Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #12

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If there is a trial then the media can only publish what takes place each day. Anything else risks a sub judice contempt charge. This applies to owners of Internet fora also. Transcripts are generally not available to those not involved in the matter. The public can attend the trial each day. At a murder trial there is often only a presentation of circumstantial evidence and some witness examination. The real details will only be known to the accused (assuming they are the real culprit), who will not give evidence. The real story often follows the offender to the grave. This matter will spawn a frenzy of documentaries, magazine exposes and books eventually. Even confessions are usually self serving and unreliable in terms of detail. At trial the prosecution does not have to prove exactly what occurred, just that the accused was responsible for the death. Don't allow yourself to become obsessed with ever learning the full details of the matter, go hug your kids instead is my advice.

Pre-trial & far do you think media can go with releasing details of this case?? Just going by other cases, in particular the Sica case, there was a lot of info released a long time before this case made it anywhere near a court room.
Pre-trial & far do you think media can go with releasing details of this case?? Just going by other cases, in particular the Sica case, there was a lot of info released a long time before this case made it anywhere near a court room.

Which is why police aren't releasing too much information.
As has been mentioned, the worst thing they can do is turn this into a trial by media and have the defendants get it thrown out because of this reason.
I'm quite sure the BC's would like nothing more than to silence the whole they can just get back to "normal"
Morning Lu Lu,

I guess what I am trying to say is the office lease was a conventional business deal and therefore most likely had conventional funding from a conventional bank.

Banks do extensive due diligence on businessess and the key princilals before lending. I also doubt GBC was the sole partner of the C21 branch, generally there are multiple owners in a business of that nature - so he would have been only partially liable.

Therefore the C21 lease doesn't fit my "for arguments sake" alternate theory very well. As opposed to some other unconventional deal where GBC had to approach a shady character for funding. Someone who gets heavy on him down the track when he cannot repay. And in that situation murdering GBC doesn't help repay the loan, so they threaten his loved ones instead.

All drawing a long bow I know just trying to flesh out some different ideas as I think the main, most likely theory has been thrashed out ad nausium now. And will be a long wait debating sleepovers, rainfall and car paint colours until the rumored arrest timeframe of next week...

I would assume (maybe incorrectly ... yes, I watch a lot a crime movies) that underworld figures would give a "warning" (injury) before actually killing?

A man who allegedly has had multiple affairs IMO has zero respect for his wife, hence wouldn't hesitate to "slap her around a bit". A mature woman is missing for a few hours and police storms the home? IMO police had been previously notified of DV in that household hence acted so swiftly. I don't think there were any shady characters in this picture. I see it as a domestic violence case which unfortunately resulted in her death.
Pre-trial & far do you think media can go with releasing details of this case?? Just going by other cases, in particular the Sica case, there was a lot of info released a long time before this case made it anywhere near a court room.

Re: max sica, I think it seemed like heeeeeaps of info came out beforehand- but there's also SO many other things that are coming out day by day.
Re: max sica, I think it seemed like heeeeeaps of info came out beforehand- but there's also SO many other things that are coming out day by day.

Yes...there was a lot of info released...especially re the interior of the house...bleach used...footprints in the carpet...parents "history" etc.

Sica's "home & asleep" alibi is the same as GBC's which I find interesting.
I would assume (maybe incorrectly ... yes, I watch a lot a crime movies) that underworld figures would give a "warning" (injury) before actually killing?

A man who allegedly has had multiple affairs IMO has zero respect for his wife, hence wouldn't hesitate to "slap her around a bit". A mature woman is missing for a few hours and police storms the home? IMO police had been previously notified of DV in that household hence acted so swiftly. I don't think there were any shady characters in this picture. I see it as a domestic violence case which unfortunately resulted in her death.

True. Hurt turns into hate. It's a universal law, not a man made one. In my books Allison tried so hard to fix the rift. Yet really, she only owned his washing.:moo:
True. Hurt turns into hate. It's a universal law, not a man made one. In my books Allison tried so hard to fix the rift. Yet really, she only owned his washing.:moo:

That is such a sad thought isnt it? Poor Allison.
Someone came in the other night who seemed in the know (dont think it was Hawkins, but who knows). Where they mentioned that the person who is involved as a major player is someone, that we have not touched on.

Someone else metioned (a few people) that GBC was having an affair with a blonde)

The police have indicated on a few occasions with comments about the "Killer being someone Allison knew" "The killer being closer to home".

The last person to see Allison visually was supposedly, GBC.....The last person to hear from Allison otherwise, was Kerry Anne Walker. Did she hand these messages to police, or were these messages deleted.

There was talk in the media, that the "murderer was at the funeral".

At the beginning of the investigation, the media said that a close "family" friend was being extensively interviewed by police. I do not under any circumstance feel they would call "Toni McHugh" a close "family" friend (not to Allison).

Do you see where I am heading, without naming her?

This person really, in inadvertant tone, may also have been hinting at suicide....but not in the obvious way, we thought as much with the "depression" comments from Olivia.

A person indicated, along the lines of "I knew, there was something wrong, I should have done more" (which was open to interpretation - could mean DV or could mean Allison was depressed and could harm herself (NOWAY)). A person (same) made it seem items were being bought to her home after Allison's conference (possibly childrens items for a sleepover - cant find link though). Which could indicate, Alison was leaving children at her home, so she could finish herself off. Something I do not buy into.

This lady close to the Dickie's perhaps, could persuade the Dickie's quietly that things were going on, thus the Dickie's comment "She was too proud to come to us, we didnt know".

Allison's phone was key.......................and the police cant find it. They need the phone :(.

Who do men often have affairs with other than work colleagues?...Just a different theory..
It has taken me a good week to read all through these threads and THE FOLLOWING IS ONLY MY OPINION....

Marriage was rocky, poor ABC had last year found out about GBC other woman/women and tried to work through it with GBC for the sake of the family and the girls. It was not just the affair/s that caused problems but the fact that he LIED and continued to LIE. Money was an issue and that in itself caused problems and arguments. They had probably discussed divorce but it would take a lot to separate property, businesses, children and GBC could not face the shame of failing his marriage (esp. to Dad) and looking like at failure at his workplace where he had to look like the next BWANA. He enjoyed have a wife at home looking after the children and the housework, while he flaunted around with TM at dinners and get-togethers and pretended all was good. He was having his cake and eating it too, and this was WORKING FOR HIM.

GBC obviously lied and continued cheating on his wife BECAUSE HE THOUGHT HE COULD GET AWAY WITH IT. His father (who advertised himself as Marriage Enhancement Counsellor) made him feel like he was never good enough. NBC was the grandson of the famous founder of the Scout movement and GBC had big shoes to fill. Dad already had to step in and put the house up to save the failing business and had told him to stay married.

Wednesday night GBC is out trying to use his card to buy something and it is denied or is out spending money with his 'secret' affair. Allison is having her hair done as she has something on the next day and would like to look presentable. GBC comes home and has a go at Allison about the money she spent (a good cut and colour can easily cost a few hundred) and she argues back about his current affair and a fight breaks out. There is some violence and there is screaming as Allison is being held down and strangled. Being a ballet teacher, she is physically strong and fights back with all her might, kicking and scratching, but finally he muffles her and strangles her.

He sits with her body for a while and panics, contacts NBC who comes with his wife EBC and sister. Sister gets the kids out of bed and takes them back the inlaws. EBC gets the cleaning products out and NBC and GBC organise to get rid of the body.

NBC panics and doesn't want to be in the car with the dead body or associated too much and follows GBC in his own car. The body is dumped. The phone is thrown into the bushes. They are hoping it looks like someone else attacked her and make up a story to tell police.

GBC nervously calls police in the morning, they arrive and smell a rat immediately, when they are taking the details they notice the girls mention going for a sleepover to grandparents in the middle of the night and that GBC cannot get his story straight but can state clearly what ABC was wearing. They note there is a history of DV in the family and take immediate investigative action. They discover the affair with the woman with loose morals that had no respect for ABC and the girls.

IN MY OPINION the minute 'I' saw the first interview of GBC with his sister, I also felt he was lying. It was a very, very strong sick gut feeling.... His interview was whiney like when you call in sick to work and you're not sick. I don't for one minute believe ABC went 'walking' in the cool moist night or morning air with a brand new hair do.

If my partner went missing I would be BEGGING the media to help me FIND my partner. I would be trying to do everything in my power to help. I would be pleading with the public for information. Not hiding.

I think the police have made it very clear that the suburb is in no danger from a crazy killer running around. It was someone that ABC knew. The police would have spoken to ABC's family and advised them to keep their cool and wait for the QPS to do their job putting every bit of evidence together, as GBC's defence in court will be searching for any possible loop hole to get him off.

The big losers? Three little girls that have had their mum taken from them and then finding out that their dad was her killer. I hope that the BC family also pay for their assistance to cover this all up.
I hope that the courts allow the family of ABC to bring up the little girls and that GBC is locked up.

Do you see where I am heading, without naming her?

Well that would really put the cat amongst the proverbial pigeons wouldn't it!!!

I just don't think she'd be involved.

There was also the alleged hairdresser...she may have been one of the last to actually see Allison too.
Allison's phone was key.......................and the police cant find it. They need the phone :(.

Re the phone...always possible they did find it seeing as police seemed to stop mentioning it a while back.

I still like AllyG's suggestion...on a roof or suggestion was a septic tank...though I never did find out if the phone would still send out signals if underwater.
They seemed to be so thorough, surely they wouldn't have checked the roof and gutters. Yep they may well have found it as far as we know.
Well that would really put the cat amongst the proverbial pigeons wouldn't it!!!

I just don't think she'd be involved.

There was also the alleged hairdresser...she may have been one of the last to actually see Allison too.

Yeah, used to not think so too....and still dont to a degree.....She was her best friend...Could be why GBC wasnt at command post.....He didnt want to be seen with her....Dont get me wrong, I dont want to insinuate her, but when i think of the above comments, it may point in her direction.

She seems like one of the "good guys"....Id hate for it to be otherwise. Just throwing it out there.

PS : Who knows about that darn phone.....They may have it, it may be gone.... If only :(
Appleblossom I believe your are spot on in your assumptions. Great post.
I would assume (maybe incorrectly ... yes, I watch a lot a crime movies) that underworld figures would give a "warning" (injury) before actually killing?

A man who allegedly has had multiple affairs IMO has zero respect for his wife, hence wouldn't hesitate to "slap her around a bit". A mature woman is missing for a few hours and police storms the home? IMO police had been previously notified of DV in that household hence acted so swiftly. I don't think there were any shady characters in this picture. I see it as a domestic violence case which unfortunately resulted in her death.

I can imagine the high stress levels and severe frustration that comes from being told lies ect, whilst at the same time watching your marriage dissolve. You always know what a thief is going to do , but not know what a liar is going to do.
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