Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #20

DNA Solves
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If NBC was indeed seen sitting at the roundabout bustop...
IMO it makes perfect sense to me that NBC's role was as a 'spotter'.
I doubt he would be much use for anything else going by the footage in this link.
0.25 - clearly shows NBC struggling with the simple task of removing of a box from the car.

Sorry if this has already been discussed.

It just doesn't make sense for someone to be a "spotter" at such an obvious and public place IMO. Also, police could also head out to anstead from Ipswich, bellbowrie etc and he wouldn't be able to "spot" them from the roundabout. Sorry I'll stop dissing this roundabout story from now on, but I just don't believe it as it makes no sense at all to me.
Okay, what could be the reasons for using two cars:

- One breaks down en route and needs help from second person
- One carries body to simulate suicide at the bridge, second used to return home (but we know this didn't happen)
- One carries body, the second one meets up with first at the roundabout to continue on to the bride
- One is chasing after the other one

Any others?

- One carries body to simulate suicide at the bridge, second used to return home

But at the bridge a witness drives past, sighting the cars, so they decide to take both cars home???? Don't know-very confusing!
That point has always intrigued me does someone who's is declared a POI loose that status. I concluded that he must have satisfied the QPS that he was not a person they should be interested in as a suspect. Does someone know how this is determined?
Morning MOTHERGOOSE. Regarding your post no: 314, IMO the Police have stated, as cited in MSM earlier on this thread by KEENTOKNOW that
'they are not ruling anyone out as a suspect'.
Perhaps the 2 car thing is just to find out when Allison travelled home in her car and when their other car was seen at the roundabout later in the night. Perhaps it has only ever been the one car all along. Captiva or prado?
Re, highlighted part.....For sure, they contact all parties involved in the dispute. In the most part though, even mobile contact is not considered enough. Hubby and the people he works with, may speak with the absent person on the phone, but always want to see the person, especially if it's a woman. They often ask the person to report to the station, even if its just for a informal chat, just to confirm....They are as sensitive and comforting and as supportive and assuring as possible.
WILLOUGH: Some further thoughts. May be the husband had access to Allison's mobile phone and texted that 'she was OK'. If the Police suspect that Allison may have been missing from 8.00 pm, then they have reason to state that. If the Police received confirmation allegedly from Allison that she was Ok by text, then that confirms that nobody sighted her in person, alive and well. Put it in the mix, it is worth considering. MOO.
Does anybody know if the report of 2 cars seen near the bridge, one with headlights dimmed, indicated if these two cars were heading towards the bridge or heading back from the bridge?

I'm certain that the news article at the time said that the cars were seen heading back from the bridge along mt Crosby road at 4am. They were traveling closely together, with the back car having only its parking lights on. I may have presumed the direction so would need to check the article, sorry I don't know how to do the link thing on my iPad :)
Why do you think it could not be the husband?
While I think it is possible, in theory, I give less and less weight to this scenario. GBC was preparing himself for politics. For this, he had to remain a respected member of community, which implies no DV history, no divorce, the perfect front with a beautiful wife, etc. I think he was more careful and in control than he is portrayed here. I also think that he was not going into politics on his own, by his wish. He was supported and promoted by certain influential figures, because that's the way it works. I do not believe
that these people would place their bets on him if he had police records.
I hope the hairdresser didn't get fired because of what was written on here : (

I find this most peculiar. Do you mean, that you think she may have lost her job because of people here talking about what she saw/heard etc? You do realise she had control over that? She is most likely an adult, who made a choice to talk to people (a few it seems) about this. This forum confuses me at times. Posters within criticise others for their 'gossipy' behaviours (yawn). Then on the other side, have sympathy for the very individuals who started the gossip in the first place (offline). Its almost like posters, telling others not to ever contact POIs, then think it's OK if they so choose to contact (and ruse it with the word, advise/inform), out of conern of privacy, toward ADULTS, who obviously can look after their own privacy affairs.

Someone came in and indicated they had an appointment at said hairdresser, and the whole hairdresser was abuzz with that "whole Allison" discussion/gossip. Sounds like the hairdresser salon is licking it's chops about all this, if anything.

I wonder moreso whether it has come to light, that this hairdresser was talking a load of HOGWASH to the police.....and now its come back to bite her, by losing her job......................Or most likely, completely unrelated.
I'm many pages behind, but just wanted to say that in my experience, the police did not check on me when called to dv dispute.

...The police never checked my welfare though. They just took my ex's and his parents word that I was ok and with my parents.

...I'm just sharing this to show that in my personal experience the police may not check the welfare of both partners if they are told everything is now ok.

Good point TULZ. Possible something similar may have happened in Allison's case as well.
If it was to be that Allison had taken off after a fight (in Prado or Captiva) and met with some sort of accident at the bridge - stumbled down through the bush and died on the bank- then take both cars so one can be left near by (but hidden so not found straight away) - BUT car drives past and slows down as driver takes note of two cars driving suspiciously- dramatic change in plan but perhaps Allison's body already in place so here the story got a bit muddled and it's decided to try and make it seem as though a random nutter has abducted her on her evening/morning walk.
Not likely that a random murderer would do you such a fortuitous thing (perhaps the disturbance was when Allison found out that the affair that had supposedly been finished and was not- perhaps it was the final straw (been there done that - there comes the time) and she said OK it's divorce ) Just my random rainy morning thoughts
WILLOUGH: Some further thoughts. May be the husband had access to Allison's mobile phone and texted that 'she was OK'. If the Police suspect that Allison may have been missing from 8.00 pm, then they have reason to state that. If the Police received confirmation allegedly from Allison that she was Ok by text, then that confirms that nobody sighted her in person, alive and well. Put it in the mix, it is worth considering. MOO.

Absolutely worth considering....and im sure the police have been there already.

Ive always had a belief this was the case (someone knows that they were the last person to punch numbers/letters on that phone....and they had to be rid of it).....I even wondered if he texted her friends earlier. There is this talk of Allison going to the hairdresser.....I have privately wondered whether she really did..................and if she didn't, then how early could he have had access to the cell phone? Did he text Kerry Anne Walker?...with her thinking it was Allison?

I know it's been expressed in the media that she did go to the hairdresser.....But still, im not so convinced.
Okay, what could be the reasons for using two cars:

- One breaks down en route and needs help from second person
- One carries body to simulate suicide at the bridge, second used to return home (but we know this didn't happen)
- One carries body, the second one meets up with first at the roundabout to continue on to the bride
- One is chasing after the other one

Any others?
CASECLOSED: Hypothetical - GBC would most likely drive the Prado. He could claim that he had driven it on other occasions to explain his DNA in that vehicle. This means that somebody else would have to drive the Captiva. The Police forensic examiners would need to establish that person's access to driving the Captiva at other times if their DNA was found in that vehicle. My opinion only, not fact.
While I think it is possible, in theory, I give less and less weight to this scenario. GBC was preparing himself for politics. For this, he had to remain a respected member of community, which implies no DV history, no divorce, the perfect front with a beautiful wife, etc. I think he was more careful and in control than he is portrayed here. I also think that he was not going into politics on his own, by his wish. He was supported and promoted by certain influential figures, because that's the way it works. I do not believe
that these people would place their bets on him if he had police records.

Preparing himself for Politics?

Just a couple of questions Grannie -

Federal or State politics?
How do you know he was preparing himself?
How do you know it was against his will?
I was just thinking after reading your post Fuskier (a bit unrelated to your post), there was much too and fro posting about who drove what car...."Allison drove the Captiva, no Allison drove the Prado" are like Scrap the dog running around in circlies trying to bite our own bums, when it comes to this info.

I am now thinking that Gerard obviously was the driver of the Prado. After all, he did crash it during everyday driving prior to Allison going missing.
and then probably took the Captiva so Allison was left with the damaged car to drive----MOO
Morning all. I had not seen this post BERRY before now. What a solid speculation. Was Scraps barking relentlessly because someone was down there burying something(s)? e.g. a mobile phone? Has this information be passed on to the Police? It could just be important. If someone has a high powered metal detector, you might be able to locate it.

But didn't the phone battery just fade away? If someone was going to bury or dispose of the phone in some way, wouldn't they turn it off first? In case it rang and someone heard it. :twocents:JMO.
I hope the hairdresser didn't get fired because of what was written on here : (

Even though we may be obsessed to a greater or lesser degree with the case, I really don't think that we are that important or have any influence such as getting someone fired because of what was written on here.
:deadhorse: This is as close as i can find to bananas running in circles...

1. we don't know for sure that the girls were @ EBC's the night before.they may have been somewhere else.
2. the cars were said to be seen @ the shops in Anstead pulled up closely to eachother. someone on this site said early on that they saw them. what direction were they facing?
While I think it is possible, in theory, I give less and less weight to this scenario. GBC was preparing himself for politics. For this, he had to remain a respected member of community, which implies no DV history, no divorce, the perfect front with a beautiful wife, etc. I think he was more careful and in control than he is portrayed here. I also think that he was not going into politics on his own, by his wish. He was supported and promoted by certain influential figures, because that's the way it works. I do not believe
that these people would place their bets on him if he had police records.

Most odd.

a) So they would back up a philanderer, who would most likely lose many a woman's vote, after it came out he was having OBVIOUS affairs?

b) They would have access to his police record to know any othe above? You do realise law enforcement records are very private? Police officers themselves have to have ABSOLUTE due reasoning (as in feel that person has committed a crime) to check out others records. All this is tracked.

Officers can lose their jobs for looking up such information...We would love to look up our neighbour on the system (he himself has told us of the crime he committed), but cant. If hubby looks him up, it is tracked...The upper echelon can ask hubby "Why did you look him up?".....and just checking is not reasonable cause (as we live in a system where if one has done their time, they can move on).

Peoples police records are not public information....and to think just because one is a politician that they gain access to such, is odd.

It is obvious that the Politicians did not know much about this man. The politicians supported him in the first couple of days....They now seemed to have gone very quiet, support wise..
Another excellent post Keyboredom thank you. Your theory is exactly what I think happened in this case.
It does sadden me to read " A year or two might pass before charges are laid" though. I can't wrap my head around a man possibly being guilty of murdering his wife,mother of his 3 children being able to walk around free for a year or two.

"Unexpected witnesses" certainly stands out, can you imagine the panic if in fact someone did see NBC at the bus stop. Would certainly cause enough panic to discard what was perhaps being the current "plan". A quick plan B would need to be devised.

"A lack of support from people who might be expected to help the perpetrators" Not sure what you mean about this statement?
I would imagine that if TM or any of the "Baden-Clay-Clan" had "rolled" wouldn't their testimony be enough for an arrest?

Keyboredom, sorry to single out your post but I take your posts in high regard,just as I am about to quit this thread, I see a few sensible posts again and I keep on reading.
There is one question I would like your theory on and that is the rumour of the bathwater? Thanks again, curious.

CURIOUSASACAT: Agree KEYBOREDOM's post is very interesting. There are two points:
i) the unexpected witnesses e.g. seeing NBC at the bus shelter and possibly other unexpected witnesses in confidential Police evidence; and
ii)the lack of support from others expected to help the Perp. The Police and legal advisors would have explained the penalties involved in being an accessory/accomplice, the implications for sentencing and impact upon their lives. Has somebody 'rolled'? Paul Tully's blog rumoured about an accessory seeking 'immunity' from the Attorney General where their testimony would be considered, and 'immunity' negotiated within the legal framework - before charge(s) would be laid. It would not be available until Criminal Court proceedings. As this has been published now i.e. Paul Tully's blog, could more than one be seeking 'immunity' to get a reduced sentence? It is possible they may realize that they have much to lose, especially where children/family are involved. Worth considering in the mix. My opinion only, not fact.
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