Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #11

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That would involve about five days of solid reading! Other people possibly have a life off of the net. I too get frustrated, but you have to be realistic. If I'm busy I'll skip a few pages myself.

I understand that but why should I be expected to research something again that has been linked and discussed over and over and that I have already read for someone who can't be bothered to look it up themselves??
In the reports I was a direct interview with Allison's friend Kerry-Anne...she said the girls were at a sleepover on the Thursday night.

It's fine if you don't wish to take her word for it.

But then you'd also have to completely discount any other info that's been posted on this forum by locals who most likely didn't know Allison at all.

Even the hairdresser....I have not seen or read, in any reports, anything about Allison going to a hairdresser....I have however read of members on this forum stating she went to a hairdresser.

I guess it's a case of believe what you want to believe.

I would believe Allisons best friend on this information regarding the children not being home on the Thursday evening. (IMO of course lol)
Based on the area you referred to on the map posted, Wirrabra Road looks like the closest entry point. There was an article earlier on about a resident near where the body was found whose dog was howling on the night Allison disappeared. I thought they lived on Bunya Street. I have just tried unsuccessfully to find the article on it.
I was at an acreage property on the weekend visiting someone that I haven't seen for a couple of years. Their neighbour's dogs could hear us talking at a distance of several hundred metres and started howling, not barking.

The barking dog was a neighbour of the BC's house.

It was reported long before they found her, so if it was anywhere near the Kholo creek area you would have expected them to have found or find the body much earlier.

Without having actually been to the scout camp area, I don't know for sure where. The other theory (assuming it was someone who knew realestate in the area) was that the approach was made via a vacant house/block in the area. All very valid theories. We know it was dumped somewhere up from Kholo Bridge. Personally I don't think it was thrown off the bridge. I wouldn't doubt the police/SES did a quick run up all the creeks earlier in the piece. Those creeks are nothing much more than a trickle when you go up them, unless it starts raining a lot, so they probably went in to around the bridge and turned around. (just a guess)
When my daughter has an early start and needs me to drop kids at school I prefer them to stay the night.

I love, love, love having my grandkids stay the night and it is never awkward for my daughter to ask(and yes I say no sometimes if I already have plans).

my mum and dad live in a different state, so I don't get to ask them :( I dont like asking friends, it's really hard for me so I leave it to this last minute and make it even harder!
Have just spoken to a family member that lives in Brookie and latest "gossip" is that the chain from the car park at Coles went missing on the night in question. Has anyone else heard of this ??
I think we can safely say GBC has never been reported as mentioning where they were. Its also safe to say that the hairdressers believe Allison mentioned they were having a sleepover, but not safe to say which night she was referring to. I think you can definately say that Allison's best friend believed that the girls were "going" to have a sleepover on either Thursday or Friday night. I don't know of anyone else who has been reported as claiming to know about the sleepovers
(and here I am talking about them again, one thing is for sure, you can't trust me as far as you can throw me!!)

I do feel the sleepover is important. As I mentioned a few pages ago.
Yes we have been round and around on this. I have been here since thread one so I understand the frustration. The hairdressers friend never mentioned the kids were at a sleepover. She said that Allison said she had the night off. I would consider having the night off if I went to the hairdressers and knew I'd be home after the kids are in bed.(yes beside the point) I do believe the kids may have been at a sleepover but I think WHERE they were sleeping is quite important.
Coolcat, No one is expecting YOU to do it...just ignore the request and move on. If someone else chooses to do it that is their prerogative.

I think we need to extend some courtesy to the newbie's. They have the right to ask, and it is upto us whether we want to assist or not. I dont see any point in intimidating them because of our "superior knowledge".
Yes...I do too Bayside :)

I understand that concept too, BUT ShE NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT THURSDAY NIGHT???? if she did, I completely apologise but I cant find it, she talked to a reporter about the friday night, that is all I can find
If the girls were at a sleepover, then I wonder about a few more things. Someone may have mentioned these thoughts already and if they did, please ignore me. :angel:

The girls being at a sleepover could mean premeditation. The killer could have used that time to get Allison alone and fulfill his/her plan. :(

I'd love to know who initiated the idea of the girls going to a sleepover. Do we know?

My understanding is: The hairdresser said that Allison had mentioned she had the night off because the kids were at a sleepover. Allison was at the hairdressers on Thursday at around 7 pm. This establishes the sleepover as being on Thursday night.
Have just spoken to a family member that lives in Brookie and latest "gossip" is that the chain from the car park at Coles went missing on the night in question. Has anyone else heard of this ??

do you think the talk is relating to prior talk about being weighted down? or perhaps accessing the industrial bins at the back of car park? I still think that something was caught on cctv in relation to the village car park (just my gut feeling, nothing else)
Have just spoken to a family member that lives in Brookie and latest "gossip" is that the chain from the car park at Coles went missing on the night in question. Has anyone else heard of this ??

Yes, and it was used to tie/weigh her down and it was responsible for severing her hand and another limb.

This is why there was so much interest in the round about, IMO.
That was the first report which mentioned the was not the only report. There were further reports later.

Hi Marlywings,

I don't mean to be rude, but if you make a statement like "The sleepover was clarified as being the Thursday night." then you really do need to provide a link to this as you are a stating this is a fact.

I am more than happy to accept her best friends word if you can provide a link to confirm this.

Thanks! :)
Personally if I had 3 children I'd find it far easier for my husband to get the children ready for school in the morning, than organise all it would involve sending 3 children elsewhere for the night, specially when the school is so close, and my husband didn't have a job that required him to leave home early in the mornings.
I would have been embarrassed to ask someone to have 3 children on a school night, unless it was an emergency, even if it was grandparents.

Hi Kiwi50, I am also a "kiwi" living in Aus. I am with you on this one. I thought the Friday night sleepover would have made more sense.

She was going to have the conference in the City, (I assume Brisbane City) and it might be a far way to drive. She might have taken her car into the city.

Seeing that she could not have know what time the conference finished, she might have asked friends to get the children after school and take them to their homes.

I know on a Friday night the traffic out of Brisbane is ridiculous to say the least.
Have just spoken to a family member that lives in Brookie and latest "gossip" is that the chain from the car park at Coles went missing on the night in question. Has anyone else heard of this ??

LOL, no and that is scraping the rumour barrel IMO
relevance anyone??
So which one was right?
IMO no one knows which one was right as there are conflicting and unclear reports. Until such time that either the QPS or the Media comes out and actually clarifies this issue we will be beating our heads against a wall!! THis is IMO!

IMHO I dont see a relevance to this sleepover...It could either be that it was a DV that escalated because the kids were not around, or it could have been pre meditated knowing that the kids were not going to be around.

The only relevance is in determining whether the murder was premediated or not. It is not going to change the fact that Allison was murdered or the reasons for the murder.
I understand that but why should I be expected to research something again that has been linked and discussed over and over and that I have already read for someone who can't be bothered to look it up themselves??

Coolcat I really understand your frustration. As my connection on my PC is dreadful at peak times I have to use my phone for the Internet or miss out. So I can also understand people asking others to look things up. But it does come across as rude I agree.:peace:
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