Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #2

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She put the children to bed so it's a fair bet she was still alive at that time.
She sent some messages from her phone to a friend late that night so it's a fair bet she was still alive at that time.
Neighbours heard an argument (around 10pm IIRC) so it's a fair bet she was still alive at that time.

thanks..I didnt realise she had put the children to bed. As for the text messages, no one knows where her phone is or probably where its been since 7pm after hairdressers,(if she had it at hairdressers and that seems a fair assumption I guess) but agree its a good chance too... if she WAS texting and there WAS screaming at 10pm...that would seem to imply GBC was being assisted in a coverup and that could subtantiate the 'affair' story a bit? I agree an affair is not worth this kind of cover up but what if it was someone in the public profile who do anything to cover it up? what if it WAS a male? no evidence of course, but doesnt seem to be evidence of much at all so I am just joining the ranks of 'wonder-out-louders'
thanks..I didnt realise she had put the children to bed. As for the text messages, no one knows where her phone is or probably where its been since 7pm after hairdressers,(if she had it at hairdressers and that seems a fair assumption I guess) but agree its a good chance too... if she WAS texting and there WAS screaming at 10pm...that would seem to imply GBC was being assisted in a coverup and that could subtantiate the 'affair' story a bit? I agree an affair is not worth this kind of cover up but what if it was someone in the public profile who do anything to cover it up? what if it WAS a male? no evidence of course, but doesnt seem to be evidence of much at all so I am just joining the ranks of 'wonder-out-louders'

That would make sense as to where the money for his legal team is coming from and perhaps it was he who had a rendevue with a male and she followed hence the priest facebook saying how he apologizes to the worst is yet to come??
The more I learn about Allison & GBC, the more I think that Allison married "beneath her". It is a fact that women generally marry men of a higher status than themselves and vice versa. At the time of their marriage, Allison would have scored much higher than GBC on any measure of socioeconomic status. So, why is this of interest?!

Narcissists are easily threatened by others' achievements. Initially, a narcissist would be proud of scoring such a wonderful prize as the talented beautiful Allison. But this would not endure under the general pressures of daily life. When Allison fell off the pedestal her husband had created for her, her achievements would become threats to GBC's narcissism. He would then do his best to detract from/demean/dismiss Allison's many positive qualities.

A wonderful example of this is the old Century 21 web page which lists the staff and details their skills, history etc. GBC, his mum & dad, and all other staff (except Allison) have 1 or 2 large biographical paragraphs. Allison has nothing!!! She could easily be mistaken as the work experience student.

I agree with you. I've heard assessments of GBC from people who know him, and other than one very rare "oh he's lovely" the overwhelming remainder of people concentrated on "he was having an affair and treated his wife badly". I don't think these opinions will be any secret now police have interviewed so many people around the family.

Remember when Allison met him, it seems they were both in the Flight Centre environment. In Flight Centre / retail travel it is all about sales (much like real estate). Gerard could easily have been a star, impressive sales performer. Many good sales people lack class and tact, or any real intelligence (not saying that was specifically the case with this guy, but others' comments seem to suggest it). He could have seemed a good catch at the time to a hard-working impressionable Allison. Slightly effeminate, career-focussed go-getter, with a connection to a famous family he no doubt banged on about whenever he could, he might have seemed a better option than the other (typically gay or very ocker) guys in the travel industry.

Regardless of who police prove committed this crime, I think from the information being gathered and footage witnessed most of us would love a time machine to go back to that Flight Centre and tell Allison she could do way way better. If only things were different for that poor lady.

I can't prove Gerard Baden-Clay had anything to do with Allison's murder, but I detest the man for his self-absorbed pathetic interview, among his other actions (or lack of) throughout this investigation. He also disgusts me for everything I have heard about his treatment of his wife and his approach to other women, and although most of this has been hearsay it's been mentioned by some many independent sources close to him, it's enough for me to justify my dislike for him, and the family that raised and encouraged a person with such apparently disgusting self-absorption.
I doubt GBC is homosexual. His habit of 'flirting' and coming on to women disproves that theory.

As an aside though, Robert Baden-Powell was a well known 'repressed homosexual'. Although he married in his 50's and produced 3 children, he much preferred the other sex.

While I don't think old mate was having a homosexual affair, I doubt his outward behaviour shows much of the type of person he really is. I think the whole supposedly superior dynasty would have some limp-wristed back slapping going on - you don't found a movement that makes young boys dress up in shorts and scarves and chant conformance to their leader named after a bear, without being a bit strange.
While I don't think old mate was having a homosexual affair, I doubt his outward behaviour shows much of the type of person he really is. I think the whole supposedly superior dynasty would have some limp-wristed back slapping going on - you don't found a movement that makes young boys dress up in shorts and scarves and chant conformance to their leader named after a bear, without being a bit strange.

Something is telling me I have a really bad feeling about this case for sure worst is yet to come but please justice for allison
Brisbane Girl, I do think you could continue to contribute to this forum even though the Mods have warned about the rules. I agree with the rules, but you have brought up some pertinent points that relate to the Australian situation, and I think we can work through these with the Mods. This is a fantastic forum and I would hate to see sincere people leave - we need to maintain our passion for justice for Allison and keep on going. Yes, a little bit more work for us to comply with the rules, but I also think the Mods are not going to be too brutal to us, just give them a chance and i think things will even out.

Your choice of course, but truly I ask you to please stay.
Thanks for that, I just didnt know the rules as this is a first time thread and first topic EVER posted on, I just am not used to people telling you you cant have an opinion and flaring up if they dont like your posts, personally if I dont like something it doesnt get to me and I just leave it or skip it and move along, I dont see the point making an authority on myself over others opinions, thats how conflict starts through suppression.

Anyway, happy to continue and I do have a hint of humour always it is just how I am and I dot mean to offend any posters or people who are not guilty.

Cheers and thanks for the supportive messages. :)
I am going to chronicle what as come from the last few pages of messages, and see if we can find some answers:
1. Allison had a hairdressing appointment at Kenmore Village on Thursday afternoon and left around 7pm - Do we know whether which car she was driving? Did she go straight home, or stop to shop, have dinner etc?

2. she put her girls to bed- probably about 8pm, just going on the ages of the little ones

3." The footy Show" starts at 9.30 - do we know if she was interested in Rugby League?
Husband went to bed - story number 1

4. Shouting heard at family home - was there a male and female voice heard? more then two voices heard?

5. was Allison's car ever parked at Brookfield Showgrounds? was this something she had done before? Could the gate have been locked and she was not able to get in?

Just some discussion starters, which came to mind.
I detest the man for his self-absorbed pathetic interview, among his other actions (or lack of) throughout this investigation. He also disgusts me for everything I have heard about his treatment of his wife and his approach to other women, and although most of this has been hearsay it's been mentioned by some many independent sources close to him, it's enough for me to justify my dislike for him, and the family that raised and encouraged a person with such apparently disgusting self-absorption.

I'm with you on the "detest the man", for his whiney "poor me I'm ok" interview. I detest his family too as all throughout the search there hasn't been one mention of that family waiting alongside Allison's parents at the command post. Not one message from them of support or thanks to all the police, SES searchers etc.

Sometimes silence is golden...but sometimes silence speaks volumes!!!
First time poster *waves*

I've been searching for news articles or anything that says her car was seen at the showground but am unable to find anything. Where did this information come from?
While I don't think old mate was having a homosexual affair, I doubt his outward behaviour shows much of the type of person he really is. I think the whole supposedly superior dynasty would have some limp-wristed back slapping going on - you don't found a movement that makes young boys dress up in shorts and scarves and chant conformance to their leader named after a bear, without being a bit strange.
After the display in the granny pash garage scene, nothing would surprise me in this case, I mean plenty of people bat for both teams, could be a game the whole family plays for all we know. Some ego maniacs like the attention of Males, females, might end up discovering a pet monkey for we know ( monkey would need therapy ) I just wish he had a Orangutan because they are strong buggers and would not of put up with any crap at all.

There is not much support for anyone else other than Allison, the girls, the Dickies and Allison's family and friends.

I have not come across such a case before where EVERYONE was on one side before an arrest, and it is valid to all the actions and explanations.

I hope they make an arrest soon so that everyone who's heart is breaking over Allison can start to make a form of recovery, acceptance and concentrate on the beautifl person she was and the beautiful girls that will carry her spirit with them always.

Hang in the Mr and Mrs Dickie, the whole of Australia will lend you their shoulders to lean on and once you get the girls I know the Australian Public will make sure you and the girls can get through this without financial stress as well and to afford you the best services to help in anyway possible.

We all ache for you, stay strong, stay the course........
Apparently GBC has just walked into the Indooropilly police station...
First time poster *waves*

I've been searching for news articles or anything that says her car was seen at the showground but am unable to find anything. Where did this information come from?

The only time I have seen it reported AllyG, is on this forum. Part of my reson behind the above timeframe was to try and determine fact from fiction.

Welcome, I am a newbie too to this site. The wya some people think asnd reason is fascinating.

First time poster *waves*

I've been searching for news articles or anything that says her car was seen at the showground but am unable to find anything. Where did this information come from?

I haven't been able to verify that either. I think it is just info coming through the grape-vine, which may or may not be true?
Another thought and I know it's out there but a lone canoeist finds Allison mmm has a deal already been done with gbc did he tell them where to find her. More than one person had a hand i'n this
1. Allison had a hairdressing appointment at Kenmore Village on Thursday afternoon and left around 7pm - Do we know whether which car she was driving? Did she go straight home, or stop to shop, have dinner etc?

The police have shown interest in Allison's (Holden Captiva) car - including in other similar model cars around the area, and it seems to be mentioned first during more recent requests for info. I think they believe it was more likely involved than the Prado (which I think is equipped with GPS, and also more obvious as it shows identifying marks like signage) - as they are interested in other similar cars I think maybe they have more information (about the Captiva) than is being published.

4. Shouting heard at family home - was there a male and female voice heard? more then two voices heard?

I believe one neighbour (not the one with the barking dog) in particular has given a detailed statement about the time and noises involved during an incident that night (don't know the details).

5. was Allison's car ever parked at Brookfield Showgrounds? was this something she had done before? Could the gate have been locked and she was not able to get in?

I think that arose from local gossip and confusion. I believe both cars were found at the family home with no official mention of one being anywhere at the Showgrounds. I think the mannequin was placed where it was because of visibility to ensure as many passers-by as possible saw it.
A lesser sentence for him i'n return..... He has so much time and to have such expertise at your fingers from the get go??
It's amazing how people are able to group together in a forum and put pieces together. It is getting a bit frustrating just waiting for some new information to come forth.

Thanks, and welcome to you too :)
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