Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #19

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ask kimpster. not necesasarily a local it basically means you are privy to some info through contacts , family, whatever a i understand. help kimster :moo:

Thanks squizzey. So this means we can add another fact. NGB was spotted sitting at the bus stop near Kenmore roundabout on Thursday night?
A verified insider is someone who knows the family or immediate friend(s) of someone named in the case in one way or another. It means they "could" be getting true information about the case that hasn't been disclosed in the media. However, their information is only as true as the family/friend who is disclosing it to them.

yes better explained. thanks j
Thanks squizzey. So this means we can add another fact. NGB was spotted sitting at the bus stop near Kenmore roundabout on Thursday night?

would think so but see how jubilee explains it better than me
Well IF NBC was at that bus stop I think it's pretty safe to say he wasn't there to catch a bus to bingo or bowls :)
I really do not believe NBC was at the bus stop. If anyone was there it was probably some homeless guy.

I don't believe it either jubilee but then again i don't believe very much anymore, unless it was something mentioned by detective ainsworth or the police.
Well IF NBC was at that bus stop I think it's pretty safe to say he wasn't there to catch a bus to bingo or bowls :)

dont think so. so what was he doing, thats the 69 million dollar question. imoo
Hello Wazzie & welcome...

These are a few reports which were posted after Allison's body was found....

May 02, 2012

"Obviously there's been a deal of rain on the Friday night and Saturday, so we've got to examine all that as well ... if the body has washed down to its final resting place or something else happened,'' he said.

The 16ha Tyamolum Scout Campsite has replaced Brookfield Showgrounds as the police command post.

May 14, 2012
Her body was discovered by a passing canoeist, who spotted her lying on the bank of the creek under a bridge.

It is not known whether she had been there the entire time, whether she had been moved, or whether heavy rain in the days before the discovery washed her downstream.

I've no idea who referred GBC to that lawyer.

Thank you Marlywings. The discovery site has always seemed a little 'off' to me.
I don't believe it either jubilee but then again i don't believe very much anymore, unless it was something mentioned by detective ainsworth or the police.

it has been reported to the police so it will come out eventually
Registered User Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 16

i remember reading somewhere at the start of this that it had been implied by 'Brookfield Walking Group', on the QPS FB page i think, that Allison was not a regular walker that they were aware of, and they are walking at dawn every morning, and had offered to keep their eyes open for anything unusual.

also jungle drums have told me, a close lifelong family friend of ABC, that she was not 'a walker' by any standard...she had 3 kids in primary school, she would be far too busy or too buggered!

This earlier post by westie has me intrigued! I also remember someone saying that in an area like Brookfield, it's unlikely you would be a morning walker without the Brookfield Walking Group knowing about it.

So, I've tried to find anything to back up these early morning walks and found only an apparent aversion to excercise (spoke by the sister or best friend?) and a claim that Allison walked every morning and returned before her girls woke up. Convenient? It's odd that now the only person who states the regular morning walks as fact, is GBC. IMO.

Whilst its interesting to talk about on here, (that's what we're here for right), The Police would be all over this fact. They would have known for certain within the first 1-2 hours of her disappearance whether she was a regular walker or not. There's always someone watching you, whether it be a neighbour, a regular driver in the area at a specific time of the morning (i.e paper delivery guy or a milkman) you can't go unnoticed for too long if you have a regular pattern.
This is one of the first things they would have asked GBC and others close to the couple. If you are a regular walker its just something people close to you know about.
If she wasn't a regular walker AND IF he stated that she was, then they knew within the hour or two of him saying that, that he was full of the proverbial!
while I was on my very long stint in solitary, I read over some of the earlier threads, in particular the first one. Its quite clear after doing this that we have heavily manipulated the information over the last 18 threads and its nearly all based on our emotion, and of course our speculations.
*This is a little bit (a lot) long....sorry, keep finding more and more!

Some quotes that stood out:

The Thursday Night vs Friday morning debate
Detective Ainsworth: " the husband has gone to bed and that's the last he has seen of her "
I believe this because Mark A said it. He also said 'she was last seen at a residence at 10pm' Also, I believe that if she had of gone for a morning walk, several locals would have seen her and verified this. Also, CM stated " she walked out of her brookfield home at 10pm" Brisbane times: 'walking along brookfield road Thursday night" and kiwijayne posted that cops were asking about thursday night not friday morning.
So IMO there was no Friday morning for Allison. On top of that, Scraps went off barking on Thursday night, and screams were heard Thursday night: witness Will Truter said "It was like if someone was screaming and someone kept a hand over their mouth. That was the last we heard.


Certain comments and posts that stood out:

24th april 'family struggled to understand why she would leave'
Mr Dickie urged her 'to make contact' It indicates to me that the Dickies felt she was alive and didn't think GBC responsible for her disappearance IMO it also puts the Dickies as suspecting or supporting the statements made by OW that she may have been depressed. state that police believe she is still alive.
23rd April GBC was stated as no longer being a person of interest. I think this means he was at first (as all spouses are immediately the first person of interest) then after the initial investigation, they ruled him out.
on the video of the Dickies making their plea....Mark A says he is not a POI
Mark A said around this time: 'I do not believe she has met her demise'

IMO All of the above say to me that GBC did NOT present to the detectives with any reason for them to suspect he had hurt her. It really seems like QPS did not believe he was suspect at this stage, so therefore I believe there was no evidence of DV etc at the house that morning. What I am thinking, right or wrong, its that maybe GBC and ABC had a big fight Thursday night, and she stormed out, or took off after GBC went to bed. Maybe she did have some depression (who doesn't really?) and GBC really did wake up in the morning, scared for her safety when he realised she wasn't there but the cars were? and he really is freaking out?

Although I am talking about depression, I AM NOT saying I believe Allison suicided. I am just saying that its possible that her family and husband were scared for her due to her disappearance and none of them seemed to be entertaining the idea that GBC killed her. YET.

After the video, EVERYTHING changed. there was a HUGE shift in posters attitude towards GBC, naturally, because it was appalling.
Interestingly, up until the woeful video of GBC and OW, there was NEVER any negative posts about GBC, until that point, he was not looking suspect to most of the posters here on websleuths.

There was one who showed extreme dislike for him early on in thread 1. she knew him and clearly did not like him at all. Also I know ITV had met him and found him to be very scary! So at this point friends of the couple were still describing the couple as 'inseparable' and looking at photos and videos of them recently, I think they look like that too. IMO. This makes me think of another possibility someone raised before. That GBC was a sex addict but he actually did love Allison, just a thought. the affair/s was talked about early in the first thread as being common knowledge.

Okay, I am beginning to ramble and as usual my thoughts just pour out of my head before I have a chance to stop them! so I am going to look over the media releases and see if I can see a similar change in the QPS' attitude towards him after the video. I know we certainly gained a new perspective after watching it

Just a thought but because Supt Ainsworth states Allison was last seen at *a residence* and not *her residence....could it be remotely possible that perhaps she was responsible for locking the church hall after was stated somewhere that there may have been a meeting there that night...

Mention this because when I was a child my Grandmother lived next door to a church and hall and if there were meetings which always ended before or at 10pm she would go across and lock-up her case the clergy did not live on the premises...unsure of the situation at Brookfield and how close the church and hall are to the BC's residence but was just wondering if this could have been possible ??...
why so many non believers when it has been stated by the person who saw him and knew him . dont get it moo:banghead:

I know i saw a pic of that shelter with some one sitting in it and i zoomed in..I have not been able to remember where but zoomed in and looked like a man wearing tan clothes ...It may have been the cctv camera when police were stopping cars but i was up at 4.30 and it shut down just after i had been looking....
After looking endlessly for a week that must have been it...sounds weird but had to say what i saw.
maybe police did try to reenact the night

all the above MOO
Hi All,

I've been lurking since the first post on this forum.Long time lurker!.
Long time Thanker.A Thanker for all the useful,funny,intelligent,insightful and dedicated sleuthers wanting justice for Allison.
I never knew her personaly.I don't even live in Brisbane.
But I feel that Allison would be very proud of some of the posters in this forum.Seeking justice for her.Trying to piece together "Her" story.
I think she'd be humbled by so many caring people.
Hi all, another first time poster, but have been reading since thread 1. I personally wasn't 'swayed' by the infamous gbc video. I felt uneasy about him from day 1 when he either went to bed while his wife was out on the streets walking after 10pm or, he called the police when his wife was perhaps only an hour late back from her walk. Both of these scenarios didn't seem right to me.
Squizzey, I wouldn't worry about the naysayers. There are a few people on this site that I believe are credible, and you are one of those. On that note, I wish Dark Shadow would share more of his/her insights and can't wait until Hawkins returns :)
Whilst its interesting to talk about on here, (that's what we're here for right), The Police would be all over this fact. They would have known for certain within the first 1-2 hours of her disappearance whether she was a regular walker or not. There's always someone watching you, whether it be a neighbour, a regular driver in the area at a specific time of the morning (i.e paper delivery guy or a milkman) you can't go unnoticed for too long if you have a regular pattern.
This is one of the first things they would have asked GBC and others close to the couple. If you are a regular walker its just something people close to you know about.
If she wasn't a regular walker AND IF he stated that she was, then they knew within the hour or two of him saying that, that he was full of the proverbial!
agree but do you STILL get a milkman , just joking
good memory yes that is right

Hi Squizzey1,

I'm wondering what is the difference between a "verified insider"and the other locals that post here.

I haven't been able to follow the threads as closely as i would like over the last few weeks and it seems the mods are cracking down on local gossip.

There are so many stories going around at this stage, how can we be confident that your info is more valid then anyone else posting here?
Going by what he told the Dickies, one would assume he told them she went for a walk in the morning....

May 04, 2012 12:00AM

Speaking exclusively to The Courier-Mail yesterday, Mr Dickie and wife Priscilla recalled how life had become a nightmare since receiving the call from their son-in-law Gerard on Friday two weeks ago

"He (Mr Baden-Clay) just said she went for a walk and she didn't return - that's all he said," Mr Dickie said.

"If she was going for a walk in the morning, she'd have walked on the side of the road around Brookfield. She wouldn't have ventured into the middle of the bush somewhere."

exactly, all interesting, and hence the reason why his story about last whereabouts seems to be the one point that has probably tripped him up somewhat.

Below is what Mani posted prior to your post MW.
The Thursday Night vs Friday morning debate
Detective Ainsworth: " the husband has gone to bed and that's the last he has seen of her "

I too agree that if this has come out of Det A's mouth and I think she said it did, then you would have to assume this is what they were told...

However if he has told the Dickie's about 'going for a walk and not returning' then we have a conflict here straight away.

A bit hard to confirm that 'someone went for a walk and didn't return' AND/OR 'Goes to bed and that's the last he has seen of her'
They are entirely contradictory.

Why can't they get this DHead in for questioning??

I don't buy this whole you don't have to go to a Police Station thing if you don't want to surely????
How do they ever arrest people if they can't freaking question them??
Just a thought but because Supt Ainsworth states Allison was last seen at *a residence* and not *her residence....could it be remotely possible that perhaps she was responsible for locking the church hall after was stated somewhere that there may have been a meeting there that night...

Mention this because when I was a child my Grandmother lived next door to a church and hall and if there were meetings which always ended before or at 10pm she would go across and lock-up her case the clergy did not live on the premises...unsure of the situation at Brookfield and how close the church and hall are to the BC's residence but was just wondering if this could have been possible ??...

I cannot envisage ABC going for a walk at 10pm unless she was going somewhere in particular...If there was a tiff of some kind would you not go for a drive instead to calm down if you needed to...this is of course if any of this occurred at all...
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