Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #19

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With respect, there is nothing to support almost all the theories raised here.

? There have been many theories raised here based on facts - and speculating on what might have happened in consideration of those facts. So I believe your statement is not respectful at all, it's insulting to all those who have put forward well considered theories on that basis.
I think people might be offended at the mention of 'living in their own la la land/dream". I don't think any male/female who has been on the receiving end thinks of it as la la land. I think I understand what you're trying to say, just makes some of us sound a bit... silly I guess.

linette, well welcome me to the that group, perfect marriage in my land.....policeman married to me the teacher, 3 beautiful children, I did everything to smooth over all his out of hours gaffes affairs embarrassments and violence at home was know when I finally said this is just beyond the pale?????

Children old enough to hear and see and say 'wish he died in the war' at Anzac Day night at our home hiding in the cupboard with Dad hunting us with his rifle, so he could find his car keys for our expensive car while he was pi**ed.

It was my la la land of perfection, intelligent (I thought) woman, me nearly getting my children killed was the limit.

It is real and I am sorry if you are offended, I find it hard to talk about and never wanted to be that embarrassed to admit it butr if it gets me banned again then well and good............Allison tried for so long too and something made her really try to preserve her childrens life I believe and he went too far this time...........JMO

Then 20 yrs on my own single raising my children and when they left home I met a very charming new man, ex rhodesian, educated Commerce Degree who hit me AND GAVE ME SEVERE HEAD INJURY AND KLEFT ME TO DIE in my own bed after an accomplice drove me to my house and dumped me...........

Yes I have lived in la la land twice and never admitted it.........
It is never easy for someone to admit DV whether it be physical/mental or both. The total lack of empathy shown by Berry was shocking.

Agree. I come across many people in my life who I believe should really stop and think before they speak/write.
yes I am, the 'weakest link' sister will roll for immunity, needs her life/ children/ husband/ church/ more..... JMO....:please: roll over Olivia

And then there were 3.......
Yes, of course I know that, but the BC family saying depression, GBC saying she walked off and didn't come back, someone (peerhaps the BCs) dumping her under a bridge, and no obvious things on the body = someone setting it up to look like suicide, jumping off a bridge.
I was just looking at some earlier news articles to remember what I have already read but have forgotten... not searching for anything in particular....

Came across this so it appears that Olivia wasn't the only one to mention that Allison suffered from depression. The news article doesn't name Allison's friends and is dated April 27, 2012 a couple of days before Allison's body was found.

Friends claim she suffered from depression but would have returned home for her daughters' sake by now.

Read more:

No obvious signs on the body means little I reckon... all it means to me is that there is no visible signs of how she was murdered but that closer examination was needed.

Notice the weeks of silence and abscence of any statements one way or another from the police. Bet they're busy boys on a roll behind the scenes.
Originally Posted by mountainhigh Realise the intended relevance but not a chance!

Originally Posted by Salem
Actually it is because the Mods have warned against posting rumor and unfounded speculation. Speculation and theorizing are welcome when it is based on facts. But pulling stuff out of thin air and trying to create a theory around it, is unfair to the victim and sends posters off on goose chases.

If there is some evidence of an affair - then such a theory would be allowed as long as it was proposed respectfully towards the victim, because it could have played a role in the murder. HOWEVER when this is NOTHING to support such a theory - it is disrespectful.

Hope that helps,

I'm confused by your statement. "Speculation and theorizing are welcome when it is based on facts" A fact is a fact (i.e. the truth) why would you add speculation or theory to a fact. This bulk of this forum is based on speculation "pulled out of thin air" and theories based on unfounded ideas or senarios.For instance who knows for sure who did this horrific act. What evidence is there???? What is your point????:banghead:

Not sure if Salem has responded to this as I'm a few pages behind, but IMO one can consider facts and then speculate on what might have happened - perhaps speculating on some things to make it fit together. It's not a black and white situation - all facts or totally imagination. There has been a lot of good speculating here which has made a lot of sense, taking into account the facts we already know.
Does anyone know how far down it is from the road surface to the river on the Kholo Bridge? Also, is the Kholo Bridge one of the highest bridges above water level in the Brookfield area?

Just repeating this post...any locals on tonight??

Possum or Indromum...would you say Kholo Bridge is a fair height above water level??
linette, well welcome me to the that group, perfect marriage in my land.....policeman married to me the teacher, 3 beautiful children, I did everything to smooth over all his out of hours gaffes affairs embarrassments and violence at home was know when I finally said this is just beyond the pale?????

Children old enough to hear and see and say 'wish he died in the war' at Anzac Day night at our home hiding in the cupboard with Dad hunting us with his rifle, so he could find his car keys for our expensive car while he was pi**ed.

It was my la la land of perfection, intelligent (I thought) woman, me nearly getting my children killed was the limit.

It is real and I am sorry if you are offended, I find it hard to talk about and never wanted to be that embarrassed to admit it butr if it gets me banned again then well and good............Allison tried for so long too and something made her really try to preserve her childrens life I believe and he went too far this time...........JMO

Then 20 yrs on my own single raising my children and when they left home I met a very charming new man, ex rhodesian, educated Commerce Degree who hit me AND GAVE ME SEVERE HEAD INJURY AND KLEFT ME TO DIE in my own bed after an accomplice drove me to my house and dumped me...........

Yes I have lived in la la land twice and never admitted it.........
Dear wonderful Berry (and I don't care if people think this is off topic because it is not it lies at the very heart of this case).
What courage by coming out and sharing your story. I did and know that what we are trying to deal with in sleuthing Allison's murder breaks open many gates and barriers in our mind and own heart.
Despite your courage there is also an empathy required that can help in not judging others for not having been as strong or have been so hard on themselves as you obviously have.
Please try to accept that there are many of us out there and everyone will deal with these things as best as we can and in our own way, but we cannot devalue it by calling others or it lalaland.
Big hug and look forward to your real insights!
All jokes aside - Thank you MH for providing us with a very clear snapshot. What you are describing sounds methodical; without panic, as panic can cause slip-ups and I am wondering who, that was close to Allison was methodical, cool under pressure and not prone to panic?

Mani, I am confident that who the perp is although I wouldn't be confident saying whether it was premiditated or not. I would take a stab that it wasn't however there is still the nagging issue of serious money problems. Life insurance aside (which admittedly is a mine field of legal implications by way of getting paid eventually, so it wouldn't be an instant winfall) there may have been other immiedate cash benefits that we don't know about by way of some property she may have still had in her own name (unlikely), perhaps a few hundred grand in super (who knows) that may have got him out of trouble temporarily. Or it could be as simple as her name was on some legal and/or company documents as a Director for example and in the event of her death he was able to walk away from a considerable amount of debt.

I don't know whether GBC or anyone in his family are seasoned killers but would take a stab and say no. therefore whilst It has all the trademarks of a domestic gone horribly wrong, you raise a good point about the methodical nature of this crime followed up with a sound cover up which up until now has seen him evade an arrest. Which in some ways could sway me back to thinking that this in fact was pre meditated. (to a degree)

I have never been entirely convinced that this was not completely 'not thought out'. Meaning that, he may have started in his own mind to think about how this particular 'night' would play out (if at all) at some point leading up to this night. Be it weeks or be it months prior to the 19th April. Where would I dispose? how would I get there? Do I need help? Who would be the best to help me? How would I kill her? (darn better do some research) How do I react afterward? (do i crash a car) Do I grow a beard or don't I? etc etc

If none of the above EVER happend and this was a simple argument followed by strangulation or a bath drowning or completely accidental in every sense, then he has clearly done quite well (for want of a better word) to cover the hard evidence trail to date. Particularly for an amateur without priors in anything remotely related to this type of thing. In this day and age he would be in the absolute minority (probably 2-3%) that manage to get away with murder. (if this is how it turns out)
Just repeating this post...any locals on tonight??

Possum or Indromum...would you say Kholo Bridge is a fair height above water level??

Sorry I can't really say - have driven over it countless times but never paid much attention until this case - it never struck me as overly high but I have never got out of the car and looked properly. Possumheart, indromum, cj60 etc may be able to help ?
Thank you Trooper, another great post. I understand all of what you have said here and indeed we do know a lot. It just feels like all the above information is sort of just facts about her life.

I don't know, maybe I feel like I wanted to know more about her day to day life? Its absolutely none of my business, but for some reason I want to know more. Like did she have coffee with the girls regularly? or drinks on a friday arvo with friends? what did she do to make her happy? I can't explain myself properly right now, I know how I feel, but cant get the words out. maybe the phone is so important because it might have told police some of these day to day things she did.
Sorry, I will try again later, to explain what I mean :confused:

I totally understand what you mean, and it has occurred to me that to some extent Allison at her fullest was a bit lost over the last 5 or so years. As those of us who are mothers would know, it can be easy to lose yourself when your children are babies and your life is consumed with them, and all the good things and also the work and sleeplessness that goes with that.

But if you have three young children, a part-time job, and a husband who is cheating on you, a marriage in trouble that you are committed to and trying to work on, and financial problems developing too, I dont think there would be a lot of time to indulge in your favourite hobbies, times with girlfriends and such. I know when i've gone through those times I have tended to withdraw as i have too much on my mind, and not enough time or money, or even the headspace to enjoy such things.

So perhaps that's why we are not getting as much of a picture of Allison herself, other than her history pre-Gerard and pre-children. Maybe in those last years Allison herself had begun to wonder what she had become, and yearned to get back to more of her old self. Sadly, she never got the chance - brutally and heartlessly slain during what was probably the most difficult period of her life.
Sorry I can't really say - have driven over it countless times but never paid much attention until this case - it never struck me as overly high but I have never got out of the car and looked properly. Possumheart, indromum, cj60 etc may be able to help ?

The height of the bridge in this photo is one of the things which struck me when I first saw seems a fair height above would have had a lot less water in the week previous to this.

Scroll to end of the report...
My goodness I have to read buckets before I get to post....however, in post 2?? There was an article insert regarding what police seized from the homes of BC's. No one on here has mentioned The bag/s of material from GBC's house. Does this nor strike anyone as odd IMO this supports the cleaning up of something the Police were interested in
Just repeating this post...any locals on tonight??

Possum or Indromum...would you say Kholo Bridge is a fair height above water level??

kholo bridge flooding


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Just repeating this post...any locals on tonight??

Possum or Indromum...would you say Kholo Bridge is a fair height above water level??

Definately, I'm not good at Maths, but I would say that it would be atleast 7 + mtrs above water level.

Just saw jubilees EXCELLENT photo in previous post - obviously during 2011 floods! OMGoodness!
My goodness I have to read buckets before I get to post....however, in post 2?? There was an article insert regarding what police seized from the homes of BC's. No one on here has mentioned The bag/s of material from GBC's house. Does this nor strike anyone as odd IMO this supports the cleaning up of something the Police were interested in

On TV the said bags of shredded paper.
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