Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #10

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Hi all, just wanted to add something to the mix that hasn't come up yet. It is pure heresay and probably irrelevant but I heard that the canoeist who found ABC was actually an undercover cop, suggesting that the police had a fair idea where her body was located.

That wouldnt' surprise me in the slightest Truecrime. They were searching the waterways in the area, and someone did mention on here previously that they had downloaded info from the White Prado onboard sat nav or computer that said the car was in that area.

And welcome to the forum!
can I just make a quick comment on the missing hand assumption??? I think it may have related to the degloving video that was posted earlier. as best as I recall, after a period of time, a decomposing body can experience de gloving where the skin of the hand peels away. It literally falls away from the hand as a 'skin glove' analysts etc can then place it in water and rewear the skin on a human hand to obtain fingerprints? I realise i am using my own inadequate words here so please don't quote me, I really just wanted to say that it may have been this conversation that led people to believe she was missing her hand when found. If she really was missing her entire hand, I am still obviously way behind here, and of course, sorry to bring it up!
His silence speaks volumes... JMO

I agree...have said it before on hrere...sometimes silence is golden...sometimes it speaks volumes.

These two reports speak volumes & confirm the type of person he is...a liar & a cheat!!!

Gerard Baden-Clay's life and career built on honesty

Gerard Baden-Clay cheated on his late wife Allison

What else has this lying cheat lied about???
Of course the media release isnt going to go into the gory details. Could be nut jobs out there looking for 15mins of fame claiming they did it, if details are released, also in respect to the family.

My mum drowned and when they retrieved her body 4 days later - i couldnt id her, the only reason I was able to was because of the earrings and ring she had on, otherwise I wouldnt have known it was mum.

thanks for sharing that Bamboozled..I am sorry you had to deal with something so unbearable (dont know what emoticon to use so) HUGS ...LOTS OF THEM
I don't feel we have enough information to be in a good position to make really nasty judgements about her character. We don't know she was "happy to flaunt" anything. We have no ideas what kind of BS he fed her about the state of the marriage. I don't think calling her behaviour 'poor judgement' is a downgrade-we dont know everything about the situation. Personally I feel it is premature to just flat out attack this woman.

All just my opinion, and I recognise that it's an issue people are going to feel differently about.

I agree, I had a relationship with a man some years ago who told me he was separated. One morning his wife arrived on my doorstep to introduce herself.
I was horrified to learn that "separated" meant that he had moved next door to his parents townhouse and for all intents and purposes he was still existing in a marriage if not a troubled one. I left immediately but still bore the label of a homewrecker.
Just an aside, do you think if we ever got in a room together, we would recognise each other? Y'know....oh thats got to be bayside...and look do you think thats brizzychick standing over there next to cj60? Probably not hey? But, sometimes i feel like i am starting to know you all........
:twocents:quote: Truecrime1978:Hi all, just wanted to add something to the mix that hasn't come up yet. It is pure heresay and probably irrelevant but I heard that the canoeist who found ABC was actually an undercover cop, suggesting that the police had a fair idea where her body was located.

From what was being discussed last night re the police using GBC's GPS to narrow the search to Kholo area before Allison's body was found, it doesn't sound completely far fetched. It would def give more weight to the idea that the GPS in a car of 'interest' was used by the police...I guess they were still damn lucky to find her though...
Onazure: I'm not sure whether you've misinterpreted my theory as a means to justify or relieve GBC of guilt, I was simply stating how I think ABC's death came about. This was purely a speculative exercise on my part, not to play judge and jury. That being said, he is as guilty as sin! Put him behind bars and throw away the key!
Hi All,

I have been watching this forum for a week now. I don't know what happened and will wait for the outcome of the QPS investigation. However, can someone tell me who first posted the stuff about the missing hand and the weighted down body (QPS reported no obvious signs of trauma) because this sounds like a case of ' my Brothers best friends next door neighbour sat next to guy on a train who told him he overheard his cousin telling a hairdresser kind of thing... save me looking through multiple threads. someone must know how this interesting tale landed on WS. Thank you in advance.
Gotta get things off my chest.

People who have affairs are not BAD people, they are just people. I have had a number of affairs because my wife and I aren't that interested in each other anymore, and so has she. So we don't even know if ABC was upset about GBC's affair - and she was maybe having her own anyway.

Let's look at other persons of interest - if GBC is guilty as sin the police would have IMMEDIATELY locked him up to get him away from his girls, they would NEVER permit a man like that to have free access to the girls after he killed their mother.

As a father I hope and pray this is true.

Gerard Baden Clay is not a monster, just a man. And let's try to remember that in getting to the bottom of this sordid, sordid mess.
Yes, they seemed pretty arrogant about it. This line in the latest article struck me:

"Tensions came to a head around the middle of last year when Mr Baden-Clay came to work and told staff Allison had discovered the affair. Ms McHugh resigned almost immediately after, according to one colleague."

The way it's worded makes it sound like the staff were all in it and he was just telling them that Allsion had found out about it.

Sorry guys, just catching up after a "normal day with family".

I agree, poor form.
Agreed that this is definitely an issue that people will disagree about. Imo, having a fling or a one-night stand is poor judgement, but having an ongoing, not to mention public, relationship for over a year with a married man is in a far worse category. Also from snippets in today's article, she gained financially from this affair which to me is unscrupulous. I'm not "attacking" her, I'm "attacking" what she did. Anyways I don't think we're going to agree on this one :)

Having an affair with a married man is one thing......knowing the wife, working alongside her for many years it would another thing entirely. Most women who have affairs with married men don't know the wife and can convince themselves they are not betraying anyone. What TM has done takes betrayal to a whole new level. IMO
I agree...have said it before on hrere...sometimes silence is golden...sometimes it speaks volumes.

These two reports speak volumes & confirm the type of person he is...a liar & a cheat!!!

Gerard Baden-Clay's life and career built on honesty

Gerard Baden-Clay cheated on his late wife Allison

What else has this lying cheat lied about???

Exactly... thanks, Marlywings!
I don't feel we have enough information to be in a good position to make really nasty judgements about her character. We don't know she was "happy to flaunt" anything. We have no ideas what kind of BS he fed her about the state of the marriage. I don't think calling her behaviour 'poor judgement' is a downgrade-we dont know everything about the situation. Personally I feel it is premature to just flat out attack this woman.

All just my opinion, and I recognise that it's an issue people are going to feel differently about.

I appreciate your opinion on this nasty matter. I do think that woman who do this are going to have to accept they will be attacked, with or without a murder to follow through on the cheating. and I am not saying she didn't have insecurities, or need someone to make her feel special, or hadn't been hurt before or anything of that nature.

BUT people have to be accountable for their behaviour. The amount of people that I come across with an external locus of control, pisses me off. they cannot take responsibilty...everything they do is because of someone else who made them who they are, or made them behave in the manner they did. they have no internal control. FULL OF EXCUSES... and i think its because of this pssing the buck that people don't want to give her a chance now..not now that Allison is dead and by all accounts, particularly by police accounts, it seems to be be centered around this torrid affair
Just wanted to remind y'all that the name of the victim is Allison Baden Clay.
Agreed that this is definitely an issue that people will disagree about. Imo, having a fling or a one-night stand is poor judgement, but having an ongoing, not to mention public, relationship for over a year with a married man is in a far worse category. Also from snippets in today's article, she gained financially from this affair which to me is unscrupulous. I'm not "attacking" her, I'm "attacking" what she did. Anyways I don't think we're going to agree on this one :)

Oh don't you worry, I definitely don't condone what she did. I wasn't responding to you in particular either, just the general air of hatred in the air.
Oh don't you worry, I definitely don't condone what she did. I wasn't responding to you in particular either, just the general air of hatred in the air.

"air of hatred in the air" LOL that was clumsy of me! You know what I mean :p
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