Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #1

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The Brisbane Times is mentioning that Sim card and possibly 'drag' marks near the site of the dumping.

Unfortunately I don't think the information from here on in will be very forthcoming. A barrister to scare the be-jesus out of the media making any sort of statements to the public and the police shutting down ranks to prevent leaks - things will move slowly from here on in.

This was an interesting article tho - apologies if someone has previously posted!

Media savvy? It's being said he is

Guess the $200,000 paid to individuals by 60 Minutes might encourage some to believe similar media attention might assist in their financial woes, as are being reported currently by the Courier Mail

Courier Mail states his business has fallen apart, that 20 staff departed, that he took out a $300,000 loan from 'two partners' who reportedly departed immediately (that's intriguing)

Also reported is that he had to downgrade his vehicle, that business has been poor

and I've read in this forum that they were only renting their house

Barristers don't come cheap, either

I think I'll spit if any of them profit from Allison's death
It goes back to why police did not set up smaller search parties concurrent with the hot zoe search, keeping in mind the forecasted rain as well as being aware of the scout connections, they could of easily assembled small parties of locals accompanied by 1 or 2 police just to at least search for Allison , they would have known from the beginning they were looking for a body. They should have made a widespread immediate search of all waterways within say a 30 minute drive and with the widespread media coverage it would haev been very easy to assemble an appropriate searchparty......

Anyone who can shed light on why they did not expand as well as take in mind the heavy rains and possibility of water relocating a body with the current flow? I just can't understand it!!

There were many other options for the disposal of the body such as concealing the body in bush or in a vacant property of which he would have known many, searching the waterways would likely not have discovered her if she was concealed and it was the rains that dislodged her.

Police were following their search and rescue manual which required them to put all their resources into the 2km radius around the home - this is a coronial requirement I understand.

Performing a search haphazardly means you will miss evidence and even the body so it has be done methodically but they did also have helicopters in the area scouring a larger area around the home. The same would apply with having untrained searchers, they don't know what to do to preserve evidence and would be a liability - they had a few hundred people (police and SES) searching most of the time.

Realistically if she was missing it was likely she would be in that area around the home possibly injured so it made sense to put all effort into that area and as it turns out she was dead and finding her sooner would not have changed this.
Has it been declared that she was murdered? I thought I read that there were no signs of foul which case, I can't see anyone admitting to anything. JMO
It has been declared a homicide and for some time now the homicide detectives have been running the case
locals say that the car was seen driving erractically down Brookfield rd at 11pm

Wow. The above is a prime piece of information, if the locals are correct
Media savvy? It's being said he is

Courier Mail states his business has fallen apart, that 20 staff departed, that he took out a $300,000 loan from 'two partners' who reportedly departed immediately (that's intriguing)

liquidated few days prior to her being reported missing? he may well be building a case against his accomplice his loyalty will be to the bayden clay name and to think anything else would be extremely foolish
There was something found in the rear of one of their 4WDs.

After the crash he was admitted to the psych ward by the police overnight.

They had been attending counselling since the affair ended last year and part of this was they had to discuss events with each other each night.


Very very interesting indeed.

What of interest did they (presumably the police) find in the 4WD?????!!!
The psych ward?????????? What on earth for???? To me, the car "accident" looked more like a "deliberate" than an accident. It is a commonly held misconception that many people get off serious crimes by using an insanity defense. It doesn't help that Matthew Newton has been cut enormous flack because of his "bipolar". Allison was killed by a person who is bad - not mad.
There were many other options for the disposal of the body such as concealing the body in bush or in a vacant property of which he would have known many, searching the waterways would likely not have discovered her if she was concealed and it was the rains that dislodged her.

Police were following their search and rescue manual which required them to put all their resources into the 2km radius around the home - this is a coronial requirement I understand.

Performing a search haphazardly means you will miss evidence and even the body so it has be done methodically but they did also have helicopters in the area scouring a larger area around the home. The same would apply with having untrained searchers, they don't know what to do to preserve evidence and would be a liability - they had a few hundred people (police and SES) searching most of the time.

Realistically if she was missing it was likely she would be in that area around the home possibly injured so it made sense to put all effort into that area and as it turns out she was dead and finding her sooner would not have changed this.
I want you on my search team if I ever go missing, very insightful, there is a hint of inside info here and I understand you not beig able to comment in a public forumbut grateful for your info, it widens the theories and makes sense, but I still think they could have sent SES workers with one or two police to oversee and explain about touching evidence etc and this would have been far better to do this and find her earlier than leave it t the manual and take 11 days after rain and elements especially with heavy rainfall on the forecast. Many profilers have discussed the urgency in locatig the body as soon as possible as the key to a bullet proof case and it is widely known that submersion destroys evidence( fibres, skin cells under nails etc)

I know police can check for forensic evidence of where a body was positioned at death from the settlement of blood as well as post death trauma ( lifting, dragging) opposed to pre death trauma ( there would be bruising which will be found in an autospy), but the critical evidence of what is found to link the crime would have been far more disturbed by 11 days in the water and elements than it would have by a search party finding the body a lot earlier.

I understand the need for process and following the book, but commonsense should also play a part and I believe strongly the police have made a big error limiting the search and I believe a lot of people think the same as I do that he would of tried to get distance between where he took her and the house, as well as waterways near campimg and scout grounds would be a hot zone given his families background in this area.

Any news on the state of the house as per my post a just before, this could be answers only those close to her would know but I belive their are a few people on here who would be able to comment if the polcie ave interviewed the children and spoken to her parets about her routines ar home.
It has been declared a homicide and for some time now the homicide detectives have been running the case

I stand corrected. The police are treating her death as an unlawful homicide, but have not declared it a major crime as yet. Also I don't believe they have formally interviewed GBC according to the media possibly because he lawered up very early on.
He then calls the girlfriend, she comes over and cleans up the house (although not well enough as there is something about the house that makes the police act so quickly with the widescale search).

The local 'gossip' re. a potential further person involved doesn't suggest the person was female. (but bear in mind the locals have even less logic and criminal forensic background than most people on this forum, so take it all with as completely fanciful till proven). Sincerely doubt anyone would be inside the Baden-Clay house cleaning up with 3 children asleep.

Madly texts on the way home, where has she gone, left home in walking gear etc.

There's no mention of any texts at that time of night. Gerard Baden-Clay has apparently repeatedly stated he went to bed at 10pm. He would have had no reason to text Allison or anyone else while asleep. If there are texts sent between 10pm and 6am they would be crucial to this investigation.
I want you on my search team if I ever go missing, very insightful, there is a hint of inside info here and I understand you not beig able to comment in a public forumbut grateful for your info, it widens the theories and makes sense, but I still think they could have sent SES workers with one or two police to oversee and explain about touching evidence etc and this would have been far better to do this and find her earlier than leave it t the manual and take 11 days after rain and elements especially with heavy rainfall on the forecast. Many profilers have discussed the urgency in locatig the body as soon as possible as the key to a bullet proof case and it is widely known that submersion destroys evidence( fibres, skin cells under nails etc)

I know police can check for forensic evidence of where a body was positioned at death from the settlement of blood as well as post death trauma ( lifting, dragging) opposed to pre death trauma ( there would be bruising which will be found in an autospy), but the critical evidence of what is found to link the crime would have been far more disturbed by 11 days in the water and elements than it would have by a search party finding the body a lot earlier.

You have a good point but I guess it's a hard one as far as resources go as you don't want untrained people going missing or hurting themselves. There may also be legal reasons with introduction or removal of evidence by people searching.

I understand the need for process and following the book, but commonsense should also play a part and I believe strongly the police have made a big error limiting the search and I believe a lot of people think the same as I do that he would of tried to get distance between where he took her and the house, as well as waterways near campimg and scout grounds would be a hot zone given his families background in this area.

When coroners are involved common sense goes out the window! Imagine a coroner if the police put half their resources into the 2km search area dictated by procedure and the other half into searching way away and they find her body inside the 2km search area and it turns out she would have been found alive if the full resources were used? I don't agree with the search procedure as such but they have to start somewhere and the area surrounding the house is quite hard to search as is the rest of the area so if the body was hidden well it may never have been found.

Realistically if he did dump the body he could have done it in so many places including off the weir with some weights attached - this is a 20 minute drive with little or no traffic late at night and he could have "stopped and dropped" within 30 seconds.

Any news on the state of the house as per my post a just before, this could be answers only those close to her would know but I belive their are a few people on here who would be able to comment if the polcie ave interviewed the children and spoken to her parets about her routines ar home.

The children were told something unusual by the father when they asked where their mother was on Friday morning.
I remember the parents calling years ago when the agency started. They sounded pompous, although I didn't 'dislike' them at the time.

Poor Allison was also listed as staff at some point :

My new impression of the family isn't helped by the obnoxious profiles and descriptions on that page. To explain the presence of the animal trophies at the father's home : "Community Development Educator in Rhodesia. Avid Big Game Hunter and Conservationist. Marriage enhancement facilitator. Financial Planner."

"Big Game Hunter" (aka supposedly big powerful man shooting a beautiful endangered animal) and "Marriage enhancement facilitator". Words fail me.
There's no mention of any texts at that time of night. Gerard Baden-Clay has apparently repeatedly stated he went to bed at 10pm. He would have had no reason to text Allison or anyone else while asleep. If there are texts sent between 10pm and 6am they would be crucial to this investigation.

I'd think police would be going all out to disprove his "went to bed at 10pm", hence their wanting to know the movements of the cars between 8pm on April 19 and 6am on April 20.

Info on phones belonging to family members/friends etc would be interesting. All the focus on the sim card found yesterday, perhaps there's a few sim cards that have been tossed out.
I remember the parents calling years ago when the agency started. They sounded pompous, although I didn't 'dislike' them at the time.

Poor Allison was also listed as staff at some point :

My new impression of the family isn't helped by the obnoxious profiles and descriptions on that page. To explain the presence of the animal trophies at the father's home : "Community Development Educator in Rhodesia. Avid Big Game Hunter and Conservationist. Marriage enhancement facilitator. Financial Planner."

"Big Game Hunter" (aka supposedly big powerful man shooting a beautiful endangered animal) and "Marriage enhancement facilitator". Words fail me.

Very weird post titled 'Thank God For Christmas'. Seems to be thanking God for allowing his birthday to be celebrated which has allowed some oportunistic financial rewards to be had over that period.
Realistically if he did dump the body he could have done it in so many places including off the weir with some weights attached - this is a 20 minute drive with little or no traffic late at night and he could have "stopped and dropped" within 30 seconds.

The children were told something unusual by the father when they asked where their mother was on Friday morning.[/QUOTE]

So have the children been interviewed yet? Does anyone know? God only knows her parents must be battling with this, on one hand they have to show support in fear of being banished from the girls lives, on the otherhand probably beig privvy to police fears and having to grieve amongst the monster, what a terrible situation for them, my god, the game playing and the anguish they would be forced to be in now so as to remain close to the little girls. Surely his family can not be so messed up to ot suspect or try and cover up for him.
I just drove past Bunya Road and there's no visiable police cars/media around. There were a few detectives walking around the bridge where she was found.
Realistically if he did dump the body he could have done it in so many places including off the weir with some weights attached - this is a 20 minute drive with little or no traffic late at night and he could have "stopped and dropped" within 30 seconds.

The children were told something unusual by the father when they asked where their mother was on Friday morning.

So have the children been interviewed yet? Does anyone know? God only knows her parents must be battling with this, on one hand they have to show support in fear of being banished from the girls lives, on the otherhand probably beig privvy to police fears and having to grieve amongst the monster, what a terrible situation for them, my god, the game playing and the anguish they would be forced to be in now so as to remain close to the little girls. Surely his family can not be so messed up to ot suspect or try and cover up for him.[/QUOTE]

Must be a delicate situation if the police have to interview the children. Even if they did say something incriminating the defence could say that they were being led by the questioning or just confused. It might help with the possible timelines of when Allison went missing. Plus I wonder as GBC hasn't made a official statement whether the police have access to the children to question them.
That could mean 2 things.
If they are not really there anymore in force they either know there is nothing else there OR they have enough ad are piecing it together.
Has her mobile phoe turned up ANYWHERE? A random murderer would take her phone but would leave it where he picked her up from, only someoe who is close to the victim would want to conceal something like that. Love to know what the unusual thing was he told the children aout their mother? I just hope the police interviewed the girls on day one as well as talked to her prents about her usual home habits and took photos of the place as well as asked if they all ate together, what did they eat ( forensics can tell by undigested food how long after eating someoen was killed) It is really crucial that they asked all these questions straight away before he had time to think about it as he would of had no sleep that night ( despite telling everyone he slept all night) did anyone notice evident signs of fatigue, you can tell when someone has not slept, their skin colour is slightly off, there eyes blink a lot more, they appear more agitated and erratic ( even under duress)I just wish it was movig faster as I can not imagine this still going on for the parents and having her funeral with him there!!!!!!
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