Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #20

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State politics - he was going to run for a local MP or something. I have read it in MSM. No other sources. By the way, Julie Bishop is one of his friends on FB.[/

Thanks, so whats makes you think he unwillingly wanted to enter politics?

Also, regarding the Julie Bishop FB connection -
Can you confirm if it Bishop's MP Facebook account or her personal FB account?
Hi I'm a Newbie, so forgive me if I'm going over old ground, but, I've wondered if anyone has considered that GBC smothered Allison? Maybe waited until she was asleep and put something over her face, waking her enough for her to fight back and scratch his face and chest...but not enough, sadly, to save herself.

I have also wondered if the Police have kept one car, but given GBC back another which they have bugged....thereby forcing him to drive the one that they've wired?? Then settled down to wait. Police are a patient lot....just waiting for him to say something that is incriminating while on his mobile or something.

Just my "oo".

:newbie: :greetings:
Just wondering if the smaller car was behind or in front of the larger car, in relation to the 2 cars on the bridge?

Small car in front, larger one following closely with only the parkers on
It just doesn't make sense for someone to be a "spotter" at such an obvious and public place IMO. Also, police could also head out to anstead from Ipswich, bellbowrie etc and he wouldn't be able to "spot" them from the roundabout. Sorry I'll stop dissing this roundabout story from now on, but I just don't believe it as it makes no sense at all to me.

If NBC was a 'spotter' at the roundabout, I don't think it was an intelligent decision (may'be like other decisions in their plan?!). I wonder why you'd pick the busiest, most lit up place to sit and 'spot'. Very silly!

A Police car could also come down Kenmore Rd and turn left onto Moggill Rd - NBC wouldn't see that one from where he was.

Still, if it was him, I would have loved to have seen his face when someone that he knew stopped and asked if he was ok! How unlucky! He must have nearly died!
do we know if the buses were still running? would GBC in his car have driven to towards Anstead (alone), pulled up to Anstead store to wait for dad who took bus to B'kfld, picked up other car & meet @ store to help/give directions? show where to go? came home in 2 cars following closely w/no lights ,so unrecognised?
Nah. just thinking out loud. tell me to shut up now..

or IF the buses were running, might NBC dropped off 2nd car to B'field and taken bus back to Kenmore? sit @ bus stop in shock,and think, rest, etc before walking home. is there a closer bus stop to Durness St?
all unlikely, i know, just trying...

It was posted here that the buses had stopped running at that time.
- One carries body to simulate suicide at the bridge, second used to return home

But at the bridge a witness drives past, sighting the cars, so they decide to take both cars home???? Don't know-very confusing!

SPOT ON! (nothing to do with NBC's spotting!) It's the most obvious and simple explanation as to why the 2 cars came back home. Thanks Timmy!
While I think it is possible, in theory, I give less and less weight to this scenario. GBC was preparing himself for politics. For this, he had to remain a respected member of community, which implies no DV history, no divorce, the perfect front with a beautiful wife, etc. I think he was more careful and in control than he is portrayed here. I also think that he was not going into politics on his own, by his wish. He was supported and promoted by certain influential figures, because that's the way it works. I do not believe
that these people would place their bets on him if he had police records.

This could be his motive for murder.
Maybe the influentIal figures supporting him in his conquest to be a politician did tell him and her that he would be dumped from the party , if he had any involvment in DV or pending divorce issues.
If Allison was about to divorce him and shout to the world he was an adulterer and an abusive husband, then he would need to silence her to keep his ambitious dream. But how do you silence your wife?
Her last words to him , im getting a divorce, could have sent him into narcisstic rage. This rage is the most dangerous rage and could easily result in murder!
"I'm divorcing you and everyone will finally know about you . I'm not going to stand beside you and lie to my community and my friends that you should represent them in politics. " maybe the dirt she was about to expose was adultery, abuse, and (tax fraud /business fraud)
Omg granny you have hit the nail on the head for the motive.
He had super grandiose plans to be in politics , ( the ultimate position to feed his narcissist desires) and if she divorced him, he would definately fail.
To keep his political ambition alive , she had to be silenced. He would have wanted to shut her up. How do you get the voting pubic to be deaf to this news. Say she's crazy? No that wont work! He couldn't achieve any way to silence her.
She had to die via suicide and depression. He would not be tainted by this and might even get sympathy from the public. He would then be able to continue on his journey to be in politics, and rub shoulders with greatness (in his mind only)
The rest is history.
Thanks granny you are amazing. :rocker:
State politics - he was going to run for a local MP or something. I have read it in MSM. No other sources. By the way, Julie Bishop is one of his friends on FB.

Being a FB friend of an MP doesn't mean they are friends. Anyone can be "friends" with an MP on FB. MP's FB accounts are often managed by their staffers. It's primarily there for their constituents.
ummm wow if only that were dog barks at me every time i come home....and yes this is my first post....i have been reading this thread for a long time now and i live local to brookfield....nothing to do with my dog barking at me, but just introducing myself....i have plenty more theories and things to say and i will start to do so now I've broken the ice with grannie's 'dogs only bark at strangers' comment....

anyone thought about this theory....maybe after years of being mistreated it was alison that was having an affair at the time of her death....whether GBC was or not is irrelevant to this theory....its known that his affair was not a maybe they had been trying counselling but she had fallen in love with someone else....maybe she did go for 'a walk' that night or a drive and he followed her....discovered her betraying him (even though he had done the same thing) and confronted her about it and things got out of hand.....this is just a theory....
i am convinced this murder was not pre meditated and we all know the police say it was someone she knew....but everyone is so quick to look just at GBC's affair and a whole bunch of things that would be motive for HIS murder, not hers IMO,.... i haven't found to much discussion about what could have actually driven a husband/father to kill his wife/mother of children in a random attack like that....i really think its possible that she had a lover also and that has been the catalyst in the DV....because his ego couldn't handle the thought of her with another man especially as a retaliation to his own affair....the only thing that puts a spanner in this for me is that no doubt the 'lover' would have no doubt came forward....but maybe not for fear of being a suspect??...the angle here though is that she was either going to finally leave him or was in some way finally being independent and strong and dictating her own life, not putting up with his **** basically. most control freaks don't like it when that happens....once again its just food for thought...

in regards to the police going to the BC residence on the thursday night, like i said i live locally and i hadn't heard anything like that and i think that we would have heard about it in the media....if it did happen and the police were called and didn't do there jobs properly which resulted in a murder, and they knew this, do you think they would really then still allow GBC to be in charge of the kids??? then possible have something happen to them???....i really don't think so...if they were that certain that he did it they would keep him away from the kids IMO.....

anyway thats all from me for now for my first post...thanks for all the amazing and interesting threads...


The Mods have said that we shouldn't talk about Allison having an affair
I can't shake these gut feelings, so thought I'd put them out there for consideration & discussion.

If there was a call out on the Thursday night for a domestic disturbance, who's to say it was between gbc & abc? Could it have been gbc & another family member? Both would be able to confirm they are ok with no further question.

If there were blood curdling screams on that Thursday night, does it mean that it was abc being muffled? Could it not be an after crime accomplice being told of abc's murder or seeing her? Could the screaming be their reaction to the news, thus being muffled?

It would have bearing if it was classed as interferring with the case. Nothing at all related to TM(Couriermail sent her into hiding),hairdresser wasn't having an affair with G. Hairdresser may have confided in a friend who blabbed here thus causing friend to lose job. Not sure why you find this so offensive? My apologies I guess. I really don't want to argue about this, I was simply making a statement.

Please dont twist my words....I found it peculiar....Not offensive. Fair enough about you feeling empathetic toward her....I guess I just dont. Which may make me a cow moo...But I dont. I apologise that you feel offended.

Also, NO....The Courier Mail reported a true story. It is not their fault TM was loose......and now cannot handle the heat about her looseness. If she had conviction about her affairand felt what she did was right, she would not be in hiding. This was created by her own behaviours.

Does it mean she be raked over the coals in years to come......NO. But for now, she must handle it.
Has it ever been confirmed when OW arrived in Brisbane? May'be she was already at mum and dad's and so was there if the kids woke up. I know, now there would be 4 people involved ?????

Yes, that's what I was thinking aswell.
'If' OW was already at her Mum and Dad' would give both NBC and EBC the opportunity to fully assist GBC.
NBC dropped EBC off at the BC residence so she could drive the second car.
IMO EBC seems more cold and capable of handling the body of her Daughter-in-law...IMO she didn't care for her much.:moo:

Paul Tully did mention the case being possibly 5 pronged...not able to find link for that as it has since been removed.:what:
Being a FB friend of an MP doesn't mean they are friends. Anyone can be "friends" with an MP on FB. MP's FB accounts are often managed by their staffers. It's primarily there for their constituents.

Yes but it shows what he was interested in ( where his mind was at) where he focused his life!
It shows he desperately wanted to be a politician! Did he try to be friends with many other high profile politicians?
Was Allison silenced( murdered) close to the election? :what:
At a time when he would be considered to be the face of a particular party?
Was he smelling the success and very close to achieving his dream?

Was TM also following this dream ? And daddyo too?
I think people mean that if BOTH partners are in the DV situation when police rock up then they check and make a judgement on the situation. They cannot make a judgement on a DV situation if one party is no longer there.

Responsibility rests with the victim to press charges. Did you?

Could it be that they had an argument after she got home from the hairdresser and had dressed in trackers and a tshirt to unwind, police rock up, only GBC there 'says she has just walked off towards Winrock street' police call ABC on mobile, she is shocked police are there does what most women do in situations like that and says 'no I am ok just taking a breather', police leave, GBC is livid that his reputation is being sullied by having police turn up at door and looses the plot goes looking for Alisson, grabs her, she screams, he strangles her, she looses the phone, he gets her back to the car and rings NBC.

He later realises that the phone is missing and cannot exactly remember where. Maybe the police is/was so keen to find the phone as that may be the place where Alisson met her demise. MOO

I think we have been assuming too much that there is a history of DV call outs to the Bhis it IMO this has not been substantiated. Therefore, it could just be like Mouse Detective says that they were there for another reason. Or that they received a call from the neighbours about a 'disturbance' and were assuaged by GBC that nothing was going on and the officers went on their merry ways without checking out anything further.

Is it possible that the police were about earlier (I'm not sure what time they reportedly around) in response to some kind of general disturbance in the area that was determined to be nothing of significance. Might whoever killed Allison have taken advantage of this - e.g. "Officer, I'm really concerned there was a crazed lunatic about last night, as you know, something seemed to be going on around here ...." Definitely just a thought, not substantiated and all that, and not even my opinion at this point
Yes but it shows what he was interested in ( where his mind was at) where he focused his life!
It shows he desperately wanted to be a politician! Did he try to be friends with many other high profile politicians?
Was Allison silenced( murdered) close to the election? :what:
At a time when he would be considered to be the face of a particular party?
Was he smelling the success and very close to achieving his dream?

Was TM also following this dream ? And daddyo too?

Very well said Aunty. Seeing that his brother in law is an avid political follower (his twitter account), it is possible that the husband was interested in becoming one as well?

This makes me wonder if the husband was not perhaps trying to 'copy-cat' his sister's husband. Remember, he wants to be the best, no one can be better than him.
The question is who is a stranger to a dog? Anybody who is not a member of the pack and the closest environment. Mistreated and neglected dogs can bark at a wider variety of moving objects, of course. But I must admit, my opinion may be biased because I have personally dealt only with German Shepherds. My dogs never barked without a valid reason.

In cases where dogs vocalise to communicate with the owner or family members (like saying hello), I would not refer to barking. To me it's not a real barking. It is a different type of sound, as in cases when dogs are attention seeking or bored. So if the BC's neighbour addressed his dog's barking as of warning/alert type (if he made a point of it), then there is no point to meditate over other types of dog barking.

German Shepherds are my preferred breed as they have such presence and in my experience of their breeding and owning them, will only bark for a reason. They are very intelligent and decide what to react to.
They are not like some smaller breeds which will 'go off' at a lot of things (respect to smaller breeds when I say this).
It is my experience with large dogs that they will bark in response to a threat, whereas smaller dogs appear to bark at a lot more things in their environment.

I am not wanting to upset the small dog owners on here :)

However, in saying this - IMO, only Scraps owners would be able to interpret the ferocity of his 'going off' and how long he barked for.
I know that if one of my dogs went off like that down the back, I would be there checking out what the stimulus was.
ummm wow if only that were dog barks at me every time i come home....and yes this is my first post....i have been reading this thread for a long time now and i live local to brookfield....nothing to do with my dog barking at me, but just introducing myself....i have plenty more theories and things to say and i will start to do so now I've broken the ice with grannie's 'dogs only bark at strangers' comment....

anyone thought about this theory....maybe after years of being mistreated it was alison that was having an affair at the time of her death....whether GBC was or not is irrelevant to this theory....its known that his affair was not a maybe they had been trying counselling but she had fallen in love with someone else....maybe she did go for 'a walk' that night or a drive and he followed her....discovered her betraying him (even though he had done the same thing) and confronted her about it and things got out of hand.....this is just a theory....
i am convinced this murder was not pre meditated and we all know the police say it was someone she knew....but everyone is so quick to look just at GBC's affair and a whole bunch of things that would be motive for HIS murder, not hers IMO,.... i haven't found to much discussion about what could have actually driven a husband/father to kill his wife/mother of children in a random attack like that....i really think its possible that she had a lover also and that has been the catalyst in the DV....because his ego couldn't handle the thought of her with another man especially as a retaliation to his own affair....the only thing that puts a spanner in this for me is that no doubt the 'lover' would have no doubt came forward....but maybe not for fear of being a suspect??...the angle here though is that she was either going to finally leave him or was in some way finally being independent and strong and dictating her own life, not putting up with his **** basically. most control freaks don't like it when that happens....once again its just food for thought...

in regards to the police going to the BC residence on the thursday night, like i said i live locally and i hadn't heard anything like that and i think that we would have heard about it in the media....if it did happen and the police were called and didn't do there jobs properly which resulted in a murder, and they knew this, do you think they would really then still allow GBC to be in charge of the kids??? then possible have something happen to them???....i really don't think so...if they were that certain that he did it they would keep him away from the kids IMO.....

anyway thats all from me for now for my first post...thanks for all the amazing and interesting threads...

Welcome! ... What you suggest is quite possible, however police made some observations (unspecified) at the home itself and declared it a crime scene. Maybe not the only crime scene, but at this stage we don't know more. I think she was killed at home (inside). I do believe though that she may have mentioned divorce to him, which is what may have prompted the tragic result.
Very well said Aunty. Seeing that his brother in law is an avid political follower (his twitter account), it is possible that the husband was interested in becoming one as well?

This makes me wonder if the husband was not perhaps trying to 'copy-cat' his sister's husband. Remember, he wants to be the best, no one can be better than him.

That's right and he wanted to lead his community didn't he?
A messy divorce would expose him.
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