Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #13

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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How else have intimate homicides occurred in past cases,

-brutal force? (pushing down stairs)
-gassing (don't know how you would do this but putting something poisonous in medication)
Stabbing? (not likely as police seem to have said no obvious signs)

What sorts of ways do husbands take their wives lives? Maybe the police have more than just toxicology to worry about, - there have to be other stealth-ish methods of killing someone. Thoughts?

- guns
- pillow over the head
- simulating a car accident
- insulin injection (more than necessary dose)
Just back from Kenmore Village and spoke to Sam the guy who unlocks the chains in the morning on 3 entrances (roundabout, Cedarleigh Road and Anz bank car park). He told me they are locked at about 10.30pm (by security) and unlocked by him before 8am to prevent commuters from using the carpark. The Brookfield Road entrance/exit is never chained. He has NEVER reported a chain missing in recent times...looked a bit bewildered when I asked him! lol
For the bullies on this forum, there is no need to comment on this post...feel free to ignore...I know I do the same to yours now.

We need to get you your own little detective outfit, or a reporters outfit, maybe a combo. Thanks for taking the trouble to go and ask, the poor guy must be scratching his head now lol.
Just back from Kenmore Village and spoke to Sam the guy who unlocks the chains in the morning on 3 entrances (roundabout, Cedarleigh Road and Anz bank car park). He told me they are locked at about 10.30pm (by security) and unlocked by him before 8am to prevent commuters from using the carpark. The Brookfield Road entrance/exit is never chained. He has NEVER reported a chain missing in recent times...looked a bit bewildered when I asked him! lol
For the bullies on this forum, there is no need to comment on this post...feel free to ignore...I know I do the same to yours now.

What a classic!!! :rocker: That is too funny. Good for you and thanks for clearing that up. hahahaha "looked a bit bewildered when I asked him! lol"
I understand that it is your judgement that this person whom you reflected on in your post was very silly. I also get that your opinion is that a person is very silly that attempts suicide as an act of revenge.
My experience shows me that anyone that goes to such lengths has a great deal of mental anguish. My knowledge allows me to understand that folk who attempt suicide are very deeply troubled - however societally there is much less understanding and support for those that attempt to take their own lives.

My comments on the toxicology results were not aimed at you, but generally as there has been much discussion re this. If a cause of death has been ruled the toxicology results are not as pertinent. A cause of death I believe has not been ruled.

To clarify your comment was that suicide was distasteful. There are many faiths that believe that those that take their own lives are taking on a heavy karma. But your word was distasteful. Your choice of word echoes many others who find it challenging to understand suicide. Rather than understanding people call it selfish, silly, attention grabbing... It may be those things but there is always a profile behind those very top layers of actions.
Suicide is an incredibly difficult subject. It leaves the family & friends feeling helpless and confused. My challenge remains that instead of labelling those that kill themselves or attempt to do so, accepting that it is not just a simple case of silliness, but a deep emotional & psychological issue.

We may call it silly to cross the road at a certain time - but another may have judged it safe. Your comment is a character judgement based on your own thoughts and judgement on suicide. Not on seeking to understand & empathise with the emotional and psychological pain that these individuals feel.

Your use of distasteful tells me much of how you feel on this topic. Your feelings and beliefs are yours to have. My point though is to show that this is just your belief.

There will be many people on this forum who have been touched by suicide. I am sure they don't think their child, husband, father, daughter, wife was "silly".

I would like to thank you for highlighting these very important issues that people who work in Mental Health and indeed people who are struggling with their own mental health difficulties have to deal with constantly.

Your intelligent response was appreciated. Although from my experience your knowledge and understanding will probably sadly be dismissed here as only your opinion. Until then I certainly would like to acknowledge the importance of your comments.
HAWKINS: Thanks again. Your contributions provide us with information which ground our perspective in the thread.
Just back from Kenmore Village and spoke to Sam the guy who unlocks the chains in the morning on 3 entrances (roundabout, Cedarleigh Road and Anz bank car park). He told me they are locked at about 10.30pm (by security) and unlocked by him before 8am to prevent commuters from using the carpark. The Brookfield Road entrance/exit is never chained. He has NEVER reported a chain missing in recent times...looked a bit bewildered when I asked him! lol
For the bullies on this forum, there is no need to comment on this post...feel free to ignore...I know I do the same to yours now.

Thanks Indromum! Your sleuthing means we can put the 'chain stolen from Coles' theory to bed for once and for all! Great work!
Ok, we've been through the thread and have removed all the posts we are going to remove. Please get back on topic and keep the thread about Allison. I know things are slow right now with the case but lets keep this thread focused on Allison and stay on topic.


Thankyou Soulrange. If one person can stop and think about making harsh judgements it was worth it.
- guns
- pillow over the head
- simulating a car accident
- insulin injection (more than necessary dose)

if you look at the comments made by BC family in relation to Allison being depressed, so quickly after she went missing, I wonder about the possibility of overdosing her with her own medication or something to substantiate their claim/suggestion that she suicided. It is scary to consider because it would mean premeditation and in conjunction with the families comments, implicate them too.
It says Damnant quod non intellegunt,
which means 'they condemn what they do not understand'

Minni - you are going in the same basket as Hawkins - you are a genius!
Thanks! I felt a bit stupid asking... thought it must be important, and related to the case..
Be careful with your physical sleuthing people - just saying. It's great that you are doing it but in my opinion it's best left to the experts and you don't want to get in trouble for interfering in any way.
All I know is that it was something like Amway and any way you look at it it's pretty sad that someone as intelligent and accomplished as Allison felt the need to make money this way. She only started doing it when times were tough.

Probably network 21 or similar
So which one do we go with??....lengthy delays??

LENGTHY delays in forensic test results are compromising police investigations, prompting a push for better resources and a cut in red tape.

Or no delays??

THERE are no delays in forensic tests being run in one of Queensland's biggest murder cases, Queensland Health says.

A little confusing today
Does the pyramid schemes have something to do with the case? I'm not sure I understand and is it a rumor or do we know this to be fact? If its a rumor guys its off limits. Thank you.
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