Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #13

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Curiousasacat I don't understand your post. Could you enlarge on what point you are making?
I can assure you that toxicology is imperative to get the full picture. There is a very important part of the story missing to the public I feel certain. The knowledge that the home was cleaned up so that GBC & his daughters could go back home is intriguing to me. It must have quickly become unimportant to the investigation.

I have watched the footage a number of times of the interview with GBD before ABC was located. It is very clear to me that his sister has information that she's "holding in". The comment about ABC being depressed is another important piece. Maybe she was? It is erroneous to believe that depression is obvious to others. It is not always so. High functioning individuals can conceal their illness to others successfully. GBC is playing a game - I'm not sure of course weather that is he doesn't want his "story" or "history" to come out - in fact this also could explain S's body language also - she doesn't want the proverbial defecation to hit the fan...that could be enough to explain the odd behaviour on interview. The fact that much of his personal life would soon become public fodder could be plenty reason for his demeanour & his sisters nervous body language.

Yes. I agree. I do think there is alot that may come out that GBC and maybe members of his family don't want to comeout. Not necessarily because of guilt over comitting the crime. But possibly background information relating to his personal life and goings on. This could be a big reason for his actions and reactions since his wife went missing and his lawyering up(not saying one way or the other if this is the right way to act and I know many will think it isnt.).
Declan Crouch, he was found in swampland/bushland close to his house in Machan's beach

Yes, with Declan though I think there was some belief early on that he may have runaway or harmed himself. But they could not say for sure till they found him. It was a bit different to how things have unfolded with Allisons case.
Yes, with Declan though I think there was some belief early on that he may have runaway or harmed himself. But they could not say for sure till they found him. It was a bit different to how things have unfolded with Allisons case.

yes, that didn't seem to be the concern at all did it? I think it was treated as a homicide from day one. I thought with Declan, there was a lot more concern about him meeting with foul play, than just being a runaway, I think I remember the amount of detectives working the case as being quite large. But I don't really remember, I might go check it out, see how that missing persons case was handled initially. It was also very urgent as he was a child.
Wow I had a look at the FB site. I was a bit stunned at the openness and lynch mob mentality.

One reason for lawyering up could be that he would attract huge amounts of attention. 1. because a partner is always a suspect. 2. due to whatever his lifestyle had been. If some of the claims are correct on the FB page it doesn't make them murderers...
yes, that didn't seem to be the concern at all did it? I think it was treated as a homicide from day one. I thought with Declan, there was a lot more concern about him meeting with foul play, than just being a runaway, I think I remember the amount of detectives working the case as being quite large. But I don't really remember, I might go check it out, see how that missing persons case was handled initially. It was also very urgent as he was a child.

You are right they did have concerns with Declan. I just thought the theory he had run away was also quite high on their list. (but I think it was more that he had caused himself harm). I think with any kid there is always a high degree of concern and police involvement no matter what.

Not really something that Police seem to have suspected much at ALL with Allison. It was pretty evident from the swift action also that something more was going on.
I agree..but this one below is still making my brain squirm:

05-17-2012, 02:21 PM
Thread #9 Post 189

"I believe that there are some further significant details about this death emerging. It seems to be a particularly nasty and confronting matter. Not the sort of case that would be pleasant for jurors."

Now this was dated before any news of toxicology being held up remember folks, so what is confronting?

Something confronting to detectives and a jury maybe evil family goings on or violent bloody previous DV at their house?

Thoughts?????.... to help us re focus on Hawkins 'particularly nasty and confronting matter'

I agree that perhaps the alleged actions or involvement of other parties apart from the main POI could result in quite a sordid and shocking tale - IMO
Yes I saw that. But I don't really think it means much towards the case as some have suggested. just MOO. Just think people are trying to dig up anything and everything they can.

would it indicate that they know each other? it doesnt really mean much at all, even if they did know each other unless NBC is a person of interest
Wow I had a look at the FB site. I was a bit stunned at the openness and lynch mob mentality.

One reason for lawyering up could be that he would attract huge amounts of attention. 1. because a partner is always a suspect. 2. due to whatever his lifestyle had been. If some of the claims are correct on the FB page it doesn't make them murderers...

I have heard some things. I am not sure of the FB site..have not really seen it much. But I do feel, there is more going on than what is known and causing most to think 'guilty'. But it is just MOO and not saying he definitaly isnt. (I wouldn't maybe be as surprised as some though if this tunrs out different to what we think. I do hope its not him.. there is alot of stuff that could appear to make him look guilty though too- from the little known to us)
would it indicate that they know each other? it doesnt really mean much at all, even if they did know each other unless NBC is a person of interest

yep maybe they do..then again I don't know the heirachy of it and whether they do or would know a great deal about each other. Regardless I don't think it would have an effect on how the case is dealt with if they are guilty or not. I got the feeling some were trying to hint at 'cover up' or underhanded stuff. I don't beleive Com. B.A. would have any involvement in that. IMO
So which one do we go with??....lengthy delays??

LENGTHY delays in forensic test results are compromising police investigations, prompting a push for better resources and a cut in red tape.

The facility involved may well be conducting other crucial tests related to this case apart from blood work on the corpse. There is a requirement for prosecuting authorities to have tests conducted in relation not only to evidence which may implicate particular people, but also evidence which may exculpate these same, or other, people. Criminal convictions for very serious offences have been overturned on appeal, in Qld, where the Crown neglected to have forensic tests conducted on material which, if it had been tested, would have cleared the accused. The reasons put forward for not conducting these tests at the time were that they were expesnive and time consuming and that the results would be of no assistance in securing a conviction. I would not be surprised if a wide range of tests is being conducted at the John Tonge Centre in relation to this matter. If that is so, then the completion of toxicology reports alone may be of minimal assistance to investigators until they can be evaluated in the context of the rest of the tests. Apparently contrary statements from the Commissioner and Qld Health, in my view, are most likely a simple matter of miscommunication (between agencies and managers) regarding which tests are taking longer than might have been expected. This is understandable in the current climate and would in no way affect the integrity of the investigative process. Anyone that has worked with Mr Atkinson will tell you that he is the real deal.
Anyone that has worked with Mr Atkinson will tell you that he is the real deal.

My thoughts too. I hope people were not trying to somehow drag him into things with some association through scouts or whatever it was to anyone involved in the case.
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