Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #11

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Hi Marlywings,

I don't mean to be rude, but if you make a statement like "The sleepover was clarified as being the Thursday night." then you really do need to provide a link to this as you are a stating this is a fact.

I am more than happy to accept her best friends word if you can provide a link to confirm this.

Thanks! :)

I suggest you go back & read my earlier post re the dates I mentioned & the printed news editions.
Yes, and it was used to tie/weigh her down and it was responsible for severing her hand and another limb.

This is why there was so much interest in the round about, IMO.

Wow, this now make a lot of sense IMO. That's what the whole roundabout thing was about.
alright for just a moment, lets assume the sleepover was thursday night.
why is this important?
does it point to premeditation?
does it allude to an opportunistic murder?
what exactly is the hype?
I ask because my head is too confused to think clearly about the sleepover relevance anymore, I don't even know my stance on it

To me, the sleepover on the thursday shows premeditation. If the girls were there it would have been an accident, spur of the moment thing.
If the planned sleepover was planned for the Thursday night and they slept over on that night, then it can easily show premeditation.

don't you think it could also show 'no premeditation' just opportunity?, that no one had any intention of murdering anyone at all, but something happened anyway

I really dont see that planning a children's sleepover shows premeditation, but its certainly one of the 50 possibilities
Ah...yes, that is a logical conclusion.

Or could it be that GBC said "Seeing as how you have to get going early in the morning 'darling', why don't I take the kids to Mum and Dad's for the night?"
Is it true that the blue car that was crashed by GBC at Indooroopilly was a MALE friends car?? Does anyone know the make/model/rego number? It said in the article that it was handed back to police yesterday so does that mean it has also been returned to the owner?
Sorry to bring it up again, but I think it's hugely important where the children were on the Thursday night.
I'm still not convinced the children were away "that night." and that is where I find the confusion, it seems the friend said " that night " and the reporter very sloppily just ran with that without clarifying which night she meant. I guess the reporter didn't realise that it could be such an important factor.

The original reason I kept asking was because I thought it may have been something the children said that made the police suspicious.
Even if they were at grandparents house, they may have heard phones or cars in the middle of night.

I've stopped asking about it lately but glad others still see it as unclear.
Please don't shoot me I'll try not to mention it again but it is a very important fact.

I don't care how often the sleepover is mentioned I think it is a valid discussion because it really does effect the circustances of what may of happened......My frustration regarding the sleepover is that no one is clear on it and everyone keeps asking for the same link over and over....

The way I see it - Is that the reporter that wrote the weekend Story after Allisons Funeral actually interviewed the Dickies and Kerry Anne. I assume that "The sleepover" was claryified by both Allison's Parents and Kerry Anne when they spoke to the reporter and that is why it is in the story stating that it was the night Allison Supposedly went for a walk ?????
imo no one knows which one was right as there are conflicting and unclear reports. Until such time that either the qps or the media comes out and actually clarifies this issue we will be beating our heads against a wall!! This is imo!

Imho i dont see a relevance to this could either be that it was a dv that escalated because the kids were not around, or it could have been pre meditated knowing that the kids were not going to be around.

The only relevance is in determining whether the murder was premediated or not. It is not going to change the fact that allison was murdered or the reasons for the murder.

Coolcat I really understand your frustration. As my connection on my PC is dreadful at peak times I have to use my phone for the Internet or miss out. So I can also understand people asking others to look things up. But it does come across as rude I agree.:peace:


its getting hot in here...
i agree with marerick1 i think, doesn't really matter on whether the children were there or not, didnt change the outcome. Im going with they weren't there because my wife is ten times smarter than me and she didn't even question which night it was by the article. thursday night she said.
i thought it was a little ambiguous but not for the smart people apparently.....

But if they werent there, yes it makes premeditation that little bit more likely....

Perhaps the fact the children were not there is one of the 'unspecified observations' the first officers made at the house....
Here's hoping that arrest won't be too far away otherwise it's going to be a longggg

Another case here in Brisbane.... the trial only began a couple of months back. The murders took place back in 2003....the suspect wasn't charged until 2008 (or thereabouts)

Oh No!!! I can't possibly do no work for another five years !!! :banghead:
to me, the sleepover on the thursday shows premeditation. If the girls were there it would have been an accident, spur of the moment thing.

her murder may well may well have been accidental, i don't know when opinion changed so suddenly from several ideas to probable premeditated murder, but the sleepover doesnt show premeditation in my opinion, it doesnt show anything at seems to me that many other things dont fit in with a cleverly planned murder if you ask me.....the screams, the missing phone, the eyewitnesses regarding something at roundabout all seems a bit sloppy for a planned murder.
And in light of the possible chain missing in coles (yet more unconfirmed rumour) they would have bought their own chains/ropes in advance dont you think?
damn it Im still on the sleepovers. I dont know if I buy the whole, Allison had to be in town friday morning by 9am, and therefore couldn't have the girls that night. I think th e school is right near their home isnt it? I think many many many parents have to be at work etc each day and manage this for this most part without too much trouble (normally, not always) I also think if she had to 'prepare' for a conference the next day, it is odd that she allegedly told her hairdresser that she 'had a night off' sorry, but none of this really makes sense for me. Its why I don't take much on with the sleepover discussion..what does sound feasible in my opinion is the rumour going around that marriage councelling might have been on a thursday night. I dont think the GBC and TM regular night out would fit either, because I believe if he took thursday nights off regularly, then Allison would be the one to take the girls this night IMO

Given peak hour traffic and school starting times, perhaps the children cannot be at school before 8.30 am and she had to leave at 7am. So, she arranges the sleepover for Thursday night, drops children off, then goes to the hairdresser.
What is very interesting to this case is that the investigation into the BC's financial situation is still being looked into. IMO the focus is not necessarily on TM but on GBC's huge ongoing money problems, debts, etc. I think this is to establish a motive.
Yes, but the BC's were at home. Heck she was supposedly off getting her hair done. Who goes "can you look after the kids, I have to go and get my hair done and watch the footy show tonight" ?

You get the kids ready lunches ready for school at night and if anything you drop them off at a friend from school early in the morning.
From all reports Allison was a proud mum. I know my mum wouldn't even consider even asking a relation to mind them let alone a friend and she went to work at 8am every morning, 3 hours after she got up for my dad.

Not saying it didn't happen, but without a formal statement from police (or Gerard or the people minding them) I don't think we can count this as fact.

Just to put my two bobs worth in. I am a grandmother, and I would have volunteered to take them, saying "don't worry about the baths and lunches etc. I'll look after that". A lot of us grandparents enjoy every moment we can get with the grand-children, and volunteer our services whenever an opportunity presents. Probably doesn't apply to all grandparents, but definately some.

its getting hot in here...
i agree with marerick1 i think, doesn't really matter on whether the children were there or not, didnt change the outcome. Im going with they weren't there because my wife is ten times smarter than me and she didn't even question which night it was by the article. thursday night she said.
i thought it was a little ambiguous but not for the smart people apparently.....

But if they werent there, yes it makes premeditation that little bit more likely....

Perhaps the fact the children were not there is one of the 'unspecified observations' the first officers made at the house....

I congratulate you on saying your wife is ten times smarter than you. :floorlaugh: Aahh, if only all men felt that way. heehee

For your info schmick if you haven't seen this

Thanks, I did see this earlier. I think it looks like a Honda. There is a better picture where you can almost make out the number plate. I don't see how this could be the same 3rd car that was seen on the night of her disappearance as they say it was a small 4wd but this just seems to be a small car right??
What is very interesting to this case is that the investigation into the BC's financial situation is still being looked into. IMO the focus is not necessarily on TM but on GBC's huge ongoing money problems, debts, etc. I think this is to establish a motive.

don't you think it could also show 'no premeditation' just opportunity?, that no one had any intention of murdering anyone at all, but something happened anyway

I really dont see that planning a children's sleepover shows premeditation, but its certainly one of the 50 possibilities

Yes it makes sense. Thanks. However, if the sleepover was seen as an opportunity, then what is it other than premeditation. Depends on what premeditation is. Even half an hour before you commit murder is premeditation. You see an opportunity, and you act on it.
I suggest you go back & read my earlier post re the dates I mentioned & the printed news editions.

Thanks, I have actually.

I've also gone through the links provided on Websleuths as well as all the links I've personally kept since Post #1 of this forum and googled relevant search words - I can't find any confirmation/clarification from Kerry-Anne that the sleepover was definitely on Thursday.

The only thing I can find or have ever seen published in MSM is the ambiguous quote: "That Friday was a busy day for her. She had a full-day conference in town and the kids were having a sleepover that night, so she would have got all her stuff ready," Mrs Walker said."

The reason I asked for a link is because that is a rule on this forum. If you state something is fact then you need to supply the relevant link.

I think this stands to reason otherwise we can all state something is fact and fob everyone else off with 'oh the link is there somewhere, go find it for yourself'.

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