Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #3

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Hi everyone, first time poster but had read all previous threads.
My friend works at the Hair Salon in Kenmore Plaza (for non-locals it is not the shopping centre at the roundabout but about 1km down the road), she told me Allison had her hair done on Thursday evening. All the staff were questioned the following morning. They were asked what Allison's demeanor was, what she said, what was she wearing, what time did she leave. My friend said she was happy and relaxed. She was discussing the conference which she was attending the following day. It was with Pathways, she was training to become a Pathways facilitator (works with small groups of children or one-on-one). My friend also mentioned Allison said the girls were at a sleep-over at the in-laws and she had a "night off". I know this conflicts with other info. She was not wearing her walking clothes. I didn't ask her what time Allison left, I presumed it was before 8pm and that's why the police changed the times, perhaps 8pm was the last time someone else besides GB-C saw her.
The staff were also questioned the Tuesday after Allison's body was found, they were asked more specifically about any marks, bruises or scratches she had on her neck, chest, arms and hands.

Well if the children were at a sleepover on Thursday night, that rules out the involvement of an unwitting childminder (although is it clear that the "night off" refers to Thursday as opposed to Friday?

Re the colleague mentioned as being interviewed by police - I can state categorically that they have left the real estate industry, and good for them! No ReMax connection with that particular interviewee.
This post is not just a response to AllyG's post above, I am addressing anyone who thinks that some or all of GBC'c bad or weird behaviour was caused by a "breakdown" or psychiatric medication. I feel passionate about this topic. But, It's hard to know where to start.

Anyone who had committed a heinous crime like this one - particularly if he feels the law breathing down his neck is likely to feel somewhat anxious, be off their tucker, sleep badly, etc. This does not mean that he is mentally ill. In fact, it would be odd if he did feel fine.

A lot of people would be very happy if their mental health problems could be managed with a 2-day admission to a psych ward. Off the top of my head, I can't say what % of Australians from all walks of life take antidepressents, but it is very high and includes many many people who are able to live demanding and productive lives because of antidepressents - not despite them.

So pleeease think long & hard before tarnishing the image of people with genuine mental illness by lumping them in the same boat as GBC.
And my comments about the medication were in relation to him using diminished responsibility as a form of defence in the future. Could they test to see if he was being medicated with antidepressants, anti convulsants or anti psychotics. That would then disprove his claim that he was mentally unwell and not in control of his actions.
So the latest have updated their news report.
The only real update I noticed was a change in wording to "Members of the public who saw anything out of place on the night of Mrs Baden-Clay's disappearance have been urged to come forward.

So we need to think of what we would imagine to be out of place??

Just a thought...Maybe he had not put on headlights going out of drive and forgot to put them on further down the road??

I know I always notice this at night and give a flash to prople I see without headlights on...I almost had a head on overtaking one night because a stupid P plater didn't have headlights on..From then on I have always taken notice of this?

It is only a minor issue but at that time of night it makes you question why someone doesn't notice they have not got there lights on?:banghead:
I dont understand how GBC supposedly told the girls something unusual about their mother, when they weren't at the house with him?

I don't think this was actually reported by the police. The police just said that the first officer(s) at the scene made some "observations" ... the "telling the girls..." I think is just a rumour.
With the info BrookieLocal has provided, I am now sure she did not go for a walk either that night or the next morning. No woman who just had her hair done for the next day conference would go out for a walk afterwards! I believe she was dressed in sports gear after the fact!

I guess it depends on what she had done there. Ive been to the hairdresser then come home, stuck my hair in a ponytail and got on the treadmill. I only "get my hair done" when the roots need doing, yeah it looks all pretty when they finish but thats not why I go. If Allison only went for a blow out, then sure, she wouldnt walk afterwards. But if she was going for the colour etc, not so much for it to be styled, that could be different.
also, what if bbc picked abc up after hair appt(if she had one) drove her to dumping ground so they could talk away from the children, argued violently, accidently killed her, panicked and dumped her body, all in the time frame between 7pm and 8pm, then drove home,maybe telling the children mummy is out and will be home later, then when children asleep, between 11pm and 4am drove back to salon to collect her car, is the salon near the roundabout? then maybe walking back to collect his car? just another idea

I cant imagine him walking from his home in Brookfield to the Salon in the Village its too far.
Also, I was using the as a way of playing devils advocate. That using his speech after being hospitalised for 2 days in a psychiatric unit isn't reliable, as he may have been sedated or anything.

Sorry, but having people think that I was saying that if he was mentally ill that would make him more likely to have killed someone has made me feel quite upset. The trip to the psych unit may have been legit, or it could have been a way for him to start building a defence using that he was not of sound mind. It's a possibility. And I thought we were about discussing possibilities. As far as crimes go, he wouldn't be the first person to try to make out that he was mentally ill so that he could blame his actions on that.

Yep, it's time for me to take some time out. See ya.
Just a thought...Maybe he had not put on headlights going out of drive and forgot to put them on further down the road??

I know I always notice this at night and give a flash to prople I see without headlights on...I almost had a head on overtaking one night because a stupid P plater didn't have headlights on..From then on I have always taken notice of this?

It is only a minor issue but at that time of night it makes you question why someone doesn't notice they have not got there lights on?:banghead:

Yes it would be quite odd to see a car with out its lights on going through roundabout
I wonder what time the conference started on the Friday morning? How long would it have taken her to get there from their place?
Maybe there was a family birthday or family function at the Baden Clays? Gerard may have been there for most of the night. Hence the kids going there on a school night. Its always easier to leave the kids in their own beds on school days! Plus The sister was in town from Townsville and took the kids to school someone said......

sister from townsville did not arrive till after abc went missing..
i really think his family are not involved
Hi everyone, first time poster but had read all previous threads.
My friend works at the Hair Salon in Kenmore Plaza (for non-locals it is not the shopping centre at the roundabout but about 1km down the road), she told me Allison had her hair done on Thursday evening. All the staff were questioned the following morning. They were asked what Allison's demeanor was, what she said, what was she wearing, what time did she leave. My friend said she was happy and relaxed. She was discussing the conference which she was attending the following day. It was with Pathways, she was training to become a Pathways facilitator (works with small groups of children or one-on-one). My friend also mentioned Allison said the girls were at a sleep-over at the in-laws and she had a "night off". I know this conflicts with other info. She was not wearing her walking clothes. I didn't ask her what time Allison left, I presumed it was before 8pm and that's why the police changed the times, perhaps 8pm was the last time someone else besides GB-C saw her.
The staff were also questioned the Tuesday after Allison's body was found, they were asked more specifically about any marks, bruises or scratches she had on her neck, chest, arms and hands.

I had the idea that the kids were NOT at home oon the Thursday night as well. I was not sure why everyone thought that they were. Now it starts to look premeditated.....
Wow, great inside info, thanks BrookieLocal!!

It had me worried if the girls were left alone there that night. A whole night with no alibis and a missing wife.

A domestic conflict could wildly escalate without the fear of waking sleeping children.
I guess we can now ascertain that "opportunity" was definitely there, without him having to worry about the children and what they could hear/see. Now we need to establish the "motive", which I don't believe to be business related.
Definitely opportunity, definitely means and most definitely motive the only problem is which of the possible motives would have been the main reason.
What if GBC and ABC had an argument for who knows what reason (affair, finances or any of the other suggestions that have been put forward). He tries to grab her and hold her and she gets upset and scratches at his face and chest. It calms down a bit, she goes to watch tv, GBC doesn't want to deal with it and goes off to bed last seeing her watch tv. She is sitting there upset and angry watching tv and decides to go for a walk to clear her head. And I know this is a long shot and no-one wants to hear it but...


She does go for a walk and is attacked by a completely unrelated person or hit by a car and taken by this person and dumped. Do you think this possible? Can anyone be 100% sure that GBD was involved.

Also, what if GBC was not 100% about the time and thought it was 10 pm he saw her but in fact it was a bit earlier say 9.30 pm that he went to bed and ABC was emotional and walked off to cool down after an argument. Could she have walked to where the screams were reported.

As I said unlikely but no-one seems to be putting out any possibilities not realated to GBC. Just some thoughts anyway will happily take criticism.

I know this is a long shot but could it be possible. For the girls I'm hoping that the father is not involved although my stomach and heart tell me different :(

Hi Naturaljustice :) This is the third in a long line of threads on this matter - we have gone over many possibilities other than GBC being the perpetrator, including the possibility (unlikely though) of ABC driving off in her car and meeting another man who then returns the car to the showgrounds after the incident, ABC going out and meeting someone from a dating website (as I said, unlikely but it has been canvassed), ABC confronting the mistress and the mistress being the perpetrator, ABC walking off as you have reasonably suggested and coming across trouble or being the victim of a hit and run. The possibilities are endless really - but I guess it seems that the circumstantial evidence (and statistics) keeps bringing us back in the same direction.

The other thing is that we have mentioned here many times, is that the police don't seem to be concerned that there is any danger imminent for locals, they haven't warned us to be careful etc, which makes us think they know who the perpetrator is. But I do agree with you, we should be looking outside the square! :)
Just a thought...Maybe he had not put on headlights going out of drive and forgot to put them on further down the road??

I know I always notice this at night and give a flash to prople I see without headlights on...I almost had a head on overtaking one night because a stupid P plater didn't have headlights on..From then on I have always taken notice of this?

It is only a minor issue but at that time of night it makes you question why someone doesn't notice they have not got there lights on?:banghead:

good point - car lights not on .
what else is out of place?
driving fast or slow
wrong side of road
car door open
going round the roundabout twice
cars stopping and talking to each other
I guess it depends on what she had done there. Ive been to the hairdresser then come home, stuck my hair in a ponytail and got on the treadmill. I only "get my hair done" when the roots need doing, yeah it looks all pretty when they finish but thats not why I go. If Allison only went for a blow out, then sure, she wouldnt walk afterwards. But if she was going for the colour etc, not so much for it to be styled, that could be different.

I am exactly the same. The hairdresser doesn't do as good a job at blow drying as I do as I know what I like. So I often put my hair in a pigtail shortly after the hairdressers. Just go there to have the roots done, and a trim. It's not as if she wasn't going to be sleeping on it that night anyway. Oh dear, I just realised she didn't ever get the chance to sleep on it. Poor Allison.

Edit, I unwittingly put an angry smilie in, sorry, no idea how to do that.
Definitely opportunity, definitely means and most definitely motive the only problem is which of the possible motives would have been the main reason.

IMO it is just unhappy marriage, financial pressures, argument escalated and involuntary manslaughter. Panic ... cover up.
I wonder what time the conference started on the Friday morning? How long would it have taken her to get there from their place?

Yeah, it's a long way from Brookfield to the city. She would have had to be planning to leave very early.
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