Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #12

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I'll prolly get sliced for this if it's too much off topic and nothing about Allison, but in your User CP option at top left hand side click into Edit Your Details and you can give yourself a Custom Title. Make sure you Save Changes below it.

I used wombat because when working in some remote joint for about 3 months, I set up a tent in the local campsite which was like a paddock and every night a wombat would come and lick up any dishes I had left unwashed in a container on the ground overnight and I named the visitor wombat Blue Bottle.

... and I thought you had some preferential treatment here! Dohh.
I am persisting with an alternate theory, on the off chance the main theory is not correct!

I've fleshed it out a bit since this morn. Please bear in mind this is purely for arguments sake only in the absense of fresh news/evidence to fuel the main theory that GBC is guilty.

So here goes:

1. ABC, being a very smart, accomplished woman with a psych degree, speaking multiple languages and having been a high achiever in business before becoming a loving mum, made a judgement call that forgiving and staying with GBC after discovering his affair was the best decision for herself and her daughters. Perhaps because he in fact was not a violent sociapathic monster, but was a great dad loved by his girls, and loved deep down by ABC for better or worse.

2. The Dickies resented her decision and disliked GBC immensely, which explains the apparent tension btween the two families.

3. GBC and ABC at some point along the way made a poor business decision which resulted in a substantial bad debt to one or more unsavioury people. Over time the pressure builds, perhaps even threats are made, ABC returns to work to help make repayments but ultimately with the property slump in full swing they are in too deep.

4. On the night of the dissappearance GBC goes to bed around 10pm but ABC is still up thinking about the big day at a conference tomorrow. The kids may or may not be in the house on the night... I personally think they were there but I will come to that later.

5. After 10pm ABC leaves the house for some reason by car. Perhaps to grab milk for the girls breakfast knowing GBC will have his hands full as it is. Perhaps to fill up with petrol to save time in the morning. Or perhaps to see some mystery person for some mystery reason we may never know. She never returns but her car is returned later by an unkown party to cover up her murder.

6. GBC (and probably the girls) wake the next day to find ABC gone but the car still in the drive. They wonder if she went for a walk but it doesn't seem right given she had the hair done and should be on the road early for the conference.

7. GBC rings ABCs phone, calls/texts around a few friends/rellies but can't track her down. He starts to worry as things are not right at all, and starts to reflect on the bad loan threats that he and ABC had previously not taken seriously. He could go looking for ABC or take himself to the Police station to report his concern but he has the girls so he calls the Police to the house.

8. The Police consider three possible scenarios:
(A) ABC went for an early walk and has had an accident (eg fallen into a mine shaft).
(B) GBCs concerns regarding bad business loan and possible threats/foul play.
(C) GBC is lying, its always the husband in these cases and he's most likely a sociopathic violent murderer with an ingenious ability to cover his tracks.
Scenario (A) requires a full scale immediate search of the area.
Scenario (B) seems far fetched but possible.
Scenario (C) has them interested as everyone in town knows there were marital issues.

9. The full scale search gets underway, but meanwhile the Police being human like the rest of us start covering off the obvious scenario (C) by looking at the BC house, cars, computers, etc and keeping GBC away from the search zone so as not to compromise any evidence. GBC is tense, worried, frustrated they are not taking (B) seriously. He looks strange on camera, crashes the car while preoccupied with unimaginable thoughts and becomes an easy target for the Press and public (the Dickies too) who from Day 1 are overtly voicing suspicion of him. Maybe even his sister has suspicions. He engages a lawyer as he's in the spotlight big time and he's not sure what else to do. Tensions quickly build between the BCs and the rest.

10. The body is found, finally ruling out (A) and the police, press and public focus intesifies on (C). So GBC gets the criminal barrister on board because the angry mob is forming and he doesn't know what else to do. He's not allowed to comment publicly on (B) as the police are looking into that as well and keeping all their cards close to their chests in the hope of flushing out the killer one way or another.

11. Forensic tests of car, house and computer are inconclusive or perhaps even rule GBC out completely, and over time the police are forced to entertain (B) more seriously. And much to their surprise and GBC's relief they make progress.

12. The Dickies by now have softened towards GBC as he's been officially ruled out by the Police, it's been nearly a month now and they all agree to take the girls to the Show as a tentative step forward. Its what ABC would want, afterall... Close friends of the BCs including local pollies who have a lot to lose tentatively rally around the family as whispers spread, all sorts of conjecture goes on around them and the chants of the angry mob can still be heard.

13. Meanwhile the tabloid Courier Mail carries on its usual nonesense and runs a story about the ex-mistress to fuel the angry mob agenda which really sells papers.

14. The police having ruled out (C) now zero in on the scenario (B) suspect(s) drilling down on financial links etc which are the true motive for murder by persons known the ABC and GBC.

There you have it! Even if (C) turns out to be the case, I like the tale above as an alternate possibility. I might consider a career in crime fiction...
3. GBC and ABC at some point along the way made a poor business decision
Wouldn't that have been moving from a modest office space, with a modest lease, into a ginormous office space, with an exorbitant lease, right before most of the area with which they list flooded..? That would then logically explain why one of his ex-staff stated "it could have worked, it should have worked, but it just didn't".

Rain just doesn't seem to be the friend of GBC!
Maybe Lu-Lu. But as someone else on here pointed out earlier its easy to sublease well located office space so I'm not so sure. Also most of his staff would largely be on commission ie so no sales no pay. His main overhead would be the lease - which is easy to sublease all or part of if it becomes a problem. So I don't think the C21 office lease was the source of the dodgy finance deal that brought them unstuck.

I do think its strange that the BCs owned no property assets, RP Data is pretty reliable database. Given Brisbanes property boom lasted until 2008ish, then his C21 branch was the top performer in 2010 and throw in ABCs high achieving career before kids. You'd think they we're flying financially even if there was a slump is sales after the floods. They had no mortgage so if they had any sense (you'd think at least ABC did) then they should have built a big nest egg somewhere over the years?

Although I know some people who earn their wage in real estate invest elsewhere to "diversify" their risk profile so maybe its not so strange. Still you've got to wonder where the money is or has gone...

I'm thinking there was some bigger quite substantial shady business deal, with a shady backer behind the scenes. Maybe the finance/loan company he has been identified as a director of, was backed by a dubious party who later called in the loan and got pushy. Or maybe GBC was backing something shady himself with the family savings? Maybe even a Rhodesian family connection from way back?

Or unless ABC or GBC had a major closet gambling problem - now there's a new angle???!!!
On that note annie46664 I think I had better get some sleep myself, its 3am here! Good luck getting your full theory out I'll come back to it tomorrow.
I wanted to put one of those pics of Allison on the first post, but I can't due to copyright laws. :sigh:

Here's a link to those who didn't see them before:

It is fine to discuss pictures of those names in the mainstream media. It is not fine to make fun of anyone's appearances.


And I suggest everyone take a look. Allison looks so beautiful! :rose:

Allison does look beautiful - she is a person glowing with love IMO. I dont mean for GBC necessarily, just as a person she seems to radiate love. It's absolutely heartbreaking to think she was brutally murdered, seeing these photos is a reminder of the senselss tragedy and the huge loss.

I've become too busy to keep up with every page now, but I just have a couple of things that have briefly come to mind after skimming a few clumps of pages in the last 1/3 of the previous thread.

Kimster, regarding the sleepover (dare i mention it - sorry folks) and your comment about possible pre-meditation. I only bring this up because of your comment and it is rumour, but I believe (not totally sure but I think it was) it was posted by someone who has posted inside info which turned out to be correct. The rumour was that the murder was pre-meditated and was supposed to be in a months time, but an opportunity arose so it was done ahead of time. I realise this is only a rumour but it fits with so many things, such as others being involved, the sighting of the two cars etc.

So if it is true the opportunity arose because the kids were on a sleepover and a discussion turned into an argument, with the growing tensions of the affair being possibly exposed again, the worsening business problems, in contrast to Allison's lovely work with Pathways and her conference the next day, GBC loses it and silences Allison for good - he decides to kill her then thinking well we were going to do it anyway. Then eventually calls whoever was part of the pre-meditated plan and they launch into action. However maybe some of the details had not been totally thought through so this is where a bit of panic sets in, possibly computer searching had to be done to assess options for disposing of the body etc. Just a theory but I think it has some credence.

As for whoever complained about people sharing their DV stories, I can understand the complaint as things did get a bit heavy there and I contributed to it. However those discussions resulted from many comments, opinions and speculation about how Allison would be feeling, what she would know or not know about the affair, and the likelihood of Allison or GBC doing certain things. I think it's good to have a perspective from people who have experienced either DV or being with a partner who is dualistic and/or cheating. if you've experienced these things first hand you know that, for example, it's not necessarily the case that you would know and be OK with an affair just because everyone else knows. Another relevant issue is the way DV perps who might be narcissistic or have another personality disorder can seem very different on the surface.

I'm sure in the future these issues will come up again - even now looking at Allisons beautiful picture it reminds me of good times i had with my bad partner. I loved him and was always trying to make the relationship work, and we did have some good times. But it was amazing how things could go bad - I've had nights like the one that is represented in that photo, and it has all gone bad later the same night when we got home, after he snapped over something minor.

And Kimster, thanks for mentioning that we are in the 'rehashing phase'. What else can we do with so little new info coming out? I spare a thought for those on other threads where the murderer still hasnt been brought to justice for over a year.
Maybe Lu-Lu. But as someone else on here pointed out earlier its easy to sublease well located office space so I'm not so sure. The office is up for lease now. It's average floor area is 220 - 320m2

Parking bays cost $150 per bay per month. As quoted by this listing for the ground floor offices that are up for lease...
A fitout cost can vary greatly. There are some costs that are fixed but other costs are influenced by the level of finishes and furnishings. Very broadly most fitouts will cost somewhere between $400 – $1000 per sqm. For example with a turnkey project including most of the listed services an average price would be around $650 per sqm.

Yes, so moving offices could in no way have any bearing on the poor financial business decision. The office is up for lease now. It's average floor area is 220 - 320m2

Parking bays cost $150 per bay per month. As quoted by this listing for the ground floor offices that are up for lease...

Yes, so moving offices could in no way have any bearing on the poor financial business decision.

The building is quite large and from memory has always had multiple occupants. C21 have the current naming rights, but that doesn't mean they occupy the entire building. (I haven't been in it, but driving past it doesn't appear that it's full occupied.)
does anyone remember earlier kiwijane (i think) mentioned she was approached by a man who was watching whilst 'walking his dog' and trying to engage her in conversation out at Brookfield?
I wonder if she reported it, and does anyone know at what point in the investigation she was approached?
I'm watching True Crime Stories on Foxtel, the US case of Jim Sullivan in the 80s, who hired a hit man to kill his wife .... but wait .... it took 13 years, yes, 13, for the case to be solved. OMG!

Let's hope that this isn't one of those cases. But you hear of so many where the police know very well who did it, but there's not enough proof. IMO killers are more likely to stuff up when it wasn't planned. Let's hope!!!! Fingers crossed that the other people involved {if any} don't get away with it either.
Morning Minni,

I remember it being before Allison was found.

Thanks Mani, I thought it was after!! I think only because someone thought it could have been a D/undercover cop or someone...I might have a search through previous threads...just for something new to do :)
Was I dreaming or did someone say that an arrest may be imminent. As early as next week?
does anyone remember earlier kiwijane (i think) mentioned she was approached by a man who was watching whilst 'walking his dog' and trying to engage her in conversation out at Brookfield?
I wonder if she reported it, and does anyone know at what point in the investigation she was approached?

Found it in thread 6 post 21 I think it must have been around the 30th that it I used search box and searched user name then all posts ...still learning my way around and been here from thread 2.
Thanks Mani, I thought it was after!! I think only because someone thought it could have been a D/undercover cop or someone...I might have a search through previous threads...just for something new to do :)

You are right Minni, it was after - thread 6, pg 1 # 45 :blushing:
does anyone remember earlier kiwijane (i think) mentioned she was approached by a man who was watching whilst 'walking his dog' and trying to engage her in conversation out at Brookfield?
I wonder if she reported it, and does anyone know at what point in the investigation she was approached?

I do remember that... I thought she was approached before it happened. ?? If not, it was very soon after. I'm probably wrong. I remember she said she thought it was abit odd. A few posters did suggest she report it.
Thanks Mani, I thought it was after!! I think only because someone thought it could have been a D/undercover cop or someone...I might have a search through previous threads...just for something new to do :)

Yes, someone did suggest it was an undercover cop... but that may have been a mix up in the timeframe. ... they may have thought it happened after.
Originally Posted by maverik1
From what I know (fact to me, but I agree that it is speculation to everyone else)...the lady partner left sometime in July/August 2011 to join another agency

#Maverik 1- IMO & an ex colleauge (receptionist) of TM's, TM left an agency in december 2011, with intention to move overseas, .(obviouslly 'something' kept her from going.

IMO cause of death was strangulation & being submerged in a bathtub for a period of time before being dumped - is there any information on cause of death that would suggest my #imagination# is correct?
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