Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #18

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Just a thought on that , It has been reported police declared a crimescene the Friday morning. But also the photos were on one of the computers or hard drives the police had seized as GBC had to go to the police station to get the pics for the funeral. Also-it is 2nd hand info- but there was apparently some legal searches on the computer that were from the Thursday night. So apparently the police were able to retrieve this info. (this has been posted previously on other threads)

Yes I was part of that discussion and highlighted that he picked up the photos for the funeral. However it wouldn't be strange for the photos to be on an external hard drive. Personally I keep photos backed up to one of those. I just wanted to share what the Mac technician told me.
yes, i just want to say what i know without pointing too hard at the witnesses. probably have been told some stuff that i shouldnt have been told. want to be careful for the witnesses

It is wonderful that you have shared that with us. It's a difficult position for some of us, when we have inside info but also need to protect the person that told us. I respect your need to keep the witness I'd out of this forum.
I have read three posts (since I became a member of this forum) that stand as being very damning IF TRUE. IMO I must say that the three statements are from second hand information and not by the people witnessing the events.

1- Someone stated a local saw NBC at the bus shelter late at night, looking unsettled , the night Allison disappeared.
2-.Someone stated police were seen by a neighbor at the GBC house around 9pm the night she disappeared.This neighbor subsequently found out the police had been called to a domestic dispute that night.
3-Someone stated that GBC and NBC were washing the cars when the police arrived at 7:30 am the morning he reported her missing.
These three posts if true (please don't ask me to find them) are the only things that I have read so far that hold and weight in my leaning towards GBC and NBC being the key players. Any thoughts? All MOO of course

If they were washing the cars when the police arrived, then maybe it was someone else who rang the police? Surely they wouldn't ring the police and then suddenly remember that the cars might give them away, although who knows how one might think in post-death panic mode ...? MOO
This house is very private and well setback from the road with lot of trees in the front yard. Google it your self thank you

Just hate to think of the girls boarded in.
Thanks Berry. Let me clarify the u-turn...I did briefly turn into the driveway right at the road- nowhere near their front fence, then reversed onto the road. I didn't even realise it was their driveway until I saw the flowers...I felt terrible, but I was in such a rush to turn my car around to verify the car (that was supposedly impounded) that had a big logo on the back...was trying to take it all in. I am not stalking GBC or those gorgeous girls & if you read my post about my u-turn-I was very sheepish about it! But I was nowhere near their house or front yard.
Don't forget the Brookfield Showgrounds are opposite the house & alot of traffic passes, particularly when the Markets are on every second Saturday.
So, please no more about my error in judgement. It was not my intention to intrude on their privacy...and I don't think I did. End of story.
A quick shout out to the wonderful people on here who have made my day with their appreciation of my posts on the day at work has flown by!
I didn't offer my condolences, in fact I didn't say a thing about Allison or the situation, and I don't know whether that was the right thing to do or not but I didn't want to remind them. I hope it was the right thing to do.

IMO you absolutely did the right thing! I believe the best to do in this situation is to "follow their lead" and you did that instinctively, so I just wanted to say kudos. Also, without getting too Wisteria Lane about it (fine line between sleuthing and snooping IMO!), I thought you made some very insightful observations and I'm sure your empathy was felt and appreciated.

Caviar - thank you for that incredibly useful piece of info, IMO. I'm back to square one!

Oh and LOL for the 95yo grandpa, sorry I forgot who the poster was!
Do you mean Friday morning jojo? I only ask as it was reported that when Police turned up on the FRiday when Allison was reported missing, it was declared a crime scene then.

Saturday morning was definitely when the tape went up. I saw it on my way to the Moggil markets across the road. I'm not sure of the process of declaring a crime scene - maybe it can be done before the tape goes up? Nothing was in the media until Saturday morning and states then the crime scene was declared.

Not many people at the school knew what was going on until Friday afternoon and at that stage it looked like a missing person situation. It was a huge shock to see the tape on Saturday and realise the implications of it.
Yes I was part of that discussion and highlighted that he picked up the photos for the funeral. However it wouldn't be strange for the photos to be on an external hard drive. Personally I keep photos backed up to one of those. I just wanted to share what the Mac technician told me.

Thanks. I guess without saying too much, its my understanding that the hard drive of the computer was not empty(or wiped clean)...

I am slack cause I bought a TB external harddrive to back my photos up on and never did it. Then all my files got corrupted and many unsalvagable by a virus.:banghead: Thankfully a family friend IT specialist was able to retrieve some not all though.. OT, sorry.
Saturday morning was definitely when the tape went up. I saw it on my way to the Moggil markets across the road. I'm not sure of the process of declaring a crime scene - maybe it can be done before the tape goes up? Nothing was in the media until Saturday morning and states then the crime scene was declared.

Not many people at the school knew what was going on until Friday afternoon and at that stage it looked like a missing person situation. It was a huge shock to see the tape on Saturday and realise the implications of it.

Thanks. I thought it usually went up imediately.(and thought there were pics shown of the front of the house from Fri) But I take your word for what you saw. :)
But, Oh please....People saying it....and people doing it is two different things. Even then, people here never insinuated they would be looking in through windows....Now, that would be downright stalking.

Boarding up windows is not normal behaviour....At worst, if I was fearful of stickybeakers, i'd nail blankets up, so noone could see through. Surely his windows have coverings.....sheesh
Thing is, that though most probably wouldn't, some people would look through windows and others would have no qualm walking through an unlocked door. Not many, but there are some who would think nothing of doing that.

I agree that boarding up windows isn't normal, but GBC would know that many people suspect him and people having stones thrown through their windows isn't unheard of, children in the house or not. And who knows, he may have even received threats. Dunno really...
Thanks. I thought it usually went up imediately.(and thought there were pics shown of the front of the house from Fri) But I take your word for what you saw. :)

Yikes, I've muddled it up already. Tape WASN'T there when I went out at 8:30 but WAS there when I got back at 10am.
Perhaps he was distracted planning something?

exactly what I just said to my son - when we are worried about things and thinking about them a lot we probably shouldn't be driving:twocents:
I am thinking maybe it is all not related to Allisons murder . In the initial photographs of the car the other side was shown . One thing though , if it was damaged before that night wouldnt police have asked for anyone who had seen a damaged white prado during the hours of 11pm and 4am ?

Also if it is true that the prado and the mystery blue car were seen driving closely behind each other with only parkers on , couldnt that have been to hide the numberplate, advertising sticker and possibly identifying damage to the car ?

Last point - if the damage happened on the night Allison died i think either a towball or bollard was the cause.

IMO it is highly unlikely the Police would give out any information that the Prado was damaged, they would be asking people what they noticed about any particular Prado in the hope that a witness was able to say that there was damage to the front left bumper as this would give the witness and their case far greater credibility than stating the damage and having the Defence Team claiming that a witness was led. It also helps Police determine genuine witness accounts, compared to often found fake witnesses seeking their 15 minutes of fame and also mistaken witnesses who may be unsure of what they have actually seen.

Every statement taken by Police is scrutinised extensively to either credit or discredit the statement. The less information supplied by Police in the public arena assists greatly to determine the good from the bad.
Thing is, that though most probably wouldn't, some people would look through windows and others would have no qualm walking through an unlocked door. Not many, but there are some who would think nothing of doing that.

I agree that boarding up windows isn't normal, but GBC would know that many people suspect him and people having stones thrown through their windows isn't unheard of, children in the house or not. And who knows, he may have even received threats. Dunno really...

I dont know Blue Bottle....It would take a very unstable person to be that naughty to go up to windows and doors....I cant envisage ANYONE wanting to destabilize those young girls like that, no matter how much they dislike GBC.

In such circumstances, he could move....and I would imagine the person leasing the property would be happy too. After all, their insurance claims would raise a fair amount after so many (supposed) broken windows.

Irrespective of threats to himself, those girls are priority......and perhaps, if this is what he has resorted to because of threats or whatever, he should hand the children over to to someone who can ensure their privacy in a more sane and unbridled manner. The girls have lost their mother, to hear they are boarded up is entirely too constrictive...Its saddening.

Im starting to think this man has no boundaries when it comes to self....He is the suspect, so board up the kids. He wants insurance money, so kills his wife. He wants another woman, so he fiddles with another woman...................The SHE's are more important than him in my eyes.
I have read three posts (since I became a member of this forum) that stand as being very damning IF TRUE. IMO I must say that the three statements are from second hand information and not by the people witnessing the events.

1- Someone stated a local saw NBC at the bus shelter late at night, looking unsettled , the night Allison disappeared.
2-.Someone stated police were seen by a neighbor at the GBC house around 9pm the night she disappeared.This neighbor subsequently found out the police had been called to a domestic dispute that night.
3-Someone stated that GBC and NBC were washing the cars when the police arrived at 7:30 am the morning he reported her missing.
These three posts if true (please don't ask me to find them) are the only things that I have read so far that hold and weight in my leaning towards GBC and NBC being the key players. Any thoughts? All MOO of course

surely you don't need these 3 things alone confirmed for there to be any weight whatsoever to the public's opinion on this matter???

By the way, all three of these things wouldnt hold any weight in court!

-So what he likes to go out for a walk at night and sits at bus shelter to catch his breath

-domestic dispute call outs must contribute to 30-40% of police calls out at night! So what! Doesn't mean I murdered her

-they like to wash their cars in the mornings...had an important 'house showing' that day.

I'm not a barrister but I could even get these two turkeys off if you came at me armed with those things

Local intel only - not registered, so IMO. Tried to post before but failed so hope I am not duplicating.

Just popped in quickly to answer Curiousasacat's question as to whether I knew of ABC having been seen on crutches. Answer - No, I personally did not see that but did not see her that often. I have spoken with others who have more recent contact and they had no knowledge either.

Re cars - in my post about the plates and change over I suggested that maybe it happened when the Lexus was changed for the Captiva and that could be the case. A very reliable source said that the Captiva was Allison's. It was certainly true that ABC originally drove the Prado but Caviar's intel on the Prado damage being caused by GBC before ABC went missing certainly fits with the new arrangement. Sorry to be at a difference with another local on this one (Squizzey1). Not sure when they got the Captiva though.

Re crime scene. It was reported in the article below which I think is the first CM report that the house was a crime scene but does not actually state when. I drove past on Saturday 21st around 1pm and it was taped off then (gave me the shudders to be honest) and I know from locals that police were everywhere from early Friday.
Ya never know paradox.

But, Oh please....People saying it....and people doing it is two different things. Even then, people here never insinuated they would be looking in through windows....Now, that would be downright stalking.

Boarding up windows is not normal behaviour....At worst, if I was fearful of stickybeakers, i'd nail blankets up, so noone could see through. Surely his windows have coverings.....sheesh

Some of the people talking about it were adamant that they would do it. Even if they weren't serious how is he meant to know? I thought they sounded pretty serious.

Boarding up the windows suggests he is afraid of more than just stickybeakers. It wouldn't suprise me if he had recieved threats or hate mail.
Some of the people talking about it were adamant that they would do it. Even if they weren't serious how is he meant to know? I thought they sounded pretty serious.

Boarding up the windows suggests he is afraid of more than just stickybeakers. It wouldn't suprise me if he had recieved threats or hate mail.

I agree and I think it is ok for me to say this as it isnt something that will hurt the case. I have been told that the family has received serious threats and a family member went to the police station to report it and take in evidence.

Some thought that person was there for other reasons like helping....nope ironic as it was they were asking for help...pfffff.
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