Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #20

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It is my experience that if one (especially a newbie)has a point of view against or opposed to ,or simply different from the majority here ,one is asked for proof or reference but if one of the seasoned sleuthers suggested something like fraud a second affair etc. it is grabbed and run with until exhausted or until another imaginary senario is put forward. MOOOOOOOO:waitasec: Just an observation from a silent observer .

It is a rule of the forum, that if we state something as fact, we must provide a link to Main Stream Media or QPS. I agree that sometimes some theories are taken as if they were facts, and very often you will see someone indicating that it is just a rumour, etc. In general, all facts have been regurgitated many times in different scenarios, but when there is nothing new to put in to the fact basket, then many new theories emerge based on just rumour.
It is my experience that if one (especially a newbie)has a point of view against or opposed to ,or simply different from the majority here ,one is asked for proof or reference but if one of the seasoned sleuthers suggested something like fraud a second affair etc. it is grabbed and run with until exhausted or until another imaginary senario is put forward. MOOOOOOOO:waitasec: Just an observation from a silent observer .

I just see theories being recycled when they have been discussed and discarded in previous threads, so I read and discard. I have no intention of shooting down or belittling anyone. If I don't run with an idea, that is the reason. Nothing more than that and no ego involved.
It is my experience that if one (especially a newbie)has a point of view against or opposed to ,or simply different from the majority here ,one is asked for proof or reference but if one of the seasoned sleuthers suggested something like fraud a second affair etc. it is grabbed and run with until exhausted or until another imaginary senario is put forward. MOOOOOOOO:waitasec: Just an observation from a silent observer .

If you're referring to my post regarding fraud, I also included MOO, which is an acronym for My Opinion Only. Yes, it is only a scenario put foward by me, for people to think about, pick apart, add to, subtract from. I don't have all of the answers, wish I did!

What is your opinion about my post re: fraud?
Originally Posted by grannie
Dear Aunty, sorry to disappoint you. I only suggested that GBC could potentially have some political aspirations based on the fact that he had already attempted previously to entry politics. May be, just speculating, he could consider it again considering his well composed public image. It is tailored for future political activities, in my view. Exactly for this reason, I doubt his DV history and his involvement in this murder case. Yes, his affairs have spoiled the picture, but he could wait. I also doubt that it was a so well known fact, as some claim. May be something comes up and I shall change my opinion, but for now I find it hard to believe that somebody of his league could commit such an offense. Even if we just assume that he did it, why would not he simulate a suicide situation at home? ABC had a history of depression, so it could back it up. What all those marches to the creek and back for? What could be more simple than to strangulate his wife and then hang her in the garage. Or to electrocute her in the bath and then simulate an accident, like other husbands do. No witnesses, no crime. His own home environment is far more suitable to play the suicide card that some unlikely remote area. All IMO

Bingo Granny, Have wanted to put forward a similar argument but couldn't find my hardhat this morning.:banghead:I have read here where YOU are allowed to say ANYTHING (as stated by a poster recently , in defense of something you were criticised for saying).I am a very intelligent person but have been reduced to feeling like a moron on occasion (I'm a newbie) so I am now content to be an observer."Silence is golden".

MG - if you feel like a moron, then I will come and hold your hand and let's have a party!

Grannie - it looks like you and I might both be going to the town square to be pelted with cabbages, rotten tomatoes and lemon meringue pies.
Let's bring the dogs!

Greg - I am a Sassenach, swimming against the tide - get ready to pelt me with mangey fruit! lol
I just see theories being recycled when they have been discussed and discarded in previous threads, so I read and discard. I have no intention of shooting down or belittling anyone. If I don't run with an idea, that is the reason. Nothing more than that and no ego involved.

Wel said possumheart. :cheer:
Her friend Kerry Ann said Allison texted her that Thursday apparently.

Thanks Greg. I still can't find that stated factually anywhere, only that Kerry Ann texted Allison, and wonder if we have just taken it for granted that it was a two way text conversation. I will keep looking.:waitasec:
If Gerard is innocent, why isnt he under a witness protection security scheme? Why is he put at risk, walking the streets of Toowong, up to his little unguarded office every day?? why isnt he carefully guarded somewhere secret, both him and his children, because if Allison was murdered by a someone else, his life is in terrible danger. He saw her last, he knows her routine best, he had access to her private conversations, he is now in as much danger as Allison was .


He would, under those circumstances be the very prime witness for the prosecution, wouldnt he?
While we are short on new info.... Does the Baden-Clay murder remind anyone else of the murder of Megan Kalajzich in manly? Murder (clumsily) organised by her husband Andrew. Previously the family had been in a car 'accident' where the family car had driven over a cliff, funnily enough Andrew-the driver, got out of the car before it went over (the passengers survived). There were a couple of attempted hits on her life arranged by him before she was eventually shot at home. A few accomplices were implicated for conspiracy to murder amongst other things. The husband was arrested but it fell through due to lack of evidence. Eventually he was re-arrested almost a year after the murder. I believe one or more of the accomplices made immunity deals for lesser charges at some point or other. This was in the 80s (and Andrew has recently been released from prison FYI)

The reasons it reminds me of the Baden-Clays:
Husband had girlfriends
Bad driving :p
Multiple accomplices
Not an immediate arrest
Seemed to be a respectable family, nice house, nice area, shocked the neighbourhood

I'm not trying to suggest at all that the same thing happened to Allison (I wouldn't know), just recognised some possible similarities between the two cases. It seemed like Andrew thought getting rid of his wife would be the best way to be able to run off with his girlfriend/s.

Also thought it was interesting that it took a long time to get the evidence to nab Andrew Kalajzich for this so figured it might be a bit of reassurance for those who are worried about the time this is taking.
Thanks Greg. I still can't find that stated factually anywhere, only that Kerry Ann texted Allison, and wonder if we have just taken it for granted that it was a two way text conversation. I will keep looking.:waitasec:

I'm CaseClosed by the way, not Greg ;) ... check the Timeline thread. Most articles by MSM are in there.
be careful Greg - hope the white gear is immune to Kimsters ray gun - don't let them make you leave because people are getting their tales mixed up
Yeah they could have easily pulled over - I didn't think of that - thought I read somewhere where the person saw them in the car park - but it may be wrong. If they pulled over then it would make more sense pulling over with both cars facing Kholo Creek ahead - much more room - I don't think there is much room on the other side of the road to pull up but I suppose they may have done -

You're right, there's hardly any room on the other side of Mt Crosby Rd. They would have to be on the shop side - and IMO facing outbound (towards Kholo) as the witness that was travelling inbound would have seen the flashy Century 21 signage on the back window, as the Prado was supposed to be behind the other 4WD. Then again, they may have been facing inbound and the witness may have seen this signage - ohhhhh, there's so much that we don't know!
Thanks Greg. I still can't find that stated factually anywhere, only that Kerry Ann texted Allison, and wonder if we have just taken it for granted that it was a two way text conversation. I will keep looking.:waitasec:

May 04, 2012 12:00AM

"I had texted her that day, the Thursday, and she texted me back that night saying she'd drop around on her way home from this conference .

"She arranged to drop some stuff off for me on the way home. So it was all a bit of a shock."
It is a rule of the forum, that if we state something as fact, we must provide a link to Main Stream Media or QPS. I agree that sometimes some theories are taken as if they were facts, and very often you will see someone indicating that it is just a rumour, etc. In general, all facts have been regurgitated many times in different scenarios, but when there is nothing new to put in to the fact basket, then many new theories emerge based on just rumour.

Perhaps I tuned into this forum too late i.e. "when there is nothing new to put into the fact basket, then many theories emerge based on just rumor". Because that seems to be all I have observed thus far. Theories based on rumor.Then when someone new comes in with a different theory ......lookout. No offence intended I'm just trying to get a handle on this. My observation only.

In many ways I'm glad GBC hasn't been arrested yet, and has had to spend this time on the outside, not sheltered away in prison.
Think of his life now, listening to his children sobbing for their mum, trying to answer questions from them about who killed mummy, being told mummy didn't do it like this, knowing wherever he goes everyone thinks he is guilty.

All the time knowing he is only biding time, and one day the knock on the door will come, and his girls will know the truth.
I still think he might crack, or will actually welcome that knock on the door.

I agree, everything you mentioned would be getting to GBC. Now the affair has been made public, his business is in ruins and he is keeping a low profile. And this is what worries me now. Yes, he might crack but not in the way we are all hoping.
To give Gerard one tiny tiny bit of credit, he wasnt as stupid as mad Joe Korp who tried to convince the constabulary that his wife Maria had been kidnapped.. I have often thought of the very naughty TV camermen who persuaded Joe to front up on television to make this plea for his 'kidnapped' missing wife.

And certainly they did this with the complete backing of the Victorian police, who like the rest in their trade get so few opportunities to have a laugh in the most repulsive of circumstances, day in , day out must have seen it as a very needed moment of relief.

What Joe forgot, and it has the air of Gerard about it, was that poor Maria usually picked the little son up from school at 3.30pm . His whole planned time frame went to mud when someone else noticed Maria missing.

'What.. missing!!??? noooooo noooooo... she's been kidnapped!!.. yes, kidnapped!....'...

What a dogs life, and a dogs death Joe bestowed on Maria.
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