumstances this just seems the most likely.
How is the scout camp accessed?

The entrance to the Scout camp is at the end of Bunya street, the first turnoff after the bridge. From memory it has a gate and no entry sign. It is a gravel dead end street with several houses before the gate. I would imagine if someone drive in there in the early hours of the evening it is possible that someone would notice, although the houses are set back from the road. You would have to drag the body a fair distance down a hill to the the creek.
Hubby also feels that GBC could easily dump Allison at the camp, then claim the good ole reverse psychology... "As if I would dump my wife....somewhere i'm so familiar with".....Hubby says it's common for the perpetrator to claim "as if I would put her somewhere so obvious"...when they actually do it, in an effort to make it seem SOOOOO obvious, that people would think otherwise (he was framed). Thankfully, the police of today are entirely too savvy to not see through such utter CRAP.

Or this willough, if you were so panicked, freaking out, not knowing where to go from B'field, as I think Keyboredom (apologies if I've got this wrong) said days ago, clearly they would turn right onto Moggill rd (at the junction coming from rafting ground) not left which leads to the city. But once on that road, if you're in a panic you would instinctively seek something known to you and perhaps in such a state of panic you can't help but go to a known place rather than unknown?

p.s your hubby is pretty switched on!
Or this willough, if you were so panicked, freaking out, not knowing where to go from B'field, as I think Keyboredom (apologies if I've got this wrong) said days ago, clearly they would turn right onto Moggill rd (at the junction coming from rafting ground) not left which leads to the city. But once on that road, if you're in a panic you would instinctively seek something known to you and perhaps in such a state of panic you can't help but go to a known place rather than unknown?

p.s your hubby is pretty switched on!

Agree.....When one is in such a state of panic, one wants an easy, sort it out now solution.....I daresay whoever it was wanted to frantically get rid of Allison's body.
Or this willough, if you were so panicked, freaking out, not knowing where to go from B'field, as I think Keyboredom (apologies if I've got this wrong) said days ago, clearly they would turn right onto Moggill rd (at the junction coming from rafting ground) not left which leads to the city. But once on that road, if you're in a panic you would instinctively seek something known to you and perhaps in such a state of panic you can't help but go to a known place rather than unknown?

p.s your hubby is pretty switched on!

I wonder if people aren't reading a little too much into this scout connection. Sure, he has the family connection, but it seems to me that he was the sort of guy that was only interested in using this to bolster his image. He doesn't really strike me as the sort of guy who actually spent time visiting or exploring any of these camps. Is there anything to suggest he was involved in the scouting movement in any hands-on capacity?
I wonder if people aren't reading a little too much into this scout connection. Sure, he has the family connection, but it seems to me that he was the sort of guy that was only interested in using this to bolster his image. He doesn't really strike me as the sort of guy who actually spent time visiting or exploring any of these camps. Is there anything to suggest he was involved in the scouting movement in any hands-on capacity?

Am pretty sure both he and Allison were involved in the scouting movement (?).

There was a beautiful picture I saw the other day, his three girls all dressed in pink, clinging onto their daddy. GBC was in a scout uniform, at least it looked like one.
Or this willough, if you were so panicked, freaking out, not knowing where to go from B'field, as I think Keyboredom (apologies if I've got this wrong) said days ago, clearly they would turn right onto Moggill rd (at the junction coming from rafting ground) not left which leads to the city. But once on that road, if you're in a panic you would instinctively seek something known to you and perhaps in such a state of panic you can't help but go to a known place rather than unknown?

p.s your hubby is pretty switched on!

There's also a lot more cameras down towards the city. There's a traffic monitor camera at the roundabout in Kenmore which takes shots every 60 seconds (I believe) then there are red light cameras - a lot more traffic especially as it was a Thursday night (late night shopping at Indro). Turning right seemed the better option for the killer.
Am pretty sure both he and Allison were involved in the scouting movement (?).

There was a beautiful picture I saw the other day, his three girls all dressed in pink, clinging onto their daddy. GBC was in a scout uniform, at least it looked like one.

I posted that one today - from a Perth newspaper. It should be a few pages back.
Am pretty sure both he and Allison were involved in the scouting movement (?).

There was a beautiful picture I saw the other day, his three girls all dressed in pink, clinging onto their daddy. GBC was in a scout uniform, at least it looked like one.

I saw the same photo, but that's exactly what I mean. It all seems like it was just for show, especially since he didn't have any sons. Just found this in a recent article:

Scouts Queensland general manager Ian Lightbody ... said he did not personally know Mr Baden-Clay, who is the great grandson of the worldwide Scout movement's founder, Lord Robert Baden-Powell.

However, other groups remember Mr Baden-Clay talking to them and he was listed in 2008 on The Scout Association of Australia Queensland Branch for Oxley Scout Group.

I just doubt that he knew these areas in any detail. A walk down the hill from the entrance to the camp to the creek would be quite treacherous, especially while carrying a body.
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