Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #15

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Apologies if this has already been updated today - but there are now only two residential sales listings and seven rentals.

Whilst the business may have been in trouble prior to Allison's death, it is hard to believe that the business would otherwise have plummeted so drastically and so quickly. Two sales listings? What a disaster.

I agree with the earlier poster who said this is just so terribly, terribly sad. I'm sure most of you agree with me when I say that I certainly don't take any ounce of pleasure in seeing this man's business go under and his life fall apart before our eyes. None of it had to happen this way, that's for sure and certain.
Apologies if this has already been updated today - but there are now only two residential sales listings and seven rentals.

Whilst the business may have been in trouble prior to Allison's death, it is hard to believe that the business would otherwise have plummeted so drastically and so quickly. Two sales listings? What a disaster.

I agree with the earlier poster who said this is just so terribly, terribly sad. I'm sure most of you agree with me when I say that I certainly don't take any ounce of pleasure in seeing this man's business go under and his life fall apart before our eyes. None of it had to happen this way, that's for sure and certain.

Self-inflicted!! IMO
I don't want to bring up the trust fund, but maybe some poster will now understand that what the Dickies envisaged was exactly what is happening ... Father unable to look after his kids financially! IMO.
Hi All

First time poster here, this case breaks my heart and I pray for an arrest soon for the perpetrator of such a horrible crime. I have enjoyed reading everyone's opinions on here and also came across a post on another site regarding a high profile case in the US. The similarities in terms of the demeanour/ attitude of the husband are quite spooky. what does everyone think. The video is quite long but I couldn't stop watching.

I followed the trial of Scott Peterson and had thought of similarities once I heard about Allison going missing and then being found. Mostly because of her poor excuse for a husbands behaviour or lack there of!
It is no secret that Queensland Police is effectively run by Freemasons, and indeed, that there are many Freemasons within the Brisbane legal fraternity.

This is the real reason why GBC is still a free man.
Agreed, and for those that do have him convicted as we speak they too probably should adopt a more open mind (possibly me included). It is someone's family we are talking about after all. I still think people are entitled to form an opinon on his behaviour post her disappearance. You are never going to be able to stop the public at large forming an opinion on these sorts of issues I'm afraid.
My post was more related to factual reporting on the crime itslef of course rather than behavioural issues post her disappearance. And how easy it would be for the lehman or the masses to draw a guilty conclusion.

My beef with this case is that if QPS would have given the public just some minor hint of any other potential perps, IMO we would all have been happy to sleuths away someone else, however this has not happened. Also, we all form opinions about people around us on a daily basis (nothing new here), and as much as some people say "oh, I never judge a book by its cover", we all do. Actions (or inactions) speak louder than words!
It is no secret that Queensland Police is effectively run by Freemasons, and indeed, that there are many Freemasons within the Brisbane legal fraternity.

This is the real reason why GBC is still a free man.

Would you please provide a link to your assertions?
Possibly, yes. But I certainly get no satisfaction out of seeing it all unravel (not insinuating that anyone does!) - just an awful situation and there are no winners.

You're right there ... no winners!
It is no secret that Queensland Police is effectively run by Freemasons, and indeed, that there are many Freemasons within the Brisbane legal fraternity.

This is the real reason why GBC is still a free man.

I think those days have long past surely
Hi All

First time poster here, this case breaks my heart and I pray for an arrest soon for the perpetrator of such a horrible crime. I have enjoyed reading everyone's opinions on here and also came across a post on another site regarding a high profile case in the US. The similarities in terms of the demeanour/ attitude of the husband are quite spooky. what does everyone think. The video is quite long but I couldn't stop watching.

Oh my, I had seen various snippets about this case before, but there are so many similarities!
Thanks Poncho for posting this video. It is worth watching.
I interpreted this Springfield comment as being evidence that the murder and subsequent publicity had damaged the whole C21 brand, not just the Taringa franchise. I might be wrong, though ...
For my part, I understand perfectly why the majority suspect GBC is involved in Allison's death. To be honest, I am suspicious myself. But a number of posters here have him convicted and sentenced before he has been charged with anything and I think there is always, in all cases, a need for caution in making bald assertions of someone's guilt. I've said in a previous post, there may be innocent explanations for everything GBC has said and done since Allison went missing and sometimes a little more circumspection is a good thing. Someone once said, suspicion does not equate to proof beyond reasonable doubt.

We don't need to abide by the same requirements of a court. This is not a Court of Law, it's a forum for speculating and trying to assist and solve the crime. Many of us have been on here since Day 1 and started with an open mind, but from what i have seen, people have already exercised caution, and spent many weeks carefully considering all facts, pouring through pages and pages and thousands of posts, media releases, police reports, psychological profile information etc. Local gossip has been considered and most of it rejected, but some was accepted and believed, and a few things eventually turned out to be correct.

I don't believe there are innocent explanations for all of GBC and co's behaviour and not everything can be explained away like that. Please respect that this is Thread No 15 and in my estimation, the majority of people here, especially those who have been here since the first few threads, are fairly sure who the murderer is, to within 1 or 2 people. It is absolutely ridiculous to expect those people to pretend otherwise at this stage. We don't have all the facts but many feel there are enough to have already reached a natural conclusion. Your comments assume people have not already considered those things, and that is not correct.

Please remember also that most of those who believe that GBC is guilty, or possibly there is involvement from NBC, are supporting a fairly simple version of what happened, from what I have been reading here. Reports of credible rumours from inside sources about hands being cut off, Allison being attacked by GBC and mistress at the Scout camp, Allison being run down by GBC or mistress, gruesome scenarios that haven't been spelled out which might disturb jurors, drowning of Allison and her being weighted down by chains, complicated pre-meditated family plots, and more, have been put aside at this stage, as rumours which are uncertain or far-fetched, because of exercising the caution you talk about. This is where many people are at, people who have taken this case very seriously and done their best to date.

(I realise I have spoken for others to some extent but not for all, and I trust that I have been fairly accurate with this. I recognise there are still many who are uncertain or do not agree GBC is involved at all.)
We were rehashing whether GBC had made the call to police in the morning or the neighbour did I remember folks.

Well in this same article it did say:

28th April
"THERE was something about the disappearance of Allison Baden-Clay that made Queensland police mobilise a substantial force to the leafy hamlet of Brookfield within hours of her husband's call."

Read more:

Perhaps, like the Laci Petersen case, the husband called the in-laws and told them and then the in-laws called 911/000, and also gave them a bit of background info and told them that the husband sounded suspicious? Which is why the police responded like they did.

Interesting in the Petersen case how much the mistress assisted the police. I think G is getting better advice legally and would be much more aware of what calls can be traced.
The irony is he's a very good agent and he operates a sound business model. But obviously reputation is everything in such a competitive industry, and one would think that is now seriously compromised. Then again, the public has a fickle memory. We won't be talking about this in six months' time ...
We don't need to abide by the same requirements of a court. This is not a Court of Law, it's a forum for speculating and trying to assist and solve the crime. Many of us have been on here since Day 1 and started with an open mind, we have already exercised caution, and spent many weeks carefully considering all facts, pouring through pages and pages and thousands of posts, media releases, police reports, psychological profile information etc. We have considered local gossip and rejected most of it, but accepted and believed a few things which eventually turn out to be correct.

I don't believe there are innocent explanations for all of GBC and co's behaviour and not everything can be explained away like that. Please respect that this is Thread No 15 and in my estimation, the majority of people here, especially those who have been here since the first few threads, are sure who the murderer is, to within 1 or 2 people. It is absolutely ridiculous to expect them to pretend otherwise at this stage. We don't have all the facts but we have enough, and have already reached a natural conclusion. Your comments assume people have not already considered those things, and that is not correct.

Please remember also that most of those who believe that GBC is guilty, or possibly there is involvement from NBC, are supporting a fairly simple version of what happened. Reports of credible rumours from inside sources about hands being cut off, Allison being attacked by GBC and mistress at the Scout camp, Allison being run down by GBC or mistress, gruesome scenarios that haven't been spelled out which might disturb jurors, drowning of Allison and her being weighted down by chains, complicated pre-meditated family plots, and more, have been put aside at this stage, as rumours which are uncertain or far-fetched, because of exercising the caution you talk about. This is where we are at, and this is the best we can do at this stage.

(I realise I have spoken for others here but not for all, and I trust that those who I refer to as being certain about the murderer know who you are and are OK with this. I recognise there are still many who are uncertain or do not agree GBC is involved at all.)

A weird popup shows up when I go to press thanks and the thanks doesnt.

So thanks well said.
The irony is he's a very good agent and he operates a sound business model. But obviously reputation is everything in such a competitive industry, and one would think that is now seriously compromised. Then again, the public has a fickle memory. We won't be talking about this in six months' time ...

I don't know GBC middle name but in a few months if George Clay or George Baden is selling real estate you might wonder and you might think you know him, but you won't be sure.
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