Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#16

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i'm curious to know which direction it was parked in. was it on the driveway facing the road, or parked in the carport - reversed in?

Backed in but not as far as the garage
I think the perp is going to get away with this. If QPS had enough they would have nade an arest by now. C'est ne pas? Say it ain't so all you like. But this is how I read it. Freenasons.....
It would certainly add to the alibi of being at home asleep from 10 pm, if he also had the children at home and they didn't see or hear anything.
And, it would seem less likely that he would leave them at home alone to go out to Kholo Creek.
This theory might also fit in with sightings at the roundabout at odd hours throughout the night.

Is it possible that he called someone to the house to be present in the event that one of the children woke up? while he was out and about.
Yeh Geoffrey Edelsten was going to hire Christopher Flannery to do some work for him once (not kill someone just beat them up) but got cold feet when he realised he was dealing with a complete psychopath.

This is the thing in Australia whenever these guys step outside their comfort zone of killing their own kind (which the cops don't over exert themselves in investigating) they stuff up - squeal like pigs, and whoever paid them ends up doing life.
While I believe a hit contract is a plausible scenario, in theory, there is something that opposes that. As we know, the whole night horror involving screams, dog barking, car parked, etc took several hours. For a professional, it is too long. If somebody was hired to implement a murder, it must have been someone exceptionally evil and exceptionally stupid. JMO.

How much does it cost to put a hit on someone?
I have travelled to all points of interest in the last two days. I just want to point out that I have been in a very good vehicle. I took Indromum's bogging warning seriously.
Is it possible that he called someone to the house to be present in the event that one of the children woke up? while he was out and about.

If Allison and G were having a fight, that ended up with her seriously hurt or dead, I would think it would wake the children.

If I wanted to have a 'talk' with the hubby, I always waited until our girls were asleep, but if our voices became raised - they were up in a flash.

I can't see them being home that night.

I agree. Im in Melbourne and the people that I know are disinterested and my hubby who normally discusses such things with me, has more on his platter, so my Allison discussion just doesnt cut it for him, when he is hearing alot about crime all shift. I spoke to one of his friends who is a detective and he seemed disinterested too. It was a good idea by Nads....and it was a great idea for flowers from possumheart...and was great for spratsmum and Indromum to go on the looksee for us (even though I do worry for their safety when they do so) and for INdromum to give the sunflowers.

im monitoring from melbourne too :) not participating in this thread much, too much volume vs information, but have popped in tonight and read most of today's stuff.

while things are slow news wise here, it is the 1 year mark for Bung Siriboon disappearing into thin air. She is/was an innocent 13 year old and got scant media attention. Pop into her thread and leave some well wishes in case her family ever pops in. Someone called crimestoppers in March and police need to them call back. Use social media to get the word out.
Hi, just to clarify: if the meeting actually did happen (and I don't know it did), it was for Al-Anon (family and friends of alcoholics) not AA. The church calendar lists it as a regular Thursday night event to be held in the Brookfield church's hall, which is right beside Allison's house, not her in-laws' place. There are links to the calendar and a Google Satellite view in this post from yesterday if you're interested.

Does anyone know if this meeting actually did take place?...Certainly interesting especially if it finished around 10pm...
My "thanks" button isn't present on all posts. I don't know why...maybe the moderators can fix it. Anyway, in lieu of that ....thank you. By the way...I like the Latin...I only wish that I could read it! My daughter is doing Latin at High School and loves it!

when you post, and the page loads with your new comment, the "thanks" button is missing from all, hit refresh and it comes back.
There's nothing wrong with that sentence. The "abruptly" relates to the manner of waking. The "about" refers to the general time. The two are not related. It just means that someone woke suddenly out of their sleep and could not then remember what time they woke. Perhaps the act of waking suddenly was disorienting; I'm certain many people have experienced this.

Hi WI, i concede your general observation but what was that about glass houses??????

Bit close to home there Clara, maybe in a backyard of WIs?

Nice hot steamy goss place there haha
Granny - despite what many people think the characters who do this kind of thing usually are very evil AND very stupid, but GBC would have made sure he had an alibi.
I agree. Hopefully the Dickies have had a chance to question the kids on their own. Even so - their recollection of where they were on which night would not be reliable evidence.

Ooooooo I beg to the light of their mother going missing don't you think they will remember distinctly for the rest of their lives sweetie?

Re the next morning, or that night if they were there? and children remember days clearly by what they did the next go to library /PE /sport on a bus etc, they would remember which day it was.

Children write the date in every page of work they do at school.
WI - I think that we are using different dictionaries.

My online dictionary says:



The act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk.

I believe that when Watsonian Institute wrote that to blaspheme the Holy Spirit was to turn your back on God etc.... she is describing what the bible describes it to be. I agree with WI's definition. Bobbie Elliot's dictionary definition in my opinion reflects only part of what it means to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. The definition doesn't encompass the heart of the true meaning.

Sorry, that this is off topic. I was wondering how we got to this point. I think that it came up because someone made a post indicating that to blaspheme God was worse than murder and then we got onto definitions of what it means to blaspheme God, and why people could be of the opinion that that was worse than murder.
Could NBC have gone out searching for her and that is when he was seen at the bus stop. If someone did stop and talk to him - surely he would have said something like "I have been help my son search for his wife. She has gone missing"

No he didn't apparently, the witness (who recognised and KNEW HIM) said he acted strangely, never said he said anything so I don't know.
im monitoring from melbourne too :) not participating in this thread much, too much volume vs information, but have popped in tonight and read most of today's stuff.

while things are slow news wise here, it is the 1 year mark for Bung Siriboon disappearing into thin air. She is/was an innocent 13 year old and got scant media attention. Pop into her thread and leave some well wishes in case her family ever pops in. Someone called crimestoppers in March and police need to them call back. Use social media to get the word out.

Someone called Crimestopers about Siriyakorn, and VicPol havent called them back? I'll ask hubby about it...He can ask about it and get them called back...Thanks for that.

I cant talk much about the "Bung" case.....But yep, it sure was bunged from the start. Took too long in my opinion (hubby and I had a major rowl about it and he didnt talk to me for two days because I said some very nasty stuff to him) Sadly, tehy seem to have nothing....Nothing at all....Too sad :(
I whole-heartedly think people are entitled to their own views regarding other people's professions. However, I believe that people who are continually disparaging of any specific journalist or news media organisation's coverage of this case should steadfastly stand by their views and not read or link to any of that news media's coverage - and seek their information elsewhere.


The reporting IS done by one media (CM in Brisbane) source and then used by the other tabloids in the nation Watson, so we will continue to:

1. Question
2. Critique
3. Speculate

from this source as we have no other Sir Watson, thanks for your opinions.

I feel the use of yours saying 'disparaging' is a bit judgemental.
You see by TOS we have to try and use links to be reliable and CM are the only only ones we have dear.
I love it as well, although I'm shockingly bad at it. I'm glad someone appreciates the "edits" - although I think we're few and far between ... I get a chuckle, anyway!

I dont dislike it.....I just dont understand it (and didnt want to google it)...and wonder what the devil you are rabbiting on about....giggles.

No mallice was meant, when I queried it. I have no intention of putting you on ignore...I dont mnd your posts.
Ooooooo I beg to the light of their mother going missing don't you think they will remember distinctly for the rest of their lives sweetie?

Re the next morning, or that night if they were there? and children remember days clearly by what they did the next go to library /PE /sport on a bus etc, they would remember which day it was.

Children write the date in every page of work they do at school.

You are so right, Berry. My 21 year old remembered an incident that happened when she was 2 years of age!! It was quite traumatic...
No he didn't apparently, the witness (who recognised and KNEW HIM) said he acted strangely, never said he said anything so I don't know.

Which leads me to think he had an ideological difference with his wife or son or both
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